Thursday 11 March 2021

How to Know if a Guy Likes You & 35 Ways to Make Him Like You More

Guys can be complicated. You think he’s crushing on you, but then he acts differently. Learn how to know if a guy likes you and cut the confusion. 

That awkward time between meeting someone you like and actually dating *if you make it that far* is super-confusing for all concerned. You think he’s showing you signs he feels the same, then he changes tactics, and you have no idea which way is up or down. The single best way to get over this drama and keep your sanity intact is to learn how to know if a guy likes you, and watch for all the subtle and obvious signs.

Then, you can look for the signs, piece them together without wondering ‘what if’, and make your move confidently! 

[Read: Does he like me? How to decode his body language and get your answer]

How to know if a guy likes you: The 20 signs that’ll reveal all in no time!

You might want to learn how to know if a guy likes you over text or in person, figure out his tactics, or be one step ahead. Whatever your aims, being armed with knowledge puts you in control. 

#1 He asks a lot of questions about your life. If a guy’s asking a lot of questions about you and what you like, what you do, what you enjoy, he might simply be polite. But not many guys put in this much effort with someone they’re not interested in! It’s one of the biggest ways to learn how to know if a guy likes you. [Read: 18 signs a friend likes you romantically even if he’s hiding his feelings]

#2 He’s very active on your social media. If you’re friends on social media with a guy and he’s always the first to like your photos or perhaps comment on whatever you post, there’s a good chance that he’s looking for your content because he’s crushing.

#3 You often catch his eye. A guy who likes someone is going to try and make eye contact with them. Even if that’s not his sole aim, he’s going to be gazing in your direction a lot. That means you’re likely to notice him looking at you and you’ll lock eyes naturally. It’s another of the ways to learn how to know if a guy likes you, and it’s a strong one. [Read: What does eye contact mean to a guy: Is he a subtle flirt?]

#4 He makes excuses to touch you slightly. We’re talking about gentle and slight touches here, nothing major. Grazing your arm, moving your hair if it blows in your face, brushing a pretend crumb from your shoulder, that kind of thing. If you’re noticing this, it’s one of the big signs. [Read: When a guy touches you – The different body parts and what they mean]

#5 He makes a lot of flirty remarks. Sure, some guys are just naturally flirty, but most don’t make an effort to be flirty with those they’re not bothered about. If he’s often quite flirty around you and you notice several other signs too, he’s crushing!

#6 He stands up for you. If someone says something behind your back, he might defend you and you’ll get to know about it. Or someone might say something to your face that could be taken as nasty or joking, and he sticks up for you then too. Again, it’s a sign he likes you, and a big one at that. 

#7 Your friends tell you that he asks about you. Your friends are likely to report back whenever someone starts asking about you, and if you’re hearing this from your buddies, then there’s a very good reason for him asking!

#8 He often shows up where you are. Now do remember that if this is something that’s happening a lot and you’re not comfortable with it, you need to take action. But, if it’s just occasionally and it’s normally after you’ve tagged yourself in on social media, he’s trying to be around you. How to know if a guy likes you? He’s often where you are. [Read: 17 big signs he likes you more than a friend and wants to ask you out]

#9 He mirrors your body language. Body language isn’t something we can generally control unless we’re super-conscious of it. So if you’re noticing that this guy is basically copying your stance when you’re taking to him, it’s because he likes you and his body is telling you so. If you lean against the wall, he probably will too, etc. 

#10 He makes general excuses to talk to you. It could be the most random reason to start a conversation, but he’ll go for it because it means he can have a chat with you and try and get in a little flirting. [Read: 15 very obvious signs of flirting between a guy and a girl]

#11 He often appears a little nervous around you. Aww, how cute! If a guy is a little nervous around you, then it’s probably because he likes you. Some guys might be overly confident and show their nerves in that way, or others might stumble over their words or fidget. Look out for the signs!

#12 He enquires about your relationship status more than once. A guy isn’t going to ask if you’re available out of interest. So if he asks this, especially more than once, it’s quite clear that he’s figuring out whether there’s space for him in your life. Learning how to know if a guy likes you sometimes isn’t about rocket science-level signs!

