Thursday 17 June 2021

75 Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush & Make Them Think of You

Flirty questions to ask your crush may not come to you naturally. So, when you want to start something cheeky, have these questions on standby.

Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush

First, I want you to know that having flirty questions to ask your crush ready to go at the drop of a hat isn’t common. But, when it comes to your crush, you want to be prepared.

You want to have something to ask them that shows your interest but isn’t too intense. Remember, it shouldn’t be too subtle or too over the top.

Of course, you want to build a connection naturally. But, how do you do that? What do you talk about?

Well, you make an effort to ask them questions and get to know them. With that, you’re pointing out how much you like them. But, you’re also not flirting so much that they feel trapped or uncomfortable.

Flirting should be subtle and easy, but it can be hard if you feel awkward or nervous. So, having some flirting questions to ask your crush can be the perfect place to start.

[Read: How to flirt with a friend – 18 ways to tease them without being weird]

How to relax when flirting

Flirting should be natural and romantic, right? Well, sure, if you are a character in a movie. But, in real life, nerves, social anxiety, and awkwardness come into play.

All of these make flirting with your crush feel scary. But, it doesn’t have to be. You can be relaxed when flirting.

To start, one way to been less nervous is to flirt over text. This gives you some leeway. You have time to think before responding and won’t have that fear of making a fool of yourself.

If you only see your crush in person, being prepared can help you feel less on edge. By having some topics and flirty questions to ask your crush in the back of your head, you feel ready to chat.

Lastly, be open. Try not to build things up in your head too much. You don’t need to come out of every conversation knowing that your crush likes you back. Sometimes, the fun of flirting is the unknown. [Read: Learn how to be relaxed on a date]

Have confidence

Flirting is all about confidence. Rather than second-guessing yourself, feel proud of yourself.

Instead of being scared of rejection or anticipating the worst, be open to flirting for a while or having a quick back and forth. Maybe this will work out. Perhaps you’ll just be friends.

But, if you can go in with confidence, you can start the conversation, and let it flow. Try not to focus on what to say next. Instead, listen to what they’re saying and follow up.

Be present in the moment and the confidence will find you. [Read: 16 ways to build self confidence and realize you’re worth it]

Flirty questions to ask your crush

When flirting, the best questions to ask your newly found crush are ones that help you get to know them and draw attention to their personal life. Furthermore, these questions will plant the idea that you’re interested and help you find out more about them, their interests, and their personal tastes.

With this in mind, you should pick and choose the ones that best fit your interests and theirs. For fear of seeming too rehearsed, you don’t need a script or to memorize your favorites. Instead, make them your own and ask them with confidence. [Read: 9 quick ways to know if your crush isn’t into you]

1. Have you been working out?

2. What are you looking for in a girl/guy?

3. How can someone like you not have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

4. How did you get so attractive?

5. How are you so good at _______?

6. What would be your ideal date?

7. Why are you so funny? [Read: 40 unbelievably cute things you can say to your crush]

8. What did you first think of me?

9. What’s the most romantic date you’ve ever been on?

10. Who’s your celebrity crush?

11. Do you like girls/guys who make the first move?

12. Would you rather be considered sexy or smart?

13. Are you looking to get a boyfriend/girlfriend anytime soon? [Read: 6 subtle questions you can ask your crush to know if they like you back]

14. What’s the one thing that makes you the happiest?

15. Where do you feel the most relaxed?

16. Are you more of a beach or a lake person?

17. How would you react if I told you how attracted I am to you?

18. What are your favorite pet names?

19. What’s your biggest turn on when dating someone?

20. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

21. Okay, now how would you describe me in 3 words?

22. What is the most attractive physical feature on someone you’ve considering dating? [Read: 36 racy, random questions for flirty guys and girls]

23. What’s your type?

24. Do you have any tattoos?

25. Have you ever been skinny dipping?

26. *If answer to previous question is “no”* Would you ever go skinny dipping? 😉

27. Are your parents as good-looking as you?

28. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you when you were with a significant other?

29. Would you prefer to make out or cuddle? Or make out, then cuddle? 😉

30. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? [Read: 20 revealing questions to get to know someone a lot better]

31. Do you prefer a pool or a hot tub?

32. Have you ever had sex on the beach? No. I don’t mean the drink.

33. What’s one thing it’s okay to lie to your partner about?

34. What’s the best pick-up line you’ve ever heard?

35. What was your very first date like?

36. What makes you the most nervous? [Read: 50 questions to check if someone’s right for you]

37. Would you rather be invisible or have x-ray vision? 😉

38. If you could change one thing about your life right now, what would it be?

39. What is the weirdest place you’ve hooked up with someone?

40. Your smile is amazing. Did you have braces or were you just blessed with amazing genes?

41. Do you like being the little spoon or the big spoon?

42. What is the most romantic food?

43. Who is your favorite celebrity couple? [Read: Love advice from famous couples]

44. Who do you admire the most in your life?

45. What do you want to know about me?

46. What is the most romantic movie scene?

47. Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?

48. Do you think you have a good judge of character?

49. What is the best emoji to use when flirting? [Read: 17 cute, flirty and naughty emojis people use when they like you]

50. What is the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for someone?

51. What are you the most confident about?

52. What do you judge other people for?

53. Do you prefer to stay in or go out?

54. What are you most passionate about?

55. What do you love most about traveling?

56. What is the best part of dating someone new? [Read: 50 really cute things to say to your crush and make them feel special]

57. If you could change one thing about modern dating culture, what would it be?

58. Are you stubborn or open?

59. Are you ticklish?

60. What makes you nervous? [Read: How to calm the voice in your head]

61. Do you like massages?

62. What is something you want to learn more about?

63. Are you sentimental?

64. Do you believe in love at first sight?

65. What is your biggest turn-off?

66. Do you prefer texting or talking on the phone?

67. Do you like sharing a bed?

68. What has failure taught you? [Read: How to come back from failure]

69. What fictional characters do you ship the hardest?

70. What did you like most about school?

71. If you could only have one thing on your bucket list, what would it be?

72. How do you feel about marriage?

73. What do relationships need in order to survive?

74. What would I be surprised to learn about you?

75. How about we go out sometime?

[Read: The right way to talk to your crush and make them fall hard for you]

These flirty questions to ask your crush are sure to spark up a great conversation. These questions can help to put you at ease while learning more about the person you like.

The post 75 Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush & Make Them Think of You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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