Tuesday, 30 November 2021

How to Make a Jealous Boyfriend Feel Less Jealous & More Loved

It can be frustrating to deal with insecurities and flaws of a jealous boyfriend. While it can be cute, most times, it just comes off as plain annoying.

help a jealous boyfriend change

Dealing with a jealous boyfriend is somewhat tricky. It’s a lot easier just to walk away from the relationship in the first place instead of constantly having to remind him how much you love him. As cute as a jealous boyfriend sounds, it’s really quite the opposite.

Having a jealous boyfriend isn’t as cute as the movies portray. When your partner is jealous all the time, he can also be controlling, insecure, and doubtful of your every move.

Why is having a jealous boyfriend a bad thing?

Having a jealous boyfriend isn’t something you should romanticize. When he’s jealous, this also means he doesn’t trust you. He always thinks that you don’t love him anymore or that you’re going to cheat on him, even if there’s no logic or evidence to prove otherwise.

He could also potentially control you and basically, no matter how many times you do your best to reassure him, he’ll never believe it. There’s always a seed of doubt in his mind which enables his behavior of jealously and possessiveness.

[Read: How to deal with jealousy in a relationship & learn to overcome it]

How to handle a jealous boyfriend

If you have a boyfriend who is jealous, and want to let him know that you really do love him and stop him from being so jealous, here’s all you need to know.

1. Don’t make these moves obvious

Being a jealous boyfriend is not something to be proud of; your boyfriend knows that. But sometimes, it’s inevitable. So when you’re trying these moves, don’t let him know about it. One of the factors of jealousy is insecurity, and you don’t want to insult your boyfriend by letting him know you’re trying to make him less insecure.

Instead, you want to be subtle and undercover in doing these. You don’t want to give him another reason not to trust you, do you? [Read: Why insecure men are never worth dating and why you need to run when you see one]

2. Reassure him instead of getting angry

You’ve probably reassured your boyfriend a million times, and it hasn’t helped! It seems like you’re saying the same set of words over and over again. However, rather than getting insulted by his jealousy, reassure him that your relationship is fine and that you love him. Sometimes, all a jealous boyfriend needs is an abundance of reassurance from you.

Jealousy is a plea for help and not a way to show off his domination over you. So if you ever find him sulking or sitting in a corner and huffing and puffing, don’t get upset or angry with him.

Make him feel the love he’s craving from you, and don’t give him anything less. [Read: Jealous type – How to reassure and win over a super jealous lover]

3. Tease him when you’re with your girlfriends

Help your antisocial jealous boyfriend understand that a bit of fun flirting and teasing is all acceptable and harmless between friends and the opposite sex. Get your girlfriends to compliment him and tease him a bit and flirt with him. This will help him get out of his shell and socialize with you and your friends.

Hopefully, this doesn’t result in him getting angry with you but instead, realize there’s no harm with teasing and flirting sometimes.

It’s a bold move, but with the confidence of a few trusted girlfriends of yours, it’s a good way to make him understand how harmless a bit of flirting can be.

4. Indulge in a bit of PDA with him

Indulging in a public display of affection with your jealous boyfriend may make him uncomfortable, but he would still love it. By getting cuddly in public, either by holding his hands or kissing his cheek, you’re willing to let the world know that both of you are a couple.

This is precisely the kind of reassurance he needs, to believe that you love him to the point that you’re willing to show him off to everyone else. [Read: What is PDA in a relationship? The full guide to every aspect of it]

5. Call him often when you’re out with friends

Jealous boyfriends suck! It’s a fact. But at times, by reassuring a jealous boyfriend that he has no reason to worry, you may be able to chisel out the perfect boyfriend in him. If there’s any common ground with all these tips, then it’s giving your jealous boyfriend the reassure he needs to trust and rely on you.

Your boyfriend may feel rather insecure and jealous when you go out with your friends and have a nice time. The only thing that goes on in his head would be, “does she have more fun with her friends than she does with me?” Again, all of this is because he’s very insecure and doubtful about himself.

So calling him over the phone, as simple as it might seem to you, is actually a huge deal for him. Call him every now and then and have a quiet conversation without getting disturbed by your friends’ giggles *which can annoy him further*. It’ll make him realize how much you love him. [Read: How to be a good girlfriend – 27 easy ways to make your man love you a lot more]

6. Have him in your arms

Jealous boyfriends are easily unsettled with the simplest scenarios. And it all starts and ends with you talking to other guys. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking with other guys without the intention of flirting; they already see this as a threat.

If you’re someone who has a lot of guy friends, this is basically the worst nightmare of a jealous boyfriend. It’s really annoying, but if you do want to help him lose the jealous streak, have him in your arms at all times when you’re hanging out with a group of friends.

Remember what we said about showing him off? Apply this tip even with your group of friends. [Read: 15 easy ways to make your boyfriend feel loved and cared for]

7. Involve him in your social activities

Jealous boyfriends can create epic fantasies and illusions in their minds when they’re feeling threatened. Every time you go out with your guy friends, he may end up brooding about what you’re doing, whom you’re flirting with or who’s pawing you.

When dealing with a jealous boyfriend, the last thing you should do is make him feel left out with social activities or when you’re going out.

Don’t forget to include him the same way you probably want your boyfriend to include you in his social activities! Let him realize by himself that you’re not on a flirting spree every time you go out with your own friends. [Read: How to deal with an insecure boyfriend without the frustration]

8. Include him in the conversation as your savior

Men have a protective instinct, and so does your guy. Your jealous boyfriend may feel threatened by other guys taking to you or flirting with you and may feel uncomfortable about it.

The next time a friend of yours tries to flirt with you or sweet talks with you when you’re with your boyfriend, pull your boyfriend closer by his arm in jest, and dramatically tell him you need “help with an annoying guy” or “his assistance in proving a point to your friend who’s bugging you.”

This is guaranteed to make your jealous boyfriend feel extra special because you’re including him in the conversation, and it also reassures him that he’s the only guy you have eyes for. [Read: How to build trust in a relationship]

9. Give him more attention around your guy friends

Men are competitive, be it in a game or love. If you’re dating a guy who’s jealous of your friends, it may just be his insecurity showing. Jealousy and insecurity are tied to one another, so the next time he shows his jealousy, try to remember that he’s also coming from a place of insecurity.

