Wednesday 27 October 2021

When to Leave a Relationship: 15 Subtle Signs that Say Right Now!

How can you be sure when to leave a relationship? Sometimes we go through hard times but it’s not the end. Learn when to wave goodbye and when not to. 

when to leave a relationship

No relationship is perfect. There are ups and downs, arguments and falls out. But, that doesn’t mean everything is going wrong. It’s important to keep things in perspective and know when you’re just going through a bit of a rough patch, versus when it’s time to wave goodbye. Learning when to leave a relationship is important, not only to avoid making a mistake, but to also avoid staying in a negative situation longer than you should.

How do you know? Signs. There are always signs.

But when you’re in a relationship, it can be hard to accept those signs. Because let’s face it, deep down, we all know what the signs are, it’s whether or not we accept them and take action that makes all the difference. 

When you love someone, you can see all the signs you want, but if you don’t accept them, they’re just going to pass you by.

[Read: How to know if you are not in love anymore and are drifting apart]

Deciding on leaving a relationship – How to make up your mind

It’s very important to know when to leave a relationship, but what about who you shouldn’t leave, or at least not yet?

It’s easy to assume that a rough patch equals disaster. But, we all go through hard times, and perhaps your partner is stressed out or there’s something going on that you don’t know about.

Don’t throw in the towel if everything else is fine. If the only reason you’re thinking about whether it’s the end or not is that you’ve had a few arguments or something feels off lately, why not talk about it? [Read: How to deal with arguments in a relationship]

Communication is so important in a relationship and it’s the only way to find out what the truth really is. By sitting down and having an open, honest, and blame-free conversation with your partner, maybe you can turn things around. 

Everyone argues sometimes. While you do need to get to the bottom of the actual problem, you shouldn’t throw things away just because of a short blip.

However, take a look at the signs to know when to leave a relationship below, and if your partner dismisses your conversation attempts constantly and things don’t improve then, by all means, start to wonder whether the relationship is worthwhile or not. 

How to know when to leave a relationship

We hold on to relationships for various reasons. Maybe it’s insecurity, infatuation, or simply that you’ve been together for so long you’re scared to be single again. Other people stay in bad relationships because of comfort or because they’re deeply invested, whether it’s emotionally or financially. [Read: How to deal with breakup anxiety and overcome your biggest fears]

But if a relationship isn’t doing you good, then it may be time to call it quits. Of course, every relationship has its ups and downs, but going through a rough patch is completely different to feeling unfulfilled in your relationship or experiencing toxic behavior.

Not all relationships are forever. Learn the signs of when to leave a relationship, and do what’s best for you.

1. You don’t feel like yourself

You’ve been in the relationship for a while, but you don’t feel good about yourself. You haven’t grown into a better person; instead, you’ve become someone you don’t recognize anymore. Maybe you’re more reserved, confrontational, or timid.

The right partner should be making you feel like a better person, helping you to find your light. But, in your relationship, it’s the opposite. [Read: 24 very critical signs of an unhealthy relationship]

2. They’ve cheated on you

Some couples decide to work through a cheating scandal and make the relationship better. And if you choose to do that, that’s fine. But it’s a two-way street. If your partner is still cheating on you and keeping you in the dark on certain things, then it’s time to leave.

If it continues and there is no change, are you just going to be in a dishonest relationship for the rest of your life? Just leave your relationship because you’re better off alone. [Read: What is cheating in a relationship? The truth most people ignore]

3. They dismiss you

Whether you are going out with friends or having an argument, your partner is always dismissing you. They don’t consider your opinion or feelings. Instead, you feel like you’re just someone who’s there.

How you feel doesn’t matter to them, and when it comes to feeling connected and loved, that’s not there. If that’s the case, you’re looking at a prime example of when to leave a relationship. [Read: Never ignore these 15 signs of a lack of respect in a relationship]

4. When to leave a relationship? You don’t love your partner anymore

No one said once you enter a loving relationship, it’ll continue to be a loving relationship until the end. People change – nothing is linear.

