Sunday 29 August 2021

How to Tell if a Girl Is Flirting With You: 20 Signs You Can’t Miss

It’s not the easiest thing to know how to tell if a girl is flirting with you. Is she just being friendly with you or does she want something more?

how to tell if a girl is flirting with you

You might not realize the importance of knowing how to tell if a girl is flirting with you, but it’s a significant skill. Otherwise, you might mistake her friendliness for something else entirely and embarrass yourself.

If you’ve got your eye on a cute girl, you obviously want to know, as soon as possible, whether she feels the same way about you. There’s a thin line separating friendship and flirting, and if you don’t know how to tell if a girl is flirting with you, then you might lose your chance on a date!

While flirting isn’t everything, it’s a pretty strong indicator if someone likes you or not. In fact, flirting is one of the few things you do to let someone know you like them.

[Read: How to flirt with girls – 25 effortless secrets to win any girl over]

Why is knowing how to tell if a girl is flirting with you important?

When you know the signs, you can take it as a stepping stone to make a move on your crush. Maybe she laughed at one of your jokes or she keeps unintentionally touching your arm. You can use this as an assurance that she doesn’t just see you as a friend and wants to be something more.

While she might not say it directly, her actions and body language speak louder than words ever can. If you know how to tell if a girl is flirting with you, then this can be really great for your dating life!  After all, you can spot the concrete signs when a girl is hinting at you to make a move. [Read: Should I ask her out? 30 signs she’s waiting for you to make a move]

How to tell if a girl is flirting with you – Is she really flirting or friend-zoning?

It’s not the easiest thing to tell if a girl is flirting with you. It’s so easy for guys to ignore the signs of a girl flirting with them, even when it’s so obvious – all because they assume it’s just her being playful or friendly.

Understanding whether a girl is flirting with you or just being friendly can be tricky.

You want to know whether she has put you in the “friend zone,” or if there is potentially something more. So, if you are wondering if she’s flirting with you, then look out for these signs!

1. She touches her hair

Hair touching is a good sign a girl is flirting with you. If she constantly plays with her hair even when she’s by herself, twisting it between her fingers, flicking it to the side, or tucking it behind her ears, this body language shows she’s a little self-conscious.

However, if you notice that she’s always touching or twisting her hair when she’s talking to you or near you, then she’s flirting with you. This is one of the concrete things you should know when learning how to tell if a girl is flirting with you.

Touching her collar bone or neck means the same thing, so look out for this! [Read: Are you boring her? 20 clear signs that she’s not interested]

2. She maintains eye contact

Eye contact is one of the obvious signs of flirting. After all, why would she hold strong eye contact if she simply sees you as a friend? This holds true whether you look at each other from across a room, or whether you chat with her directly.

If she pauses and looks into your eyes even when she isn’t saying something, she is definitely trying to let you know that she is attracted to you. The eyes are the window to the soul for a reason.

3. She laughs a lot

It’s completely normal for girls to laugh all the time, but if she laughs more when she’s around you, then she’s flirting. In learning how to tell if a girl is flirting with you, notice the sound of her laugh and if it’s the same with you compared to others. Is it a higher pitch?

Does she always laugh at your jokes? Does she find you funny? When she does laugh, does she deliberately put her hand on your arm? It’s these things that can indicate whether it’s flirting or just friendship.

Girls love guys with a sense of humor, and her laughter speaks volumes about the way she feels about you! [Read: How to be funny and make any girl love your company]

4. She touches you

Whether you believe it or not, she’s really not that clumsy if she’s constantly touching you. The most obvious sign in knowing how to tell if a girl is flirting with you is when she actively breaks the touch barrier.

If she reaches out to touch your arm or your hand or even bumps into you playfully or always giving you cuddles, these are surefire signs she’s flirting with you and wants to take things further.

5. She always responds

If you text her or contact her in her socials and she always responds to you quickly and consistently, this could no longer be signs of friendship. When a girl likes you, then you have her full undivided attention.

She won’t miss a beat texting you and getting the chance to talk to you. If she always responds to you and doesn’t keep you waiting too long, it means she is into you and flirting with you for sure. [Read: What to text a girl – Dos, dont’s and all the secrets to follow]

6. She gets in touch first

If she doesn’t wait for you to message or call her and is the one taking the initiative, she is trying to tell you she likes you. When knowing how to tell if a girl is flirting with you, a girl who likes you isn’t afraid to make the first move.

She doesn’t hesitate to call you first, text you, or even invite you to hang out. This is the 21st century after all, why shouldn’t she made the first move if she likes you, right?

7. She’s keen to meet up

Does she always suggest meeting up with you? Even if you bump into each other in a chance encounter? If you find she’s always looking for ways to meet up even when there weren’t plans, then she’s into you!

It could be a school project or maybe she left something at your place *even when that’s not true*. [Read: 15 subtle signs a girl wants your attention and really likes you already]

8. She makes fun of you

This is such an obvious sign of flirting, but a lot of people mistake this for friendship. When she goes out of her way to tease you and make fun of you, she’s obviously flirting with you!

