Thursday, 8 April 2021

How to Get Your Girl to Give You Head & Enjoy It As Much As You Do

Are you disappointed by the lack of blowjobs you’re receiving? Find out how to get your girl to give you head, and actually enjoy sucking your d**k!

Men enjoy getting blowjobs. Men really, really enjoy getting blowjobs! They love it. They crave it. But why is it so hard for men and women to find common ground when it comes to a blowjob? Why is it so hard to get your girl to give you head? Well, there’s more to meet the eye, and we’ll get to all of it right here!

How come something one gender so desperately wants is often unpleasant or downright appalling for the other gender to provide?

But before we go ahead, if you’re looking for the best ways to go down on a girl and give her the best oral sex ever, here’s the complete guide you’ll ever need, to know how to eat a girl out and make her scream and cum in your mouth!

So onto getting a blowjob, and understanding why guys don’t get as much head as they desire.

As a guy, you want more blowjobs!

All girls know this. Every time a girl starts kissing your neck and moves down towards your chest, and goes lower down south towards your stomach, they know exactly what’s on your mind. You’re just desperately hoping she’d wrap her lips and tongue over your now-throbbing dick.

If you’re in a steady relationship, maybe you’re getting a reasonable amount of blowjobs now and then. But if you’re hooking up, or just having a one night stand, you know the chances of getting a girl to give you head is almost next to impossible. But then, you want it and hope for it. And yet, you ignore all the little details that’ll make a woman eager to go down on you.

[Read: The ultimate blowjob guide for women who hate giving head to a guy]

As a girl, blowjobs are one of the things she hates the most!

Now, from a girl’s perspective, everything just changes. As a guy, you’re thinking, why can’t she go down on me. But from her perspective, all she’s thinking in her head is when she has to give you head is, ‘do I have to?’

To her, she doesn’t know where you’ve put it in. She doesn’t know how hygienic you are. And most importantly, if it doesn’t look like you’ve made any effort to make it easy *or pleasurable* for her, she’ll just kiss you all around and ignore the one place you’re hoping she’ll plant her lips.

[Read: The top reasons why a girl may not want to give you a blowjob]

How to get a woman to give you more head

The reasons for this lack of interest in women vary widely. A few women find it humiliating, and others are afraid they’re not any good at it and will only embarrass themselves. And then, there are, of course, those who are not at all prejudiced, but just don’t like giving head.

Dozens of possible explanations exist. Yet, most of them seem to focus on women, because obviously they are the ones with the problem, right?!

Well, not at all! In fact, a closer look paints a picture where men are equally *or more* to blame for the unsatisfactory experience or complete lack of fellatio in the relationship.

16 things you can do to ensure your girl loves giving you head

Luckily, the very reasons that point out a man’s flaws also reveal clues to understand how you can fix this. Use these fixes, and you’ll go from a guy who doesn’t get head to a guy who gets head… all the time!

#1 Talk to her. This is as straight-forward as you can get. If you think you your girl isn’t giving you head *or enough head*, talk to your woman about it.

You should approach the subject in a non-threatening, non-accusing way. You can assure her that whatever she has to say will be met with understanding and respect, and will not change how you see her, without actually saying any of those things. Does this sound impossible? [Read: How to talk about sex with your girlfriend without sounding like a pervert]

There are so many ways it could go wrong and force her further back into her shell. But if you think you can brave up and communicate with her about it, then go for it! But if you’re worried you may say the wrong things and just upset her, fortunately for you, we have more cards up our sleeves. [Read: The annoying things guys do that makes girls want to fake it in bed!]

#2 Hair. Some women like a man bush, others find the thought of hair on their tongue and sticking between their teeth revolting. If you’re not sure about your lady’s preferences – ask her or try both ways *clean-shaven or neat-and-groomed* and observe which one she reacts to better.

But for starters, if you want your girl to give you a blowjob that’ll leave her happy, trim it really short all over *yes, over those balls too* or just shave it all off. It’s the safest way to start. And chances are, she’ll tell you if she prefers a bit of hair if she really does! [Read: How to shave your public hair the right way and avoid any accidents]

#3 Keeping it clean. If you aren’t getting enough head from your girl, your hygiene could also be an issue. It’s no secret that privates, despite being hidden to the outside world, are among the dirtiest parts of the body. And while there are women that don’t mind or even like the sweaty, salty, and often combined with hints-of-urine taste in their mouths, there are also those who upchuck at the very thought of it.

The solution is to take a shower or a bath together during foreplay. This will not only convince her you’re squeaky clean, but it also has the potential to grow into a fun and terribly exciting foreplay for the both of you. [Read: The wildest tips to enjoy foreplay and have sex in the shower!]

#4 Watch your mouth. Dirty talk is not for everyone, however, it does wonders for those who enjoy it. Which category is your girlfriend in? It makes a ton of difference.

If she’s not into nasty talk, all that talk about f*cking her in the mouth, ramming your cock down her throat till she chokes on it, having her suck you off like the naughty little bitch she is, is probably making her feel humiliated or worse – like a rape victim.

Again, she might be too embarrassed to tell you. So it’s your job to pay attention and change the words you use. Switch from the dirty to cleaner lines like how good her tongue feels down there, how it feels when her lips kiss and lock around your penis, or talk about how good it feels when her hands caress you down there.

You don’t have to sound like a character straight out of an erotic romance novel. But if you want your girl to give you head, just clean your act up and treat her with respect. [Read: The right way to talk really dirty to a girl without turning her off!]

