Thursday 3 June 2021

Questions to Ask a New Friend: 85 Ways to Feel like BFFs in No Time

Looking for questions to ask a new friend? You’re in luck. Here are some fun and exciting ways to truly get to know someone and form that special bond.

fun questions to ask a new friend

Making new friends, especially as an adult, can be difficult. That is why it is so important to have great questions to ask a new friend.

When we meet someone new and want to be friends, we usually have something in common. Maybe that is the same taste in music, maybe we work together or eat the same foods.

So we can strengthen that newfound friendship, we may focus on what we already know. But, if you want to get to know each other better and on a deeper level, here are some easy and fun questions to ask a new friend that can really help.

Why asking questions is so important

Getting to know a new friend isn’t always the easiest. You bond over what comes naturally, but it can be a struggle to get beneath the surface.

When you have questions to ask a new friend ready to go, it is easier to get to know one another.

Asking questions doesn’t just show your interest, but it builds it as well. It also shows a willingness to listen and understand where someone is coming from.

Questions to ask a new friend

Without asking a new friend questions, you’ll never go from new friends to best friends.

1. What is your first memory?

Some people remember things from when they were toddlers, and others don’t recall anything before they were in school full time. [Read: The 8 types of friends everyone needs in their life]

Getting to know someone takes time. But by asking insightful and sometimes even odd or funny questions, you can strengthen your new friendships and become closer.

2. What is your most embarrassing moment?

Learning about what your new friend finds the most embarrassing and what they have learned since then is quite telling. Also, be prepared to share your own embarrassing story.

3. Who is your celebrity crush?

This is always a fun question to discuss. Do you share a love for Chris Evans or Selena Gomez? Maybe their crush is obscure and you can learn all about a new genre.

4. What is your all-time favorite book?

Books have a deeper quality than movies and TV shows, so learning about what book touches your new friend the most can tell you a lot about them. [Read: The must-read books for your 20s to reinvent your life]

5. What fictional character do you wish were real?

Is it someone super hot and romantic? Or is it a superhero? Is it a character that got you through childhood?

6. What was your first relationship like?

Someone’s first relationship is what moves them into every future relationship. Just think about yours. How did this affect your new friend? This is something great to talk about because not only does it help you grow closer, but it can make you a better friend for them in the future.

7. Who was your first crush?

Now, this could be the same person that they first dated or maybe it was in elementary school. Or maybe it was a cartoon character. Bart Simpson, anyone? No? Okay.

8. How do you stay motivated?

Whether you want some advice or just want to know what keeps your new friend going, this can give some insight.

9. What is your secret hobby?

Learning things about your new friend that not many other people know brings you closer.

10. What is your guilty pleasure TV show?

Who knows, maybe you love the same one? You could get together every Monday night to watch the Bachelor or annoy them with your play-by-play of a show they really don;t like. Either way, its friendship. [Read: Do you really know your friends? Try asking these questions]

11. What is your biggest pet peeve?

What drives your friend nuts? Not only does this help get to know them, but you can now avoid chewing with your mouth open or throwing recyclable bottles in the trash.

12. What are your relationship deal breakers?

Things people won’t deal with in a relationship are similar to what they won’t deal with in a friendship, so this can be beneficial to learn. You can also help remind them of these if they get into a relationship with someone who has a ton of red flags.

13. Are you close with your parents?

This is such a personal question for some, so it can really connect you two. Do you have similar family circumstances?

14. Have you spent much time with your grandparents?

Some people have never even met their grandparents, and they mainly raised others. So, who helped make your friend who they are today? This is a great question to ask a new friend because it is something many people don’t discuss very often.

15. If you could only shop at one store for the rest of your life which would it be?

Target? Saks Fifth Avenue? Whole Foods? Is this going to be your stomping ground for the foreseeable future?

16. Describe your dream wedding.

This might seem superficial, but it can also show how invested your friend is in meaningful moments and who he or she wants there.

17. What do you think you could do to better yourself?

This can help you moving forward any our friendship with this new friend. [Read: 15 things a good friend does that sets them apart]

18. Where would you love to travel to?

To do charity work somewhere? To go on a tropical vacation? Maybe you can plan your fantasy friend trip.

19. What was your first plane ride like?

This is always one of those fun questions to ask a new friend that probably includes a hilarious back story. For some reason, plane rides, especially your first one, is always eventful.