If it’s been months since you’ve felt genuine love towards your partner, this is something serious you need to consider. Do you love your partner anymore? If you don’t, this could be when to leave a relationship.

5. The cons outweigh the pros

Every relationship has its good and bad — some small, crappy things you let slide, but only to a point. If you’re feeling there are more cons in your relationship than positive things, you’ve got yourself a problem.

If your relationship is slowly dying, put it out of its misery. [Read: 15 signs of a toxic relationship that’ll go from bad to worse]

6. You aren’t in the same place anymore

In the beginning, you were on the same page and felt connected. But it’s been a long time since you’ve felt that. And that’s okay; it’s normal for people to grow apart and choose different paths. But if that’s the case, be honest with yourself and understand that the relationship isn’t what it once was. 

7. They lie to you

You just want to have a decent relationship with your partner, so you let their lies and dishonesty slide by. If you’re catching them in lie after lie, then it’s time you started to get real with them.

If your partner isn’t honest with you, then you know when to leave the relationship already, and that’s right now. [Read: What to do when there’s lying in your relationship – Can it survive?]

8. You don’t feel they love you

Sure, they’re your partner, but you don’t feel that they love you anymore. The connection isn’t there, and neither is physical affection.

Things have flatlined without the hope of revival in sight. In a healthy relationship, you should feel loved by your partner, and if that’s not happening, it’s time to move on. 

9. It’s all on your shoulders

The entire relationship is on your shoulders. If it wasn’t for you and your hard work, it would have been over months ago. But, you’re single-handedly keeping things alive.

Aren’t you exhausted? Don’t you want to be with someone who wants to carry some responsibility for the relationship on their shoulders as well? [Read: The hidden signs of a one-sided relationship we all choose to ignore]

10. When to leave a relationship for sure – They abuse you

Whether it’s emotional, physical, or mental abuse, there’s really no excuse. Sure, they may have had a rough childhood, but that doesn’t give them a pass to abuse you.

If, by any means, you’re being abused by your partner, it’s time to leave the relationship. Things will not get better, even though you may think they will. They will not get better. You have to go because you deserve better. [Read: How to spot an emotional abuser with these emotional abuse signs]

11. You feel your life is on pause and you’re being taken for granted

It’s normal for couples to make personal sacrifices, and they make those sacrifices for the sake of their loving relationship. But, if your partner is making you feel like you’re putting your life on pause for them, and they’re not returning the favor, well, that isn’t fair.

If you’re feeling held back by your partner, no matter how much you love them, you should do what’s right for you.

12. Prolonged unhappiness signals when to leave a relationship

Knowing when to leave a relationship is sometimes very simple: you’re not happy. You haven’t been happy in a while.

Maybe you thought after your partner’s raise or having a child, things would get better, but they didn’t. If you’re feeling prolonged unhappiness, this is a sign you need to move on.

A relationship shouldn’t make you feel sadness; it’s supposed to inspire you and help you grow. [Read: How to know if you’re settling in an unhappy relationship that’s dragging you down]

13. Your partner demands too much from you

You feel like you’re a clown juggling all of your partner’s needs and demands. Your partner places high standards on you, but they don’t give you much in return. Instead, the onus is all on you to make this a better relationship. Screw that! Find someone who actually wants a partner, not a servant.

14. You fear being alone

Are you sticking with this relationship because you’re scared to be alone? If that’s the case, then you really need to leave the relationship.

You’re not in it for the right reasons; instead, you’re in it because of fear. Being with someone out of fear will never work, and eventually, you will end up alone anyway. [Read: How to let go of your fear of being alone and find peace]

15. When to leave a relationship – You’re stuck in the past

In your head, your relationship is heavily based on the past. You reminisce about things you did with your partner two years ago, but that’s the only thing that’s keeping the relationship alive. What happened in the past isn’t happening now, and that’s not a sign of a happy relationship.

[Read: When is it time to break up? The signs to know for sure it’s time]

Now you know when it’s time to leave a relationship. Knowing these signs can help you figure out your situation and the future steps you need to take.

The post When to Leave a Relationship: 15 Subtle Signs that Say Right Now! is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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