Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Snapchat Cheating: This Sneaky New Trend is the Ultimate Betrayal

Snapchat cheating isn’t just a new form of lying to your partner. It is an even sneakier form of betrayal that is even harder to catch.

Snapchat Cheating

Cheating has been around forever. Some people just can’t respect their partner or are far too selfish to be faithful. It’s no secret that cheating is horrible, and people shouldn’t do it, but they do. And the newest way people are going about their unfaithful behavior is by Snapchat cheating.

With technology advancing, it’s opening doors we couldn’t have imagined years ago. More people are connected, and while that may sound like a good thing, it also makes it much easier for people to cheat. [Read: Why do people in happy relationships cheat?]

Emotional cheating vs. physical cheating

I know you’re probably thinking, “but they can’t cheat over an app.” The truth is, they can. There isn’t just one single form of cheating. Sure, for some cheating is only physical, but there is a lot more to it than that.

Most people who cheat aren’t just doing it for the sex. They are feeding their egos or even have real feelings. It would help if you concerned yourself with both emotional and physical cheating.

We all know when someone physically cheats on you, they’re hooking up with someone else. But they can also cheat on you in other ways. When they’re emotionally involved with someone else and engaging in intimacy with them emotionally, it’s still cheating. [Read: How to tell if your partner is having an emotional affair]

What is Snapchat cheating?

Snapchat is a social app. Before it became a place to send funny filtered photos and videos to friends, it was and still is a love nest for cheaters.

The allure of Snapchat is that everything is temporary. Send a dirty picture? It disappears after a few seconds. Write a love note to your side chick? It goes away, never to be seen again. By all intents and purposes, it is invisible ink for the modern era.

Snapchat cheating is cheating over Snapchat. That can mean it was the starting off point to where all cheating began. It can also mean having an emotional or physical affair and using Snapchat as the app through which messages are sent.

The trend of Snapchat cheating needs to die. But, as social media becomes more and more popular, cheaters will always find a way to abuse it. Sure, having your ex be one click away makes cheating easier and more accessible, but if someone doesn’t want to cheat, they won’t. [Read: Is online flirting the same as cheating?]

Can you tell if your partner is Snapchat cheating?

Snapchat cheating isn’t just a form of cheating. It is an easier and more secretive way to do so. When people can so easily get away with cheating in the form of disappearing images, why would they stop? The truth is, they might not.

And that means you have to be aware of what this form of cheating is and how you can stop it. We have all the information you’ll need to know. Find out if your partner is Snapchat cheating and how you can put an end to their unfaithful ways. [Read: Do emotional affairs ever stop?]

1. They shield their phone from you

There are a number of reasons someone might hide their phone from your view. Some of them can be completely innocent like they bought you a special present. But, that isn’t most likely. If and when this becomes a regular occurrence and you feel like they’re hiding something, it could be a sign they’re Snapchat cheating.

Your partner should trust you enough to let you pick up their phone to text their mom back or see the time. If they are super suspicious, it is because they are hiding something. [Read: 16 subtle signs he’s definitely cheating on you]

2. You see they’re on Snapchat a lot

If you have Snapchat, then you know what it looks like. It’s pretty easy to tell if your significant other is on this app. Therefore, if you see they’re on it frequently, it could be a sign they’re Snapchat cheating.

A lot of people use Snapchat as a means to communicate, but not extensively. It isn’t the easiest way to talk to someone like a friend because messages disappear. You can’t scroll up and see when you made plans. That’s why extended use of the app could indicate cheating.

3. You’re not their number one Snapchat best friend

We used to be able to tell who someone’s Snapchat best friend was straightforward. But as the app has progressed and changed, and now it’s not that easy for us, but it is easy for the cheaters.

However, you can still tell when someone’s your best friend by the little heart emoji. If you Snapchat them a lot and still aren’t their number one, they’re definitely sending pictures to someone else way more often. It is one thing to message your friends a lot, but more than your significant other? Something is up. [Read: Red flags you shouldn’t ignore]

4. They’ve been distancing themselves from you

This is true no matter what form of cheating it is. When your partner becomes distant, there’s a reason for it. That reason could be because they’re Snapchat cheating. If they are connecting with someone else, they will pull away from you.