On the other hand, if nasty dirty talk is what gets your woman all hot and bothered, and you’re not letting her have it – step it up! [Read: 23 sexy tips to talk dirty and say the dirtiest things in bed]

#5 Give her a head start. Or in this case – a hard start! Welcoming her mouth with a standing ovation will let her know how sexy and desired she is.

You’d be surprised how many women are not sure they can get their men hard all by themselves, and that number only grows when it comes to bringing them to ejaculate. Seeing you *almost* erect is like half the job already done, which means the rest can’t be that difficult.

#6 Start off small. If your girl is not up to giving you a BJ right off the bat, play it smart and include oral sex in your foreplay. Don’t wait for her to finish you off, instead, after a short while, switch again or move on to intercourse.

Knowing that sucking you off is not necessarily the only way for you to orgasm eliminates a lot of the pressure and makes her feel more confident and in control. She will be more comfortable with having your penis in her mouth and would also be more open to experiment.

With time and encouragement, those shaky 20-30 seconds can and will turn into full-on blowjobs for both, yours and her pleasure! [Read: 18 sex tips for men to leave your woman craving for more all the time!]

#7 The law of giving and receiving. And how are you in bed? A tad too selfish? Don’t answer that straight out, think long and hard about that question.

Is it possible you simply don’t deserve a blowjob from here? Maybe you don’t spend enough time down on her either, or perhaps you make her do most of the work? Think it through and remember that a grateful and horny woman is far more generous than just a horny one. And more inventive. And dedicated. Basically everything you want her to be.

#8 69. Let her be on top. Simple as that. Let her get on top, and eat her like there’s no tomorrow. It’s mutual masturbation at it’s best, and your girl will enjoy giving you head as much as she’s receiving an oral from you!

#9 Don’t just lay there, but don’t force her either. Sucking off a lump of wood *we don’t mean your penis* is boring and unrewarding. Encourage her with moans and dirty talk, let her know just how much you’re enjoying it.

On the other hand though, having someone thrust a penis into your mouth like he wants to make a puree out of your brain is not a dream come true either. Find that golden middle where you’re active, yet letting her do her thing. [Read: How to satisfy a woman in bed and make sex exciting for her]

#10 Make it fun. Try squirty cream, edible lubricants, tasty toppings, body paint, or even ice cream. It works great as long as both of you are feeling adventurous.

Suggest that she uses a vibrator or dildo on herself while playing with you. Who says BJs are all about your pleasure? Make her feel good too when she’s blowing you.

#11 Try role-playing. It’s amazing what a little role-playing can do for your sex life. So many of the borders we wouldn’t normally cross seem to erase themselves the minute we get into someone else’s skin. [Read: The complete sexual role play guide for beginners]

#12 Help her improve. And by help, we don’t mean giving her a long boring lecture on how this-and-that must change. We mean dropping her small hints while she’s at it, or doing something you really like. Do this right and the simple realization of how much your pleasure can increase by changing her technique will no doubt make her a star student.

#13 In or out? This should be obvious – if she doesn’t like it when you come in her mouth, don’t come in her mouth. Don’t try to sneak one in! A – it’s infantile, B – she won’t forgive you for it. [Read: Do girls like spitting or swallowing your cum? A peek into their mind]

Work on your self-control, so you can warn her when it’s time to slide you out of her mouth *and possibly finish the job with a few hand movements*.

Explore alternative places to ejaculate – her breasts, belly, face *if she’ll allow it*. Ask her about her favorite spots. [Read: 20 easy ways to last longer in bed and control your ejaculation]

#14 Ewww, gross! Bad tasting cum is a huge turn off, and may also be one of the big reasons why your girl doesn’t want to give you head. H-U-G-E! If a girl lets you come in her mouth, it’s your job to make sure your sperm does not taste like sewage water!

What’s been known to give semen a funky flavor? Too much protein – meat and dairy, alcohol, coffee, broccoli, nuts and seeds, greasy and deep-fried foods, beans, onion, garlic, cigarettes and the absolute champion – asparagus.

How to fix this? The fastest way is pineapple – lots and lots of pineapple and pineapple juice. Also, drink a lot of water, eat melons, apples, celery, cinnamon and fresh fruit. There are also sperm taste supplements available on the market if you want to go that way! [Read: Many women confess about the different tastes of cum and which ones they like best]

#15 Spare her the embarrassment if things go south. If you start to lose your erection when she’s giving you a blowjob, take action and change the plan completely. Switch positions, go down on her, have sex, do whatever it takes to stay in the game and most importantly – not let her know she’s dropped the ball.

Think of this way – how do you feel when you can’t get an erection? Believe us when we say this, it’ll be worse for her if you lose it while she’s in charge. Not only that, she may not want to try it again, out of fear of reliving the same failure. [Read: Dirty and naughty road head confessions of a good girl]

#16 Say “thank you”. Seriously! A little gratitude goes a long way. She’ll be more likely to repeat the good deed if she knows she’s appreciated for it.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be all magnanimous or meek, it doesn’t even have to be verbal, you just need to show her that what she does for you is not taken for granted.

[Read: Does size matter? – The secrets you didn’t know from the Kamasutra]

So if you want your girlfriend or wife to give you more head, we’d say these 16 tips to get blowjobs are more than necessary to get you on your way to a happier, more satisfied you! Now off you go, to your new and fab life full of sexual pleasures!

The post How to Get Your Girl to Give You Head & Enjoy It As Much As You Do is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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