Tuesday 26 October 2021

How to Approach Your Crush: Get Noticed & Impress Them All at Once

You’ve been watching them from afar *not in a creepy way* and now you want to know how to approach your crush. Go for it, maybe they’re crushing too!

how to approach your crush

Having a crush, let alone knowing how to approach your crush, is definitely an exhausting experience. Your emotions are all over the map. Any slight move they make towards someone else makes you lose your mind. It’s not easy.

Sure, dating apps have helped connect people, but at the same time, it’s stunted our ability to flirt and talk with people in real life.

When you see someone cute at the grocery store, you’re not going to open your Tinder account to try to find them. So, if you’ve been seeing the same person at your gym for a while and can’t get them out of your mind, why not just approach them?

For us, it looks like online dating has ruined those small moments and made us fear those opportunities to talk to those we’re crushing on.

[Read: How to get around these annoying and inconvenient online dating problems]

Why you need to learn how to approach your crush in the first place

Isn’t it obvious? If you don’t learn how to approach your crush, you’re never going to find out if they feel the same. Sure, you can slide into their DMs if you want, but that’s not very personal, is it? When you approach them, you’re showing confidence. And confidence is sexy!

It’s far better to actually pluck up the courage and go for it. That way, you show them what you don’t fear talking to anyone. It shows them that you’re comfortable in your own skin and that’s going to put them at ease too.

For sure, you’re going to be nervous. You might even be downright terrified. But, remember this – they’re just a person like you! [Read: How to act cool in front of your crush and grab their attention]

You might have put them on a pedestal and built them up in your mind but they’re just human. And, if they don’t react in the way you’d like them to, don’t worry! At least you know now, and if they’re downright rude, at least you know that you don’t want to get to know them any better anyway!

[Read: How to get your crush to like you – 22 ways to make them fall hard]

How to approach your crush in the right way

Let’s be honest here, what do you have to lose? If you approach your crush and find out they don’t like you, it’ll sting, but you’ll be able to move on with time. If they do like you back, well, now you have the chance to go on a date with them and get to know them. It’s a risk you need to take for yourself.

Plus, it’ll help you work on approaching people you’re interested in for the future. Trust us, practice helps. So, if you finally want to approach your crush, well, it’s about time you learned.

Let’s get on our big people pants and learn how to approach your crush. But first, use the steps in this guide on how to get your crush to notice you and like you back so you’ve created the right impression from afar before walking up to them.

And once you know how to create an impression from afar on your crush, read on and give these steps a try!

1. Always remember that your crush is just a person

We tend to put our crushes on a pedestal and fantasize about them. And this is why it’s so hard to approach our crushes.

In our minds, we treat them like celebrities. But your crush is a normal human being. Don’t make yourself think they’re above you, because they’re not. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – they’re only human! [Read: Here’s how to start a conversation with your crush that will excite their mind]

2. Don’t linger around them

You probably think they don’t notice, but they do. Everyone notices when someone is hovering around them. And even though this shows them you’re interested, it also sends huge creepy signs.

Seriously, no one is going to go for that. We know you don’t probably mean to look creepy, but be aware that’s what it looks like.

3. How to approach your crush? Always be yourself

You don’t need to try to be mysterious or pretend you’re some CEO executive when you really are a university student. These things never work, at least for the long-term.

If you really want your crush to like you, always be yourself. And if they don’t like you, well, it’s their loss. [Read: How to be yourself – 14 steps to unfake your life and love being you]

4. Pick someone nearby your crush to strike up a conversation with

Approaching your crush head-on may be a little intimidating for you. We get it! So, you can always work your way towards your crush, by starting a conversation with one of their friends, standing by them. That way, it’s an easier transition, and they’ll most likely be introduced to you by their friend. 

5. No, you don’t need a cheesy pickup line

You have no idea how many horrible pick-up lines we’ve heard. They never work and all they ever do is cause people to laugh at you – that’s at you, not with you.

