Saturday 27 March 2021

16 Psychological Facts about Crushes to Decode What You’re Feeling

So, you have a crush on someone. Having a crush is an emotional and fun experience. Today, I’m giving you some psychological facts about crushes. 

Having a crush is really special. It’s emotional, thrilling, and exhilarating all at once. But do you know that there’s more to a crush than just liking someone? Here are all the psychological facts about crushes that’ll make you look a falling for someone in a whole new way!

When you have a crush on someone, you experience a lot of emotional ups and downs without the other person even knowing any of it. You see this person and everything changes. You can’t sleep, you can’t eat, you go to bed dreaming about them, and spend your mornings making sure you look your best. Ah yes, you, my friend, have a crush and you’re crushing pretty hard. But that’s nothing to worry about. Everyone will have to go through the experience of having a crush at one point or another. 

[Read: How to act cool in front of your crush and grab their attention effortlessly]

The psychological facts about crushes you need to know

What do you know about crushes? Yes, you know the emotional side of things, but what about the facts?

Well, today, you’re going to learn some pretty interesting psychological facts about crushes to help you understand what you’re feeling. Maybe these facts will help you understand your situation, or maybe they’re just interesting to know. Either way, you’re about to learn a little more about the crushes and possibly that you’re not actually crushing on someone. Gasp! The drama!

It’s time to know the psychological facts about crushes that help you understand why we behave the way we do when we have a crush.

#1 How special is your crush? Oh, I have a feeling you put your crush on a pedestal—it happens to the best of us. But listen, the higher the pedestal, the more you’ll want them. I know you think your crush is the epitome of perfection, but putting them on a pedestal will only make your feelings grow. That’s not a bad thing, but if the feelings aren’t reciprocated, it’ll sting. [Read: 13 painful and soul-crushing signs your crush doesn’t really like you back]

#2 Making the first move? You may be waiting for your crush to make the first move and that’s not actually a bad idea. Did you know that if you make the first move, you’ll be more attracted to the other person?

So, it’s in your best interest for your crush to make the first move! When you make the first move, you put yourself out there and most likely have stronger feelings than the other person. [Read: How to make your crush like you and fall hard for you with minimal effort]

#3 Is your birth control taking control? Whoa, what? Now, I’m not advocating for you to not practice safe sex, I’m just saying, your birth control may be taking control of your attraction. One study found that oral contraceptives actually influenced women’s opinions so drastically that later on, they were more prone to losing attraction to their partner.

The pill persuaded a woman to seek redeeming qualities like intelligence or financial security or completely changed her preferences while taking her birth control. The study showed that on the pill, some women became asexual and others were turned off by their partner.

#4 A like for a like? Here’s a psychological fact about crushes that’ll bound to leave you confused! Sometimes, our crushes aren’t genuinely formed. Have you ever been told by a friend that a certain person likes you? And then when you see that person, you start to have feelings for them?

Suddenly, you’re attracted to them, out of nowhere. Well, this attraction is formed when you feel complimented by their feelings. This experience releases positive thoughts and suddenly, you started to notice them. [Read: How to tell if someone likes you without ever asking them]

#5 Is your crush older? Here’s a good question for you, is your crush significantly older than you? Did you know that people whose parents had them in their 30s and 40s are more likely to find older-looking faces more attractive than someone who’s born to a younger couple? How crazy is that? Take a look at your celebrity crushes and see who you tend to like. Are they typically older? Maybe your parent’s age had something to do with it. 

#6 What color is your outfit? Now, this is one of the important psychological facts about crushes if you’re trying to get them to like you back. All that time in the morning choosing the perfect outfit may actually come in handy. Wearing a particular color can increase your sex appeal. Wearing an article of clothing that’s red changes the way a person is sexually perceived. So, that’s your hint to run to the mall and stock up on the color red! [Read: The science of attraction and 17 aspects that go far beyond looks]

#7 Dreaming about your crush. When we’re crushing on someone, we can become a little obsessive. Did you know that almost 90% of people start making up scenarios in their heads that most likely will never happen, right before falling asleep? Well, just because they won’t happen in real life doesn’t mean we can’t dream about it. Let us live! Why does this fact about crushes have to be so cruel! 

