Friday 4 June 2021

How to Talk to a Guy: 34 Tips to Sweet Talk & Make Him Like You

Want to know how to talk to a guy to make him like you instantly? Most girls think it’s the words they choose, but there are many other things that matter!

how to talk to a guy you like

Knowing how to talk to a guy you like can be the difference between being a girl who draws guys and leaves them smitten, and a girl who seems to be trying too hard around guys.

And when it comes to knowing how to talk to a guy, it isn’t about learning subtle tricks to impress one specific guy. After all, every guy likes a girl who is popular, fun and desired by all guys.

How to talk to guys and leave them wanting more

The next time you talk to a guy you like, remember these key details we’ve listed here. And we can guarantee you, these tips will make you more desirable than you can imagine!

If you’re wondering how to talk to a guy or what to talk to him, no, you don’t really need to change your conversations for him. You just need to play by a few simple rules. 

Guys like all girls, but they like a few girls a lot more. And guys like these girls more because they make the guy feel special and desirable. Remember these things, and you’ll see the difference in the very next conversation you have with a guy!

[Read: How to attract guys in a way they just can’t resist]

You don’t have to wait for him to sweet talk you

For some reason *blame a male-dominant society* and for a long time, men have always been the ones that need to do all the work when beginning a relationship. They always have to come up with the best lines in order to capture a fair lady’s heart.

While many men are known for sweet-talking ladies in order to gain their affection, it’s time for women to get to do some work of their own! What happens when the guy you like doesn’t seem to put any effort into pursuing you?

That’s right! It’s up to you to sweet-talk that guy and steal his heart—not the other way around. It’s time for you to take charge for a change, and learn how to win over a man’s heart. Despite popular opinion, it is possible and not actually hard at all!

[Read: 33 ways to seduce a man who’s not yet yours and leave him hooked]

Subtlety is the key to winning over the guy you like

The key to making a guy like you is to be subtle. While many guys looking to win over a gal tend to be obvious when it comes to their plan, they expect women to be much more subtle about it. Subtlety will go a long way in getting his attention and making him fall for you, without him even knowing it!

Here, we have put together all of the best strategies and things to say in order to effectively make a guy like you and steal his heart. Keep in mind that these tips WILL work on any guy. But you don’t have to use them on everyone you meet. Always remember these things when you’re talking to a guy, but save the extra-special moves for the guy you really like, so you don’t come off as a casual flirt!

If you haven’t started talking to him yet, read this guide on using the best conversation starters with a guy you like and make it look very coincidental too! And more, if you want to make him like you even before you talk to him, find out how to get a guy’s attention no matter the circumstance and catch his eye before you even talk to him.

How to talk to a guy you like and make him like you back

Now that you know how to catch his eye, and initiate a conversation with him, all you need to focus on is how to talk to a guy and get him to like you, when he’s around you. Just use these tips and ways, and we assure you, he’ll be smitten in no time!

1. Smile often

The next time you’re talking to a guy you like, smile more often. Giggle at his jokes, smile now and then for no particular reason and reveal that sparkle in your eyes. After all, when you’re happy, it shows. 

Guys are mesmerized by a woman’s smile. For one, it makes her look approachable and fun, and another, she just screams confidence when she walks around with a broad smile on her face. Smiling at a guy will have him acting like putty in your hands. [Read: How to wink like a total tease and catch a guy’s eye]

2. Stop focusing your attention on what he’s thinking about

Of course, you worry about what he’s thinking, or if you’re saying something that bores him, but you shouldn’t be. Never forget this. If you want to be as relaxed and comfortable as possible when you talk to a guy, stop thinking about what he’s thinking. It doesn’t matter. If he enjoys your company, you could talk about anything you like, and he’d still listen! 

3. Be coy and graceful

Through the ages, women have loved chivalrous men, and men have loved graceful, coy women. Now, there’s a big difference between being a shy timid girl and a girl who’s coy. Shy is when you’re a shy person. And coy is when you’re pretending to be shy to appear more alluring and attractive.

Even to this day, guys love coy, graceful girls. So be that one. Play with your hair when you’re being thoughtful, have your own cute expressions, bat your eyelids twice instead of just once every time you close your eyes! Silly, yes, but does it work? Oh god, it does!!

