Saturday 26 June 2021

How to Pick Up Girls: 20 Moves to Get Super Lucky with Women

Being single can be hard when you’re trying to meet new people. Learn how to pick up girls and make the whole process much easier!

How to Pick Up Girls

It can be difficult for guys who want to meet girls to know where to start. Some guys just seem to be natural when it comes to knowing how to pick up girls, but if you are a little bit shy, or lacking in self-confidence, it can feel like a nerve-wracking experience.

The good news is that, really, it’s all about practice. The more you approach girls and have success with them, the more confident you will become. Girls aren’t monsters, no matter how many movies you’ve watched! We’re just human beings who quite like it when someone comes over to talk to us – well, most of the time at least! [Read: How to pick up girls at a bar: Set yourself apart from the herd]

It’s important to note that even the most charming and ‘luckiest’ guys get rejected or knocked back from time to time. So if at first you don’t succeed try, try again – not with the same woman though – that could get a little creepy and stalker-like!

If you want to know how to start talking to girls, here’s a full guide on how to start a conversation with a girl and make her like you instantly. It has all the tips and tricks to impress her even before you talk to her, so give it a try and boost your chances!

How to pick up girls – The small details you really need to know

Besides simply practicing to build up your confidence, there are plenty of other tips and tricks you can use. If put into action, will help you put women at ease, charm them, and make them say ‘yes’ a lot more often. [Read: How to approach women – 15 secrets you absolutely must know]

So, what are the great secrets when it comes to knowing how to pick up girls? Let’s take a look at them.

If you’re looking for pickup lines to use your girls, use these 70 cheesy but really hilarious pick up lines to use on girls and this big list of must-know sexy pickup lines all guys must KNOW. You can definitely use these pick up lines on girls you meet, but first, make sure you read on to know the little details that split the best guys from the sleazy ones!

1. Fake it until you make it

Okay, so you might not be the most confident guy, and that’s fair enough. But if you can, try not to come across that way when you talk to girls.

We realize it might be easy to say and hard to do, but girls tend to prefer guys who are a little more confident and self-assured. If you get nervous and clam up, they might find you hard to talk to, or just plain weird. The best way is to practice on girls who are just friends or simply take it slowly.

If you are building up the courage to talk to the girl you’ve dreamed of being with for years, why not try some casual flirting with other girls who are less important to you first? Don’t go breaking too many hearts though! [Read: The introvert guy’s smooth guide to picking up girls in bars]

2. Make them laugh

A guy who can make a girl laugh is already halfway there. Everyone loves someone with a great sense of humor, so if you can be funny, use that skill.

We’re not saying you should go up to her and try out your whole stand-up comedy routine, but just some gentle teasing or a couple of jokes is enough. Being quick-witted will put her at ease and make her feel more attracted to you. [Read: How to make any girl laugh without even trying too hard]

3. Cast a wide net

Let’s be honest, the law of averages works for picking up girls just as well as anything else. Essentially, the more girls you try to pick up, the more success you’ll have.

Also, don’t just stick to the usual places such as bars or nightclubs. Think outside the box – you can strike up and conversation just about anywhere, and who knows where it might lead?

If anything, you’re more likely to meet someone authentically outside of a bar or nightclub because most people in those places tend to be a little drunk.

4. Dress well

If you are going out on a mission to hook up with girls, the very least you could do is make an effort. Make sure you pay attention to your physical appearance, dress nicely, and look smart.

However, don’t look like you have tried really hard! Make sure you smell good too – it’s the little things that can make all the difference. [Read: How to approach a girl you don’t know and impress her]

5. Smile

Smiling is the very easiest thing to do, but a simple and effective way of showing that you are a confident and friendly guy. So, next time you are out and about and see a girl you like, make sure you flash those pearly whites!

6. Compliment her, but don’t sound sleazy

If you want to know how to pick up girls, then you have to remember that they love compliments. So, if you want to fast-track your way to success, make sure you drop some into your conversation.

The key to complimenting a girl is to do it in a casual and confident way. Don’t mutter it, don’t sound too intense, and for goodness sake, don’t come across as sleazy – that will really put her off. [Read: 19 compliments for girls that’ll make her go awww]

7. Be yourself

There is no point in putting on this hugely fake persona because she’ll soon discover the real you if things go well. Just try to be yourself. Be relaxed and friendly, and you really will stand a better chance of meeting someone you might actually have fun with! [Read: How to charm a girl and flatter her into liking you]

8. Pay attention to your body language

Having good body language is actually very important. Show you like her by the way that you stand and angle your body towards her.

Be close, but not too close, if the conversation is going well, you should occasionally touch her arm. All these subtle details combined will be sending her the right messages. [Read: 10 clearly noticeable signs of body language attraction]

9. Speak clearly

Try not to mince your words – speak with clarity and make sure you stick to topics you feel knowledgeable about. If you start waffling on about something you know nothing about, you could end up sounding a little foolish!

10. Ask questions

People love to talk about themselves, so make sure you show her that you are interested in getting to know her better by asking her lots of questions about herself. This will help keep the conversation flowing too. [Read: How to hit on girls – 15 things men need to know to be successful]

11. Be direct

If you like a girl, there is no point beating around the bush. Just remember that running up to the girl you like and blurting out ‘I like you’ to her face isn’t exactly the sophisticated approach we had in mind.