Maybe he’s insecure you’re out of his league, or maybe he’s just afraid of losing you. Men are competitive, be it in a game or love. If you’re dating a guy who’s jealous of your friends, it may just be his insecurity showing. [Read: The clingy boyfriend – 16 signs he’s being too much and how to shut down his behavior]

10. Let him know that you love him

If you’re dating a happy guy who’s got many friends and is quite popular, he may only be jealous because the relationship is still young, or he’s still insecure about your feelings for him. Even if it seems repetitive or even cheesy, show your guy that you adore him and no one else.

Even with his insecurities and jealousy, remind him that you love him and that he’s the best. And let him know that even if you do have a conversation with a male friend, it’s really not a setting for a romantic affair.

11. Talk about his fears and anxieties

If you really want to encourage your jealous boyfriend to be a secure one, then you need to be empathetic to what he’s feeling. This isn’t the easiest thing to do, especially when his jealousy can come off as annoying and frustrating most times.

However, sitting down and talking about his fears can encourage him to reflect on his actions and become a better boyfriend for you. It can also feel cathartic on his part to talk about his jealousy.

If you want to remain subtle and not make it obvious you have an issue with his jealousy, you can just tell him you want to be there for him, no matter what insecurities and fears he’s battling with. [Read: Insecurity in a relationship – How to feel more secure & love better]

12. Don’t get defensive

This is one of the general rules in dealing with a jealous partner. If you’re defensive, then you’re only proving his worst fears and insecurities further. Don’t try to get defensive or act insulted when he says he’s jealous about this guy you’re talking to.

Instead, be open and explain everything on your end. Tell him he’s just a friend and that he has nothing to worry about. Reassurance really is the key. [Read: Why do people get defensive? 14 reasons & ways to handle them]

13. Don’t be distant

This is another one of the fears that a jealous partner is likely to have with you. If you’re anywhere near distant, cold, emotionally unattached, or indifferent, then his insecurities automatically kick in within the relationship.

You need to understand where he’s coming from and being distant isn’t the key. [Read: How to recognize an emotionally distant partner & deal with them]

14. Assess your actions

This isn’t obvious, but maybe you’re doing something to trigger his jealousy and insecurities. Maybe you keep going out of your way to text guys or going to parties to flirt with guys, which will really make your boyfriend insecure.

Jealousy can also be a two-way street and if you want your partner to become better, you should also do your part in this.

15. Allow him to address his issues

There are significant reasons why he can be a jealous partner in the relationship. Maybe he was cheated on, maybe his parents’ marriage didn’t work because of cheating, or maybe he just has certain insecurity issues he hasn’t healed from.

Allow him to face his issues so that he can become a better partner for you. Don’t attack his insecurities, but make him feel that you’re in this with him in facing his issues. Reassure him that you won’t leave his side in facing his issues.

[Read: Emotional baggage – How to help someone put it down & find freedom]

Should you date a jealous boyfriend?

Now all said and done, these steps on helping your jealous boyfriend will definitely work like a charm. But if it doesn’t, there’s probably a bigger reason for his jealous ways and there’s nothing more you can do to help him have a normal life.

If you can avoid it, then we wouldn’t recommend dating a jealous boyfriend.

They can be manipulative, insecure, and controlling without realizing it. So if these steps don’t work, we advise you to dump his sorry ass and walk out before he tries to keep you locked in a cage to make himself feel better.

[Read: How to end a relationship on good terms – 20 ways to end it gracefully]

So, how do you deal with a jealous boyfriend?

Remember that a jealous boyfriend needs an abundance of reassurance and love from you. Whether you show him off to the world, give him encouraging words, or show simple acts of PDA, just shower him with the love and affection he’s looking for from you.

But then again, there’s a thin line you need to be wary about. Never lose yourself in your pursuit of turning your jealous boyfriend into a not-so-jealous one.

[Read: 15 subtle ways to get your space back from an overly attached boyfriend]

Use these ways to change your jealous boyfriend into a more secure one, and you’ll see a huge difference in no time. If not, then maybe it’s time to assess whether it’s worth keeping your jealous boyfriend around.

The post How to Make a Jealous Boyfriend Feel Less Jealous & More Loved is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

How to Cheer Yourself Up: 30 Ways to Find Your Inner Happiness

It can be hard to know how to cheer yourself up, especially on a particularly tough day. But your sadness isn’t the end. Keep reading and follow these!

how to cheer yourself up

Being happy is sometimes easier said than done. Happiness is not a continuum, but rather a series of ups followed by downs. When you know how to cheer yourself up, then you know how to turn that frown upside down.

You may not need a life overhaul, major change, or a total revamp… or you just may. This is one of the significant life skills you need to equip yourself with if you want to survive all the tough and dark days ahead.

Why is it important to know how to cheer yourself up?

When you know how to cheer yourself up, you can turn around your day easily. While it’s difficult to control your emotions and force yourself to feel something you clearly don’t, you can always see the bright side of things. On a particularly hard day, you can learn to recognize the things that can make you smile and find the rays of sunshine that can transform your day into a better one instantly.

Cheering yourself up doesn’t have to be anything extensive, and it can be as simple as grabbing your favorite coffee or going for a walk. We often overlook the simple things when cheering ourselves up, but it plays a vital role.

Learning to find joy in the little things makes all the difference between a happy life and a sad one.

Of course, happiness will always be a choice, but it isn’t something you wait to happen in your life. Even on a tough day or situation, you can do things to adjust your outlook on life towards a positive one. [Read: How to make yourself happy: 20 habits of incredibly happy people]

How to cheer yourself up – The best ways to fill your life with happiness

Even the happiest among us go through times when we need a few moments of joy and some cheering up. If you are someone who is going through a rough time and you need something to make your heart soar, these are the best things that will do the trick.

1. Go for a walk

Natural human drugs can make anyone feel better. Hormones are released into the blood, and they signal the brain to feel happiness. Serotonin, a major mood enhancer, is released when you exercise and get the heart racing. Walking can be a therapeutic and relaxing thing to do if you want to know how to cheer yourself up.

When you sit with your thoughts for a prolonged period of time, it makes you dwell on your negative emotions. And during times like these, walking is a healthy distraction to help you get out of your own head! [Read: How to be happy in life and live life to the fullest]

2. Watch a movie by yourself

Most people think you have to go to the movies with someone else to have a good time. However, it’s so liberating to go to a movie by yourself with nobody influencing your thoughts or feelings.