20. Do you prefer summer or winter?

Does your friend love the heat or prefer to hide under the covers as snow falls? Will you be dragging them out in the cold, or will they be yanking you out of bed to head to the beach?

21. What was the best year of your life?

Or is it yet to come?

22. Do you want to have kids?

Will you have similar lifestyles in the future? If they don’t want kids, why not? This can get pretty deep and definitely isn’t something you should ask a stranger, but this can really open you both up if you’re trying to get to know a new friend.

23. What is the most expensive thing you ever bought?

Did they buy a guitar they can’t play or invest in a real estate venture? Or maybe they’ve bough a house?

24. What is your biggest regret?

This can say a lot about someone. Maybe they don’t have any regrets. [Read: 20 self discovery questions to bring you closer to learning who you are]

25. What do you wish you had more time for?

Painting? Family? Sleeping? Or maybe you just want to see your new friends more. That’s sweet.

26. If money wasn’t a factor, what would you be doing with your life?

Traveling? Having a family? Fostering dogs?

27. Which parent are you closer to?

Some may say it is totally equal, but we all know there is one parent you have a different connection with. So talking about this can be very eye-opening.

28. How do you feel about your siblings?

Of course, you love them, but? They drive you crazy too. This is an ideal question to ask a new friend because they can be the sibling you always wanted or the main person you go to complain about your siblings.

29. What impresses you the most?

Work ethic? Faith? Pure talent and skill?

30. Do you believe in God?

This can be touchy for some, but it can truly help you get to know your new friend on another level. Also, if you are members of the same religion, you can really grow closer by discussing this.

31. How do you feel about politics?

Yes, in today’s world, this is one of those questions to ask a new friend that could halt your new friendship in its tracks, but it is definitely something to know.

32. Are you a feminist?

If not, do you really want to be friends? Perhaps they don’t understand the fundamentals of it? If so, it could be a great time for some mild and polite education.

33. Who is your favorite celebrity and why?

This does not that to be your crush, but a celebrity that is a philanthropist or maybe it is Beyonce or Oprah. Be sure to ask them why they admire this person to really get the conversation going.

34. Is there any technology you wish wasn’t invented?

The internet? Online dating? Facetune?

35. What is your least favorite app?

Facebook? Snapchat?

36. What childhood game or toy do you wish was still around?

Old school Nintendo? The original Polly Pockets? Or do you wish Toys R Us was still around?

37. What would I be surprised to learn about you?

They can cook a gourmet meal? Or maybe they burn water? [Read: How to surround yourself with positive people]

38. Can you dance?

None of my friends know this about me, but it can be so fun to learn. Can your friend do ballet? Or maybe they can waltz. Or they can barely bob their head and have zero rhythm. But, if you can dance, be ready to show them proof.

39. What is your favorite song to sing?

Is it a sad ballad or an upbeat pop song? Will you be belting out songs together on long car rides?

40. Do you prefer Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime?

Are they more into TV shows, classic movies, or do they have all 3.

41. Do you still have a MySpace?

Let’s hope not. But, if they do that is a whole other discussion.

42. Do you prefer dogs, cats, or another animal?

Do you click over your obsession with cats? Or does your new friend have a thing for snakes?

43. Do you ever plan on settling down?

Does your new friend want to travel the world? Or do they want a white picket fence? [Read: 15 thought-provoking questions to leave you curious and wondering

44. Who in your life do you trust the most?

Your mom? Your dog? Yourself?

45. If you were arrested, what would it be for?

Murder? Texting and driving? Or jaywalking? Perhaps it would be for reciting your rights to the police. That’s fair.

46. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Go on your phone? Drink coffee? Brush your teeth? Hit snooze?

47. How do you feel about gambling?

Is it a fun rush or do they think it is a waste of money?

48. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy?

A new car? A house on the beach? Or would you put it all in savings?

49. What is the best age?

Being a kid? An adult? Or is it yet to come?

50. How do you feel about getting older?

Some people love growing up, others are terrified. Are they nervous for gray hairs and back pain or are they looking forward to maturing?

51. How smart do you think you are?

Does your friend think they are street smart, book smart, or are they sort of ditzy?

52. What is the oldest item in your closet?

Their prom dress? A jean skirt from middle school? Or jeans they bought last month.

53. Do you think people are naturally good?

This can give you insight into how your new friend really views the world. Are they pessimistic or do they have an air of optimism?

54. What scares you the most?

Spiders? Death? Their mother in law?

55. What excites you the most?

The future? Eating? Sports?

