Saturday 5 June 2021

50 Nice Things to Say to Your Best Friend to Brighten Their Day

Sometimes voicing your appreciation is a nice thing to do. Check out these nice things to say to your best friend and let them know how special they are!

nice things to say to your best friend

When you think about saying cute things to other people, often it is in your romantic relationships. But, everyone needs to hear nice things. If you notice that your friend could use a little boost, learn some nice things to say to your best friend to make them feel good inside and lighten their load.

After all, we all have the odd bad day and sometimes, we’re unsure of how those around us feel too. Don’t hold your appreciation inside, let it be known!

[Read: What is a true friend? The 12 key characteristics of real friends]

Why is it a good thing to make your friends smile?

Your friends are there through thick and thin. It’s very easy to take them for granted and just assume they’ll always be there. However, your friends are human, just like you are. Sometimes we feel down and we need to hear how special we are to feel better. There’s nothing wrong with this at all!

The old “life is too short” adage is very true. How is your friend supposed to know that you think they’re the best thing since sliced bread if you don’t tell them? Of course, that doesn’t mean telling them every single day or overdoing it. An uplifting compliment every so often could be enough to make them feel like that day, was a truly good one. That’s part of your role as a BFF! [Read: Love your best friend? Why it’s best to back away right now]

These nice things to say to your best friend should help you out with some inspiration.

Nice things to say to your best friend

Being a best friend is a huge obligation. It isn’t just about lending an ear, but about being that one person who knows the nice things to say to your best friend to make them feel loved, less alone, and let them know that they are someone important to you and the world.

Here are some nice things to say to your best friend, sure to make them beam from ear to ear.

1. That color is totally you

If she wears it well, let her know. Lipstick, outfit, whatever brings out the sunshine in her, yellow, or not, let her know she shines brightly. [Read: 18 ways to build lasting friendships]

2. That guy was totally digging your chili

Old phrase, but a good one. If you see a guy who crushes on her, let her know. It makes her feel good. She might not notice that he is into her. And who knows, he might be “the one.” Being a bridesmaid totally rocks! [Read: 11 important maid of honor duties to do for your friend]

3. Did you lose weight?

Cheesy, but if she looks slender, make her day! Without a doubt, it’s one of the nice things to say to your best friend.

4. I don’t know how I would make it without you

If she is the one you call in good times, and, especially bad, then let her know. She isn’t obligated to be everything to you. She does it because she loves you. So, let her know you know and appreciate it.

5. You make me smile

It is that simple! [Read: 14 platonic friendship rules to just be friends without the drama]

6. No matter how much I need you, you never let me down

If she is the one who never, ever disappoints or lets you down, that is something to share with her. And, also let her know that you are, will, do, and be the same for her.

7. You blessed my life when I met you, and you continue to daily

We only get to meet so many people that bless our lives. If she is one of them, let her know she is an angel for putting up with your shit. This is definitely one of the nice things to say to your best friend for brownie points and smiles!

8. You’re the best friend ever

BFF all the way baby!

[Read: Is your BFF affecting your love life?]

9. We should totally be Thelma and Louise

Okay, old reference. But, if you don’t know what that is, you should totally watch it with your best friend for a good time.

10. You’re not my wing woman, you are my wings

Aw…. now that is something to make any best friend feel amazing. [Read: 25 characteristics of the best wing women]

11. I would totally be jealous of you, but you are too much fun

If you admire her, and are slightly jealous, it is okay to admit it. Not only is it one of the nice things to say to your best friend, but it will make her feel a million dollars too.

12. I will always be here no matter what

It is important she knows you are there for her too! Friendship is truly a two-way street.

13. I have other friends, but they will never be you

Friends are nice. Best friends are God sent.

14. No matter how much our lives change in the future, our friendship never will

Life may change, but let her know your friendship never will.

[Read: Can a long distance friendship really remain untouched forever?]

15. I so want to be your roommate in the nursing home someday

Yep, even when old and gray, you two will call each other to change each other’s bedpans or at least call the nurse to do it for y’all.

16. All of my favorite memories include you

Enough said!

17. You complete me

Not lesbian-like, just a fact. Believe it or not, it’s one of the nice things to say to your best friend that will always stay with her.

18. Life was super boring until I found my partner in crime

Partners in crime are the best thing in the world. But, it isn’t about crime. It is about bringing you alive and making life worth it. [Read: The 31 reasons you need a friend who is your partner in crime]

19. We should have one night a week named after us

One night should be devoted just to you two… twin-powers activate.

20. I would be lost without you

With a best friend, that is true. You don’t, and can’t, live without them. They are the one who knows you the best and the one who has your back. What else in life is there?

21. I could have a thousand friends, but I only need you

You only need one. That is what I continually tell my children. You can have a thousand “friends,” but you only need one “real” one.

22. You just get me, and I totally get you

Right, you get it! [Read: 11 ridiculous types of friendships we’ve all had growing up]

23. You can’t choose your family, but I’d choose you again and again

You can’t choose who you are blood-related to, but that is the best part about your best friend, that is all your choice.