Movies are great as it also keeps you out of your own thoughts on the duration of the film. Skip out a little early from work to watch that silly, stupid movie to brighten your afternoon.

Don’t feel like stepping out? The second-best alternative would be to lounge at home and watch your favorite show. Of course, it’s not as joyful as actually stepping out, but it’s a good alternative nevertheless.

3. Call an old friend

We all have “that” person in our life who can make us smile and cheer us up. If you’re feeling down, pick up the phone and reconnect. It always helps to rant your thoughts and problems to that one friend you trust with your entire being.

This is the kind of friend who’ll make you feel better after you tell them something that bothers you and will have your back, no matter what. Knowing there’s someone out there who can still make you feel good about yourself is golden. [Read: What is a true friend? The 18 characteristics that define a really good pal]

4. Invite a friend to happy hour

Nothing can erase a bad day more than a good cocktail with someone at happy hour. The best part about it is that you can get your buzz on and still be home in time to get a good night’s rest. It’s an underrated way on how to cheer yourself up, but it’s definitely one of the best *and extremely fun* ones!

You’ll never forget about the day you went to happy hour with a friend to cheer yourself up. The best part? It’s going to work as you’ll feel better in no time! [Read: I feel lonely – 30 ways to connect and overcome feelings of loneliness]

5. Play hooky

Whether it is going to the movies or just not getting out of bed and hanging out in your pajamas, playing hooky and taking a day off work is an excellent tip for how to cheer yourself up when you just can’t bring yourself to work on a mentally exhausting day.

It’s an excellent way to relax and pause on any responsibilities for the day. If you’re feeling particularly down and don’t feel like doing anything at all, playing hooky is a great way to make yourself feel better!

6. Just smile

There are specific muscles in your face that trigger emotions. Even if you are feeling down, faking it by smiling can literally turn things around. Even if smiling is the last thing you feel like doing at the moment, just give it a try!

Sometimes faking a smile can encourage you to feel even just a little bit better about yourself. [Read: How to smile more often – 6 baby steps to change your life forever]

7. Sit in the sunshine

There is a connection between your mood and your exposure to the sun. If you are low in Vitamin D, it can mess with your happiness. This is why it’s easier to feel excited and good about life in the summer than in any other season. If you want to know how to cheer yourself up, give yourself your daily dose of sunshine!

If you don’t want to worry about sunscreen, it only takes about ten minutes for your body to absorb enough to make you happy. We promise you that you’ll feel better in no time.

8. Do yoga

Perhaps your block to happiness is a lack of flow of energy in your chakras. Yoga can get your blood pumping, loosen up your muscles, and make you feel more connected to the world around you. It’s one of the most relaxing things you can do for your body, and it also counts as a physical activity *which means more endorphins*!

In a world guided by cell phones and social media, quieting it all down and finding your inner peace can help you re-focus and find your happy face. [Read: 12 benefits of exercise on your mind, body, and libido]

9. Volunteer

Nothing is better if you want to know how to cheer yourself up than to volunteer. You’re shifting the focus from yourself to others. Since volunteering is an act of selflessness and generosity, it’s a great way of making yourself feel better while also helping others!

It can also help to put your own insignificant problems into perspective. Volunteering to help someone else in need is an excellent way to find the cheer that lies within. [Read: 5 ways volunteer work can help heal depression]

10. Pay it forward

Paying someone’s toll charge, their admission in line, or for their two items of groceries can bring you internal bliss. It might not make sense at the moment, but it can shift your perspective about everything.

We’re often so focused on our own lives that we forget to do what we can to help others around us. The little bit it will cost you will gain you an abundance of goodwill and cheer. [Read: Pay it forward – 20 positive ways to create a chain of goodwill in your life]

11. Splurge on something you have been wanting *AKA retail therapy*

Sure, we all need to save for a rainy day. But, every once in a while, an impulse buy can be better than a drug.  There’s a reason why they call it retail therapy – because buying things *even things you barely even need* can lift your spirits.

Buy those shoes, grab those clothes you’ve always wanted! If it cheers you up, why not go for it? If you are feeling a little down, retail therapy is the best way to lift your spirits and make you feel like things are doable again. [Read: 13 happy things you need for a perfectly happy life]

12. Go for a hike

If you are close to a hiking trail, strap on your shoes and hit the trails. Not only will the endorphins make you feel better, getting your heart rate up will help stimulate your mood-enhancers to make you feel better all over.

If you haven’t tried hiking before, this is your window of opportunity to try something new! The nature and environment will cheer you up for good.

13. Take a bike ride

Nothing but you and the open road is another great tip for how to cheer yourself up. Make a goal or don’t; just hop on your bike and see where it takes you.

If you have a favorite spot, bike there and sit awhile. Going for a bike ride is another physical activity that you’ll have fun in, and you’ll make yourself feel better with.

14. Order takeout

Really, who doesn’t love pizza or takeout food? Match that with binging your favorite Netflix show, and you’ll cheer yourself up right away!

Pizza or Chinese food is an excellent way to drown your sorrows and make you feel better. Don’t think about the calories or your health for once – just focus on making yourself feel better.

15. Watch a baby or kitten YouTube video

Sometimes, there is seriously nothing that can make you feel happier or cheer up your day more than watching a baby laugh or a cat do something stupid! Watching cute animals will always make your day because of how adorable they are!

If you want to know an effortless way on how to cheer yourself up, then this is one way to do that. With millions of Youtube clips to choose from, there is no shortage of feel-good videos to lift you. [Read: 16 things you need to give up to have a happier life]

16. Adopt a pet

What can cheer someone up more than finding something that needs them and loves them unconditionally? This is one of the best ways if you want to know how to cheer yourself up. Studies also show that people who own pets are healthier all around, both mentally and physically. *all the more reason to get one!*

It also will get you out of the house, which can lead to meeting new people and getting some exercise and fresh air. You never know, you could meet another pet owner and become friends with them. [Read: How to make new friends as an adult – 15 ways to do it right]

17. Flirt

Feeling a little down about yourself? Flirting is a great tip when it comes to knowing how to cheer yourself up – it’s one of the best ways to get someone to make you feel good about being you.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re flirting over text or in person, feel free to do it! Don’t be as concerned with embarrassing yourself as you are with cheering yourself up. It’s a bonus that your flirting skills might work on your crush! [Read: How to flirt with your crush – 15 easy ways to make them fall hard]

18. Change your sheets

Climbing into a fresh and nice-smelling bed is a great way to not only make your night more restful, but to wake up feeling much more cheery and spry.

