Tuesday 19 October 2021

27 Subtle Signs He Wants to Marry You and Spend His Life With You

Do you think your man’s ready to settle down forever? Here are 20 signs he wants to marry you and commit to you for good.

how to know if your guy wants to marry you

You’ve been dating a guy for a while now. He seems great, and everything about the relationship seems perfect. But is it progressing forward, or have you both reached a comfortable spot and don’t plan on changing anything? Is he happy just staying how it is? Sometimes, you need to keep an eye on the signs he wants to marry you if you’re secretly expecting more from the relationship.

Is he interested in getting married… eventually?

When you’ve been dating a guy for a long time, it’s very easy to just let things stay the same. He’s happy, you seem happy, so why fix something that isn’t broken, right? Or at least that’s what your guy could be thinking!

While marriage is literally nothing more than a way to legalize your relationship as per the laws of the state, it’s one of the ways the world we live in defines a “real” relationship.

If you’re serious about each other, and intend to stay committed, you marry. Or that’s what we’ve grown up believing. After all, if your man does love you and does intend to stay with you till the end of time, why not put a ring on it, right?

While most men see marriage as the next step of a healthy relationship AND proof of commitment, not all men think this way.

[Read: Is he going to propose? 15 signs he’ll be going down on one knee anytime now!]

Is he just toying with you for now?

Some men just enjoy living in the now. Why mess with something that’s perfect as it is? Why add more pressure on the relationship?

Or worse, what if he’s content now, but doesn’t actually see you as marriage material? *gasp!*

Will he turn out to be one of those guys who claim they’re not ready for marriage only to break up with you a year from now, and go down on one knee with the very next girl he dates? What if you’re only a foster girlfriend who’s being used by a guy because he’s too lazy to look for the one?

Of course, as irrational as all of these thoughts may seem, it’s only human to consider it. But just because he hasn’t popped the question yet, doesn’t mean he isn’t serious about you or totally in love with you.

Maybe he’s immature, maybe he’s afraid of commitment, or maybe he does truly love you, and has every intention of marrying you when he’s got his “ducks in a row.”

[Read: 16 signs he will NEVER marry you and you’re just his Maybe girl]

Are you looking for the right signs?

Although men don’t typically talk about their feelings, they actually go to great lengths to show you how they’re feeling. They do little things here and there that really let you know how much they care for and appreciate you.

It can be as subtle as doing the dishes when you’re stressed out, but it definitely means a lot more than just cleaning up after dinner. They’re trying to ease your stress and keep you happy—which speaks volumes, in man-talk.

Every guy is different and they all show they care in many different ways. But these signs he wants to marry and spend his life with you are fairly common. Sometimes, all you need to do is look for the right kind of subtle cues to tell if they’re thinking about putting a ring on that pretty little finger of yours. [Read: 12 unsexy but really practical signs he’s the one you should marry]

20 very obvious signs he wants to marry you even if he hasn’t said it out loud

If you’re getting older and you’re wondering if your man is ever going to pop the question, here are some tell-tale signs he wants to marry you, and that he’s getting close to asking *so you should stick around*.

1. He uses the word “we” rather than “I”

This is a funny one. Subconsciously, guys know from very early on in a relationship whether they’re in it for the long haul or not. Even if they don’t realize it, the way they speak about their future plans can reveal how they think you and him are going to work out.

If he uses the word ‘we’ when describing plans and actions, he knows that you’ll be there and recognizes your importance in his life. If he consistently uses the word ‘I’, you’re just an add-on.

2. He still believes in marriage

A lot of people *especially men* have lost faith in marriage due to rising divorce and separation rates. It is important to have casual conversations with your man to find out if he still believes in marriage and the institution of it.

If not, this is a major red flag. [Read: Top 20 reasons for divorce that most couples simply overlook!]

3. He doesn’t react negatively when he sees posts about weddings

If you’re trying to find signs he wants to marry you, look no further than his reaction to social media posts about marriage and weddings. They’re everywhere!

If these make him smile or he talks about how he envisions his own big day, you’re on the right track. [Read: 25 obvious signs both of you are high on wedding fever]

On the other hand, if he rolls his eyes at them or tells you he thinks the whole idea of marriage is silly, believe him instead of hoping he’d change his opinion… someday!

4. He doesn’t groan when wedding invites come in the mail

Most guys who aren’t thinking of anything even close to marriage will moan, groan, and complain about all of the wedding invitations that have made their way to their mailbox.