It is important to make it fairly obvious that you’re flirting and attracted to her, otherwise she might not pick up on it – so there is no harm in being a little direct.

12. Make sure you get her number

Often, guys who are a little nervous become so consumed by what they are saying and how they are acting that they forget to seal the deal at the end of the conversation.

Remember to get her number or ask her out on a date before she goes elsewhere! [Read: How to get a girl’s number every single time – All the no-fail ways]

13. Be respectful

Remember, if you want to know how to pick up girls, it is super important to always treat them with respect. Girls hate feeling like they are being disrespected or leered over, so always keep that in the back of your mind and treat her well.

14. Listen and nod

Don’t just pretend like you are listening to her – actually do it! Remembering little details for the next time you meet will really impress her. However, don’t sit there constantly nodding. You’ll look strange.

You have to add some value to the conversation, but make sure she knows she’s being listened to. [Read: 10 ways to be a better listener in your relationship]

15. Make eye contact

Remember to make eye contact whilst you’re speaking. You could also let her know that you’re interested in her before you go over, by trying to catch her eye beforehand. If she looks away and appears annoyed, that’s your cue to avoid going over all together!

However, for the most part, making eye contact creates that connection between the two of you and can help you to appear more genuine and relaxed.

16. Ask her opinion

Don’t just listen and fire random questions her way, ask her what she thinks about specific subjects and show that you’re paying attention. This shows respect too, because her opinion matters to you.

Be careful what subjects you choose as some could be a little contentious, but any general hot topic should be territory you can venture into. Asking her opinion on something can also help you really get to know her – it’s just not just about how to pick up girls! [Read: How to express your opinions without seeming cocky]

17. Know when to leave the scene

There is nothing worse than someone standing there talking to you when the moment has passed. Maybe she’s out with her friends and she’s been speaking to you for a short while, but now it’s time to go back to them. Learning how to pick up girls is as about knowing when to let her get back on with her day/evening too.

Charm her, get her number or arrange a date, and then let her go back to whatever she was doing. Don’t outstay your welcome!

18. Don’t just go for one specific type

It’s easy to have a type, but how do you know that you’re not missing out on talking to someone amazing? If there is something about her that grabs your attention, don’t push that to one side if she doesn’t have the look you normally go for.

It’s not all about looks – she might have the most amazing personality. [Read: 5 different types of flirting & how to pick one that works for you]

Learning how to pick up girls isn’t about arranging a date with the most stunning girl in the room, it’s about meeting girls that may, in the end, turn out to be someone you really want to spend time with. Don’t be narrow-minded!

19. Have a go-to line ready

Don’t make it cheesy, but if you struggle to close the deal, so to speak, have a line prepared. This could be something like “I’ve really enjoyed talking to you, can I take your number?”, or “do you fancy going for a drink sometime?” Practice it beforehand and you’ll feel more confident saying it in front of a girl.

20. Practice your walk

Girls notice everything. From how you look, how you talk, to how you smell. They also notice how you walk. You need to master a confident walk that isn’t a strut, but isn’t you running away from the scene either. Practice it and ask your friends for their opinion if you need to!

Keep your arms by your sides, your posture relaxed, and take relatively large strides. Smile when you walk towards her, and keep your pace steady and regular – not too slow and not too fast. [Read: The big list of 40 things girls look for in a guy before considering ever dating him]

What not to do when learning how to pick up girls

Now you have read some of the top tips for picking up girls, it’s also important to learn what not to do! These are just as – if not more – important that the first tips.

1. Don’t stare

Staring comes across as creepy and weird. So, while eye contact is good, make sure you look away once in a while! [Read: 10 types of creepy guys all girls avoid talking to]

2. Don’t be arrogant

Confidence and arrogance are two entirely different things – make sure you know the difference! Be polite to waiters and bar staff also, as these are things which girls really pay attention to. Rudeness isn’t sexy. [Read: The subtle differences between an arrogant and a confident man]

3. Don’t be overly sexual

Girls don’t like to feel as though they are being treated like pieces of meat – if you come across as sleazy or obsessed with sex, you are likely to get shut down pretty quickly.

4. Don’t use cheesy chat up lines

If you want to know how to pick up girls the right way, then remember that cheesy chat up lines tend to be scorned by them. Try to avoid them unless you are prepared to take the consequences, i.e. being laughed at. [Read: 30 foolproof pickup lines and 10 you should never ever use]

5. Don’t push it

If a girl isn’t interested, then don’t keep pushing – you’ll freak her out and make her uncomfortable which isn’t cool.

6. Be okay with rejection

Take rejection with good humor – don’t get angry or upset. Just be cool with it and move on to someone who deserves you! Remember, practice makes perfect. [Read: How to introduce yourself to a girl and leave her yearning]

By following these tips you are so much more likely to have success with women and will find your confidence begins to grow and grow.

[Read: How to get a girl to notice you without talking to her]

Knowing how to pick up girls can actually be lots of fun. So remember, be confident, be yourself, and don’t worry if you get rejected. Take it well – after all, there are plenty more fish in the sea.

The post How to Pick Up Girls: 20 Moves to Get Super Lucky with Women is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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