Tuesday 21 September 2021

How to Make a Girl Jealous & Leave Her Begging for Your Attention

Are you wondering how to make a girl jealous and keep her attention on you? Remember that once you prod the green-eyed monster, it can’t be taken back!

how to make a girl jealous

Girls are pretty complicated. It’s true. We tend to be picky, unreasonable, and sometimes even crazy. The thing men have to understand about women is that we’re not easy to pick up. However, jealousy can definitely trigger our attention. Knowing how to make a girl jealous can be a huge asset in your dating endeavor, as long as you use it in the right way.

Girls love attention. We want to be the center of your world and when we aren’t, it gets boring. That’s why making a girl jealous can actually make her want you more.

The trick is knowing how to do it in a not-so-obvious way.

[Read: Jealousy vs envy – How to tell them apart when they feel the same]

Girls just want to feel special

If you only take away one thing from this reading, it’s that girls need to feel special. It’s really what drives us to do what we do.

If we feel forgotten and we don’t have your attention, we’ll start working really hard to get it. Then, if we still don’t get it, we’ll start to wonder whether we should leave and find someone else.

It brings out our animalistic side, to be honest. Women have a competitive nature, too. And if you challenge us, we’ll bring it. That’s why jealousy is a fantastic way to get a girl’s attention and make her work for you. [Read: 14 simple ways to make a girl feel special and loved]

If you want to learn how to make a girl jealous, you should proceed with caution

Yet, all of this comes with a warning. When you try to make someone jealous, you can never be sure how the situation is going to turn out.

Jealousy is an unpredictable emotion. It can turn someone’s attention towards you and give you the outcome you’re after, or it can make them want to move away from you.

If you try to make a girl jealous, she may think that you’re not worth her time and the whole thing may backfire on you.

That’s why you need to know the girl pretty well before you attempt this risky tactic.

For sure, using jealousy to your advantage can be very useful indeed. You simply need to tread carefully and not go too far, unless you want to unleash a green-eyed monster that doesn’t want to go back into its cage. [Read: How to recognize the signs of jealousy in someone & guide them out]

How to make a girl jealous

The trouble with making a girl jealous is that if she realizes what you’re doing, she’ll just leave. Therefore, you have to be sneaky about it and do it in a way that she won’t even notice.

If you want to make a girl jealous but aren’t sure how, don’t worry. We’re here with your complete guide for making her work for your attention. Follow these tips and she’ll be all over you in no time. [Read: How to make a girl fall hard for you – 20 steps that’ll make her absolutely desire you!]

1. Blow hot and cold

This technique for making a girl jealous works fantastically. When you give her attention and then ignore her, it’ll make her fight harder for your attention. She’ll get a little taste of what you have to offer and then she’ll crave it.

So when you’re with her, pay really close attention to her and compliment her for some of the time, but then ignore her other times. It’ll drive her crazy and she’ll be itching to get your attention back.

2. Compliment the girls around her

Nothing makes a girl more jealous than being left out. If there are other girls around you two, give them small compliments. Nothing too crazy, though.

Just comment on how you like their outfits, hair, or even shoes. If you really want to make a girl crazy with jealousy, call another girl “really cool” right in front of her! [Read: How to compliment a girl the right way]

3. Laugh at something another girl says

The thing about girls is that we all want to be funny. We all want to be the one to make a guy laugh because it’s a rarity. Therefore, if you laugh a lot at something another girl says, she’ll go crazy with jealousy.

She’ll start telling jokes and trying to make you laugh, too.

If she does this, hold firm and don’t laugh. Even if you think something is funny. You can smile and acknowledge the joke, but hold your laughter inside. [Read: How to play hard to get with a girl – And play it just right]

4. Get innocently physical with another girl while she’s watching

This doesn’t mean you should slap her ass or make out with another girl. This just means to touch another girl on the arm, lower back, or even just bump your shoulder into her.

Giving these small touches will make a girl really jealous. It’s because you’re making that other girl feel special. And since all girls want that special feeling, it’ll make her jealous she’s not getting it. [Read: How to innocently flirt by touching]

5. Talk about how great another girl is

You don’t have to gush about another girl or anything serious. As long as you’re talking about how fun or cool another girl is, she’ll go crazy with jealousy. She’ll want to prove to you that she’s also fun and cool – which can work great for you.

6. Ignore her texts and calls but engage with another girl on social media

A great way to make a girl jealous is to ignore her texts and calls, but be actively communicating with other girls online.

If you tag a girl in a picture on social media or even share something with another person’s profile, she’ll go nuts. She’ll want to be in on the joke and it’ll make her really jealous. [Read: How to think like a girl and win her over]

7. Post pictures with other girls on social media

The best way this works is if the pictures you post are of a place where that girl was with you. However, only post the pictures of you with other girls and don’t put up the ones with her. She’ll get really jealous over this. When she’s not being “showed off,” it’ll drive her nuts.

8. Talk about how much fun you had when you did something without her

This doesn’t necessarily have to be with other girls, either. If you had a great time out with the guys, start talking about how amazing it was.

A girl who likes you wants to be the one to make things fun for you. So when you’re having a great time without her, it’ll make her really jealous.

9. When you’re with her, laugh at the texts you receive

When you’re looking at your phone and laughing at something she doesn’t know about, it’ll make her jealous.

Again, girls want to be responsible for making you happy. We want to be the ones to make you laugh. So if we’re not and someone else is doing that job, we get jealous.

10. Ignore her while talking to others in a group

If you’re standing in a group with others, ignore her. Talk to everyone else. Laugh at all of their jokes, but don’t acknowledge when she says anything.

Don’t be outright rude if she addresses you directly, just don’t converse with her specifically in the group. [Read: Negging game – The philosophy of negging and how to do it right]

What to avoid doing when making a girl jealous

As much as there are great ways to make a girl jealous, there are also a few things you should just avoid altogether. Don’t do the following things to make a girl jealous because they’ll only make her angry. [Read: 21 things guys should never say to their woman]

1. Don’t kiss another girl in front of her *or at all*

This just shows a girl that you want someone else. That’s not the point of making her jealous. She’ll just leave and move on if she sees you doing this.

2. Don’t disengage from her completely

If you just shut her out, that won’t make her jealous. What that does is make her feel like you’re not interested at all.

And if you’re trying to make her jealous, you should be interested. Therefore, she’ll accept that you don’t want her in your life and she’ll stop trying to get you completely. [Read: 12 reasons shutting her out completely will never win her over]

3. Don’t put her down

Insults never make a girl jealous. If anything, they’ll only make her angry and hurt. Those two things won’t win you her affection. Instead, they’ll make her write you off as an asshole and she’ll move on to the next guy.

4. Don’t try all of the above tips at once

We’ve talked about how to make a girl jealous and the tips we’ve covered will certainly help, however, don’t do too much at once! Don’t try to cover several tips at one time because all you’ll do is make her think that you’re being a total asshole and as a result, she’ll just leave you standing there, your mission totally failed.

Sometimes you have to go the extra mile to make someone notice you. It’s not the best idea to play games, but often they’re the only things that work.

For sure, making a girl jealous is game playing, but as long as you play carefully, you should find the results you’re looking for. If not, it’s likely that you went a little too far.

[Read: Fractionation seduction – How men seduce women using emotions]

Knowing how to make a girl jealous can work to your benefit a lot of the time. You’ll be able to make her notice you and have her begging for your attention.

The post How to Make a Girl Jealous & Leave Her Begging for Your Attention is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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