Don’t hesitate to tease her back if you do like her. Both boys and girls use the teasing technique to show a person that they like them. [Read: 18 easy ways to tease a friend and flirt without making things weird]

9. She turns the conversation to something more sexual

Is she always making your conversations about sex? Or ‘joking’ about what a good couple you would be? Unless you’ve never flirted before or live under a rock, this is obviously flirting!

Friends don’t just joke around sex for absolutely no reason. She could be hinting around to be more than just friends. [Read: 7 signs a girl gives away if she wants to sleep with you]

10. She compliments you

If she always says she likes the way you look or compliments you on your intelligence, humor, talent, etc., it’s because she thinks you are great and hopes you will ask her out.

In knowing how to tell if a girl is flirting with you, watch out for how she compliments you. If she does this specifically to you and not to anyone else, she definitely likes you! She’s trying to earn your attention through compliments.

11. She invites you to compliment her

If she flirts with you, she gives you plenty of opportunities to compliment her. She’ll say things like “What do you think of my hair?” and “Do you like this top?”

If you like her back, take the hint and tell her how nice she looks today or notice the changes in her appearance. This would definitely make her day! [Read: How to seduce a friend subtly and find out if she’s into you as well]

12. She tickles you

She wants to touch you but she doesn’t want to make it too obvious that she likes you, as she isn’t sure how you will respond. So, what is the obvious thing to do?

Tickle you, of course! The best thing about this is it doesn’t reveal her cover – unless you notice it, of course. She could be just playful but more often than not, she’s trying to subtly flirt with you. [Read: 15 body language cues a girl gives away if she likes you]

13. She borrows your clothes

Does that favorite hoodie of yours always seem to be around her shoulders instead of on you? Girls do this all the time and you can see this behavior when girls borrow their boyfriend’s clothes to feel closer to them.

If learning how to tell if a girl is flirting with you, notice how often she borrows your clothes *and basically everything you wear*.

14. She tries to make you blush

Contrary to popular belief, boys blush too! If she says or does things to try and make you blush, she’s kind of testing the waters.

Especially when she’s known you for a long period, then her trying to make you blush will be easy for her when she knows what things make you smile and make your heart flutter.

If you do end up blushing, this is her assurance that you feel the same way! [Read: Chick magnet alert: What makes a guy the total package?]

15. She gets dressed up around you

A girl always dresses to impress, especially when she knows she’s going to see her crush. In knowing how to tell if a girl is flirting with you, watch how she dresses around you and observe the outfit she wears around you versus other people.

If she’s more fashionable around you, then she’s trying to get you to notice her!

16. Her voice gets lower

Women’s voices get lower when they are attracted to someone and flirting with them. Make sure you look out for this, and if you notice her voice changing when she speaks to you, it’s probably because she is flirting with you.

This is an underrated sign of flirting, but it’s definitely an indicator! [Read: 20 physical signs of female arousal to recognize the horny girl mode]

17. She acts coy

Does she go all cute, shy, and demure around you? She clearly wants you to see her as sweet and girly. If you notice her act differently *specifically more feminine around you*, then she might like you more than you think!

After all, why else would her behavior change if she doesn’t like you? [Read: How to ask a girl if she likes you *without really asking*]

18. She flirts with other guys around you

This isn’t an obvious sign of flirting that guys are aware of, but women use this tactic all the time! After all, jealousy and envy are both such powerful strategies in flirting with your crush.

This may sound counterintuitive, but one way she may well be flirting with you is by going up to other guys and flirting with them instead! Especially when you notice her giving you glances even when talking to another guy, she’s trying to get your attention and make you jealous. [Read: 30 wicked things most girls do to make a guy jealous and get his attention]

19. She asks you lots of questions

When a girl likes you but doesn’t want to make it obvious, the focus of the conversation is you and nobody else. She wants to get to know you deeply to be able to connect with you better.

When she asks you questions and it seems like she’s genuinely interested in your life, she might already be flirting!

20. She remembers the little details

The same way you remember even the little details of someone you like, the same goes for her. If she remembers what your favorite coffee is or what you did last weekend, it might not just be the friendship she’s expressing.

In knowing how to tell if a girl is flirting with you, watch how she remembers the small details of your life. [Read: What women find attractive: 16 traits girls instantly fall for]

So, how to tell if a girl is flirting with you?

If you know the signs, then you’d be able to tell the difference between a girl flirting with you and expressing her friendship.

More often than not, she laughs at your jokes, breaks the touch barrier, gives you compliments, and basically does everything to get your attention. After all, when you like someone, you want them to notice you as much as possible.

[Read: What to do when a girl likes you – The right steps you need to make YOUR move]

So there you have it—if you want to know how to tell if a girl is flirting with you, the key is to pay close attention! You might think it’s just friendship, but she could already be subtly letting you know that she’s into you. That’s your window of opportunity to then make a move!

The post How to Tell if a Girl Is Flirting With You: 20 Signs You Can’t Miss is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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