Friday 1 October 2021

How to Ask a Girl If She Has a Boyfriend Without Being Too Forward

You want to know she’s single. You’ll have to ask her, but without being creepy. Here’s how to ask a girl if she has a boyfriend the right to ask a girl if she has a boyfriend

Knowing whether or not a girl has a boyfriend is really important. You don’t want to waste your time flirting and getting to know her just to end up without a chance. Some girls don’t come right out and say it. That’s why you need to know how to ask a girl if she has a boyfriend. But then again, you want to do it in a way that’s not too forward.

If you’re too excited at the prospect that she’s single, it could scare her off. She might be a little weirded out that you just jumped the gun and asked. That’s why you’ll need to know the different ways to ask her that won’t raise the alarm.

[Read: 13 clues to tell you if she is single or taken]

Don’t always expect a girl to tell you she has a boyfriend

This is just how certain girls are. Because let’s be honest, attention is excellent, and some girls love it. Sometimes they might not be getting the attention they need, and you’re giving it to her. She’ll never ruin that by telling you she has a boyfriend.

It’s not that she’s doing anything wrong, but she’s also not being very polite. This is especially true if you’re showing all the signs that you’re interested in her. A great way to avoid wasting your time will be to just ask her if she has a boyfriend. [Read: 15 signs she’s leading you on and taking you nowhere]

How to ask a girl if she has a boyfriend

Because not all girls will tell you, you need to know-how. You can’t just flat-out ask them in the middle of a conversation. Not only would that be rude, but even if she is single, it might freak her out a little bit.

If you want to know how to ask a girl if she has a boyfriend in a way that’ll keep her interest, you’re in the right place. These are the best ways to go about figuring out her relationship status.

1. Slip it into an indirect question

Being indirect about how you ask a girl if she has a boyfriend is super important. If it feels like it just comes up in random conversation, she’ll be more likely to open up about it. So you can just ask something like, “Now why would your boyfriend leave you here all by yourself?”

This way, she can answer you honestly, but she won’t feel threatened or uncomfortable. So long as it comes across light and playful, it’ll work. [Read: How to start a conversation with a girl and impress her]

2. Tell her that her “boyfriend” must be proud of her

You can really say this about anything and even phrase it slightly differently. But if you bring up her boyfriend liking a certain quality about her, you’ll be able to tell if she has one. This girl may even say, “I don’t have a boyfriend.”

3. Tell her that any guy who has her is lucky

This is actually a great line because not only does it serve as a pickup line that’ll flatter her, but it is a great alternative to asking a girl if she has a boyfriend. Because she’ll either answer, “I don’t have a boyfriend,” or “yes, he is.” [Read: How to easily compliment a girl and make her smile]

4. Ask her if she’s there alone

If she’s sitting by herself, it doesn’t mean she’s alone. She could have someone getting drinks or even in the bathroom. So if you get to talk a little bit, just ask her how she’s doing and if she’s there with someone. It’s not directly asking if she has a boyfriend, but she’ll say so if he’s there with her.

5. Tell her you hope you’re not taking her boyfriend’s seat

If you sit down beside her, use this line. Not only is it a great way to break the ice, but you’ll be able to tell right away if she has a boyfriend. Most people don’t say, “You’re not.” She’ll respond with something like, “I don’t have one,” if she doesn’t.

6. Tell her you’d love to see her again sometime

Just tell her you want to see her again if you two have been having a great conversation and you’re still unsure if she has a boyfriend.

This is a great way to know if she likes you, too. If she declines and says she’s unavailable, then you just saved yourself from having to ask a girl if she has a boyfriend. [Read: 8 clues a girl gives if she wants you to make a move]

7. Ask her about her week

Something a lot of people do when they’re asked about their week is absent-mindedly talking about their significant other. That’s because they’re a massive part of their life.

She’ll either mention him or talk about doing things only two people can do together by asking this. You’ll be able to figure it out on your own.

8. Offer to buy her a drink

If you’re out at a bar and click with a girl, offer to buy a drink. The thing about this technique is that it can be a bit trickier. Some girls will say yes even though they do have a boyfriend.

Your job is to look her in the eye and make your intent clear. If she senses that you want something more with her, she’ll come clean. [Read: Picking a girl up at a bar made easy]

9. Ask what brought her out

Wherever you’ve met this girl, this is a good starting point. Ask this girl what brought her out tonight, or today, or why she is at the book store. What is she looking for?
The answer to this will reveal more about who she is and what is going on with her. Is she looking to meet someone? If so, she is most likely available.

10. Ask about the holidays

This works all year round because there is always a holiday. Ask her how she spent the most recent holiday or holiday weekend to find out if she has a boyfriend or not.

