Tuesday 26 October 2021

30 Fun & Super Cute Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend to Have a Laugh

It’s important to know your boyfriend as well as you possibly can. Handily, you can use these cute questions to ask your boyfriend to do just that! 

Cute Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

Getting to know your boyfriend might sound easy, but how well do you really know him? Let’s be honest, men are complex creatures. You might think you know everything there is to know, but when you delve a little deeper, you might be surprised at what you’ll learn with these cute questions to ask your boyfriend.

Weird and wonderful conversations are underrated in my opinion. There is nothing wrong with sitting there and talking about absolute rubbish. Go ahead and ask silly questions. Then, try to second guess their answer and work out just how much you actually know them.

It helps you to bond and allows you to really get to know the person you’re spending so much time with.

[Read: These serious questions to ask your boyfriend will help you develop a deep bond]

Cute questions to ask your boyfriend – Just for fun!

If you’re struggling to come up with a few questions to ask, or you’re just not sure which direction to go, check out these cute questions to ask your boyfriend. Then, figure out what his answers might be.

1. What is your favorite way to pass the time?

Everyone has something they like to do when they’re alone, bored, and just trying to waste a little time. Some people like to read, others like to sing, some people like to just watch Netflix.

Ask him what his favorite way to waste some time is and see if it matches up with yours. Maybe you can start wasting time together! [Read: These red flags in a guy will only end in your broken heart]

2. What toy did you play with most when you were a child?

This is one of the cute questions to ask your boyfriend because it helps him remember his childhood.

He’ll probably sit there with a cute smile on his face, remembering all the fun toys he used to have. Of course, you should also tell him what your favorite toy was too.

3. If you had to choose a favorite animal, what would it be?

You can learn a lot about a person by the type of animal they like best.

For instance, people who like dolphins might be calm and serene. Or people who like bears might be protective and fierce. Ask him his favorite animal and then share yours. [Read: 20 deep questions to turn any guy into an open book]

4. What is the best dream you’ve ever had?

He might not remember it, but he’ll probably make one up anyway. It still tells you a lot about him.

This is one of the cute questions to ask your boyfriend because it tells you where his mind wanders during sleep. It also gets him to use his imagination in the conversation too.

5. What five words would you choose to describe me?

This is definitely high up on the list because it tells you a lot about what he thinks and feels about you. It’s always interesting to let someone else describe you.

While you might not totally agree with the words he comes up with, it’s a fun conversation nonetheless.

6. What did you think about me when you first laid eyes on me?

You’ve asked him the words he would choose to describe you, and now you want to know what he thought of you the first time he saw you. It might surprise you. Go on, dare to tell him what you thought of him too! [Read: 20 signs of attraction in the first conversation]

7. If I were sad, how would you cheer me up?

This is interesting to know, because if you are sad at some point in the future *hopefully not*, you can give him pointers now on the best way to make you smile. It’s always good information to have in hand!

8. How would you describe your perfect date?

When it’s your turn to organize date night, this information will come in handy indeed. [Read: 16 things every girl wishes for on a perfect date]

Of course, you can also tell him about your perfect date and give him some ideas for when it’s his turn to surprise you with a fun night out. While this is one of the cute questions to ask your boyfriend, it’s also pretty useful too!

9. If you could choose any dessert, what would you choose?

Is he going to choose a sophisticated chocolate eclair or a fun-filled ice cream sundae? It might seem like a pointless question to ask, but not all questions have to have a deep, underlying meaning.

Think about your ideal dessert too, maybe you go together better than you think! [Read: Signs of a boring relationship? Here’s how to bring back the fun]

10. What would your dream career be?

If there were no barriers to choice, no need to train for years, or find the money to go back to school, what career would he choose to have?

This tells you a lot about him and the things he finds interesting. It’s one of those cute questions to ask your boyfriend that can help you to really get to know him better too.

11. Who was your hero when you were a child?

Was it a family member? A close friend? Perhaps it was a cartoon hero or maybe Superman!

Ask him who his hero was and watch his face break into a smile as he remembers all the fun from his childhood. [Read: Be your own hero – What it means and how to take control of your life]

12. Which is better – hamburgers or hotdogs?

This is silly, fun, cute, and pointless, but it’s a fun thing to ask. Which do you like best? If he likes hamburgers, maybe you can make them for dinner, and if he’s a hotdog kind of guy, head out to a funfair for date night and enjoy some hotdogs!

13. If you could talk to anyone for 10 minutes, living or otherwise, who would you choose?

He might choose a family member that has passed or he might choose his favorite celebrity. Again, his answer will tell you a lot about what he finds important in life and the types of people he holds dear. [Read: Old love letters and memories – keep or throw them?]

14. What is your favorite thing about me?

Go on, you’ve been dying to ask! It’s one of the cute questions to ask your boyfriend, and it’s also a huge confidence booster for you! You also get to tell him your favorite thing about him too, of course. [Read: Steps to emotionally connect with someone and feel closer]

15. Are you a tea or coffee kind of person?

You might already know this, but if you don’t, it’s a good way to find out what his favorite drink is first thing in the morning!

