Saturday 19 June 2021

How to Get a Girlfriend: A Guide to Find & Win Over the Hottest Girl

Want to know how to get a girlfriend? You need to know how to find the right girl, and approach her the right way. Here’s everything you need to impress!

How to Get a Girlfriend

If you’re wondering how to get a girlfriend, chances are, this is probably the first time you’re looking for the perfect girl. You’ve either been single so far. Or you’ve dated someone who was totally wrong for you, and you want to do it right this time around.

When it comes to learning how to get a girlfriend, there’s more to it than just plucking your courage up to walk up to a girl and talk to her. And by the time you’re done with this feature, you’ll know every single thing you need to find the right girl for you, impress her, woo her and make her fall madly in love with you. All even before you tell her you like her!

So let’s start from the basics here.

How to get a girlfriend

There’s so much to know when it comes to knowing how to get a girlfriend. As a guy, you want to know where to find her, how to approach her and impress her, and how to make sure you two connect on a deeper level. But then again, you want her to be great in bed. And be your best friend.

Now, that’s a long list, but whether you realize it or not, all of us are walking around with the same list too! [Read: What girls find attractive in a guy – The traits that make a guy irresistible]

Why don’t you have a girlfriend right now?

So you want to get a girlfriend, and somehow, you still haven’t found her. Why is that? In all probability, it’s because of two simple reasons.

a. You haven’t found the right girl

You’ve been looking around, and somehow, no one seems right, or good enough, for you. If this is the biggest issue stopping you from getting a girlfriend, all you need to do is start hanging out in new places, making new friends, and  trying to make new connections online, especially with so many amazing dating apps that have flooded our phones.

b. You’re afraid of rejection

This is the harder one of the two. You find great girls who catch your eye all the time. But somehow, you just can’t work your courage to approach them or talk to them. Or maybe it’s a friend, and you’re worried you’d ruin the friendship by asking her out. if this is the issue you’re experiencing, we’ll fix this along the way as well! [Read: How to overcome the fear of rejection and ask a girl out]

Stop trying too hard and start living instead

Before we go any further, this is the key mantra you need to remember. You chase something, it runs away from you. You sit calmly, and that same thing comes back curiously and wants your attention again.

So if you want to know how to get a girlfriend, stop focusing so much on how to find her or get her. Instead, keep an eye open for the right girl, but look for ways to have a great time, become a better guy, and live your best life yet. When you’re happy with your life, everyone else can sense it, and everyone else wants to be a part of your fun life.

Girls don’t need to know that you’re available and pursuing them. When you do that, they sense your desperation and walk away from you.

They only need to know that you’re an amazing guy, and you’ll be more desired and wanted than you can ever imagine.

What kind of girlfriend are you looking for?

Ask any guy this question, and it’s always the same answer. She’s got to be hot!

Okay, fair enough, because you are being honest about it. But when you think about this for just a second longer, you’d realize that you can buy a really hot lifelike sex doll as well, can’t you? A sex doll can look like your dream girl, or any hot celebrity you’d like. A couple of thousand dollars, and an almost lifelike vision of everything you’d ever want to hump can be in bed with you. AND she’d be insanely hot too!

But that’s not good enough for you, is it? Why not?

Probably because you’re looking for a hot girl who can communicate with you, connect with you emotionally, look great in your arms in public, impress your friends, hang out with you, and more blah and blah. The point is, as much as a typical guy thinks getting a girlfriend is only about getting himself the hottest pair of boobs and butt on two feet that he can find, there’s more to it than that. [Read: 15 types of girlfriends who will make your life a living hell]

What makes a girl a great girlfriend?

So now that you’ve hopefully understood that love and a relationship is more than just someone hot to have sex with, what do you want from the relationship with her?

You don’t need to write down a list of things you’re looking for. But you need to have a fair idea about what kind of girl draws you. Are there any particular traits and characters you’d like your girlfriend to have? [Read: 27 traits of a good girlfriend you should look for in a girl you like]

Most guys don’t give this a real thought, after all, all they want is someone sexy to date. But within a few weeks of being around this girl, they start to get confused. They so desperately wanted this girl, but they can’t really connect with her or find her relatable.

At the end of the day, you need to keep in mind that desiring to have sex with a girl because you’re sexually infatuated by her, is very different from falling in love with a wonderful girl who’s perfect for you. Don’t be confused between these two, as much as love and lust feel the same at the beginning. [Read: How to get a really hot girl to have sex with you by arousing her subtly]

Be worthy enough to attract the kind of girl you want to attract

Now that you know how to look for the right kind of girlfriend, let’s get to the point where you attract the kind of girlfriend you want. All said and done, you still want a great looking girl with an amazing personality! Good for you, because you’re a king who deserves his queen, and it’s not hard either.

Remember this line like your life depends on it. Because it does.

You attract who you are.

This is pretty much everything you need to know here.

