Wednesday 17 February 2021

30 Things For Couples to Do at Home With Zero Boredom Involved!

Pandemic life is causing us to spend more time at home. Kick boredom out of the equation with these ideas of fun things for couples to do at home.  

Let’s be honest, this pandemic is making us all super-bored. Yes, we have to stay home because it’s the right thing to do and yes, we appreciate that staying home isn’t a huge sacrifice in the grand scheme of things, but it can be boring. And as someone who’s dating, it’s easy to run out of fun things for couples to do at home.

Why it’s important to avoid boredom in a relationship

When you’re at home with your partner and you’re bored, this is not a good thing. The main reason is because it can easily lead towards bickering and arguing.

You become frustrated with yourself and begin taking it out on your partner, then they do the same. Before you know it, you’re having major drama and you can’t even remember what started it. [Read: 15 most common reasons why you’re getting bored with your relationship]

When you suddenly have to spend more time at home, it’s easy to become confused about what to do, easily bored, and easily frustrated. The key is creative thinking! There are plenty of things for couples to do at home, you just need to think outside of the box and use your imagination. 

30 fun things for couples to do at home and avoid boredom

If you’re looking for things to do at home as a couple, here’s everything you’ll ever need to make sure have a grand time all the time, even if both of you have literally spent every waking moment attached to each other’s hips. [Read: The corniest things every couple in love does at least once in their relationship]

#1 Decorate the house. There is something quite satisfying about decorating. You get a totally fresh and new look to your home and you also feel pretty proud that you’re the ones that did it. Head online together and check out some ideas and get planning how to totally redecorate your home. 

You can do it one room at a time to make it easier and you can purchase all you need online, with no need to head to the store. Then, when it all arrives, head to YouTube for some quick training and get started! It’s a great way to work as a team and create something that benefits you both. 

#2 Move your furniture around. If you don’t want to redecorate, you can easily add some freshness to your space by just moving the furniture around and having a new layout. You can plan thing together and then work as a team to get it done.

This is one of the easiest things for couples to do at home because it doesn’t require you to spend money and you can just decide you’re going to do it and go for it. If you move it and it doesn’t look right, just move it again!

#3 Learn to cook together. If the whole banana bread thing isn’t for you, why not learn to cook something new together? You’ll find thousands of recipes online and you can both side down together and decide what you’re going to make, grab the ingredients, and get started.

One of you can read the recipe out whilst the other does the work, or you can take it in turns and work together. In the end, you both get to sample what you’re created. It’s a great way to pass the time and have some yummy treats! [Read: Foodie dates and 15 trendy dinner date ideas for two]

#4 Learn a new language together. Language learning is best done when you have the time to sit and concentrate on it, so now is the best opportunity!

Choose a language you both want to learn and then download an app. You can practice together and perhaps even plan a vacation to visit the country the language belongs to, once the pandemic is over. In terms of things for couples to do at home, this is probably one which is going to give you the most benefit for the future. [Read: 26 naughtiest things to say in a foreign language]

#5 Play old fashioned boardgames. Monopoly, Jenga, Snakes & Ladders, Solitaire, Operation, Mouse Trap, the list goes on! Old fashioned boardgames are so much fun and you’ll appreciate the old-school vibe even more because we’re all so used to using a phone or a tablet to play games. You can buy boardgames online or you might even find you have some collecting dust in your attic!

#6 Try new things in bed. This is the perfect opportunity to concentrate on spicing up your sex life! Sit down together and write a list of all the things you want to try in bed, and then get to it!

You might find a few new favorite moves and even if you don’t, you’ll have fun trying! Your relationship will be strengthened for boosting your sex life and you certainly won’t be bored! This is definitely one of the best things for couples to do at home! [Read: Top 50 kinky sex ideas that are worth trying in your lifetime]

#7 Declutter the house. You’re bound to have countless things in your house and garage that you either don’t need or don’t use. Have a huge declutter and be as ruthless as you can! Then, either gift, donate, or sell your junk and feel the free-flowing energy around your newly decluttered home!

#8 Create pretend date situations. You can’t go to an actual bar or restaurant for dinner, but you can recreate it in your dining room. You can’t go to the cinema, but you can recreate it in your living room. There are many date situations you can still enjoy at home, you just need to tweak a few details.

Print out a menu and fold up some fancy napkins, recreating the feel of a restaurant. Throw on some ambient music and voila! A restaurant date. You can do the same with a cinema date, you just need some popcorn, snacks, and a good film. [Read: The best date night ideas during COVID to keep the romance alive]

#9 Hire a hot tub for the garden. If you’ve never been in a hot tub, you’re in for a treat! Many companies are hiring hot tubs for people to use in their gardens for a night or a weekend, so why not indulge together?

You can buy a bottle of wine and enjoy the chilled out feel, no matter how nippy the air outside may be. This is one of the most relaxing things for couples to do at home and one of the most special. 

#10 Camp out under the stars. Okay, you can’t go to a campsite somewhere remote, but you can pretend you’re somewhere else whilst camping in your garden! Put up the tent, light a small fire *safely, of course*, toast some marshmallows, and get to stargazing. The plus point is that you can always run inside to use the toilet without having to go the camping rustic way! [Read: 30 fun, sexy and free dating ideas totally worth trying]

#11 Have an outdoor movie night. If it’s not too cold, why not have an outdoor movie night with blankets, cushions, a projector showing your movie on a bigger screen, and snacks to enjoy together. Snuggle up and have some outdoor movie fun!