There’s nothing more satisfying than going into bed with fresh sheets and pillowcases! It sounds unusual, but it really is one of the simple joys to make yourself feel better! [Read: How to feel happy – 13 proven strategies for instant happiness]

19. Clean your apartment or house

Okay, there is absolutely nothing fun about cleaning your house. But, sometimes your apartment can start to mimic your brain. It’s easy for your thoughts and emotions to become such a mess when your space is absolutely cluttered.

By cleaning your apartment or house, you will feel better afterward! Gaining a little perspective and control can help you feel better and pick yourself up from the dumps. [Read: The best things to do when you’re stuck at home & feel productive]

20. Spend some time with a child

Find the inner you and the happiness of being unencumbered by spending time with a small person. They can help you to see life in a whole new light.  Kids are one of the purest and most innocent companies you can have, and being just around them is one of the best ways on how to cheer yourself up.

Their innocence is just absolutely refreshing! Borrow a friend’s child or visit your niece or nephew. Just the look on their face when they see you is sometimes cheery enough. [Read: 25 memorable life lessons to perfect your life]

21. Do something you are good at in front of others

If you feel like you can’t seem to get ahead at work, or do anything right, doing something you are good at in front of others can make you feel accomplished. This is such a confidence boost and will work wonders in making yourself feel better.

Are you good at painting or maybe dancing? Don’t hesitate to show your talent off to the world! You know what your abilities are, so show them off to make you feel cheerful. [Read: The rules of life – 22 secrets to never be unhappy again]

22. Soak in a warm bath

Imagine just letting your skin soak in the heat and warmth after such a stressful day. There’s a reason why saunas and jacuzzis are a part of a relaxing spa experiance, after all!

Let yourself soak in a warm bath, and the best part is you don’t have to rush yourself! You can even put on some music to make the best out of that warm bath.

23. Watch a sitcom show

You can never go wrong with watching an episode of FRIENDS, Modern Family, The Office, or any of your favorite sitcom shows. Not only are they really funny, but they always manage to make you forget your problems *at least at the moment*!

Go grab that popcorn, sit on your favorite couch, and binge a season of your favorite sitcom show! You won’t regret this. [Read: What makes you happy? It really might not always be what you think]

24. Have a dance party

There doesn’t need to be an occasion for you to have a dance party and do whatever moves you want with nobody watching! It’s so liberating to have a dance party to all your favorite songs, especially with nobody to criticize your taste in music or your dance moves.

So get up, blast your playlist at max, and enjoy yourself! Having a dance party is also a great way to get endorphins in your body to make yourself feel good.

25. Make a gratitude journal

If you’re looking for ways on how to cheer yourself up, having a gratitude journal is incredibly helpful! If you don’t have one yet, then you’re definitely missing out. A gratitude journal, from the word itself, allows you to focus on things you’re grateful for rather than the things that are lacking in your life.

It’s easy to complain in our lives, but a gratitude journal will allow you to have a shift of perspective to cheer yourself up. [Read: How to be grateful – 15 authentic ways to appreciate and express it]

26. Have some chocolate

People always tend to feel better after eating chocolate! If you want to feel better instantly and get rid of all that stress, then chocolates are the key to turning your frown upside down. Don’t think about the calories or your health for once.

It’s not going to hurt you if you indulge yourself in some chocolates. Also, chocolates are proven to have dopamine in them, another hormone responsible for making you feel good.

27. Play video games

You don’t have to be a gamer to enjoy video games. If you want to know how to cheer yourself up, then playing video games is not only incredibly fun, but it’ll distract you enough from your thoughts.

This new virtual reality is the escape you need from your problems, even if it’s just for a little while. Just make sure not to constantly use video games as an escape from your problems! [Read: 14 really quick stress busters to recharge your mind]

28. Spend time on your passion

There’s nothing better than doing the things you love. It doesn’t matter if people don’t particularly understand your passion; go ahead and enjoy doing what you love!

If you’re into painting, then go ahead. If you love the outdoors, why not go for an adventure? This is your window of opportunity to do the things you love. [Read: How to find your passion – 13 secrets to seek it in simple things]

29. Meditate

Meditation is one of the most underrated ways on how to cheer yourself up, but it works! It distracts your mind just enough to help you accept and let go of your negative thoughts and emotions. It takes a lot of self-awareness to do this, but it’s a great relaxation and calming technique, specifically for anxiety and stress!

30. Take pictures of yourself

It’s a great confidence boost to have a complete makeover while looking your best – and take lots of pictures! You can even have a photoshoot and fashion show all by yourself, and nobody’s going to judge you for it. [Read: The sensuous selfie – The best selfie poses to show yourself off effortlessly]

So, how to cheer yourself up?

It’s not the easiest thing in the world to cheer yourself up, but with these tips, hopefully, you’re halfway there! Just remember that there’s more to life than your moments of darkness and sadness. As the saying goes, this too shall pass.

[Read: How to stop being sad – 15 steps to alter your sad state of mind]

It makes you human to feel sad at times, and that’s completely okay. With these tips for how to cheer yourself up, you’ll bring that smile back in no time.

The post How to Cheer Yourself Up: 30 Ways to Find Your Inner Happiness is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Does My Husband Love Me? 20 Signs That Tell You What He Won’t

Overthinking every scenario to answer does my husband love me is the worst feeling in the world. Keep reading to find out if your worst fears are true.

does my husband love me

The truth is, marriage will always be hard. It’s not a walk in the park to commit yourself to another person. It’s normal to wonder, does my husband loves me or not. Whether your marriage is on the rocks or you’re just overthinking your marriage as a whole, it’s not easy to wonder if your husband really does love you.

If anything, you should know the answer to this even without asking him or reading this feature. If you’re doubting yourself, then maybe something feels off in your marriage. There’s a presumption that love lasts forever, but we all know from experience is that it doesn’t.

If your husband behaves differently, distant, or downright done, you might be wondering if his “I do” has turned to “I don’t.”

Is it normal to wonder does my husband love me?

It’s normal to ask yourself whether he loves you or not. Especially if you feel his words never match his actions, then you’re not crazy for asking, does my husband love me?

