Saturday 3 July 2021

How to Start a Conversation on Snapchat in a Fun and Flirty Way

Snapchat is perfect for funny filters, but mastering how to start a conversation on Snapchat? Here’s how to do it in a fun and flirty way.

How to Start a Conversation on Snapchat

Snapchat is the perfect place to goof around, whether you’re sending selfies to your friends or posting too many cat videos. But if you want to talk to someone and actually carry on a conversation, it takes a bit more effort than just sharing photos. Here’s how to start a conversation on Snapchat the right way!

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Start a conversation on Snapchat? Why?

Chatting via your phone has become totally normal. It is actually probably more common than talking face to face these days *sadly*. But when you like someone, saying “hey, what’s up?” via text message can be a bit nerve-racking. Snapchat removes some of that intensity by offering a safe place.

Snapchat actually gives you the perfect opportunity to say hello to someone you like, minus the awkwardness of introducing yourself like you would in any typical real-world scenario.

Just like tagging someone in a meme on Instagram, starting a conversation on Snapchat feels a little more subtle and natural. This way, something gives you an excuse to say hello, rather than being vulnerable and starting a conversation out of the blue.

[Read: Warning! How to be careful while sending someone dirty snapchats]

Why Snapchat?

Snapchat is casual, and another plus is privacy. So if you’re reaching out to your crush, your friends won’t see it on their activity page. *cue a sigh of relief!*

You can send a photo and message back and forth and keep it just between you two. There is also a lot less judgment on Snapchat than on other apps. There aren’t likes or followers. It is more of a free platform. It seems to be the one app you don’t have to worry about, perhaps because everything disappears after 24 hours.

[Read: How to master the flirt game on Snapchat and impress anyone you connect with]

How to start a conversation on Snapchat

First, open the app. Just kidding. I’m sure you already have it opened. A great place to start is by watching this person’s story. And check to see if they watched yours. This may give you some background on what they’re interested in or find funny. What do they normally post about?

Do they go to the gym daily? Are they always posting their food? Or are they pretty quiet?

Plus, if your crush or whoever you want to chat with watches your story regularly, you may feel a bit more confident about starting that conversation.

1. Use stories

If you want an in or are looking for a subtle way to figure how to start a conversation on Snapchat, simply reply to their story. But when you do that, make sure you’re not generic.

Avoid just saying LOL or haha. Try to say something that leads into a conversation. Or even better, an open-ended question – Ask a question or bring up something that the post reminded you of. This way, you can actually interact with a full conversation. [Read: How to not be a boring texter and get your crush excited to talk to you]

2. Snap directly

If you want to be super subtle, post to your story and hope they respond. But sending them something is the best way to get a response.

Maybe send them a screenshot of a song you’re listening to that you know they like. Or send a photo of your pet. Everyone loves a cute furry friend picture.

3. Do NOT make it weird

By this, I mean do not send a dick pic or the female equivalent. Unless you’re in a committed relationship, this is not going to get you a conversation.

Most likely, it will get you blocked. And there go your dreams of carrying out a Snapchat conversation. [Read: How to keep your intimate connection alive by following these Snapchat streak rules]

4. Be sneaky

You can start a conversation on Snapchat by sending a one-second snap. Send an innocent photo. It can be of your dinner, your pet, a selfie, what have you. But setting the time to only one second will raise questions.

Most likely this person will ask what the photo was. This gives you the beginning of a conversation.

5. Chat with pics

Some people don’t like the messaging part of Snapchat. I get it. Sometimes you lose the message, and it gets confusing. Plus, photos are a lot more interesting. And getting or sending a cute picture is always a plus.

So, send a question in your picture. Ask if your outfit is cute, ask which place you should order dinner from, etc. And this is a bit more intriguing than just a message. [Read: The basic rules everyone must know to flirt like a pro on Snapchat]

6. Be humble

I get the most Snapchat responses to funny or embarrassing posts, particularly when I post an old photo of myself from childhood or my awkward years.

People love to reminisce about the past and gently make fun. [Read: The best funny conversation starters to make you fit in]

7. Share articles

A great use for the subscriptions section of Snapchat isn’t just catching up on random news but also sharing that news. So, if you read a hilarious Buzzfeed list or saw some tea on a celebrity couple, send it on over.

Obviously, be aware of this person’s interests enough to know what they find funny or relatable. But this can be a great way to start a conversation on Snapchat. 

8. Don’t double up

Do NOT send what you put on your story. This is a big pet peeve for a lot of people on Snapchat. If you put something on your story, there is no need to send it to anyone individually. 

This just comes across as a bit desperate and needy, if I’m completely honest. So try to avoid this at all costs. While I’m telling you what not to do, you may also want to avoid a massively long story.

No more than 10 a day is best unless you’re the most interesting person in the world. Which, sorry, you’re probably not. [Read: How to take a GOOOD selfie and look cute every time you snap a photo]

9. Chill out

Some people are busy. They don’t have time to check Snapchat every minute. If you sent a snap and they didn’t open it right away or even took hours, do not bombard them.

It is one thing to send one or two photos or messages, but if this person opens Snapchat when they get home from work and sees 10 messages from you, they will likely be more annoyed than intrigued.

If you want the result to be a conversation, let it come naturally. Don’t force it. [Read: Flirting over text and intrigue your crush with just your words]

10. Move on

If you tried messaging this person, sending them photos, and replying to their stories, and you haven’t received more than one-word responses, they may just not be interested. If they open your snaps and don’t reply, it is not a good sign. And if they don’t open them at all, time to move on.

Snapchat is an easy place to start a conversation casually, but that doesn’t make it a guarantee. Some people aren’t interested. So, once you’ve given it an appropriate level of effort and it hasn’t worked, set your sights on someone new or focus on yourself.

Snapchat is a great way to enter the flirting stage of a relationship. But it isn’t a dating app, so use it with an art of subtlety. Just try not to overdo it. Also, be aware of the signs if this Snapchat conversation is just not going to happen.

[Read: Woo your crush by learning the best way to start a conversation]

Everyone should know how to start a conversation on Snapchat. In this day and age, it is a go to place for interaction and entertainment and a great way to work your way into a flirtation. But subtlety is key here.

The post How to Start a Conversation on Snapchat in a Fun and Flirty Way is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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