#12 Do some wine tasting at home. If you’ve always wanted to go to a wine tasting night and you’ve found your plans curtailed by the pandemic, you can still do it at home.

Check online for companies selling wine tasting packages to do in the comfort of your home with your partner. Prepare some snacks, such as cold meats, olives, cheese, and bread, and get to tasting that vino.

#13 Plan a big vacation for the future. When the pandemic is over, we can start to travel the world once more. If this whole situation has taught us anything, it’s that life is too short to not see the world. Sit down with your partner and the laptop and start brainstorming ideas of where you would both like to go. 

Once you’ve come to a joint decision, start doing some planning! You don’t have to book anything, but you can get yourselves excited by researching things to do, places to stay, how to get there, etc. It’s something to look forward to and that’s one of the best things for couples to do at home. [Read: The 10 types of vacations that create romance and bring you two closer]

#14 Indulge in a little role play. Go on, you know you want to! Order some costumes online if you want to, or just make do with what you have already. Dress up, pretend to be someone else, and enjoy the sexy games that will no doubt come out of it! You have the time now, so don’t make excuses and put it off for a second longer. [Read: The sexual role-play guide for beginners]

#15 Have a couple’s spa evening. Spas are closed but you can pretend they’re still open by having a couple’s spa evening. Buy a bottle of wine, grab some fluffy roles, do face masks, give each other manicures and chill the hell out – you deserve it!

#16 Teach each other a special skill. This one requires patience, but why not teach your partner something you know, and they can teach you something they know? For instance, if you know how to play the guitar, you could teach them the basics. In return, if they know how to say “hello” in ten different languages, they can pass on the knowledge. 

#17 Work your way through Netflix. Sure, you can do this one on your own but where’s the fun in that? Select some movies and series you want to watch together and slowly work your way through – but don’t skip ahead without your partner! [Read: 15 sexiest movies on Netflix for a good turn on]

#18 Have an outdoor picnic. If you have a particularly sunny day one weekend, why not grab a blanket and some cushions and head outside for your own picnic as a loved up couple?

All you need are some snacks, drinks, and a sunny spot. It makes a change from eating lunch inside and you’ll get some fresh air, which is super-beneficial for both of you. 

#19 Learn yoga together. Yoga has so many benefits for health and wellbeing and you can learn together. There are countless courses to be found online and you can even check on YouTube. Grab a couple of mats and some comfortable clothes and learn this healthy exercise together. If it doesn’t work out, you can at least laugh at one another whilst you’re attempting to get into the downward dog!

#20 Do some gardening together. Gardening is a very relaxing pastime, and no, it’s not just for old people! You can both tend to your garden together and create a chilled out spot for you to relax in. You don’t need a heap of knowledge to be able to do this but it might be worth checking out some information online if you’re planning on totally rehauling your space. 

#21 Have a karaoke night. You know you want to! Your neighbors might not love you for it, but it’s fun, it’s different, and it’s a great way to pass the time. Sing at the top of your lungs and teach your partner some of your old, favorite songs in the process. It’s one of the best things for couples to do at home during the evening! [Read: 20 fun and very unconventional date ideas worth trying]

#22 Get crafty and make gifts. Making homemade gifts for one another means that you’re putting time and effort into whatever you’re going to give your partner and that makes it even more special. Purchase some craft supplies and spend the afternoon or evening getting crafty together!

#23 Have a big barbecue. Who doesn’t love a barbecue? Fire up the grill, make the outside space comfortable, purchase some supplies, and get barbecuing! Check online for some interesting side dishes to make, or some delicious marinades you’ve never tried before. It’s a meal you’ll certainly enjoy together. 

#24 Play video games and be competitive. Driving games, shoot ‘em ups, Mario Kart, whatever it is, spend some time being competitive with one another or working as a team to defeat a common energy. You’ll definitely pass the time with this activity!

#25 Have a long bubble bath together. There is nothing more relaxing or bonding than spending time together in a hot, bubble bath. Skin on skin, warmth, bubbles, it’s super luxurious and a great way to wind down after a stressful day at work. Of course, if it leads to the bedroom, even better! [Read: Hot tub sex – 15 sizzling ways to have sex in the tub]

#26 Talk about the future. As long as you’ve been together a while and having a conversation such as this isn’t going to rush things, why not sit down and talk about what your dreams and aims are for your future together? Whether it’s buying a house, having children one day, or travelling the world, it gives you something to focus and helps to bond you together. [Read: 12 key moments in your relationship that predict your future]

#27 Create a movie wish list. Every week, sit down with your partner and come up with a movie for every night that you both want to watch, that you’ve never seen before. You might find a new favorite and when you add in snacks, it’s even more fun!

#28 Learn to do massages. Massage has so many health benefits but as a couple, it’s a great way to help you unwind and bond. Learn how to do massages on each other and purchase some delicious smelling essential oils to help get the ball rolling. This is definitely one of the best and most rewarding things for couples to do at home. [Read: 13 sensual massage techniques that leave anyone wanting more]

#29 Create some art. It might not turn out to be Picasso standard, but you could create some art together that you can hang in your house, in pride of place! It will be a lasting reminder of your time spent together during the pandemic. 

#30 Do some online shopping together. If all else fails, grab the laptop and do some online shopping together. Just make sure that you don’t max out your credit cards in the process! Give your opinions on what you think would suit each other and go for it. You deserve a treat. 

[Read: 25 fun things to do at home when you’re bored, broke and alone]

These are 30 of the best things for couples to do at home. Which are you going to try first?

The post 30 Things For Couples to Do at Home With Zero Boredom Involved! is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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