Maybe he doesn’t give you as much time anymore, maybe you don’t feel the love, or maybe he no longer provides you with your emotional or mental needs. If you don’t put your mind at ease, this question can make you feel like you’re on the brink of your sanity.

When finding out if his love is still there, watch closely for his actions than his words. In fact, he could be saying he loves you through his actions, even if he doesn’t always say he loves you.

[Read: 25 signs he truly loves you even if he doesn’t say it out loud anymore]

Does my husband love me or not? 20 answers to reveal the truth

You need to realize that men have a different way of processing and expressing emotions than women do. Guys can vault, especially when a subject makes them uncomfortable. And, it isn’t that unusual for them to shut out the people they love most.

However, this isn’t often something you should take personally. If you’re wondering aloud, does my husband still love me, and he says he does, but you aren’t feeling the love, stop listening to words. Start to look for signs that he still adores you. You deserve to put your mind at ease with the following signs.

1. He still does those little things that make your life easier without being asked

If you’re constantly wondering, does my husband love me, watch for the things he does for you. Let’s face it, a guy likes to do the bare minimum, especially when it comes to his home life. If he has the initiative to do things even without being asked, then he loves you.

Guys don’t care if their shit is everywhere and the place is a mess *at least most of them*. So, if he takes out the garbage, does the dishes, and makes sure that his socks are in the laundry hamper, it might not be the “I love you” that you look for, but it is love no less. [Read: 17 regular gestures that are way louder than words to prove he really loves you]

2. If you are stuck somewhere and need help, he drops whatever to rescue you

A man in love with a woman, even a tough guy, drops whatever he’s doing to rescue his damsel in distress. It doesn’t matter how simple or big the task is, but he helps you whenever needed. Guys usually have the instinct to rescue women, but this is evidently seen when they love you.

If your husband drops everything when you have a flat tire, the dishwasher leaks, or your internet goes out, then it is because he wants to make sure you are taken care of because he is protective of you.

3. He talks nicely about you to people in his life

If a man loves you with his entire being, he won’t hesitate to brag about your best qualities to his friends and family. When a guy is in love, he might not voice his loving thoughts every single day.

But, if he lets the truth out when he talks to people in his life and talks positively about you and your relationship, that’s pretty much golden. [Read: 25 sweet ways to make your husband feel cared for and appreciated]

4. He still reaches out to you

Communication is vital to any relationship. Men have different ways of communicating – maybe they’re more vocal, or maybe they’re touchy-feely. Whatever way it is, if your guy still tries his best to reach out to you and connect, then he clearly loves you.

If a guy doesn’t care about you, he won’t even bother with communication. If he still tries his hardest to make contact and find a way to communicate even when you both recently had a fight, that’s a really big signs he loves you and still cares about the relationship.

5. You still have sex

What happens in the bedroom is what happens in a marriage. If you still have sex, there is no reason not to believe that he loves you. While it certainly is possible to have sex without emotions involved, the fact that he’s married to you, he’s doing it out of love – not just to satisfy his needs.

A guy who doesn’t love his wife would rather masturbate than carry on a fake sexual relationship. [Read: Here’s what to do if your man prefers his hand over you]

6. He asks you about you

When asking the question, does my husband love me, you need to see if he is considerate and selfless towards you. If anything, this is the most defining trait that’s gets revealed when he loves you.

If your man goes so far as to ask you how you are, how your day was, or about anything in your life, that is sheer effort. Guys generally aren’t the greatest listeners, so if he focuses on you, that’s love right there.

7. He says he’s sorry

One of the hardest things to do in any relationship is to say you are sorry when egos are running high after an argument. If your husband still says he is sorry for what he has done and truly means it, then he cares enough to know he hurt your feelings and has sufficient remorse for apologizing for it.

This is an act of surrender, which also means he’s not letting his ego and pride get in the way of your relationship. If you’re asking, does my husband love me, watch if he says he’s sorry. [Read: 16 non-sexual touches to feel connected and loved]

8. He hates your playdates but will still go along

Guys hate when you drag them along for the ride. Women are notorious for setting up our husbands like we do our kids. We assume that just because we like someone, our husbands will get along with their husbands.

However, he’s mostly just going with it for you. Since you insisted on doing so, then he happily goes with your playdates, even if he’d rather stay at home and watch TV.

9. He cares when you are upset or crying

The last thing your husband should do if he loves you is to ignore it when he sees you crying or upset. If he stops being angry, ends the fight, or comes to put his arm around you when you are in tears, then he not only still cares, he still loves you.

Guys who love you have this need to be a hero and fix things for you. If he sees you in tears, he should comfort you the best way he knows how. [Read: Is he the best husband ever? The subtle things perfect husbands always do in a marriage]

10. Your threats still scare him

If you tell him that you are leaving when things get bad in an argument, what does he do? Does he try to calm the situation or does he escalate it? If a man cares for you, he’ll know when to throw in the towel, if the argument is getting out of hand.

This is typically seen in arguments and conflict, so if your threat still scares him that he’s about to lose you, he loves you. After all, what man that loves you doesn’t get scared of you walking out the door forever?

11. He sees you as an equal

Marriage is all about partnership, so if you’re asking, does my husband loves me, watch if he sees you as an equal. A relationship shouldn’t involve any power struggle, and he shouldn’t be too concerned with being above you.

If you earn more than him, for instance, he shouldn’t be putting you down. What you deserve is a man who sees you as an equal partner more than anything else. [Read: 14 ways to overcome power struggles in a relationship]

12. He respects you

The only thing stronger than love is respect. If you’re wondering, does my husband love me, watch closely for signs of respect.

Does he respect your boundaries? Does he respect your values and morals in life? Do you notice that he respects you and encourages you to have your individual life outside the marriage? Does he respect your opinions?

Respect is the basis of love and without it, then he doesn’t love you. [Read: How to show respect in a relationship and love each other better]

13. He tries his best to match his actions with words

When it comes down to the big question, does my husband love me, his actions should match his words. No matter how many promises he makes, if he can’t do his best to keep his words, his promises are pointless.

If he says he’s going to change the car tires, refill the gas, or even take you out on a proper date, and he does these things, then that’s love. Words are easy to say, but it’s much harder actually to push through with your promises.

14. He doesn’t try to control you

The thing that causes a toxic marriage is when one tries to control the other or change them. It’s an uncomfortable truth, but you can’t change people, no matter how hard you try.