All these make you very lovable and aww-so-cute! Learn to be a cute or sexy, and the guys would love to be your knight in shining armor. [Read: 25 effortless ways to be cute and melt every guy’s heart]

4. Touch him… very subtly!

Guys have always been drawn to the gentle, tender touch of a girl. Even scientific research has shown that guys involuntarily start showing more interest and flirt more with girls who touch them subtly in the middle of a conversation.

Occasionally, touch his forearm or place your palm on the edge of his shoulder, or any other place that would be appropriate for casual touches, and you’ll see how his interest in you would grow in no time! [Read: How to subtly flirt by touching him in all the right places]

5. Appeal to his masculine side

If there’s one thing a man really wants, it’s to feel manly. If you talk about his masculinity in any way—ask him to open the pickle jar, tell him he’s strong, etc.—it will work wonders! He’ll find himself trying to impress you more and more with his masculinity.

6. Compliment his looks

But subtly. You want to let a guy know you appreciate him, not that you’ve fallen for him. Find subtle ways to point out that he’s looking good! Simply telling him that a certain color suits him well is a sure way to get him interested in you. You’ll notice that he’ll start wearing that color more and more! [Read: 25 compliments for guys they’ll never ever forget]

7. Be a damsel

Again with the masculinity, but that’s just what men love. Be a damsel in distress, and need saving from time to time. Coyly asking him to come help you do something that you might be able to do already, is an easy way for him to feel like he needs to be there for you. He’ll be the first one there next time you need help!

8. Rouse his protective streak

Throughout evolution, men have always been the hunters and the protectors while women have been the nurturers and the foragers. When you rekindle this primal instinct in a guy, he would appreciate it and love it. Reach out and hold his arm while crossing the street, smile shyly and ask him if he can carry a heavy book for a minute, hold his hand as a big, scary dog comes near you, etc.

You know the works, make him feel like your protector. And he’ll want to be by your side all the time. [Read: How to play the damsel in distress move and make him fall in love with you]

9. Don’t have a foul mouth

Girls who are use foul language all the time are quite a bit of a turn off for most guys. Now if you’re a girl who can trash talk, and appear vulnerable, and be strong and independent at the same time, good for you because that’s not easy for most girls.

But for all other girls, try to avoid using bad language all the time. And never talk ill about other girls or pass snide and rude remarks about coworkers and passersby when you’re walking down a street. It’s a warning sign that you’re not sweet, you’re bitchy. And guys can sense that instantly!

10. Be forthcoming with your feelings

Men don’t have the best intuition, and are often oblivious to the feelings of women. So if you’re wondering how to talk to a guy and let him know about your feelings, sometimes you have to be blunt about it. Laughing at one of his jokes and saying, “You’re funny. I like you.” is a quick way to sweet-talk a guy, and will have him fawning over you in no time.

11. Be subtle

Being forthcoming is one thing, but you also have to be subtle. This sounds contradictory, but hear us out. If you’re too easy with your affection, men won’t pay much attention. They love the chase. In order to effectively sweet-talk, you’ll need to send them hints here and there, without divulging that you want them to fall for you! [Read: Why men like a chase and how to use it in your favor]

12. Be mysterious

Guys find mysterious girls a bit annoying, but they can’t help falling in love with them. You don’t need to tell a guy you’re talking to, every single emotion or thought that’s going through your mind. If you’re looking lost or if he catches you smiling to yourself, and asks you about it, you can just tell him it’s nothing.

Don’t reveal everything that goes on in your mind or you’ll just become boring. A note of caution though, you can’t do this to your boyfriend. He’ll think you’re having an affair!! [Read: How to be mysterious without going completely overboard]

13. Be mischievous

There’s nothing better than a girl who can be shy and coy, and show off a streak of mischievousness now and then. It’s always nice to lighten things up now and then with a prank, or by teasing him.

You can tease him, nudge him by the shoulder, say a few jokes, or all of the above. Guys like a girl who is all sweet is cute and nice, but it can get pretty boring after a while. Show him your naughty side too, and he’ll find you irresistible! [Read: How to tease a guy and make him realize just how much he likes you]

14. Be polite

This is one of the qualities of a good natured, sweet girl that all guys want. If you want to know how to talk to a guy, keep this in mind. Be nice, good natured and polite. Mind your P’s and Q’s, and be nice, not just to him, but to the people around you.

