If you’re wondering how to tell a girl you like her, never do it out of the blue. Here are the steps you MUST take before you share your feelings with her!
Most guys just assume that when it comes to knowing how to tell a girl you like her, you just walk up to a girl you like and tell her how you feel. Easy, right?
Nope, that’s not how it works at all. Well, unless you know for sure she’s crazy about you already, and is waiting for you to make a move.
[Read: 18 hints a girl will subtly drop your way if she’s really interested in you]
It seems like knowing how to tell a girl you like her would be a simple thing to do. However, it’s really quite difficult. Girls have a tendency to get easily creeped out if someone is too forward with their feelings, yet you can’t just stand by, HOPING she’ll know how you feel.
Guys, on the other hand, feel pretty good no matter who says they like them. This–among many other areas–is where girls and guys differ greatly. So how is a guy to know how to tell a girl he likes her without coming off as creepy and weird?
Why you should always tell someone when you like them
Many of us do this. We like someone, and yet, we just lock that thought inside and spend hours fantasizing about how amazing it would be to date this person. And yet, we never make a move to confess our feelings for someone.
It’s weird because we get embarrassed about it even though it’s completely out of our control. And quite frankly, it’s a good thing for the other person to be desired!
But despite that, we still hold in our feelings and it’s just not good. What if you miss out on the opportunity to spend your life with that person? For the sake of not regretting your life choices, you should always tell someone when you like them. But if you do want the girl you like to give your confession a real thought *and hopefully even like you back* you just have to find the right way to do it.
[Read: How to make a girl like you without even telling her you like her]
How to tell a girl you like her in a way that seriously ups your odds
Now is time for the good stuff! Believe it or not, you have to develop a sort of strategy before you tell a girl you like her. Otherwise, it comes off kind of creepy and stalker-ish.
But have no fear! We are here to give you all the information you need on how to tell a girl you like her, so you can do so with confidence. If you do all of these things correctly, she won’t be weirded out at all, and who knows? Maybe you’ll even get a date out of it.
[Read: The art of charming a girl and flattering her into liking you]
#1 Don’t do it randomly. You can’t just walk up to a girl that you’ve never or barely ever talked to and just blurt out you like her. She’ll more than likely give you a very shocked and unpleasant look before walking away without saying anything.
If you do this, she’ll just be creeped out because she doesn’t even know you, and you don’t even know her. If you tell a girl you like her when you hardly know her, she only thinks you like her for her looks and that can be a creepy thing on her end. Follow these tips BEFORE telling her.
[Read: How to get a girl to notice you and build the attraction before you even talk to her]
#2 Talk to her occasionally. Before you even think about telling her you like her, converse with her. This is best done in a group setting so you’ll feel more at ease, and it’s not as much pressure when you’re addressing her with everyone else.
Simply mention something about the weather, your classes, a project you two are working on, or something you both relate to. This is the best way to get her to notice you and for her to see that you two may have more in common than she thought.
[Read: Things to talk about with a girl – 43 perfect conversation starters]
If you don’t have any friends in common, or it’s a girl you see ocassionally, you may have some difficulty with the first conversation. But don’t fear, just use this guide on how to start a conversation with a girl like a real gentleman to get that introduction and first conversation going.
#3 Get to know her better. Don’t just talk about random things ALL the time, get to know her better too. Ask her questions when she talks about a certain activity she does, and find out more about her. Not only will she feel more comfortable to open up to you this way, but you’ll get the chance to see if you REALLY like her.
Just be careful not to randomly blurt out questions when you’ve never talked to her before. Start with a small conversation and then ask something. Starting small, saves you from coming across as creepy in her eyes. [Read: 18 great qualities of a good man that catches the eye of women]
#4 Become friends with her. The best way to not seem creepy when you tell a girl you like her is to become her friend first. All relationships and romances begin with friendship. This situation is absolutely no different.
Of course, become her friend because you like her and the person she is. Don’t be the guy who gets friendly with a girl only to get into her pants, only to ignore her or get angry with her because she doesn’t have feelings for you. If your only intention is to sleep with her, maybe becoming a friend isn’t the approach you should be using. [Read: How to let a girl know you’re sexually interested in her and get her to sleep with you]
If you’re already talking to her and asking her questions here and there, you’re already on track to friendship. All you have to do is joke with her more and get closer, so she can see just how good a guy you are.
#5 Get to know her friends. Don’t just limit yourself to her. If you don’t get to know her friends and you tell her you like her, her friends are going to be very suspicious of you since they have no idea who you are. You have to get to know them, too.
This is actually pretty simple because if you’re becoming friends with her, you can become friends with them too. Spend time talking to each them here and there until you build a relationship with all of them. Having her friends know you and like you makes it much easier to tell her you like her. [Read: How to talk to girls and leave them all swooning]
#6 Compliment her subtly. Giving her small compliments that almost go by unnoticed is a really clever way to get a girl to warm up to you. Don’t just tell her she’s gorgeous or something too blunt.
Instead, mention you like the song she played or that her shirt is cool. You can even mention something about how her sense of humor is on point. Little things that don’t draw much attention to her physical appearance are the best and less creepy.
#7 Flirt with her from time to time. Get flirty! Flirting with a girl that you like makes it much easier for you to tell her that you like her. It’s also a great tool for you to use to gauge her interest in you, too. Tease her, joke with her, and keep eye contact when talking with her and that’ll prompt some fun flirting. [Read: How to flirt with a girl – A full guide to seduce her the friend way]
#8 Keep contact. If you’ve managed to be her friend, then you’ve probably secured her phone number, and you’re probably connected on social media. If not, make it happen! If you get her number, it makes it much easier for you to keep in touch with her when you’re not in person.
You can even text her and get to know her better this way without all the nerves from being face-to-face. Just be sure not to text her SO much that she gets annoyed. [Read: 18 casual things to text a girl and leave her addicted to you]
#9 Let it slip to her friends and yours that you like her. Just subtly say something like, “I wouldn’t mind getting to know her better.” It’s a really subtle way of letting it slip that you like her. With luck, those people then tell her. She’ll have an idea before you even tell her–which makes telling her easier.
#10 Get her alone and just mention you think she’s really interesting and you like her. It’s really that simple. If you’ve followed the above steps and succeeded, it makes telling her you like her go much more smoothly. If not, then you may even have a hard time getting her alone in order to tell her.
[Read: How to confess your love for a girl and never get rejected]
The best way to do this is to just steal her away from a group. That way, you’re still in a room with other people, but you have some time to talk just the two of you. Hopefully, if you’ve followed the tips above she’ll already have an idea that you like her, and it won’t be too much of a surprise.
[Read: How to get a girl to like you – 20 things you MUST know to tilt things in your favor]
It’s hard to find just the right way to know how to tell a girl you like her without seeming kinda creepy. Luckily, we’ve laid out all right steps for you to make your move in the nicest way possible. You’re giving her all the time to get to know you, while you flirt your way into her heart ever so subtly!
The post How to Tell a Girl You Like Her and Not Come Across Creepy is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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