You can only love them, but even love isn’t enough to turn them into a version they’re not ready to become. If your husband accepts you without any conditions, then he loves you wholeheartedly. [Read: How to make your partner better – Is that something that can be done?]

15. He does his best to make you happy

In a marriage, your husband’s goal should be inclined towards making you happy. Whether it’s making you laugh, making your favorite cup of coffee, or taking care of you when you’re sick, he does the little and big things to make you happy.

He knows you better than anyone, which also means he knows the best ways to give you that genuine smile the fits perfectly on you.

16. He lets down his walls around you

The one thing you should watch out for when asking, does my husband love me, is whether he lets himself become vulnerable around you. Men generally fear vulnerability and showing their emotions, but he breaks down his walls for you and only you if he loves you.

In fact, he probably doesn’t let anyone else see him vulnerable but you. This doesn’t just represent trust, but it illustrates how much he loves you. [Read: How to get a man to open up and share all his secrets with you]

17. He tries his best to be better

When his actions hurt you, does he seem okay with that fact, or does he try his best to change his behavior? Guaranteed that a person doesn’t change overnight, but if he gradually changes his behavior for the better, he loves you unconditionally.

A man only changes for the woman he loves and nobody else. Especially when he sees how he’s the one responsible for hurting you, him changing his behavior is only further proof of his love. [Read: How to change for your partner without compromising or losing yourself]

18. He provides you with your particular love language

If you’re asking, does my husband love me, notice if he provides you with your love language. Do you feel more loved with quality time rather than physical touch? Do you feel loved when he gives you his undivided attention – and he gives it to you?

This is a sign that he loves you and cares about you. He wants you to feel loved, and even if it’s not his chosen love language, he doesn’t want you to question his love for you.

All of us want to be loved in a certain way, and if your guy can see what makes you happy, and finds ways to express his love in those ways, he’s still a real keeper. [Read: 25 unmanly and manliest things a guy can ever do to a woman]

19. He supports and celebrates your successes

If your husband loves you, he’ll not only support your successes and ambitions, but he’ll also celebrate every one of them with you. He knows that your success is also his, and he doesn’t hesitate to show how proud he is of you.

When you get that promotion or raise, notice how he acts. Does he seem irritated by your success, or does he seem genuinely excited for this new milestone in your career?

20. He provides mutual effort

No relationship is precisely 50/50. If one of you can only give 70 percent of your effort that day, the other should complete the other 30 percent. This is how a relationship works.

If your husband always manages to meet you halfway or exerts effort in the relationship, then it’s a sign he loves you. Men don’t generally provide effort to any woman unless he cares for her.

[Read: Relationship rules – 30 must-know tips to live your best love life!]

So, does my husband still love me?

There is nothing worse than questioning, does my husband love me or not. If you want to know if he loves you, then stop asking the questions and start seeing the answers.

Listen to what his actions say instead. When determining if he loves you, watch his actions closely rather than his words.

You’ll see how much your husband adores you if he respects you, compromises for you, shows you affection, and communicates with you. These are just some of the many things on this list that you need to keep an eye on.

[Read: 19 very unfortunate signs your husband doesn’t love you anymore and is losing interest in you]

If you want to know the answer to, does my husband love me, pay attention to his behavior more than anything else. This will reveal everything you need to know.

The post Does My Husband Love Me? 20 Signs That Tell You What He Won’t is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

How to Get a Girl Back: 21 Steps to Win Her Over After Screwing Up

Want to know how to get a girl back after you screwed up? Follow these 21 steps to the tee, and you will win her back within the next couple of weeks!

how yo get a girl back

Okay, so you screwed up! You ended the relationship and now you want to know how to get a girl back and win her over again. OR you got a bit too hasty while pursuing or dating a girl, and she now thinks you’re weird and wants nothing to do with you.

Perhaps, it happened a few weeks ago. Or it’s been way longer and you assumed wrongly that you wouldn’t even care about her. And now, this awesome girl you lost may even have started dating another guy or become cold towards you.

Now, understanding how to get a girl back in these circumstances requires a lot of work on your part, but it’s not impossible. You just have to work twice as hard. Why? Well, you know that phrase, “once bitten twice shy”? Yeah, she knows that phrase as well!

You lost her, and chances are, she doesn’t want you anymore. So if you have to get her interested the second time around, you need more than just sweet words and gestures, you need her to see you again as a high value guy who’s worth getting a second chance.

[Read: Sexual market value and the 5 biggest factors that increase a guy’s SMV in a girl’s eyes]

Getting a girl back – The two scenarios

Now there are two reasons why you’d want to know how to get a girl back. One, it’s a girl you like and you screwed up while pursuing her, and now you lost her because she doesn’t seem interested anymore. She probably even thinks you’re creepy!

Or secondly, it’s a girl you were casually dating, or she was your girlfriend. You both broke up for some reason, and now you regret that stupid decision.

Fair enough, as much as it sucks, regret comes to us all sometimes. But thankfully though, winning a girl back is possible with the right steps, it just takes some effort and lots of patience.

And honestly, if you follow these steps, you should have a very fair chance of winning her back and getting her to fall in love with you. Of course, unless you did something despicable like cheating on her, in which case, the uphill climb would only get that much harder.

Before we go ahead, if this is a girl you’ve already dated, read on below for all the steps. But if it’s a girl you didn’t date yet and only pursued, and ended up getting rejected, use this guide on how to get a girl who turned you down to like you again. Winning over a girl you haven’t dated yet is very different from winning back a girl you dated and broke up with.

So let’s go onward with learning how to win a girl back!

Why do you want this girl back?

This is something you need to think about before you go any further.

This is the time for some self-reflection. WHY do you want to win her back? You guys dated, and it’s all over now. Can’t you just date some other girl? And if you truly did love her, why did you let your relationship go to shit before you decided she’s the one you need, and probably love?

Maybe you broke up with her and regretted it, maybe you thought ending things was for the best but it really wasn’t, or maybe you just realized too late that she’s the love of your life.

Sometimes, when things end, it’s best to just let go. Chances are, there’s something better waiting for you. BUT if you’re certain she’s the one, or you know for sure that you screwed up and you want to fix it back, that’s a good sign. [Read: 20 signs your ex really wants you back and can’t stop thinking of you]

If you want to win a girl back, it should never be for some silly reason like “I’m bored…” or “she was sooo good in bed!” The effort isn’t worth it, you’ll have bad karma, and most importantly, you’re just wasting time pursuing a girl who may be able to see through your shitty intentions of using her.