16. If you were running for President, what would your key policy be?

If he was going to try and run for President, what policies would he base his presidential run around? Would it be banishing animal cruelty, climate change, taxes, or something else entirely? It’s fun to find out what’s important to him. [Read: Dating your opposite – How to know if you can make it work for you]

17. Sweet or savory?

Most people like sweet or savory best. Of course, most of us like both, but if we had to choose, we’d opt for one or the other. So, this is one of the cute questions to ask your boyfriend that allows you to find out his preferences and his tastes. Maybe you can cook for him based on his answer!

18. Do you prefer the sunset or the sunrise?

There’s a point to this question – you get to find out whether he’s an early riser or not! Maybe you already know, but his answer might surprise you. Once you know, you might want to base a date around his answer. [Read: Romantic dinner date ideas – 17 fun dates you will both never forget]

19. If you could go back and study any subject, what would it be?

Most of us look back on our education and wish we’d studied something differently or a little more. For some, they look back and wish they’d gone into a totally different career altogether.

So, what does he wish he’d studied? Maybe he’s fine with his choices, but the chances are he wishes he’d delved a little deeper into a different subject. 

20. What would you do on a cold and snowy day?

The point of this question is to find out whether he would prefer a cozy, snuggled-up date with hot chocolate and a roaring fire, or if he’d like to head outside and enjoy the snow!

Maybe he would say skiing, snowboarding, or building a snowman. He might even suggest a snowball fight! [Read: Top 50 amazing first date ideas to wow your date]

21. What is your go-to dish when you’re cooking?

Most of us have a dish that we go to when we’re trying to impress someone. Or, we have a dish that we always cook because we’re so good at it. Once he tells you, suggest he cooks it for you on a date night. 

22. What is your guilty pleasure?

We all have one! Ask him what his guilty pleasure is but remember that you need to return the favor and tell him yours too. It’s only fair! [Read: Shhh, don’t tell! Secrets you’re allowed to keep in a relationship]

23. Do you think about me when you’re out with your friends?

Now, he’s probably going to say that yes, of course, he does, but watch his body language for the real answer!

Guys tend to get totally wrapped up when they’re out with their buddies, but if he thinks of you, that means you’re pretty special to him. 

24. What song reminds you of me?

Music is a powerful thing and it often transports us back in time or makes us think of specific people. So, what song reminds him of you? You might be surprised by his answer and let’s hope it’s something romantic! [Read: 20 most romantic songs for the one you love]

25. What’s the worst thing you have ever done while drunk?

Prepare for this answer! We’ve all done stupid or crazy things when we’ve had a few too many to drink. Finding out his drunken confession might make you laugh or gasp in shock. Either way, it’s one of the cute questions to ask your boyfriend because it helps you to really dig into his personality. 

26. If you could live in a huge mansion, how would you decorate it?

Would he turn it into a bachelor pad or would he go for something a little more classy? Let’s hope that if one day he ends up with a mansion, he asks you to help him decorate it and live there too! 

27. If you could change your name, what would you choose?

Maybe he likes his name the way it is, but most people wish they had a funkier name. Ask him this question and you’ll find out what he wishes he was called, and you can tell him your much-wished-for name too. [Read: 45 funny questions to get to know someone better instantly]

28. What food do you want to try that you’ve never had before?

Lobster, frog’s legs, snails, the list goes on. What does he want to try? Let’s hope it’s nothing gross because maybe he’ll suggest you both try it on a future date night! 

29. Do you hear the words or the music?

There are two types of people – those who listen to the words and those who listen to the beat. Which category does he fall into? If he listens to words, he’s pretty deep. If he listens to music, maybe that means he’s a budding musician himself? [Read: The ten best songs to make out to]

30. What is number one on your bucket list?

Does he want to go skydiving? Maybe he wants to travel the world. How about learning how to do a particular skill? By understanding the number one choice on his bucket list, you learn more about what he aspires to and dreams about. [Read: Couple’s bucket list – 20 things every couple needs to do]

Go on, get asking these cute questions to ask your boyfriend!

These cute questions to ask your boyfriend are a mixture of fun-filled and pointless, to deep and searching. This mix will allow you to get to know your guy a little better, but will also make the conversations you have fun and avoid heavy discussions that kill the mood and make you feel less than lighthearted.

Remember to only ever ask questions that you’re comfortable answering too! If you ask him what his favorite thing about you is, the most natural thing in the world is for him to ask you what your favorite thing is about him!

So, choose your questions carefully, and be sure to have your own answers ready to go.

[Read: What does it mean to be vulnerable? 13 ways you can open up to each other]

Thinking of some cute questions to ask your boyfriend means you get to know him on a slightly deeper level. Go on, try them!

The post 30 Fun & Super Cute Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend to Have a Laugh is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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