Saturday 11 September 2021

20 Signs Your Ex Wants You Back & Just Can’t Stop Thinking of You

What are the signs your ex wants you back? Maybe they’re just bored or maybe they do want you back in their life. Keep reading to find out the truth.

signs your ex wants you back

A breakup is bad enough, but dealing with the mixed signals from an ex after that? Can you really tell for sure, or read the signs your ex wants you back in their life again? Your ex wanting you back can bring out a lot of confusing feelings, even after a significant period has passed.

Are they simply bored with their life or do they really want you back? This is why you need to know the signs your ex wants you back – so you don’t end up being torn on which steps to take. A relationship can drift in so many directions after a break-up, and it’s never easy to know where your relationship is heading.

Maybe you took a pledge never to see each other again or maybe you stayed friends.

Maybe, just maybe, you both never stopped loving each other even when you desperately wanted to walk away for good. This is what makes breakups a lot more complicated than what meets the eye.

[Read: 16 scenarios when you can and cannot stay friends with an ex]

Does your ex want you back?

When you break up, you’re setting yourself up for a fresh start. One of the most frustrating things about a breakup is you have to do it all over again with someone new. The breaking down of walls, getting to know them, and risking your heart getting broken for the potential of something beautiful.

If you’re asking, does your ex want you back, it’s important to identify the signs your ex wants you back in the first place.

It’s much deeper than just texting you or them telling you they miss you. Moving on is hard, and the temptation of getting back together and giving the relationship another chance can become more tempting than ever.

You’re basically setting yourself up to fail, especially if they’ve hurt you to the point where you thought you’d never be able to heal. Well, turns out you did and here they are now again, claiming they want you back.

Should you believe them or is this just another disaster waiting to happen in your life? Whether you choose to get back together with them or not, it still feels good to be missed by a past lover.

[Read: Does my ex miss me? 23 signs your ex is clearly not over you yet]

Why does an ex come back?

If you’ve never experienced this for yourself, then you’re going to find it difficult to believe that an ex comes back every now and then. However, the honest truth is that you don’t always move on from your past relationship easily.

If the reason you broke up wasn’t because of toxicity or betrayal, then there’s always the what-if thoughts in trying again.

Maybe it was just the wrong time or maybe you both weren’t ready to handle the maturity of a relationship then, which is why exes do come back when they think they’re ready. However, these aren’t the only reasons. Exes can also come back because they’re bored or worse, because they couldn’t find someone better than you.

They come back not just because they genuinely think you’re the love of their life, but also because of loneliness or boredom. Again, this is where being aware of the signs your ex wants you back can be extremely helpful.

Don’t go looking for the signs

Well, of course, unless you’re interested in getting back with them as well. As always, we’ll tell you that getting back with an ex is never the answer. More often than not, dating an ex will just stagnate your life for a few more years before you realize *all over again* that you two were never meant to be.

But then again, there is the infinitesimally small chance that perhaps, things could work out between you two the second time around! So if you’re willing to give your relationship a second go, then take a look at the signs below.

By the time you get to the end of the list, perhaps, you’ll know for sure that they do in fact still love you, just as much as you still love them and pine for them. [Read: How to date an ex again and get second time lucky]

20 signs your ex wants you back in their life and is missing you

When push comes to shove, actions will always speak louder than words. Take a look at all the signs your ex wants you back in their life, and hopefully, they can help you figure out what you need to do about it.

1. Dating dilemma

One of the evident signs your ex wants you back is if they’ve been single since you’ve broken up. Even when they tried dating someone, they always kept it on the down-low.

A probable reason why they would want to flaunt their single-but-not-ready-to-mingle status is to let you know that you still occupy their heart and they’re ready to wait for you. They’re not ready to date *unless of course, it’s you*. [Read: 10 signs your past relationship is holding you back from a happy future]

2. The missing signs

Does your ex make it a point to share their gloomy attitude with everyone else in the world? Be sure to check their social media platforms once every while to see if they’re lowkey reminiscing about your relationship.

Maybe they tweeted a song they’re listening to or they visited where you used to hang out. It might be subtle, but they’re definitely waiting for you to notice.

3. Those awkward calls

If your ex wants you back, they’d call you more often than a regular friend. It doesn’t matter what their excuse was this time, they just want to find any reason to talk to you. Even if you’d want to hang up, they’d just drag the breathy conversation for a little bit longer.

Creepy? Yes. Sad? Definitely. Obviously, if you still have feelings for someone, you’d do anything just to be able to talk to them.

4. Those warm moments

One of the clear signs your ex wants you back is when they behave in a very warm and friendly manner even after the breakup. The normal response would be to feel hurt, or even slightly repulsed and irritated by your presence.

If your ex still treats you with the same warmth and deep loving stares, then you should start thinking twice about their feelings and intentions for you. [Read: The real reason behind why love hurts so much when it goes bad]

5. Touchy-feely

Exes who like their ex are always very touchy and linger their touchy-feely soft grazes each time they touch their ex. I guarantee that you’re not just imagining things and your ex probably still feels something for you until now. Watch out for signs like accidental touches or lingering touches between you two.

If your ex dislikes you, they probably wouldn’t touch you with a barge pole. This is a really huge indicator that your ex has feelings for you. [Read: How to create sexual chemistry and make it stay]

6. Talking about feelings

Exes who have a hard time moving on always talk about feelings with their former partners. It doesn’t even have to necessarily mean talking to you, but maybe they’re confiding in their friends, families, or co-workers.

If you have a mutual friend, use that to your advantage and ask if they still talk about you. If the answer is a concrete yes, then there’s your answer.