If she does, she likely spent that time with him. And then you have your answer. If she was alone or with family, you now got to know her better. [Read: How to get to know a girl & 20 ways to see if she’s perfect for you]

11. Ask what she does when she isn’t working or doing something else

Ask her what she does when she isn’t working or when she isn’t saving the world. Whatever you know about her, add to that.

If you really want to make it obvious that you are interested, ask her what she does when she isn’t out spreading her beauty with the rest of the world. This way, she knows what you want to know, but you didn’t put your foot in your mouth completely.

12. Just ask her if she has a boyfriend

Just ask her if she has a boyfriend. You don’t have to beat around the bush. All the signs in the world could still lead you astray if you are interested in this girl and want to know if she is available. If she is, she will appreciate you being straightforward.

[Read: How to tell for sure if a girl has a boyfriend without ever asking her directly]

The clearest signs she definitely has a boyfriend, without asking her

If you’re not good at deducing whether or not a woman has a boyfriend by asking, just pick up clues. These are the signs she has a boyfriend.

1. She’s flirting, but not very much

Women have a line they won’t cross. If she’s flirting with you but still innocently, she probably has a boyfriend.

The thing is, if a girl is flirting, she likes you. So she’d go all in. But if she had a boyfriend, she’d remain a little reserved. [Read: How to tell if she’s flirting or just being friendly]

2. She crosses her arms or legs and leans back

Girls who have boyfriends cut themselves off from other men. To do this, she’ll cross her arms or legs and lean or face away from you. This is giving off body language that she’s not available. And that’s probably because she has a boyfriend.

3. She’s only answering your questions, but not asking any

This is also her just being polite. She doesn’t want to be mean and tell you to go away.

So instead, she politely converses with you but only answers your questions. She doesn’t ask anything about you or wants to know much. This shows she’s uninterested and also that she may have a boyfriend. [Read: 18 hints that a girl is interested in you and wants your attention]

4. She’s by herself

This may not seem like a sure sign she’s in a relationship, but it can help you get an answer if this girl has a boyfriend.

Most girls don’t wander out by themselves. They usually are out with their boyfriend or girlfriends. With that, if she’s with neither, it could mean her boyfriend is just in the bathroom or something. Otherwise, she’d have other girls around.

5. She keeps looking around

If she’s chatting with you, but her attention is all over, she probably has a boyfriend. She’ll do this to see where he is. She’s looking for someone, and that person is presumably her boyfriend.

6. She is just being polite

Try to read her body language and her vibe. Sure, you might think her smiling means she is interested but is she being polite? If she isn’t making eye contact or is leaning away from you, she is polite. She either has a boyfriend or is hoping you get that vibe. [Read: The sneaky signs she’s just flirting for fun and has a boyfriend already]

7. Look at her social media

If you are lucky enough to be friends with her online, you will get your answer ASAP. Not only will her relationship status be a bright neon light, but she will probably have pictures with her boyfriend if she has one.

Do a little deep dive, and you’ll be able to figure out if she has a boyfriend.

8. She keeps her physical distance from you

She does not want to be close to you in any way. It isn’t even that she doesn’t want to cheat, but she doesn’t want to be close with another guy when she has one she loves.

She will lean away from you, angle her body away from you. If you go to talk to her closely because it is loud, she won’t lean in.

If she acts like you have bad breath, even if you know you don’t, she probably has a boyfriend.

[Read: Female body language – 15 things girls do often and what it really means]

9. She has short answers

If you are trying to get to know her and she has a boyfriend, she will be polite but avoid you if she can. She might smile and nod, but she will barely answer any questions.

If you ask her if she is new to the area, she will say yes or no, and not elaborate. No, she is not shy. She probably has a boyfriend. [Read: 25 signs she is not into you and doesn’t want you around]

10. She is on her phone

Everyone is on their phone in today’s day and age, but if she barely lifts her face up from it to listen to you or speak to you, she is probably waiting for him to show up. Or, more likely, she is texting him about the guy hitting on her.

11. She says she has a boyfriend

This should be obvious, but some of you guys don’t get the hint. If she says she has a boyfriend. She has one. And even if she doesn’t, she wants you to think she does so she can reject you, and you will listen and respect it. She doesn’t want you pushing or trying to convince her.

If she says she isn’t available, take her at face value and back off. There are plenty of single and interested women out there that want your attention.

[Read: 15 blunt signs she just wants you to leave her alone and just isn’t interested in you]

Knowing how to ask a girl if she has a boyfriend is a vital skill in the quest to find someone to spend your life with. Remember these tips the next time you talk to a girl, and you can know her relationship status in minutes!

The post How to Ask a Girl If She Has a Boyfriend Without Being Too Forward is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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