Thursday 7 October 2021

How to Make Someone Happy: 20 Ways to Help Them Sparkle

We all want to know how to make someone happy. Whether it is your partner, parent, or friend, cheering someone up is a special skill.

how to make someone happy

Nobody’s life is going to be sunshine and rainbows all the time. We all go through rough patches and hard times that send us in a bout of depression and sadness. You’ve had times like that, and so have those closest to you. If you want to know how to make someone happy when life gets rough, this is everything you need to know.

It’s hard to be the person going through a rough time, but it’s also hard being the person that’s closest to someone going through a hard time.

You want to do whatever you can to make them happy again. You want to see them smile, not only for their benefit but also for your own.

[Read: How to cheer someone up – 36 ways to make them feel awesome again]

The things you should know to make someone happy

You could be a person who just leaves someone to deal with their problems alone and never put forth any effort to make them feel better. However, you should always want to help those closest to you feel better and get past their trials and tribulations.

Doing this is part of being a good friend, partner, child, and just a good person. Wanting to know how to make someone happy is human nature. We prefer smiles over frowns, and cheering people up makes them feel better and makes us feel better too.

But learning how to make someone happy isn’t as easy as telling a joke. You really need to get to know them to know what they might need. You need to listen to them in good times and bad.

Compromise, having uncomfortable conversations, and having patience are all vital parts of making someone happy. And most importantly, learn to empathize with them. If you can’t empathize, it would be impossible to see things from their prespective or even help them. After all, if you can’t even begin to relate to what they’re experiencing, can you even help them? [Read: 20 signs of a lack of empathy that shows you can’t relate to someone]

So how that you do know the most important things to make someone happy, are you willing to do these things to help them feel better and bring the happy spark back into their life?

[Read: How to be a good friend – The 23 friendship codes all good friends need to follow]

How to make someone happy

It would be helpful if there were just a switch you can flip to make someone happy. Unfortunately, that’s not reality. You need something more if you really want to help someone. To understand how to make someone happy, you need to pay attention.

It takes more than just you telling a friend to cheer up for them actually to feel better. But, if you’re truly willing to put the effort in, these are the best ways to make someone happy every day or when they’re feeling down.

1. Be there for them

Some people don’t need much to feel better. Sometimes, just having someone around will be enough to make them happy. Company can be the best remedy if someone isn’t feeling great about themselves or a situation. [Read: Good friends are like stars – 18 ways to build lasting friendships]

2. Let them vent

There are people out there who would prefer not to talk about their issues when they’re sad. But others absolutely need to talk about it. So be the person they vent and open up to.

It doesn’t require much effort. All you have to do is tell them that you’re there if they want to talk. This puts the ball in their court and comforts them by knowing someone will listen and care.

3. Help solve the problem

If they’re sad or upset because of a specific problem they’re facing, help them fix it. Don’t offer unsolicited advice, but if they seek solutions or ask for your help, do what you can.

If they don’t ask, ask them if they’d like some advice before offering it up. Just offering can make a big difference in someone’s mood.

Learning how to make someone happy isn’t just about fixing things but figuring out what they want, not what you think they need.

4. Be happy yourself

Happiness is contagious. If you are in a positive mood around them often and smile all the time, they pick up on that feeling. They start feeling just as happy as you are.

Obviously, don’t fake it, and don’t go overboard. If you do, they’ll be able to tell you’re only doing it to make them feel better, and it won’t work if it’s not genuine. [Read: 15 ways to be someone who always says, I love my life!]

5. Give them space

People who aren’t the type to talk about their problems will need some space when they’re feeling sad. They may even be annoyed with you trying to get them to share or by being around all happy and giddy.

If the person who’s upset is like this, the best thing for you to do is just tell them you’re there if they need you. Then back off and let them sort things out themselves.

6. Take them out to do something fun

If you’re trying to figure out how to make someone happy, remember that distraction is a potent tool that helps people feel better about things when they’re upset.

If you want to make someone happy, take them out to do something fun. Distract them with a good time, especially if the reason they’re unhappy is out of their control. Go to a concert, go ice skating, or just take them out to a comedy club. Having fun helps them feel better. [Read: I need a hug – 20 mood boosting things to do when you feel down]

7. Help them with chores and such

People who are sad and upset are also more stressed out. The smallest things like cooking or doing dishes can make them curl up in a ball and cry. This means they have less energy and won’t do these things.