You could pretend to be nice in front of a guy, just to win him over. But then, you’re just being fake, and it’s not easy to keep up with the act. Instead, learn to be a genuinely nice person and it’ll only make him want you more. [Read: How to be a nice person and be loved by all instantly]

15. Talk about his work ethic

Men are proud beings. They love being told that they work hard at what they do. One way to steal his heart while talking to a guy is to be fascinated by his work and ask him about it frequently. Ask him about any projects he has going on, or anything else that’s relevant to his work life.

16. Make. Eye. Contact.

If there’s one thing you need to remember when it comes to knowing how to talk to a guy and winning him over, it’s making eye contact with him. When you’re talking to him and flirting subtly with him, make sure you keep steady eye contact, and he’ll be drooling over you in no time! [Read: What does eye contact mean to a guy – Is he a subtle flirt?]

17. Make appropriate physical contact

We don’t mean grabbing and hugging him all the time. No. That will just get annoying to any guy. Instead, lightly touch his arm when you’re talking, or brush past him and look back as you walk by. These are subtle signs that you want to be close to him and he’ll be itching for more! [Read: 25 things girls do that make them irresistibly attractive to guys]

18. Be confident

Men fawn over confident women. They LOVE them. Make sure that you ooze confidence every time you talk to him, and you’ll be sweet-talking him right into your arms.

19. Catch his eye from time to time

When you’re in a group setting, let him catch you staring and send him a small smile before turning away. Giving him sexy little glances throughout the night is basically grabbing his heart and running away with it. [Read: 10 subtle eye contact flirting moves that always work]

20. Laugh

If you want to know how to talk to a guy and make him enjoy your company, remember that everyone likes to be around people who they share a laugh with. In addition, it helps you relax once you laugh together. Now, if you don’t think you’re too funny, that’s okay. If he says something funny—laugh. If you say something, laugh as well. Why not?

21. Flirt it up, girl!

There’s nothing wrong with flirting. In fact, it’s what builds the sexual tension between two people.

If you like him, flirting doesn’t hurt. Smile at him, give him a playful wink, touch his arm when he says something funny. These non-verbal cues show him you’re interested in him, and if he’s into you, he’ll most likely flirt with you back. [Read: How to flirt with a guy subtly even if you don’t know how to flirt]

22. Talk about what interests you

There’s nothing more interesting than talking to someone about a particular topic which they’re passionate about. You see the light in their eyes and the burst of energy they get when they start talking. Now, if you’re really passionate about something, there’s nothing wrong with sharing it with him. He sees where your passions lie and that can be a huge turn on.

23. Let him talk about himself

If you’re wondering what to talk about with a guy, the best thing to do is ask him a question about himself. People love talking about themselves, so it gives you some time to relax and gather information about him.

The best way to do this without looking like an interviewer is by asking open-ended questions. Meaning, questions that cannot be answered with only a yes/no reply. For example, if in class together you can ask him, “What do you think about this group assignment we have to do?” [Read: How to get a guy to talk to you if you’re a shy girl]

24. Don’t lie

This is just because we don’t want you creating all these lies about yourself just for him to like you. Plus, you have to keep up with all the lies you make, which is not an easy task.

So, just be honest. This isn’t for him, it’s for you. You may want to tell him what he wants to hear just to impress him, but if it’s not honest, then don’t say it. And plus, no one likes a liar. [Read: 14 steps to unfake your life and love being you]

25. Communicate on a regular basis

If possible, that is. Talking with a guy often helps you relax and become comfortable around him. Also, by frequent communication, you get to know each other on a deeper level, discussing topics which aren’t just considered “small talk.” And at the end of the day, that’s what you want.

26. Communicate on social media

Now, usually, having long conversations on social media is a no-no, because it’s a waste of time and it doesn’t really progress. However, it can be used in a positive way to help break the ice. Everyone loves memes, so if you tag him in a funny one, it shows him that you’re comfortable with him.

Then, he shares memes and funny posts with you as well. Now, what you don’t want to happen is you only end up communicating via social media. [Read: How to get a guy’s attention on Instagram without using your body]

27. Don’t over-text him

You know exactly what we mean. If he doesn’t reply to you in five minutes, don’t send him another and another text message. Leave him alone, he’ll reply. If he doesn’t reply in a day or two, then text him again.