But if he’s less annoyed and more curious and/or excited about weddings, it means that he’s at a point in his life where he appreciates them and maybe wants to have one of his own… with you. [Read: 25 obvious signs you’re high on wedding fever]

5. He’s comfortable around you

If your man feels no need to dress up all the time, if he acts relaxed and normal around you, and he doesn’t feel the need to put up a front with you; you’re definitely on the right track. See if your man feels like he can be himself around you; if so, this is one of the tell-tale signs he wants to marry you.

That doesn’t mean he’s “letting himself go.” It just means that whenever he’s around you, he feels like he’s home and there’s no need to put on a mask or a fake act. And it’s not just about the way he presents himself, he’s also able to show you a side of himself that very few people are able to see. [Read: 14 tips to make living together before marriage work for you]

6. You’re a part of his plans for the future

Lots of couples talk about the future. But not all couples involve each other in their future plans. Most men would probably list down what car they’d want to be driving, how much money they’d want to make or how many places he’d like to have visited by then.

When he gets asked about what he sees himself doing in ten years, your name pops up.

He might say that he’d like to be a top executive by then. He’d be driving his sports car to and from work. And when he gets home, he’ll be greeted by his kids, and their gorgeous mother *you!*. Aside from that being the sweetest thing he might say, it’s also a clue that tells you that it’s you he wants to spend his life with. [Read: 20 subtle signs to know if he sees a future with you or without you in it]

7. You talk about the kids you’ll be having

Talking about kids is a big deal for most men. Not all of them are looking forward to revamping their home entertainment room for a playroom for the kids. But if your guy is very open about it and he actually takes in your input regarding kids, then that’s good news!

Kids are a big part of life and the future for most couples, so talking about it is a positive, and one of the biggest signs he wants to marry you. [Read: What is the right age to get married?]

8. He shares and talks about everything with you

Whatever he’s thinking, whatever’s bothering him, you’d be the first person to know. You’re always a major factor in his decision-making process, and your input bears a lot of weight. But other than this, he may be sharing other more tangible things with you.

For instance, you might already have a joint bank account where both of you plan your finances. You might already be sharing a home or at least considering it as a possibility in the near future.

Marriage has a lot to do about sharing, and when your guy already shows the initiative that he wants to share with you, then marriage may not be that far behind. [Read: 20 good reasons to get married and live happily ever after!]

9. He asks about wedding and engagement-related things

This is pretty much a no-brainer. He’s starting to ask you things like where your dream wedding is, who you’d like to invite and what you want to dance to on your wedding day.

If you’re completely dense, you might think he’s just asking you to tell him about the wedding of your dreams. But when he starts snooping around your jewelry box to find out what size ring you’re wearing, it’s pretty much a certainty! [Read: How to elope and have the perfect wedding of your dreams]

10. He flirts with you, constantly

A good relationship involves constant love and affection. ‘Never stop flirting with your partner!’, you’ll hear from marriage counselors and old couples you speak to over the years. If he constantly flirts with you or displays affection, he’s looking at you long-term.

11. A lot of his friends are already married or engaged

This is one of the biggest signs he wants to marry you. Most guys don’t want to take the plunge first, so a great sign that he might be ready for marriage is if a lot of his friends or the people around him are already getting married or engaged.

Who knows, he might just follow the trend.

12. He’s always on time for you

This might not seem as important as all the other ones, but trust us, it is. If he’s always on time to meet you, if he prioritizes seeing you and is never late to date night; you are a priority to him.

You mean so much to him, that he is always making sure that time with you comes first. He values you. [Read: 18 signs a man is emotionally attached to you and ready to get closer]

13. Does he miss you?

One of the biggest signs he wants to marry you is if he misses you even after the two of you have been together for a while.

If you are just an add-on to his already perfect life, he won’t miss you that much when he’s not with you. However, if you’ve become an integral part of his life, he will miss you when you’re not there.

14. He only has eyes for you

Everyone has a little bit of the wandering eye every now and then, and it’s perfectly okay to appreciate beauty around you.

However, does he have eyes for only you? When you walk into a room, does your man’s attention go to you straight away? If so, you might be the one for him. [Read: Does he love you? 37 real signs he’s past like and totally in love with you]

15. He starts making big commitments

Think about the things that tie two people together. Buying a house, having a child, opening a joint bank account, connecting your car insurance.

If you man starts to make big commitments like this, it might be a sign that he’s getting close to taking the plunge with you.

16. He likes to stay in with you, even if it means skipping out on plans

This is love, isn’t it? Does your man like to stay in with you on a Friday night, even if his boys are out having fun without him? Do the two of you sometimes cancel plans just to stay in and spend time with each other?

This means that both of you love each other’s company. This is crucial for marriage and a great sign for upcoming nuptials. [Read: Should I marry him? 17 big signs that scream “YES”!]