There are many genuine reasons why you’d want her back, but just because you got to that realization doesn’t mean she’d feel the same way too. You lost her. And she’s probably over you. So if you want to win a girl back, it’s back to square one all over again. And you have to be prepared to put in some serious work to impress a girl who’s given up on you.

[Read: How to get your ex-girlfriend back – 14 steps to win back her love]

Can you really get a girl back?

You might think that girls are complicated creatures, but they’re pretty simple to understand. If you know all the right strings to pull, then you know exactly how to get a girl back. It doesn’t take a lot of strategies to do this right, but it’s all a matter of giving her space and being as genuine as possible.

The one thing you should avoid is engaging in any form of manipulative mind games to win back – that’s not something you want to risk. Anyone can see through manipulation, and it would backfire instead of working for you.

Remember, manipulation only works when you’re in control of the situation or the person.

So if she’s walked out of your life, chances are, she’s okay with living without you already. She doesn’t need you right now, and that means she is unmanipulatable! So stick with being genuine and completely avoid any kind of game playing.

Instead, wear your heart on your sleeve, and express yourself very clearly instead. It’s corny, but if you love her with everything you’ve got wholeheartedly, that’s when she’ll see your purest intentions.

[Read: How to get your ex back and convince her it’s the right thing to do!]

How to get a girl back and get her to fall for you all over again

It’s not the end of the world just because this girl you like doesn’t like you back *anymore*. The worst thing that could happen is nothing. But if you express yourself the right way, you could win her back and life would be a bed of roses all over again!

Follow these steps one by one without skipping any steps in between, and if all goes well, you and your ex-girlfriend should be back together and dating within the next few weeks!

1. Be sure that you want this

So many people think they want a girl back, put in all the effort to get them back, only to realize they didn’t want that person to begin with. If you want to know how to get a girl back, put your ego aside and figure out why you really want her.

Are you just lonely? Maybe you can’t deal with being alone? Or do you genuinely, from the bottom of your heart, love her? Because if you’re not sure, you’re investing all this time and effort into something you’ll eventually regret.

And the poor girl, what about her? She doesn’t deserve to be hurt again all because you’re selfish and didn’t think through what you really want.[Read: When is it best for you to stop loving someone and move on]

2. Where did you go wrong? Can it be fixed?

So where did you go wrong? Did you ask a girl out and she said no? Did you get bored with the relationship, and decide to end things, only to later realize you’re hollow and empty without her?

Whatever the reasons, this is the most important thing you need to focus on at this point in time. Remember, she still probably thinks you’re a great guy IF not for the issues that separated both of you. If you want to give the relationship a real shot, you need to fix that part of yourself up even before you ask her for a second chance.

If you don’t know why the relationship ended, you’re probably not going to get her back. Reflect back and think about why she left you or why you decided to break it off. Maybe you didn’t spend enough time together, you took her for granted, or there was something significant she wanted you to change.

Look back and see what it was, then be better. Don’t do it for her, but do it for yourself. Know the reason because it’s going to come up in conversation, and it’s the key to whether or not she takes you back. [Read: How to be a good boyfriend – 33 traits that will make you the best ever]

3. Express yourself clearly if you want to get the girl back

This is something you must do, but only if this girl is your ex-girlfriend or you both dated for a while. You’re probably feeling a bit vulnerable right now, so this is a good time to let her know how you feel.

You could text her and tell her you’d like to meet her *because you have something you’d like to talk about*. This is a great way to get all those feelings out there. But there’s a chance she may not be interested.

What’s even better is to text her when you’re feeling really vulnerable and miss her. She can read your text whenever she feels like it, and because she doesn’t have to respond to you immediately, she’d be more open to empathizing and understanding your perspective, instead of putting up a wall. [Read: How to apologize to a girl when you know you completely screwed up]

4. Don’t pick a fight

This is where most guys go wrong while trying to understand how to get a girl back. They let their egos get in the way!

When you text a girl and tell her you’re sorry, or that you’re an idiot for letting her get away, remember to keep your cool. It’s one thing to be vulnerable or sorry, but it’s a totally different story if you’re going to get pissed with her because she accuses you of something in her response.

Remember, you’re the one crawling back to her because you’re the one that made the mistake. So don’t let your ego get in the way.

If she accuses you of something that you think is unfair, it’s completely okay to explain yourself calmly. But it gives you no right to get into a war of words with her. Even if she is angry that you’re trying to reconnect after so long *and she has every right to be angry!* stay calm and listen to her instead of trying to win the argument. [Read: The biggest signs your ex-girlfriend doesn’t want you back and will not date you again]

5. Apologize

If you did something to contribute to the breakup, apologize. You both probably did things that affected the relationship, and it’s time you admitted those faults to each other. Saying sorry is one of the ways on how to get a girl back that doesn’t involve pride or arrogance.

It’s an act of surrender when you show her that you care more about her than your ego.

Saying sorry also acts as a closure for everything that’s happened in the past so you could both move forward, if you choose to. When you apologize to a girl, or anyone really, it lets them know that you’re sorry, and more importantly, that you feel bad about something you did. And that, truly, allows anyone to open up and be vulnerable in turn with you. [Read: How to apologize to a lover you want to win back again]

6. Invest the time

Getting a girl back isn’t going to be as easy as taking her to a movie or buying her some chocolates. You must invest the time into her, and the relationship that’s hanging by a thread. This is one of the most important ways on how to win a girl back.

Prove to her that you can sacrifice your interests and focus on her so she can really see how much she means to you.

7. Be worthy of her *and some more*

Get your life back in order, as soon as you possibly can. If you’ve stopped working out, hit the gym. If you’ve been a mess and haven’t focused on work, now is the time to start prioritizing building a life instead of messing around.

This also holds good for investing time to better yourself, whether that’s finding a job, working out, or just doing something good with your life. Prove to her that you’re deserving of her – that’s how you get a girl back.

Remember, she has to see you, like you, and admire you for who you are now if there has to be any chance of changing her mind. [Read: 16 signs your ex still wants you back in her life]

8. She will doubt your intentions when you try to win her over again

She already knows that you’re trying to get her back, so whatever you do, in the back of her head, you’re doing this only because you want her back.