#13 He loves to make you laugh. While he probably isn’t going to try a stand-up comedy routine for the sake of it, he might keep cracking the odd joke to see if it makes you laugh. The reason? He loves to see you smile and your laugh makes him feel like the king of the world! [Read: How to know if a guy is interested but scared and unsure about it]

#14 If you need help, he’s there. How to know if a guy likes you? If you ask him to help you, he will. Of course, some guys are just very helpful generally but not all, so always look out for this sign too.

#15 He texts you for random reasons. If he does this, he’s just trying to start a conversation and it’s super-cute that he tries! Again, this is another of the how to know if a guy likes you signs and it’s one which could lead to some pretty interesting ‘get to know you’ chats. [Read: 15 texts to make a guy think about you, miss you and want you closer]

#16 He texts you first. Not only does he text you for random reasons, but he often texts first too. Now, if you like the guy, do try and cut him some slack and text first occasionally too – don’t make him do all the work!

#17 He compliments you on the smallest things. It could be the color of your shirt, the way you’ve done your hair, or the scent you’re wearing. If he throws compliments your way a lot, it’s because he’s noticing small details and he likes them!

#18 He remembers the small things you’ve told him. You once told him that you love chihuahua dogs, and he gives you a fridge magnet with that kind of dog on it that he just saw in the store. He remembers the small details you’ve told him in conversation, and he wants to show you. [Read: How to know if a guy is really attracted to you]

#19 You often hear from him in the morning and before you sleep. The ‘good morning’ and ‘good night’ texts are a huge sign that someone likes you and it means that you’re one of the first things they think of when they wake up and before they sleep. 

#20 His friends know about you. How to know if a guy likes you? Simply find out if his friends know about you. If they do, that’s a very good sign indeed!

[Read: How guys flirt – 15 subtle things guys do to impress a girl]

15 things you can do to make him like you more

So, you’re happy that he likes you and you’re pretty sure that he does because you can tick off quite a few of those signs. Now, how can you make him like you even more? Try these things, and you’ll see him falling harder with each passing day!

#1 Support him. Every guy loves someone who is their biggest cheerleader. 

#2 Focus on yourself as much as on him. Don’t let your own life slide just because you’re crushing back. Focus on yourself, too. 

#3 Be attentive when he’s talking. Who doesn’t love it when someone’s attention is totally on them? [Read: How to let a guy know you like him without appearing overeager]

#4 Ask questions back. Go on, dare to ask some delving questions of your own. It will help you get to know him!

#5 Show your intelligence. Guys love someone who can show their brains as well as their looks, so don’t hold back on the smarts!

#6 Laugh at his jokes. You’ll seriously stroke his ego if you laugh at his jokes, but don’t go over the top. If it’s faked, he’ll know. [Read: What to talk about with your crush and make them fall for you]

#7 Be a little mysterious. You don’t have to give all your smallest details away at the start, hold something back and play mysterious. 

#8 But don’t play games. There’s being mysterious and there’s playing games. Nobody has time for those, so simply say what you mean. 

#9 Be relaxed, not needy. There’s no need to stray into needy territory, so keep everything relaxed and he’ll love how chilled you are.

#10 Be confident in yourself. You’re amazing, he thinks so, and you need to believe it too! [Read: How to show a guy you like him and still be a tease]

#11 Be yourself. It’s not just about being confident, it’s about being yourself. Don’t try and be something different or change anything about yourself, just be who you are. 

#12 Show your passions for the things you love. Love dogs? Show it! Love singing? Sing away! Whatever you like to do and whatever you’re passionate about, don’t be afraid to show it.

#13 Don’t always be around. I said ‘no games,’ but this is kind of different. Just don’t always be around him, give him some space and focus on you. He’ll come running! [Read: How to play it cool with a guy without being too distant or clingy]

#14 Talk about your goals. What do you want in life? What makes you tick? Tell him what you are aiming towards. Be open about your goals, it shows serious ambition. 

#15 Just be a positive and happy person. Don’t get too wrapped up in the ‘does he or doesn’t he like me’ routine and just be happy and positive. He’ll adore this side of you. 

[Read: 13 charming ways to be more approachable to guys]

Learning how to know if a guy likes you isn’t that hard. He’ll show you attention, be interested in what you have to say, and will want to be around you. If that’s the case, someone’s got a crush on you!

The post How to Know if a Guy Likes You & 35 Ways to Make Him Like You More is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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