7. Oh, those memories

Does your ex remind you of your old anniversary, or about that place both of you used to go to all the time? Really, there’s no reason they should reminisce unless they still have feelings for you and want you back.

This is one of the signs your ex wants you back you should really watch out for. If your ex clings onto all the old memories and constantly finds ways to talk about those special times, they want you to remember the same moments too. [Read: How to get over your first love with a happy memory]

8. The private eye

If your ex wants you back, big chances are, they know everything about you already even if you haven’t said anything to them when you bump into them. Maybe they’re stalking your social media accounts or your best friends’ accounts.

Whatever they’re doing, they’re clearly up to date on everything about your life. Even if you fill them in, it’s just minor details as they already know the important ones.

9. Tying loose ends

Has your ex called you some time and talked about the mistakes they made in the relationship and how things could have been so different if they could have changed for the sake of the relationship earlier?

If they’re trying to tie loose ends with you by either taking responsibility for the past or apologizing, they might be interested in getting back together with you. The only question is, are you?

10. I miss you

Do you want one of the biggest signs your ex wants you back? Well, then, this is it. Even if actions still speak louder than words, there’s no better indication than saying that they miss you.

If your ex talks about how they miss being with you or spending time with you, or if they express how warmly they feel about the failed relationship, it’s probably time for you to start considering if you’d want to get back with your ex. *or block them, of course!*

Of course, this could just be words on their behalf, but the fact that they’re saying they miss you still says a lot about their feelings. [Read: I miss him but I don’t think he misses me anymore]

11. Spread the good word

If an ex misses you and wants you even after the breakup, you’d probably encounter many of your ex’s friends who come to you and reveal secretly just how much your ex still misses you and wants you. They might even encourage you to get back together with your ex!

12. Beck and call

Is your ex always available to be with you no matter when you call or what favor you ask? Firstly, exes who get over their exes don’t sit around waiting to run errands for their old lover, they move on.

This is one of the clear signs your ex wants you back. After all, why would they be willing to go out of their way to perform favors for their ex? That just isn’t normal behavior from someone without feelings for you.

13. Bursts of rage

This is funny to watch if you aren’t in love anymore, but if you look at it from your ex’s perspective, it’s pretty sad stuff. If your ex shows anger or frustration when someone flirts with you or when you’re happily talking with someone of the opposite sex, they’re obviously jealous and envious!

If you see annoyance written all over your ex’s face, or if they snap at you or text something rude, it’s pretty certain that you still have your hooks deep in your ex’s heart. [Read: Are you still in love with your ex?]

14. Those big coincidences

Do you keep walking into your ex now and then, out of the blue? If it happens rarely, it’s probably a coincidence. But if it starts to become a regular affair, chances are, your ex has a mutual friend of yours on their side who tells your ex everything about your daily plans.

You’ve basically got a creepy stalker who bumps into you every now and then. Of course, it’s not creepy if you still have feelings for your ex. [Read: 14 things you must keep in mind if you ever bump into your ex to look cool]

15. Drunk escapades

Booze is liquid courage, and it would definitely help your ex say all those things that they usually block out when they’re sober.

If you find your ex drunk calling you every now and then to scream their heart’s desires, they might still be in love with you. After all, we’ve all drunk dialed our ex, right? [Read: The right way to be friends with an ex]

16. Puss in Boots

Does your ex ever stare at you the way Puss in Boots does when you walk away, say something mean, or start to date someone else? If your ex blinks with their big watery eyes, stares sadly at you, and seems really low and vulnerable when you don’t give them attention or ignore them, they’re probably craving for your attention.

This is one of the clear signs your ex wants you back and seeks nothing but your love. [Read: How to stop thinking about someone you still like]

17. They initiate the conversation first

One of the signs your ex wants you back is when they initiate the conversation first. Whether it’s texting, calling, or communicating with you on your socials, they never fail to make the first move.

Compared to an ex who doesn’t care about you, they don’t care about their image or ego when making the first move. Really, they just want to talk to you.

18. They share their life’s details

Even if you’re not asking, they try to keep you updated on everything that’s going on with their life since you broke up. Not even in the small talk kind of way, but really keeping you in the loop of what’s been happening.

They don’t hesitate to give you the important details as if you never left their life.

19. They openly discuss what happened

People are rarely confrontational after a relationship unless one of them cheated.

If it was a mutual ending, do they still call you or text you asking why the relationship had to end, or how it would be to get back together again? This isn’t seeking closure, this is your ex literally telling you they want to get back together with you. [Read: 20 best questions to ask your ex after a breakup to get closure]

20. They subtly invite you to hangout

Obviously, it doesn’t get any clearer than this. Asking you out on a date or to hang out is one of the biggest signs your ex wants you back. Actions speak louder than words, remember?

Whether it’s a simple errand or going to that coffee shop around the corner, they’re trying to let you know they want to try again without being too obvious about it. The question is, are you willing to take the chance again?

[Read: Signs your ex is still thinking about you all the time]

So, what are the signs your ex wants you back?

Don’t just listen to their words, but pay close attention to their body language and actions.

How they behave, what they’ve changed about their behavior, and their body language will reveal a lot more than words like “I miss you” and “I want you back.”

[Read: How to read the signs your ex is only pretending to be over you when they still care]

So now that you know how to use these signs your ex wants you back, what are you going to do when you do read your ex’s mind? Do you try things again or walk away for good this time?

The post 20 Signs Your Ex Wants You Back & Just Can’t Stop Thinking of You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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