17. He asks your opinion and values it

Does your man ask for your input when it comes to decisions? Whether it’s work, clothing choices, or problems he’s having; it’s an important step for your man to ask for your input and value the response he gets.

This is a huge one. If he’s out car shopping or making any other important decisions, and he asks you to tag along and gets your full opinion on it before acting, this is a major sign that he wants to spend his life with you.

He’s feeling out if the two of you can make big, important decisions together and if you agree on them. This is vital for having a future with someone. [Read: 11 sure signs the guy you’re dating is a real keeper]

18. He’s there for you emotionally

When you cry, does he hold you? Or does he back away and not really take much notice? This is a show of compassion and love, and you’re going to need a lot of both if you get married! If he truly cares for you enough to want to marry you, he should love you enough to be there for you emotionally too.

It’s a two in one, and this is one of the clear signs he wants to marry you.

19. “If” changes to “when”

If your man is saying ‘if’ when he talks about your future, you’re with the wrong man. Trust us! If you are in a long-term relationship and he’s not using the word ‘when’, when talking about your future; it is most likely that you need a new man.

When ‘if’ changes to ‘when,’ he’s getting ready for your future together.

[Read: 25 signs your man sees you as wife material and not just a dating material]

20. He’s open about his love for you

A wedding is about expressing your love for each other publicly. And if your man doesn’t do that already in the day-to-day, he won’t want to do it on a grand scale and in a tux.

One of the biggest signs he wants to marry you is if he is constantly expressing his love for you in both public and private environments.

[Read: How to get your man to propose by reading his mind]

21. His family starts to treat you like family

When you’ve met his parents and his close friends, and he begins inviting you to all of his family functions, it’s a sure sign he’s thinking you’re the one for him. He wouldn’t be introducing you to everybody and having you get to know them if he didn’t plan on keeping you around for a long time.

Maybe he also wants them to get to know you and see you interact with everyone. This way, he can be sure that you are not only a great fit for him, but a great fit for his family.

He takes you with him whenever he’s meeting his family members. You’re already on a first-name basis with most of his relatives, and they know more about you than just your first name.

Meeting the parents and getting to know the family is just the first step. But now that you’re already a permanent fixture by his side during family functions, soon enough you just might become a member of the family.

22. He boasts about you to others

Do you always catch him bragging about you to his friends, family, or coworkers? This sense of pride is not to be taken lightly. When a man starts to boast about his significant other, it means that you have become a part of him, in a sense.

He is now seeing your accomplishments as his own, and by talking you up, he feels better, as well. This means that he sees you as a part of him and his life—which is a sure sign that he wants to make you his and spend his life with you.

23. He wants to live with you

Men like their space. No, actually—men LOVE their space. So if he’s discussing moving in together, what he’s really discussing with you is how he wants to spend his life with you.

Guys don’t just want to move in with anybody. When they open their personal space and invite you in like that, they’ve definitely got wedding bells on their mind.

24. You go on vacations together

Vacation is a man’s time to get away from work and all the stresses in his life. If he’s bringing you with him, then he definitely sees you as someone who can soothe any of those issues. That’s a surefire sign that he wants to spend his life with you.

Of course, a guy may want to go on a vacation with some girl just for fun. But if he’s excited about a particular place that’s he’s been wanting to visit since forever, and he wants to vacation there with you, that’s a very good sign you’re more important than anyone else in his life. [Read: Is it too soon to start travelling with your partner?]

25. He always wants to work out any issues you two have

If a man doesn’t want to keep you around forever, then they’re not going to be so willing to solve problems. Usually, they’ll just let them pass until the issue seems to “go away.”

But if your man is actively trying to solve any current problems the two of you have, this means that he really wants to make sure you stay with him. It’s definitely a sign he wants to marry and spend his life with you.

26. He “feels out” the idea

Has he ever brought up getting married casually in a conversation? If so, then he’s wondering if YOU are thinking about marrying and spending your life with him.

Talking about marriage for any guy is a big deal, and if he’s talking about it with you, watch out for a ring in your near future! [Read: How to get your man to propose by reading his mind]

27. He tells you

If he tells you that he wants to marry you someday, or that you’re the one for him, then that’s the only sign you need! When this happens, he’s certain he wants to marry and spend his life with you.

[Read: Is he going to propose? 21 signs he’s going to get down on one knee very soon!]

It’s not easy to know if your guy wants to get married to you, or sees you as his partner for life, without really asking him about it. But if you see quite a few of these signs, you can rest assured that he already sees you as his soulmate, and it is just a matter of time until he pops the question!

The post 27 Subtle Signs He Wants to Marry You and Spend His Life With You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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