So, leave the pickup lines at home. You don’t need them, and they won’t give you the outcome you want. Just be yourself. [Read: 20 really terrible pickup lines you’d be crazy to use]

6. Don’t force the conversation

If you’re talking and your crush isn’t saying much back, you don’t need to push the conversation. You want the interaction to feel as natural as possible, and conversation is a two-way street. You can only do your best.

If they’re not meeting you halfway, end the conversation. Maybe you’ll have made a good enough impression that they approach you next time. You tried!

Use this guide on how to approach them and start a conversation with your crush to say all the right things in those first few conversations.

7. Use your friends for practice

You have a great group of people around you who love you and want you to be happy. So if you want to learn how to approach your crush, why don’t you try practicing your approach on your friends first?

Your friends will be able to tell you how your approach is and if there’s something you should change.

8. Trust your gut instinct when learning how to approach your crush

We all know deep down when someone else has feelings for us. This is one reason why having a crush is so hard. Sometimes, crushes are people we know don’t share the same feelings as us, but we can’t accept it. Follow your gut instinct when approaching someone. [Read: 15 ways to tell if someone likes you without asking them]

9. No one is going to judge you for being bold

You’re following your heart, and that’s admirable. Let’s say you did everything right, and the person isn’t interested, well, there’s not much you can do. But no one is going to judge you for making a bold move. Approaching your crush isn’t easy, but you’re doing it.

10. Don’t talk about the weather!

However tempted you are, do not talk about the weather! It’s the go-to subject everyone chooses when they don’t know what to say and they’re uncomfortable.

Instead, be a little unique. Choose some common ground if you know you have some and if not, compliment them on something. It could be their funky jacket or their choice of drink, but try to avoid telling them how hot they look because they might not take it the way you intend! [Read: How to tell your crush you like them – The 20 best low-risk methods]

11. Read their body language

You can tell whether someone actually wants to talk to you or not by their body language. They might be kind in their words, but their body language screams something else.

Check for a strained smile, a lack of eye contact, or them turning their body away from you. Also, check for arms crossed over the body. If you see these signs, cut your losses and walk away. [Read: 15 body language cues a girl gives away if she likes you]

However, if you notice them turning their body towards you, smiling and nodding as you talk, playing with their hair, or mirroring your body language, that’s great news! [Read: The body language of men and 35 signs to read his mind if he likes you]

12. Get their number

Okay, so you approached them, and things are going well, but you just can’t end it there. You need to keep the momentum going.

If you’re able to, ask for their number. If you get it, it’ll be a huge achievement, and you’ll be able to possibly ask them out on a date. Isn’t that what you wanted?

If not, follow up on social media by sending them a DM. You’ve sown the seeds now anyway and the rest is just details! [Read: Don’t walk away! How to ask someone you like for their number]

13. Once you’ve figured out how to approach your crush, keep the spark going

You’ve managed to talk to them, which is a huge step, and now you even have their phone number. But, it is not the time to pat yourself on the back and take it easy. You should keep the spark going. Send them a text message, have a small chat, and ask them out.

[Read: How to talk to your crush – The secrets to make them like you a lot]

You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Yes, it’s scary. It’s true that they might not react how you want them to. But, wouldn’t you rather try and know? ‘What if’ isn’t fun. You’ll only kick yourself for a while afterward and wish you’d just gone for it. So, take these tips on learning how to approach your crush and just go for it. 

The very worst that can happen is that you have a conversation with someone and then you walk away. That’s it.

If they’re horrible to you, well, you’ve dodged a bullet and you don’t want to spend time with them again anyway. Who knows, you might end up with a date by the end of the conversation! 

[Read: How to text your crush without being annoying *or worse* boring them]

Learning how to approach your crush isn’t easy; it’s terrifying. But, eventually, you must step up and make the first move. It’s the only way you have a chance of getting anywhere with them.

The post How to Approach Your Crush: Get Noticed & Impress Them All at Once is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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