#8 Love can literally be in the air. Oh, yeah, it’s as crazy as it sounds. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but did you know that it’s also in the nose? Doesn’t sound as sexy though, that’s for sure. We secrete pheromones that allow us to subconsciously communicate with other people—especially ones we’re interested in. Do we know what your body says to another? No, but it does low-key tell your crush that you’re into them. [Read: What are pheromones? The scent of sex and the role they play in attraction]

#9 Look deep into their eyes. How sexy is eye contact? Very sexy. And it’s a great indicator if your crush likes you back or not. When you’re attracted to another person, your pupils dilate, meaning they get larger in size. Next time you’re talking to your crush, look directly into their eyes and see what their pupils look like. Just try not to look too creepy while doing it. Subconsciously, larger pupils make us look more attractive to others. 

#10 Pay attention in chemistry class. You should pay attention in chemistry class because love is all about chemistry. When you fall in love or have a crush on someone, you feel a rush of different emotions. You’re euphoric, have more energy, and your palms become sweaty. It feels like you’re high from drugs. This feeling is caused by dopamine and it’s connected to motivation and reward. When you see your crush, you get this rush of dopamine throughout your body. [Read: What is dopamine? The dopest pleasure pill inside of you!]

#11 Symmetry can play a role. Here’s a psychological fact about crushes and facial symmetry that can give some people any unfair advantage. Looks are a small fraction of what attracts us to our crushes. But if your crush happens to have a symmetrical face, well, it’s to their advantage.

People love well-aligned faces. Symmetry is attractive to us because it signifies good genes. People with proportioned faces tend to get more attention. Is your crush sporting a symmetrical face? Do you think it plays a role in your attraction to them? [Read: The 12 biggest rules of sexual attraction as explained by science]

#12 Short-lived emotions. Here’s a psychological fact about crushes that slips into the territory of love! Did you know on average, a crush lasts only four months? That’s right. If those feelings persist, well, you’re not crushing on this person—you’re in love. You probably didn’t expect to read that. But don’t freak out. Naturally, science is important, but when it comes to feelings, they’re not really measurable. Your feelings could be more of an obsession than genuine love for them if it lasts longer than four months. 

#13 Having a crush is an addiction. Here’s one of the psychological facts about crushes you need to know. The experience of having a crush is actually similar to being addicted to drugs. Oxytocin is a hormone that brings people together, it’s known as the “bonding hormone.” During an orgasm, it’s released to create a bond between two people. However, when that hormone no longer exists, the feeling is similar to a drug withdrawal. You become agitated, cranky, and suffer from mood swings. [Read: The health benefits of hugging that’ll make you want to cuddle more]

#14 Love is actually blind. But seriously, it is. Your mom was right when she told you love is blind. It’s actually scientifically proven. Researchers discovered that when you become close to another person, the feelings of love actually suppress brain activity connected to critical thought. Which explains why people in love don’t see flaws or red flags that a normal person would. They’re blinded!

#15 Syncing with your crush. When you see your crush, does your heart beat faster? If they like you back, most likely, their hearts are beating at the same pace as yours. Crazy, right? Scientists discovered that couple’s breathing patterns and heart rates matched up when they were sitting close to each other. If you can manage to hear your crush’s heartbeat *good luck*, you’ll find out! [Read: 32 really weird, psychological facts about love no one seems to know!]

#16 You boost their ego naturally. When we have a crush, we want them to like us. Maybe you weren’t into them previously, but now, all you do is laugh at their jokes. Sometimes, their jokes aren’t even good, but you laugh anyway.

This happens because you want to build a bond with them and that’s done through laughing. When people laugh together, they bond and build a connection. Whether you’re aware of it or not, you’re trying to bond with your crush by laughing at their jokes. Is it working?

[Read: How to be really funny and make people love your company – The full guide]

Now that you know these psychological facts about crushes, what do you think? Do you see some of these facts incorporated in your feelings about your crush?

The post 16 Psychological Facts about Crushes to Decode What You’re Feeling is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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