If you want to attract a girl who’s amazing, you need to be just as amazing to catch her eye and make her want to date you. You can’t be a nobody or one of those creepy guys, and expect the hottest chick in the room to desire you. [Read: Why am I not getting a girlfriend? 32 mistakes you’re probably making and ruining your chances]

Here’s a test. When you walk into a room full of fun men and sexy women, how do you feel? Do you feel like a great guy yourself? Do you think you’re equal to or better than everyone else around you? Don’t lie to yourself, be honest. It’s not just about your looks, it’s about your personality, the way you behave and everything else that makes you, you.

If you think you need to step up your game, read this feature on the 25 sexual and personality traits of a great guy that turn girls on. It has all the little details that can make you desirable in any girl’s eyes in no time.

Let’s be honest here, if you aren’t good enough or better than the others, why should she date you instead of picking a guy who’s better than you? You want the hottest girl, so it’s only fair that she’d want a great guys as well. So be the best you can be, and you WILL attract the best girls in the world yourself!

What are the traits girls look for in a guy to fall for him?

It’s one thing to want to know how to get a girlfriend, but it’s a completely different story when you actually have to self-reflect and become the guy who’s desired by everyone. Get on a few dating apps and try your luck to see where you stand right now.

But in the meantime, try to focus on the things that catch a girl’s eye in the first place. For starters, focus on these 15 things women look for in a guy before they fall for him. It’ll give you the start you need to become a much better guy who can actually attract girls even before talking to them.

Is she out of your league? Usually, that’s never the case!

So you like a great girl, and want to make her your girlfriend. But is she too good for you?

Don’t ever let anyone convince you that some girl is too good for you, or that she’s way out of your league. You’re hot stuff, dude! And if anyone tells you otherwise, it’s probably because of their own insecurities. You can get any girl you want. BUT it goes back again to the same moral of the story we mentioned earlier. You attract who you are.

If you genuinely believe and know that you possess all the traits of a great guy we mentioned above, you just need to believe in yourself and pursue the girl you like.

Chances are, so many of the other guys are just as intimidated to approach the hot girl. Never let anyone intimidate you. If you think you’re hot stuff, go on out there, and let the girl of your dreams know you’re interested in her *subtly, of course!*. [Read: How to get a girl that’s out of your league – 15 things you MUST remember]

If she warms up to you, you know you’re awesome! And if she doesn’t seem interested, that’s just another lesson learned, and it’s back to the board room to better yourself and become your best version yet. Every time you make a move on a girl, you’re only becoming a better guy yourself, never forget that. Rejection isn’t defeat. It’s the first step in making yourself a more desirable guy. [Read: How to stay confident when you actually get a hot girlfriend]

Are you in her friend zone?

We need to talk about this, because so many guys are almost always in the friend zone of a really great girl!

And let’s be honest, being a really great girl’s friend is never a bad thing. But when you like her and want her to be your girlfriend? It’s literally the worst feeling ever! You pretend to be her friend only to get close to her. She treats you like a really good friend. And she dates other guys and hooks up with them in front of you.

If you like her, she might as well pull your heart out and stomp on it with her sexy heels, right? But guess what? She doesn’t know you want to date her or bang her. She has no clue because you haven’t told her. So stop making her the villain here.

Don’t ever stay friends with a girl only in the hope of eventually dating her or sleeping with her. You’re not being her friend, you’re taking advantage of her and being a sneaky little rat.

Either ask her out eventually, or forget about ever doing that. Being stuck in the middle only hurts you. If you want to slip out of her friend zone and let her know you’re seriously interested in her, use this guide on how to avoid a girl’s friend zone and make her desire you instead.

Don’t ever stay stuck in the friend zone when you desire a girl. You’ll feel weaker, your manhood will shrivel up, and your testosterone level will reduce over time. You’re literally becoming less of a man by hanging around a girl you desire, while pretending to be her friend!

Are you really ready to have a girlfriend?

Or do you want a hookup? It’s time to be honest here. Yes, you want to know how to get a girlfriend. But do you want a relationship, or do you want to sleep with her?

Why do you need to know this? Because relationships, as great as they are, are a lot of work. It’s no longer just you. It’s we. Before you jump into the “we,” you need to make sure you’re able to commit to a relationship. Make sure you use these signs to know if you’re truly ready for a relationship and not just interested in sleeping with an attractive girl.

How to look for the right girl and where to find her

If you want to know how to get a girlfriend, you’ve got to be seen in places that draw a lot of girls. You can’t spend all day at home, and wonder why you aren’t finding the girl of your dreams.

You never know where you’re going to bump into a great girl. But for starters, even a place as random as a grocery store or a library can help you get a great girl.

Here’s a tip that may be contrary to what you think – Don’t look for a girlfriend in a bar. She’s not there to look for a boyfriend, and unless you’re feeling really smooth and know how to strike up a conversation with the ladies, you’ll end up feeling worse about yourself.

Use this list of the best places to meet women beyond a bar. It’s almost effortless to talk to girls at these places, and the best part, it won’t feel like you’re hitting on them. So they’d be more open to talking to you without being wary or closed up.