24. There are friends, and then there are people who make an imprint in your life. Thanks for changing me in a good way

Long-winded but totally true.

25. I always know you will be on my team and me on yours

I’m going to put it out there, women are catty. If you found one that isn’t, let her know you are grateful!

26. We should totally never grow up

Peter Pan syndrome happens for girls too. Wendy was just an idiot. [Read: How to escape the Peter Pan syndrome and grow up fearlessly]

27. If I could have only met one person ever, it would have been you

Again, you only need one.

28. If you were a guy, we could totally be the perfect couple

What most women know, and many guys don’t, is that most of us wish that we were gay cause women are much easier to get along with, and sometimes way more fun!

29. When I am having a bad day, you are always there to make me laugh. Thank you!

Thank yous’ matter.

30. You make me smile without even trying

If she makes you smile just because you know she is fun and going to be there, let her know. [Read: 50 ways to start someone’s day with a smile]

31. If I had one day left on earth, I would spend it completing a bucket list with you

From A to Z, you know what her bucket list is, and you hers. Start crossing things as you go along. No regrets together. [Read: 15 perfect best friend bucket list ideas for the fun and adventurous]

32. Sometimes, friendships trump family, and you totally trump mine

If you like her more than your family, remember blood isn’t much if it isn’t real love.

33. I never worry about what you think because we share the same thoughts

If you don’t have to say I’m having a bad day, she just knows, that is a true secret power.

34. We should totally have a movie night and eat a pint of ice cream and leave the world behind

A pint of ice cream, a chick flick, and NO guys… that is what a bestie is for! [Read: 13 fun ideas for your next girl’s night]

35. No guys allowed for tonight

Just us and fun!

36. There isn’t a thing you could ever do to make me not be on your side

Let her know that even if you don’t agree, you are behind her one hundred percent, always and forever.

37. Where you lead I will follow, always

You’ll never leave her side and that’s why it one of the nice things to say to your best friend for total security and calmness in your friendship.

38 Friends come and go, you and I are forever

Best friends are truly forever, don’t let her go! Best friends are sometimes a once in a lifetime thing. [Read: Platonic friends: An insight into a rare & complicated friendship]

39. I wish everyone was as real as you, but then again if that were the case, I wouldn’t know how rare our friendship is

Let her know that your friendship is one of a kind.

40. I normally don’t like our gender, but you are the best exception ever

If you are someone who knows how ugly women can be, and she isn’t, then let her know she is our gender’s redemption to you.

41. You make me a better person

A best friend isn’t your “yes, woman” she is your “be reasonable and the best you, woman.” Period.

42. You never get tired of supporting me and if you do, you never say so. Thank you!

She’s your cheerleader and she deserves a ‘thank you’ for it!

43. You only meet a few people in your life that you love, you are one of mine

Love is a rare thing and not spent on just anyone. So, let her know that you love her dearly. [Read: 15 signs of a best friend and why you’ll never find anyone better]

44. I wish I had ten of you, but then you wouldn’t be you, so never mind!

Wouldn’t it be nice if we had ten best friends? Nah, it would be like having candy for every meal, it would lose its lustre. That is why you only get one.

45. I stopped believing in people, and then you came along

If you were just about a second from giving up on the human race, and she walked into your life, let her know that she turned you around and made friendship real again.

46. Thanks for always having my back

Women talk, I am just going to put it out there. If you have a bestie who always has your back and sticks up for you, then you are golden, and should let her know how lucky you are. [Read: The 8 kinds of friends everyone needs in their life]

47. I wouldn’t ever have a party if you couldn’t come

Our worst fear is to have a party where no one comes. Your bestie is the person you check dates with before you even consider having a party. So… let her know.

48. I thought I knew what friendship was, then I met you

We all think we have best friends, and then we find our true best one and know that the others were just regular.

49. How do you never get sick of picking me up?

Your best friend doesn’t roll their eyes, judge you, or give up. A rare quality, if you are lucky enough to have someone to put up with all of your bullshit, then you need to let them know. [Read: How to fix it if you BFF is ignoring you]

50. Thanks for never judging me and just accepting me, you are my bestie

True, honest, and real. That is all you need to say… just thanks. A best friend is the person who picks you up, makes you smile, and allows you to be you without judging. A very rare quality, if you find one, make sure to let them know.

Sometimes, it can be awkward to tell someone of the same gender how incredible you think they are. But, if they are your support system, always there for you, and make you feel like the world could crash and you would be alright because you know they have you, it is time to speak up. These nice things to say to your best friends should cover it!

[Read: Partner in crime: 31 signs you have this true friend in your life]

We all go through life with feelings, but rarely take the time to express them, be thankful, or tell someone how grateful you are to have them. Don’t take your bestie for granted or not tell them that they mean the world. A best friend is hard to find.

[Read: The best adventures for you and your BFF]

So, when you do find a best friend, hold on tight and learn some nice things to say to your best friend. Friendship is forever, especially a best friend FOREVER!

The post 50 Nice Things to Say to Your Best Friend to Brighten Their Day is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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