Monday 26 July 2021

How to Prepare for Sex: 20 Things You MUST Do to Enjoy It Way More

Learning how to prepare for sex in the right way gives you a better chance of enjoying it. Unfortunately, sex doesn’t come with instructions! 

how to prepare for sex

Whether it’s the first time you ever have sex, the first time with someone new, or the millionth time, learning how to prepare for sex in the right way gets you in the best frame of mind.

At the end of the day, sex is supposed to be enjoyed. Sure, it’s nice to be spontaneous every now and again, but with a little preparation and planning, you can have the best sex possible and make sure that your partner enjoys every second too.

Of course, the first time you ever have sex is likely to be a nerve-wracking experience. It goes without saying that you should never have sex until you’re ready.

There is no rule book, there’s no specific time when you should do it, and there’s no right or wrong. If you feel ready and your partner feels the same way, go for it.

However, if you’re not sure, there’s nothing wrong with waiting a little while either.

To help you enjoy your sex life so much more, let’s check out a few things you can do in preparation. [Read: Losing your virginity and having sex for the first time]

How to prepare for sex in the best possible way

By preparing yourself for sex, you make it an overall easier experience, and of course, more enjoyable!

So, nevertheless, let’s not waste time – here is how to prepare for sex, and feel really good about yourself the next time you’re jumping into bed with someone.

1. Don’t hype it up in your mind

It’s sex, not the Golden Globes. Yes, it’s fun and arousing, but don’t hype up sex.

When you start hyping yourself up, you can easily develop anxiety and, well, then you may not perform as well as you hoped to. So, deep breaths – billions of people have had sex before you, and billions will after you. [Read: Sleeping with someone new for the first time? 13 must follow rules]

2. Keep your expectations low and you won’t be disappointed

If you want to know how to prepare for sex, this is an important one.

Do not expect the sex to be mind-blowing. Okay, let’s hope it’s mind-blowing, but don’t place expectations on people regarding the quality of sex. Sex is very subjective so what you think is arousing might not be to your partner.

We always expect the other person to rock our world, but sometimes that isn’t the case.

It’s good to have a standard and know what you like, but if you’re sleeping with the person for the first time, it probably will not end up exactly how you thought it would. That’s why there’s a second… and a third time… [Read: Untold sex secrets no one ever talks about but you must know]

3. When learning how to prepare for sex, good hygiene is everything

When you were younger, you didn’t like to wash your hands after going to pee. But, the amazing thing is that you’re not a kid anymore. Washing your hands is cool! Taking a shower is even cooler!

People like being around clean people. And, get this, people like having sex with clean people. Maybe it’s the smell or something.

So, just take some time before sex to have a shower and scrub all your nooks and crannies. It’s respectful to your partner to make sure that everything is fresh, clean, and smelling good! [Read: 7 smelly body parts that can ruin really great sex]

4. Have extra condoms, just in case

Whether you’re a girl or a guy, just bring an extra condom. You never know what the other person is thinking. Or maybe they ran out, but, no worries, you can prepare.

Always have a condom in your wallet or bag for moments like these – or if you end up having some spontaneous sex. Put that condom to good use.

When figuring out how to prepare for sex, this is tops on the list. [Read: Condom types and how they can improve your sex life]

5. You don’t have to plan it exactly, but have a rough idea of when

If you’re going on a date, try to predict when you may be having sex. That way you can quickly run into the bathroom or sneak lubricant into your bag.

Yeah, that’s called planning ahead of time, eh? Then you can kind of know what’s going to happen and dress accordingly *or clean your room*. Small things in life are what matter. [Read: How to have the best sex of your life with 15 easy bedroom rules]

6. Dress in a way that makes you comfortable and confident

We know you want to wear your 100-button shirt because it’s quite a statement piece. However, now is not the time. Really, it’s bad timing.

If you’re going to have sex, don’t wear clothes that are difficult to take off and on.

That means not wearing an excessive amount of buttons, clasps, or zippers. Keep it easy to slide on and off. Also, wear something sexy underneath your outfit, as opposed to the underwear you wear to the gym.

Also, make sure that whatever you wear, you feel comfortable and a little sexy in it too. [Read: How to dress for sex and arouse your partner every single time]

7. Hit the bathroom beforehand

If you know you’re going to be having sex, go to the bathroom beforehand and just freshen up. Make sure your clean down there and make sure you are smelling… well, not sweaty and stale.

Your partner will appreciate it when they’re making their way down south to the promised land. [Read: Secrets to making your vagina smell good and taste even better]

8. Cut out the distractions – turn off your phone!

No one wants their phone going off during sex. Sure, you’ll be able to ignore the ringing, but it does ruin your concentration. Sex is intimate, and it should be experienced in the moment.

Remove any distractions. Your Pokemon Go, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram – they can all wait. You won’t find a Pikachu right now.

9. Tie up your hair

If you happen to have longer hair, just put it in a bun. No one wants to suffocate on a glob of hair while having sex, or having to remove strands of hair from their mouth. It’s off-putting and, well, just plain distracting. Yes, your hair is sexy – we’re not saying it’s not. But it’s sexy on you and not in their mouth. [Read: Sex for the first time: The teen’s guide to a great time]

10. Know what not to eat

There are certain foods that can actually make you taste sweet. So, stick to fruits such as cranberries, pineapple, lemon, and apples. They’ll make your cum taste sweet as opposed to bitter.