Their mind and emotions are somewhere else, or with someone else. And, Snapchat sure does make sending dirty photos feel like a lot less of a risk. So, just because they may not be seeing someone else in person, doesn’t mean things aren’t physical.

Due to this, they will distance them from you both emotionally and physically. [Read: 20 true signs you’re growing apart]

5. You hear them snapping pictures behind closed doors

Unless they’re smart enough to turn off the sound, you can hear when they’re taking pictures. Do you ever hear the snapping sound while your significant other is in the bathroom? That is a huge red flag.

This is a big sign they’re removing themselves from your presence just to take pictures and send them to someone else. They wouldn’t need to do this if they were innocent. Pay close attention to this sign. Keep your eyes and ears wide open.

6. They don’t Snapchat you back

This is a huge sign that someone is Snapchat cheating. Now, if they don’t use this app very often anyway, this doesn’t really apply to them.

However, if they use it all the time and just don’t answer your snaps, it could be for a big reason. Some people just aren’t big on sending pics, but if they are super active on the app, but not replying to you, what’s up? They might not want to accidentally send you a snap meant for someone else. So they just don’t snap you at all. [Read: How to stop feeling ignored by the one you love]

7. They’re smiling at their phones a lot

It kind of takes a lot for people to smile at their phones. Think about the times you do. Usually, it’s when something is funny or you’re flirting with someone.

If your partner is on Snapchat a lot and is smiley and hiding their phone from you, it’s a huge sign they’re cheating.It is also a sign they are barely trying to hide it from you. If they are watching snaps from the person they’re cheating with while you’re in the room, they are being cruel, insensitive, and may even want you to catch them. [Read: How to be careful when sending dirty snapchats]

How to stop Snapchat cheating

1. Confront them

If you’re having concerns about their behavior when it comes to Snapchat, address the issue. Don’t just ignore it or sweep it under the rug. It won’t go away on its own.

Having an open discussion about their behavior and how it’s affecting you can change things for the better. Be open and honest, but don’t start yelling. Keep things calm and level-headed. Let them know your concerns and how you feel.

Their reactions will say a lot. [Read: How to confront a cheater the right way]

2. Catch them in the act

If you really want to stop what they’re doing but you feel as though they’ll lie if you confront them, then you need to catch them doing it. This is extremely hard to do when Snapchat pictures disappear after 10 seconds, but it isn’t impossible.

If you pay attention you can catch them. This could lead to a big blow out though, so tread lightly. [Read: 18 ingenious ways to catch a cheating partner in the act]

3. Have a discussion about the state of your relationship

If you feel like bringing up their Snapchat cheating is a bad idea, then just have a talk about your relationship. Tell them you’re unhappy with how it’s been. Let them know you feel like they’re pulling away and you want to know why.

Open up about your struggles with insecurity and how you feel they’re not giving you enough attention. This may be a great way to help bring them back to reality. They may even admit their wrongdoing so you can move forward together. [Read: 10 big problems in a relationship and how to fix them]

4. Tell them you’re unhappy with their behavior

The best thing you can do if you think your partner is Snapchat cheating is to just tell them you’re not happy. Explain what you feel is going on and that you’re extremely upset about it. Don’t accuse, but ask and share your feelings.

If your partner cares for you, they’re going to listen to what you have to say. When they disregard whatever it is you’re saying, then you know they don’t care. If the behavior stops, then this method was successful.

5 Accept that they might not change and leave

Even if this form of cheating isn’t “traditional,” it is still cheating. If they’re emotionally involved with someone else, they’re not being faithful. And that means there’s only so much you can do about that.

If they aren’t willing to stop cheating and start respecting you, you may need to face the facts. This is simply not your person. [Read: 18 emotional affair signs you’ve probably noticed already]

If you’ve discussed it with them and maybe even caught them in the act of snapchatting risqué things to someone else and they still don’t change, then leave. You don’t deserve someone who disrespects you in such a manner. Accept what you can’t change and move on.

 [Read: What to do about that nagging cheating suspicion]

Snapchat cheating is a sly way of cheating in the modern era. But, just because it is sneaky doesn’t make it okay. You deserve better.

The post Snapchat Cheating: This Sneaky New Trend is the Ultimate Betrayal is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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