Monday 20 September 2021

How to Keep a Text Conversation Going with a Guy & Keep Him Hooked

Texting is both a blessing and a curse. If you want to know how to keep a text conversation going with a guy, you need to learn a few pro tips first.

how to keep a text conversation going with a guy

When you’re trying to get to know someone, texting is a really valuable tool to use. You have time to think about what you’re going to say, you don’t have to deal with any awkward silences, and you’re through all the small talk right away. That is why you need to learn how to keep a text conversation going with a guy and make sure that you tick all of the boxes.

What happens to most of us when we text is that we tend to overdo it and become a bore.

Texting is addictive and when you’re texting someone you like, sometimes it’s easy to freeze and only write “lol” or “yeah.” Or even worse, send essay-length paragraphs.

Which is worse? They’re all pretty bad!

[Read: How to text a guy first – 24 ballsy moves to flirtily impress him]

Why is texting such a great dating tool?

How do you feel about approaching a guy you like and starting a random conversation out of nowhere? Not so keen, right? Well, that’s what texting saves you from.

Back in the days before cell phones *it wasn’t that long ago*, it wasn’t possible to avoid the above gut-wrenching scenario. You either went for it and found out, or you had to make do with the ‘what if’ situation we all hate so much.

For sure, sometimes the guy made it easy and asked you out instead, but what if you had your eye on a shy guy?

That’s why texting is so great. You can reach out to someone on social media and slide into their DMs without any embarrassment.

You can think about what you want to say before you send it, and be sure that you’re hitting the right tone.

Hopefully, he replies, but if he doesn’t? You can shrug your shoulders and move on, without having to watch his face as he tries to come up with an excuse not to speak to you in person. [Read: 20 flirty texting facts to help you have a good love life]

Are there any downsides to texting someone you like?

Oh, hell yes! There are a few things you should most definitely try and avoid. Nothing is without its negatives, after all.

1. Sending the message to the wrong person

Double-check the number and check that the person’s social media account you’re assuming to be his, is actually his. You’ll be surprised how often this happens, especially if you’re sending the first text to him.

2. Getting the timing totally wrong

Send messages late at night and he’s just going to think you’re trying it on with a booty call. Send the message at the wrong time of day and it will get lost in the other messages he receives. Early evening is best. [Read: What is a booty call? How it’s defined in science and life]

3. Accidentally insulting him or him misunderstanding you

Some people are pretty sensitive and if you don’t know the guy, you can’t be sure he’s not one of them. If you’re trying to be smart and savvy with a little sarcasm, it doesn’t translate well on text.

How you write a text isn’t necessarily how they read it. The voice in their head won’t be the same as yours. It’s so easy to misunderstand a text message when it never had any ill intention at all.

4. He doesn’t have to reply

Of course, when you go up to someone and speak to them directly, you get your answer in that moment. Yet, when you text someone, you have to wait. And sometimes wait a little more.

You could be waiting a long time indeed as he doesn’t have to reply to your text immediately. In some cases, you might not even be able to see if he’s even read it. [Read: What to do when he doesn’t text you back]

How to keep a text conversation going with a guy

Despite the potential downsides, texting is still a godsend in many ways. The plus points definitely outweigh the potential downsides.

Once you’ve sent that initial text, you have to learn how to keep a text conversation going with a guy, otherwise it’ll be a pretty short-lived affair! [Read: What to text a guy to get his attention – 25 example texts that work like magic]

Handily, there are some things you can do to keep the text conversation flowing smoothly.

So, what do you have to do when texting a guy? Slow down there! Don’t worry, we’re going to tell you everything there is to know about how to keep a text conversation going with a guy. It’s not as hard as you think it is. [Read: How to talk to anyone and master the art of a real conversationalist]

1. Relax

We know you like this guy, but if you’re freaking out already and you haven’t even sent a text yet, it’s not going to go well. You’ll overthink what you’re saying and it won’t be the natural you speaking.

So, just take a breath and chill out for a second before talking to him. Sure, he’s cute and all that but he’s just a guy. Repeat to yourself, “He’s just a guy.” [Read: The most common texting habits of girls that push guys away]

2. Remember that conversation is a two-way street

This is the important part when you’re talking to a guy. You need to make sure the conversation is going both ways. If you’re the only one talking, then you need to back off. Don’t be the only one talking.

