Thursday 7 January 2021

Level Up Your Verbal Game with Intent

verbal game intentDisplay too much intent too soon and you may scare women off. Yet, use it well, and you can employ intent to blow past obstacles with girls you want to seduce.

Have you ever felt powerful emotions and struggled to express them?

If so, you are not alone. It’s a pesky but common challenge for many guys.

Most of us can vividly remember the first time we saw our favorite movie, but only a few can adeptly describe the feelings inspired by that almost magical experience. Perhaps you play a sport, practice a hobby, or traveled to a place that you found uniquely fantastic. Wouldn’t it be great if you could talk to girls about these topics in captivating ways?

If you had a device that could transmit the memorable emotions and sensations you enjoyed from your past experiences into the present, imagine what this could do for your interactions with gorgeous girls.

The great news is you already own this communication device.

Maybe you find yourself out of things to say in your conversations with women. Or you find it difficult to hold onto female attention in your seductions. You notice that girls start getting bored when you don’t tease or make them laugh. These are signs you haven’t learned how to use your communication device properly yet.

This device is called the seducer’s intent. You may have heard the word “intent” used in the pickup community and other dating companies.

Let’s take a closer look at this concept.


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