Sunday 19 September 2021

16 Sultry Spanish Pick-Up Lines to Snag You a Sexy Señorita

Do you have your eye a sexy Spanish señorita? You might be stuck on how to flirt. In that case, these Spanish pick-up lines will help!

spanish pick-up lines

Let’s say that you’ve discovered a great, exciting, scandal-ridden Netflix show with a Spanish twist and all that bingeing has inspired you to learn the lingo. Or, you’ve been watching Narcos. Maybe, you’re just planning on heading to Spain for a vacation. Perhaps you want to propose to a hot Spanish mujer. In that case, you’ll need some Spanish pick-up lines to fall back on.

Whatever your reasons are, it’s always a good idea to learn a language—and Spanish is just one language that evokes romance. It’s a surefire panty-dropper, especially if you know a few lines to make her hot with anticipation.

From the way the “r” and the “l” sounds just roll off the tongue, to the way certain words and syllables are spoken as subtly as a sigh, Spanish is deemed by many as the top romantic language in the world. It even trumps French, Italian, and Portuguese.

[Read: 30 foolproof pick-up lines & 10 you should never use]

Flirting in another language needs some practice, especially Spanish pick-up lines!

Now, before you go straight in there and try to butcher the local language, remember that not all letters in a foreign alphabet sound as they do in English. For instance, the ñ in Spanish does not sound like a regular ‘n’. It has a gentle purr to it, and if you get it wrong, you’re going to sound pretty stupid.

Take some time to listen to excerpts on Google Translate or head over to YouTube and simply listen to people speaking Spanish. Remember, you want to have this sexy lady drooling, not laughing because you pronounced a word totally wrong.

[Read: 25 must-know romantic flirty lines – Pick the right one to win her]

Top Spanish pick-up lines to practice today

Learning Spanish will be greatly helpful if you’re planning to go to Spain, Mexico, Puerto Rico, the Caribbean *also idyllic and romantic destinations*, or any of the 4 out of 7 continents where it is a first language. Yes, Spanish is that widely spoken.

You may want to add more to your word choices than gracias, te amo, por favor, buenos días, and muy bien to attract some woman who knows her papás *dads* from her papas *potatoes*. [Read: 70 Hilarious cheesy pick up lines to get a girl laughing]

So without further ado, let’s list down some of the best Spanish pick-up lines to get you inspired—and even get laid.

1. Perdone, está ocupado este asiento?

*Excuse me, is this seat taken?* This is simple, polite, and unassuming. A great choice if you just want to make friends and you don’t want to worry if some poor hombre *meaning you* is going to be punched tonight. [Read: What is flirting? The science behind this common act]

2. Nunca imaginé España podría ser esta hermosa

*I never imagined Spain could be this beautiful!* You can actually score a date, or at least a nice conversation, by starting with this line.

You can compliment her country *or any other Spanish-speaking country for that matter*, and it’s like you’re complimenting her too.

3. ¿Vienes acquí menudo?

*Do you come here often?* Yes, it’s cheesy, even as Spanish pick-up lines go. Again, a subtle and unassuming question that won’t make her quickly put her guard up and put you off.

Whatever her answer is, you can easily find a good follow-up question, and therefore, get the conversation going. [Read: 20 really bad pickup lines you’d be crazy to use in real life]

4. Esta es mi primera vez aquí. ¿Me puede recomendar un buen restaurante que debería probar?

*This is my first time here. Can you recommend a good restaurant I could try?* This is more effective if you come off as a little confused and tourist-y.

Chances are, any girl you approach would be happy to help you. If you’re lucky, you can even invite her to join you.

5. Si tus ojos fueran el ciele y tu boca el mar, me gustaría ser el horizonte para poderte besar.

*If your eyes were the sky and your mouth were the sea, I’d like to be the horizon to be able to kiss you.* While this may sound cheesy, if not pretentious in English, it sounds so romantic in Spanish.