If you want to make some happy when they’re in this state, step in and take care of a few things for them without being asked. Do their dishes, throw in a load of laundry, or make them a sandwich.

This reduces their stress and allows them time to feel better without worrying about the other things they have to do.

8. Compliment them

Everyone loves compliments. They’re always a great way to make someone happy when they’re going through a rough time. You don’t want to just tell them their hair looks nice. You want to be genuine. The trick here is that you can’t be too obvious about them and don’t layer them too thick.

If they think you only compliment them to make them feel better, it has the opposite effect. Let them know you admire their ability to be so open with their emotions or how they care so much about others. [Read: Decoding compliments – 50 cute words and their true meanings]

9. Remind them of happy times

Remembering times that were really fun and happy is a great way to make someone feel better. Bring up funny stories and get them laughing at the old memories. Even showing them a funny video or photo from a good time together can remind them of better times to come.

It pushes whatever it is that’s bothering them out of their mind by putting something happier in its place.

10. Watch cheerful movies with them

Movies are an excellent escape from reality. They allow your mind to focus on something entirely different, so you forget about your own problems. That being said, watching cheerful movies definitely helps make someone happy.

Seeing others happy and pushing past obstacles makes them feel as though they can get past them too. Put on an uplifting movie with a positive message. [Read: The best inspirational movies that can change your outlook towards life]

11. Ask them what you can do to help

Some people are too afraid or proud to ask for help when they need it. If you offer it and make them tell you how to help, you actually help them more than you realize. So, speak up and ask what they need help with.

12. Talk about a time you were sad and got past it

Having someone relate to motivates people to solve their problems and feel better about them. If you have a similar situation that you had to go through and came out just fine, if not better than before, talk about it with them to understand that it gets better.

13. Just talk to them

You don’t need to talk about their issue or why they’re unhappy. You don’t need to force them into happiness. Talk about anything. You can discuss a show, celebrity drama, or even a new restaurant you tried.

Talking to them takes their mind off of things and reminds them they have someone there to just do nothing with if that is what they need. [Read: How to help someone up when they’re feeling down]

14. Bring them food

Food is a universal way to cheer someone up. Bring them a cookie, make them a whole meal, or of course, offer them ice cream.

Bonding over food may be a temporary fix, but no one will complain about it.

15. Give them a hug

A hug release feel-good hormones throughout the body. Whether you are hugging them hello, or cuddling them when they are really down, hold on just a little longer.

A real hug, rather than a quick pat on the shoulder can help them feel better without them even realizing it. [Read: The health benefits of hugging that’ll make you want to cuddle more]

16. Send them something

Getting things in the mail is always exciting. Whether it is a silly card, a gift, or flowers, it is sure to put a smile on their face.

Even if you can’t be with them physically, order takeout to their house. They won’t expect it and will be so touched by the gesture. [Read: 30 ways to help a sad friend and make them feel better]

17. Play their favorite music

Music can be the perfect happy medicine. Put on their favorite music or music that they can dance to. Moving around to happy music is so contagious.

If you get up and start dancing, they will be cringing so hard they’ll have to get up and join you.

18. Be productive together

Go out and run errands. Keep them company while they finish a project around the house. Being productive naturally makes you feel better. Help them get something accomplished. It will reinvigorate their confidence.

19. Get off the internet

Being on social media can really drain your happiness. Even with the memes and cute dog videos, one edited ad or mean comment can overrule all of that.

Turn off your phones and play a board game or look through old photos. Do something away from social media, and you’ll both be happier. [Read: The dangers of social media and why it makes you feel insecure]

20. Get some fresh air

Sometimes all you need is some fresh air. Go for a walk or a hike. Head to the beach or have a picnic. Being outside in nature can really give someone a boost and make them happy.

[Read: 17 happy things you need for a perfectly happy life]

Seeing a loved one hurting and sad can be hard on you, too. If you want to know how to make someone happy after a tough time, these are the best ways to do it so they can get back to their normal selves.

The post How to Make Someone Happy: 20 Ways to Help Them Sparkle is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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