Here's a couple of concepts I want to differentiate for newer (and maybe some not-so-newer) guys:
Those of pickiness vs. selectiveness.
If you've read my stuff on screening for both long-term commitment as well as for girls you'll hook up with in one-night stands, you know how much I harp on screening out girls who aren't a fit and/or will cause you problems.
I've cited science that shows men are a lot less discriminating about the women they start relationships with than women are men, and that men look for red flags a lot less.
In other words, men are a lot more likely to stumble into relationship quicksand.
However, there is a flip side to all this discrimination you want to employ as a dater, and that is this: if you are too picky about the wrong things, you can also stunt your growth as a seducer and make it nigh impossible to get enough experience to progress.
This is the double side of being discriminating: you must be discriminating enough, without being too much so.
You must be selective without being overly picky.
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