Foods that will not do you justice are red meat, onions, garlic, asparagus, cabbage, and alcohol – you can thank us later. [Read: 17 foods to avoid before you have sex]

11. Stay hydrated – but not with alcohol!

You’ll probably be developing quite the sweat session when having sex, so you want to stay hydrated. It’ll make sure that you don’t lose too much water from your body, and you’ll also be able to last longer.

If you’re not hydrated, you may end up crashing right after the first round, and we’re sure you’ll want to be able to go for round two pretty soon after. And that’s how to prepare for sex romping.

However, hydrating yourself with alcohol to give you extra courage is going to work in the total opposite way – you’ll end up dehydrated and probably won’t remember the good bits either.

12. Stay in shape

You need to keep your cardiovascular system in top-notch shape. You’ll be needing a lot of stamina and endurance to have a good time. So, go to the gym or go for a run. Keep yourself feeling good.

Plus, it’ll also help with your self-confidence – a true win-win. [Read: Inspirational tips to get you motivated to work out]

13. Set the mood

Sex is all about the energy between two people. That being said, set the mood for you and your partner. Maybe light some candles, put on some love-making music, or cook a romantic meal – things that’ll sexually arouse you and your partner.

You may think that this isn’t a big deal, but the little things can actually take you a long way. [Read: 24 sexy bedroom ideas to make any room look and feel sexy]

14. Number 1 rule when learning how to prepare for sex – keep yourself groomed

70s bushes aren’t a bad thing, however, it’s always nice to trim it down. Not for yourself, but for the person who’s going down there. So, take some time to trim and attend to any “wild” hair. People will appreciate the effort you put in.

Also, if your armpit hair is going in all sorts of directions, just take it down a notch – it actually holds on very well to the smell of sweat. [Read: Here’s how to shave your pubic area]

15. Foreplay it up

Don’t just go for it, build up to it. Foreplay is always kicked to the curb, but it’s the best part of sex.

It lets you explore the other person and develop to the climax. That’s what you want – you want to make it like a movie, not like a hit and run. So, invest some time in foreplay. You’ll love it and so will your partner. [Read: Sexiest foreplay moves you can ever use in bed]

16. Get enough sleep

In general, you should be trying to aim for 8-hours of sleep a night. Of course, that’ll work for your overall health as well. But also, you won’t be able to perform well if you’re sleep-deprived.

If you sleep properly, then your sex life will be great because you’ll actually have the energy to have sex.

17. Communicate with your partner

This one might sound a little cringey or even embarrassing, but the bottom line is that if you’re not confident enough to talk to your partner about having sex, you’re not ready to have it.

Make sure that you’re both ready, and also make sure that you have protection to hand. Talking about sex can help bring you closer together because it builds that special bond. [Read: How to talk about sex without sounding like a pervert]

18. Don’t rush

You might be keen to schedule your sex session and get straight in there but come on, do you really want to be rushing it?

Don’t try and get down and dirty in-between appointments or places you need to be. Make sure that you choose a time that’s not only comfortable and free of distractions, but one which allows you to actually take your time and relax.

19. Chill the hell out

If you have a pretty good idea that you’re going to be having sex that evening or that day, do your best to stay calm. Yes, sex can be nerve-wracking if you’ve never done it before and even if you have, having sex with someone new can bring on a case of anxiety.

However, if this person wants to hit the sack with you, that’s a pretty good sign that things are going in the right direction anyway!

Focus on doing things that make you feel calm. Try having a bath, listen to your favorite music, or just sit outside and try and be still for a while. Sex isn’t supposed to be scary, it’s supposed to be enjoyable! [Read: How to relax during sex: Free your mind and enjoy your orgasms]

20. When learning how to prepare for sex, know that you don’t have to go through with it

Of course, you should always know that if you change your mind, even at the very last minute, you can back out whenever you want to.

You might think you’re ready and be all for it, but when faced with the truth of what’s about to happen, you might suddenly realize that it’s just not the right time for you. That’s fine – remember, no means no.

When figuring out how to prepare for sex, how can you be sure that you’re ready?

Ah, the million dollar question. The answer? You just know. It’s really that simple. It feels right. You can talk to your partner about sex without feeling too embarrassed and there’s no little voice in your head telling you not to do it.

At the end of the day, listen to your gut.

If it feels right to you and you’ve been sensible and covered all the safe sex bases, then basically, you know. Make sure that you know your partner well and that they understand that it’s your first time.

Even if it’s not your first time, you can still talk to them about how you’re feeling and that you’re a little apprehensive. If they’re a decent person, they’ll understand and move at a pace that works for you.

When it feels right to you, that’s when you’re ready. You’re the only person who can really ever know.

[Read: Sexiest types of sex you can ever have in your lifetime]

See – you don’t need a manual to learn how to prepare for sex. Simply follow these tips and you’ll have an amazing sex life.

The post How to Prepare for Sex: 20 Things You MUST Do to Enjoy It Way More is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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