If you over-text someone, it’s flat out annoying and becomes a huge turn-off. But if you notice he’s not replying or giving you one-word answers, maybe it’s time to cool it for a while. [Read: How to know when to stop texting a guy – Are you texting too much?]

28. Don’t force the conversation

When it comes to knowing how to talk to a guy you like, we know you want the conversation to flow magically, and then you immediately fall in love, but it may not happen that way.

Some people take longer to warm up to others. He could be nervous, or he could not be interested in you. But don’t force conversation. If he wants to keep the conversation going, he’ll say something or ask a question.

29. Use mutual interests as a way to hang out

You’ve been talking for a while now, so in all probability, you’ve figured if you both have mutual interests. Maybe you could try out that new restaurant that just opened up? Or maybe visit a cafe because both of you are bored on a Sunday afternoon?

You just need to drop the right kind of hints if you don’t want to ask him out directly. But wait until you are on friendly terms before you suggest a hang out. [Read: How to ask someone to hang out over text successfully]

Yeah, no one wants to talk about past failed relationships, not at least in the early parts where you’re trying to get him to like you. And if he does talk about an ex, it’s okay to listen and nod along, but don’t prolong the conversation. Why? Because then you change the relationship from a possible love interest to a therapist. Once you’ve become his therapist, it’s a hard spot to get out of.

31. Just be yourself

Understanding how to talk to a guy you like means you need to be yourself. Don’t try to change your interests or sense of humor just to suit him. No, no, no! It never lasts if you do this.

Be yourself, laugh at things you find funny, talk about things that interest you, and give him a real idea of who you are. If he doesn’t like it, it’s his problem. [Read: How to feel good about yourself and kick ass in life]

32. Don’t pursue him aggressively

Okay, so you like him, and you guys are now talking. So that’s all great. But don’t push it and start getting clingy or overbearing. You don’t want him to know you’re head over heels already. If he likes you already, he might find it adorable and ask you out. But if you both are still talking and he’s not really fallen for you, he may just find you pushy and annoying. [Read: The talking stage – What it is and how to progress to the next one]

33. Appreciate him and his effort

If you use all the ways mentioned here while talking to guys, you’ll be a very likeable girl who’ll be desired by any guy. And the guy who likes you may try very hard to please you and impress you. But if some guy’s trying to make you feel nice, appreciate the gesture.

Most girls take a guy’s gestures for granted. And over time, the guys will stop paying attention to them. Really now, if someone does something nice for you, don’t you think they deserve a thank you, or at least a warm smile? Never forget that, and don’t take his effort for granted.

34. Play hard to get

Always play hard to get if you want to make him like you. Knowing how to talk to a guy is easy, but knowing where to draw the line is not. Speak to guys in a pleasant manner, but never let them take you for granted. And don’t ever be easily available. That only makes them take you easy. [Read: The right way to play hard to get]

Remember all of these key tips on how to talk to a guy and make him like you, and you’ll see how likable and desired you’ll be in no time!

How to talk to a guy and what to say in order to make him fall for you

If you’re still still looking for a few sweet lines you could use to make his heart skip a beat, we have a few easy lines that work like a charm. 

Here are some simple phrases to get you thinking about just how you can sweet-talk him and steal his heart. Take it from a gal who’s tried these: they work!

#1 “You know, you’re one of the most interesting people I’ve talked to in a while.”

#2 “Your determination *insert applicable attractive quality* is really attractive.”

#3 “I had so much fun with you! Can’t wait to do it again.”

#4 “I’ve never met someone quite like you.” 

#5 “You really are something else. ;)”

#6 “I couldn’t believe when you did ____! It was really cool.”

#7 “Well, don’t you look great today!”

#8 “I think you’re better than ___ at ___.”

#9 “When do I get to see you again?”

[Read: How men fall in love – The 7 stages of love for men]

Learning how to talk to a guy and sweet-talking him in order to steal his heart doesn’t have to be a difficult task. It can be fun, sexy, and even a challenge. Following these ways to talk to a man and be prepared to have him running after you!

The post How to Talk to a Guy: 34 Tips to Sweet Talk & Make Him Like You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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