56. What charity or cause are you the most invested in?

Are they all about equal rights? Preventing gun violence, stopping animal cruelty, or finding a cure for cancer?

57. Do you prefer to live alone or with someone?

This says a lot about someone. Do they love their alone time and want everything in its place, or can they adapt to someone else? [Read: Are some people meant to be alone? 13 signs you’re that person]

58. Have you ever had a reoccurring dream?

If so, what was it? Were they being chased by a clown? Or maybe they walked into school naked?

59. Have you ever bullied anyone?

What have you learned since? We talk a lot about being bullied, which is great. We should share our experiences.

But most people who were bullies don’t talk about it. Having your friend maybe admit it and how they have changed since can be so eye-opening and cathartic.

60. Are you confident?

Does your new friend have self-image issues or maybe he or she is super happy with who they are? [Read: Good friends are like stars – 18 ways to build lasting friendships]

61. Would you consider yourself to be independent?

This is so interesting. Personally, I am not very independent, but my best friend of 10+ years is. And we still get along great.

62. What is something you would never do?

Go skydiving? Get married? A great question to ask a new friend is about their limits. What is on the opposite of their bucket list?

63. Would you ever adopt a child?

I think this is so interesting. Some people don’t know if they could care for a child they didn’t give birth to. What does your friend think?

64. Have you ever broken the law?

Maybe they littered? Or drank underage? Or perhaps they jaywalk everyday on their way to work?

65. What intimidates you?

People with money, people who are really positive, or big challenges?

66. When and where are you the most comfortable?

For me, it is in bed with snacks, watching The Bachelor. But others feel their best at work or on vacation. [Read: A guide to not giving a f*ck and being comfortable with yourself]

67. What is something I would be surprised to learn that you are great at?

Do they rap? Or maybe they can change a tire in a flash.

68. Do you recycle?

If not, this is your time to tell them how important it is.

69. What extinct animal do you wish was still around?

Dinosaurs? Mammoths?

70. What is your weirdest habit?

Eating mayo and peanut butter together? Picking at your split ends?

71. How do you deal with rejection?

Some people brush it off while others dwell. Which is your friend more like? And how can you help?

72. What was your high school experience like?

Was your friend popular? Did they play sports? Or did they keep to themselves?

73. Do you cry often?

Some people rarely cry, if ever. Others, like me, cry at least once a week. I can’t help it, those ASPCA commercials get me.

74. Have you ever struggled with a mental illness?

This is something that affects your life so much and sharing that with a new friend is not always easy, but it brings you immensely closer.

75. Is there anyone that you truly hate?

Your boss? Your ex’s new partner? Or maybe Donald Trump? [Read: How to find like-minded people who think just like you]

76. What do you wish you could forget?

The entire year of 2020? Walking in on your parents…? Seeing a pimple popping video?

77. Do you prefer watching movies at home or at the theater?

Will you be spending all your hard-earned cash going to the movies together, or will you cuddle under a blanket, watching old movies, with microwave popcorn?

78. What is your cringiest fashion faux pas?

Was it one of those weird tiny scarves? Was it a jean skirt with Ugg boots? Maybe it was your hair, and you had chunky highlights?

79. Are you a morning person or a night person?

This question isn’t just great to ask a new friend to get to know them, but it’ll prevent you from calling them when they’re not in the best mood. [Read: Really FUN things to do at sleepovers]

80. What TV character reminds you the most of yourself?

Maybe it is someone from you favorite tween show like Lizzie McGuire? Or perhaps, you feel like you have a lot of characters within you.

81. What is something your family did a lot growing up that you wish you still did?

My family and I would go out to eat once a week at the restaurant my parents met at. It was just something we always did. Unfortunately, that restaurant closed and we stopped doing it. I miss it. What does your friend miss doing with their family?

82. What sport do you not understand?

Can they just not process the rules of football? Maybe something like golf or NASCAR just is so foreign to them?

83. Do you like where you grew up?

Do they miss their hometown? Did they grow up in the city and appreciate all the culture they were exposed to?

84. What do you love learning about?

Do they watch a ton of documentaries about the ocean or nature? Maybe they’re more into true crime?

85. What do you want to know about me?

Your turn.

[Read: The right ways to make new friends as an adult]

Some of these questions to ask a new friend are funny, others are bizarre, but many are deep and inquisitive. 

The post Questions to Ask a New Friend: 85 Ways to Feel like BFFs in No Time is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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