Tuesday 22 June 2021

The 5 Types of Game Men Use (to Get Girls)

5 types of gameEvery man on Earth who ever pursues a woman uses some type of game. Yet not all kinds of game are equal. We review the five (5) types of game men use with women.

Every sort of approach men use to meet women is some type of game.

Not every type of game is as effective as others. And men using one type of game can vary in their skill level and effectiveness within that type of game by a lot.

No man is constrained to just one sort of game. Many readers on this website arrive having primarily used one type of game, yet switch to another after studying here.

Further, many men who may even be good at one kind of game at some point switch to another, either because that other type offers better consistency or greater convenience.

Today, we'll review five (5) major types of game, under which we can classify all approaches men make to bring new women into their lives. They are:

  1. Hang Around Game
  2. Crapshoot Game
  3. Status-Based Game
  4. Natural Game
  5. Routine-Based Game

We'll start with the most basic form -- 'hang around' game -- first.


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