So, don’t worry—go ahead and try it. What are you going to lose? [Read: The smoothest smooth pick-up lines & how to impress girls with them]

6. Disculpe, ¿me pueden ayudar con…?

*Excuse me, can you help me with…?* This is another great conversation starter, especially if you’re in a new place, just stepped into a club or restaurant, or just walking around somewhere and you’ve spotted a girl you’d like to get to know.

Just remember to pretend that you actually needed help with something though. [Read: The clueless guy’s and girl’s guide to using pickup lines]

7. ¡Hola! ¿Sabe usted dónde es _?

*Hi! Do you know where ___ is?* This is also another good and neutral conversation starter that you, as a tourist or newbie in a place, can definitely use to your advantage.

You can pretend to be confused, and then you will gain another opportunity to ask her to help you get to that place. Props if you get to ask her to your hotel and she comes in there with you.

8. Es tu nombre? ¿Puedo llamarte mío?

*What’s your name? Can I call you mine?* This is a bit forward, but done right, it should work. Just go to a bar, start some small talk with a woman you like, buy her a few drinks, and try this line out.

9. ¿Te gustaría bailar?

*Would you like to dance?* Say this if you really do have the moves. From here, you can talk about music, dancing, her looking fit, or the venue.

If you have enough shuffle in your feet, you might even shuffle her out of the club and into your hotel. [Read: The best flirting moves you can learn from famous movies]

10. ¿Puedo interés en un vaso de…?

*Can I interest you in a glass of …?* You choose the drink that fits the occasion and a place. If it’s some hoity-toity cocktail, offer her a fine wine, if in a club, some good cocktail, or what have you.

The secret is using this line like it’s not a Spanish pick-up line. Be sincere, courteous, and subtly display your skills as a connoisseur without being too overbearing. [Read: How to impress a girl – 15 atypical secrets you need to know]

11. ¿Cómo se siente al ser la más bella muchacha en esta sala?

*What does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in this room?* This can actually stop her in her tracks, especially if she’s answering some basic question you asked her earlier. Make sure to intently listen and look deeply at her, then lean forward, and get on with this line.

12. Esta es una canción excelente. ¿Quieres bailar conmigo?

*This is a great song. Would you like to dance?* This is especially effective if you’re in a crowd or out with a group of friends and you want to get some one-on-one time with her. This will allow you to also physically get closer as you talk to her and get to know her better. [Read: Creative Tinder lines to snag you a date on the first try]

13. ¿Hace calor aqui, o eres tù?

*Is it hot in here or is it just you?* This is best done when there really isn’t much good ventilation in the room and you want to compliment her at the same time. It’s nice to be realistic so you’ll come off as more sincere.

14. Crees en amor a primera vista, o debo pasar por delante otra vez?

*Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by you again?* While this is quite a well-used pick-up line, there’s a more effective way of saying this.

Be funny and charming, instead of too serious, which may come off as freaky. This is one of the funniest Spanish pick-up lines you can use if you smile wide while saying this. [Read: How to talk to girls and leave them swooning]

15. Tienes una sonrisa muy bonita

*You have a beautiful smile.* Before you say this, be prepared to flash your own whites, and be genuine and charming. Greet her and hang around for a little while, or go around the room for a bit before circling back to her and tell her this.

16. Wow, me gusta mucho lo que llevas puesto. ¿Que es eso?

*Wow, I really like what you’re wearing. What is that?* Women put in great effort to look great from head to toe. Therefore, a small compliment will not go unnoticed.

This will not only boost her confidence, but also earn you access to more conversation. Just remember to be really attentive when she tells you her shoes are Louboutin and her dress is Miu Miu.

[Read: How to make a girl laugh, smile and like you instantly]

From the simple, inconspicuous questions to the more forward-wooing words, Spanish pick-up lines are great for any occasion – even if you just want to make new friends in a foreign land!

The post 16 Sultry Spanish Pick-Up Lines to Snag You a Sexy Señorita is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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