Can you find a girlfriend online?

Yes, yes, and oh yes! In the modern dating world, meeting girls online is ridiculously easy, and the best part, you don’t have to use any pick up lines or walk up to a group of girls and introduce yourself. There’s no direct fear of rejection either. It all comes down to how comfortable you are with yourself, and how great you are when you talk to a girl! [Read: The 17 best dating apps for men to find the perfect girl in no time]

Keep in mind though, that when it comes to knowing how to get a girlfriend online, you’re not the only guy trying to do the same. As many girls as there are, there are just as many guys *maybe way more too!* so make sure your profile, your pictures and the way you start a conversation online stand out from the rest. [Read: How to get a girl to like you online so you can meet her in real life]

How to start talking to a girl and make her fall for you

When it comes to knowing how to get a girlfriend, this is the part that plays the most important role. You can be a really great guy, really desirable by the girl of your dreams, and you may even get a girl to go out on a date with you. But if you don’t know how to talk to a girl and impress her with your conversation skills, all of your effort and hard work would amount to nothing.

If you want to know how to approach a girl, start talking to her and really impress her, head right here to this guide on how to talk to a girl and sweet talk her in all the right ways. This is the part where you just can’t go wrong, and we want you to know everything there is about what it takes to make a girl really like you using just your words, so it definitely needs a whole feature to master it.

Once you learn how to talk to a girl when she’s alone, or with a group of girls, you’ve got nothing more to fear. You know what it takes to be desired, and how to talk to women. So now, you need to let the girl know you’re interested in being more than friends with her.

How to let a girl know you like her

If you’re on a dating app, it’s pretty obvious you want to “date” her! If you approach a girl in person and tell her you like her, she knows you want to date her. But about a girl you know already? This is the tricky dilemma most guys find themselves in – how to go from friend to boyfriend to a great girl.

When it comes to letting a girl know you like her, subtlety is key. It’s everything! You can never walk up to a girl and tell her you like her out of the blue. You’d fail, and there’s a high probability that she’ll reject you if you do that.

Why? Because she has no clue you like her, she’s never thought of you “that way”. And a sudden revelation of your love for her? She’d just say ‘no’ even before she gives it a thought. It’s a hot girl’s reflex action, especially if she’s asked out by guys all the time!

Instead, be subtle. Start by flirting with her as a friend, tease her and make her think of you sexually. A boyfriend is a friend and someone she has sex with, all rolled into one. If you’re already talking to her, you’re her friend. But if you can get her to flirt back and talk naughty with you? Boom, you’ve hit the nail on the head and you’re going to make her want to date you!

If you’re not sure how to subtly flirt with her, use this guide on how to flirt with a girl as a friend and make her desire you. It’s got all the steps you’d need to make her see you as a boyfriend potential in no time!

How to be the perfect boyfriend material who’s desired by all girls

One of the best ways to get a girlfriend, or make a girl see you as the perfect boyfriend material is to let her see that you’re not just an amazing friend, but a really great guy as well.

Most guys focus on being a good friend, and end up completely slipping into the friend zone for good. Don’t be that guy. Always make sure there’s a bit of sexual tension with the girl friends in your life. You want them to think you’re a great friend, but you also want to make them imagine what it would be like to date an awesome guy like you.

If you can get this perfect balance right by flirting with them subtly, and being a friend, you’ll be able to create sexual tension with any girl around you, and make all of them desire you. Try this: How to slowly build sexual tension with a girl to the point where it’s out of control

How to ask a girl to be your girlfriend

And now, finally, here we are! If you’ve given everything we’ve mentioned here so far a real consideration, and become the best version of yourself, you’d have no trouble with this part by now. You’d have several girls making it clear that they’d love to date you. And all you need to do is figure out who’d be perfect for you.

But here’s one more tip for you. Don’t just tell her you like her and want her to be your girlfriend. Not just yet. Always focus on actions. And don’t express your desire before you’re sure of her feelings for you. *you know this by now, don’t you, Romeo?!*

Ask her to hang out, go on a few dates together, build the chemistry up, and see how it feels. [Read: How to ask a girl to hang out over text]

Do you like her? Do you like spending time with her? Is she the girl who can make your life so much better just by her mere presence in it? If you’re feeling the love, and enjoy being with her, tell her about it. Tell her how she makes you feel. And if you’re feeling it, big chances are, she’s feeling the same too.

Once you’re at this stage, you both are pretty much dating already! But if you want to make it official, here are a few tips on how to ask a girl to be your girlfriend, and do it in a very special way.

And that’s about it! If you’ve ever wondered how to get a girlfriend, this is everything you need to know. Remember, you attract who you are. And if you want a great girl, you’ve got to be a great guy. So go on out there, unleash your best self, and prepare to change your future forever!

The post How to Get a Girlfriend: A Guide to Find & Win Over the Hottest Girl is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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