If you’re asking him questions but he’s not giving much back, then he may not be interested. If you only talk about yourself and forget to ask him questions, well, you come off self-absorbed.

3. Stick to your style

Don’t try to change the way you text to impress him. Keep to your own personal style and stay true to that.

But this also means you need to be aware of the way he writes. You may use emojis when you speak which is fine, but if he doesn’t, don’t assume that he’s not interested. Everyone has their own style when it comes to texting. [Read: 20 flirty emojis that’ll make you a pro flirty texter in no time]

4. Know when to stop the conversation

Just because the conversation is dying doesn’t mean that you aren’t connecting. Don’t try to force the conversation to continue.

Instead, when you see that it’s dying, tell him that you have to run or go to work. It adds some chase to the relationship as you’re the one letting go of the conversation rather than him. [Read: How guys text when they like you – 28 things they do differently]

5. Throw in a couple of voice messages

Now some people really don’t like them or they’re unable to listen to them because of work. But, overall, voice messages are great. They’re another way to add a personalized touch to your texts.

Plus, sometimes your thumbs get sore, so, give them a rest by sending a voice message.

6. Go easy with the replies

What we mean is, don’t send eight texts in a row because they’re taking more than two seconds to reply to you. Play it cool.

Remember, outside of the texting world he also lives an actual life. So, if he doesn’t reply for a couple of hours, don’t think of it as the end of the world. Just because there’s a lag in response time doesn’t mean he’s not interested in you or the conversation is over. [Read: 13 rules you HAVE to follow when a guy stops texting you]

7. A proofread goes a long way

You may not think of it, but rereading your text message before you send it goes a long way. When excited we think quicker than we type, so, make sure your sentences make sense. Before pressing send, double-check your message to make sure it flows smoothly.

8. Ask questions, but remember it’s not a job interview!

If you want the conversation to keep going, then ask him a question.

But there is a fine line here. You don’t want to have it look like a job interview, so throw in a question here and there, but don’t constantly ask him one after another. He’ll get scared and create distance between you. [Read: How to text a guy without seeming desperate or needy]

9. Stay positive

He isn’t your boyfriend, so you’re still trying to get to know him and see where he stands with you. Keep the conversation in a light tone.

Of course, if you have a bad day, tell him but keep the whining and complaining down to a minimum. No one likes sitting through a conversation with someone spewing negativity. [Read: How to be a positive person and find the silver lining]

10. Keep the focus on getting to know him

When it comes to knowing how to keep a text conversation going with a guy, don’t be shy to ask about what his interests are, if he plays sports, what movies he likes, etc.

This is a good opportunity to filter out the basic information about him and see if you generally are interested in the kind of life he lives.

Of course, you don’t have to ask him straight up if he likes the same movies, but you can ask him indirectly by commenting on a movie you watched and then see what he says.

11. Do your best to keep the overanalyzing to a minimum

This is going to be hard because we all overanalyze. But seriously, try to keep it down to a minimum. Don’t read over his messages, again and again, trying to see the emotion behind them. Just leave it.

Listen, if he talks to you, you already know he’s curious, so that’s a good start. [Read: 20 no-fail signs to know for sure if a guy likes you while texting]

12. Don’t be so quick to answer

You don’t have to always answer his messages within seconds of receiving them. Remember that people pay attention to the patterns of others.

Get him used to you not quickly replying to messages. It gives him the idea that you’re busy and also gives you the time to think about how you reply. [Read: 50 texts to make a guy think of you, miss you and want you more]

13. When in doubt, be brave and call him

If you tire of texting and sending voice messages, just call him. At some point, you realize you spend a lot of your time texting each other. This is when you transition to a phone call.

Of course, you can still text, but if the conversation keeps going on and on, just pick up the phone and call him. It’s easier on your thumbs, give them a little rest. [Read: How to talk to a guy over phone – 34 tips to sweet talk him and make him fall for you]

As you can see, it’s not so hard to keep a text conversation with a guy going. The hardest part is actually initiating it, and from there, you can work these tips into your routine to keep on chatting away.

[Read: How to play mind games with a guy over text and leave him obsessed!]

So, now that you know how to keep a text conversation going with a guy, it’s time you put these tips into practice. Just remember, take a deep breath and don’t overthink what to say.

The post How to Keep a Text Conversation Going with a Guy & Keep Him Hooked is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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