Even if you’re genuine, she would be wary. And she’s going to be wary for a while, and that’s her right. You didn’t care enough to be with her when you were together, and now, she wants to be really sure this relationship is worth a second shot.

If you buy her flowers, or write her a poem, or even behave more affectionately, she may love the gesture, but she’ll always wonder if you’re faking it or if you’ll hurt her again.

Be genuine with your intentions and your words. If you do something nice for her, do it because you actually want to make her happy. But don’t fake it because she’d be able to see through your actions, and that would only push her further away from you. [Read: How to prove you love someone – 15 honest things every lover must do]

9. Should you pursue her if she’s dating someone else?

If she’s with someone else, your odds of getting back with her are going to be way smaller, if not impossible.

But what should you do here? If you truly care about her, and you see that she’s happy, the right thing to do is to let her be. You had your shot, you broke her heart, and now that she’s happy, you shouldn’t have any right to steal her happiness away.

On the other hand, if she’s just started dating someone, or if she’s single, it’s now or never for you. Of course, you want her and you believe she would be happier with you. And if that’s the case, you can go ahead and pursue her all over again. But remember, subtlety is key here. She knows you’re pursuing her already the minute you texted her, so take it easy, and for now, all you need to do is stay connected. [Read: How to get a girl with a boyfriend to like you and pick you over him]

10. Don’t suffocate her while trying to get a girl back

If you want to know how to get a girl back, suffocating her is the last thing you should do. Literally, just let her breathe. Don’t bombard her with texts and phone calls, just take it easy there. Give her some space, she needs time to think about what’s happening between you and her.

She needs to process her feelings without her judgment being clouded by your presence. The fact you had a relationship means she still somehow cares about you. This is why you need to give her space – to just think and process it all.

11. Balancing space and connection

No, don’t send her funny memes just yet. Don’t call her late at night because you’re bored. And don’t behave like everything’s lovey, fine and dandy between you two.

If you behave like she’s your girl while talking over the phone with her, or start taking her easy in any way, she’ll believe you don’t respect her. That would only infuriate her, or leave her way more annoyed! [Read: How to treat a woman right – 21 things you MUST do if you want her to stay with you]

12. Be there for her

If you tell her you’ll text her, make sure you text her. If you know she got a promotion at work, make sure you congratulate her. If she needs any help moving or fixing something, let her know you’re always around to help. If you can order in some food for her, do that if she’d be okay with it.

Give her all the space she needs, but when you both do text each other or speak over the phone, let her know and see that you’re always there for her. If you get this right, this is where she’d start to feel warmer towards you and want you back in her life again.

13. But go slow with the emotions

You may really like her, but don’t overwhelm her with your feelings right away! 

No, you don’t need to be indifferent and cold, you’ll push her away completely with this. But if you want to know how to win a girl back, go slow with your emotions. Don’t go all out right away and wear your heart on your sleeves.

Don’t dive in headfirst without caution – you’ll scare her! Take it gradually and take it one step at a time. If you were degrading or uninterested in the relationship previously, don’t flip and go a complete 180 by being extra-lovey just to win her.

This looks extremely fake and forced, and she may dislike you even more instead of wanting you back! You know you should straighten up, but do it gradually, and most importantly, be sincere. [Read: Why slow and steady is the only way to go when getting back together with your ex]

13. She needs to need you

She knows you miss her. But if you want to know how to get a girl back, you need to make her miss you. This is literally the most important thing you need to remember.

You can tell her you love her or that you need her, or beg and cry, but none of that will work. You can’t think from your perspective if you want to win her back. You need to think from hers!

She doesn’t need to see how much you need her. She needs to need you.

14. Let her see you’re holding back your love

If you want to win a girl back, you need to hold your overflowing emotions back, and she needs to see that.

So text her in moderation, maybe a text or two a day if she reciprocates. She may not text you first for several days or even a week or two, and that’s okay. Stay connected with her, and let her know you miss her. But don’t overdo it. Let her see the desire in you, let her know that you would hug her and kiss her and make love to her if only you could, but hold back and stay respectful.

You need to shower her with love, but always let her see that you’re holding back your emotions and gestures.

When you talk to her over the phone, let her realize you don’t want to hang up the phone *you can take a deep breath and pause for a few seconds before you say bye*.

When you text her, let her know *type something long, delete it again, and just send the words “miss you… so much* that you have so much to say but you’re holding back your words and thoughts.

Honestly, if you really do love her, all of this should come naturally. So just let her see that you love her and miss her, but you’re trying your best to hold everything back because you don’t want to scare her away. [Read: 300+ very romantic text messages for her that’ll make any girl melt instantly]

15. She needs to see you and admire you

This is important. If you want to know how to win a girl back, you should know that you need to be fancied by her all over again.

She liked you, and then decided not to like you anymore. Of course, she may still miss you. But you need to ask yourself if there’s something more you can do to convince her to give you a second shot and see you from a fresh perspective.

You need to show her that you’re in control of your life, and that you can balance your career, your social life, your health, and everything else that’s important to you. Go out and meet your friends, share a few pictures on social media, work out, dress up, and look great. If you want to get a girl back, it all starts with appearing desirable in her eyes again! [Read: How to make a girl want you, desire you and obsess over you!]

16. Get back to the basics of getting a girl back

You screwed up, so if you think you’re going to get laid after buying her flowers, you’re delusional. Start back from the start and woo her all over again. Why? Because you don’t deserve anything more than that. You need to let yourself go through everything you went through before in courting her – you may even have to try harder.

Trust and respect are both the foundation of a relationship and the fact that your relationship ended means either one or both have been lost. You need to let her trust you again, which means earning back that trust. [Read: The 13 strong foundations of a relationship you need to focus on to impress her]

17. You don’t have to make her jealous

You can try to make her jealous if you want, but, why though? If she has genuine feelings for you, why would you want to play games and leave her feeling anxious? If you truly want to know how to win a girl back, you need to help her see your best side all over again, not make her jealous just to trigger her anxiety or fear of losing you!

Her feelings for you didn’t disappear, they’re right there. Also, if there was any type of jealousy or envy involved in the first place which led to you both falling apart, making her feel the same way is the last thing you should ever try!

18. See her in person

She may not want to meet you again, at least not initially. But over a week or two, she may reconsider seeing you in person again. And when that does happen, try to rebuild the connection and the relationship you lost after the breakup if you want to know how to win a girl back.

It’s different being with her in person than just texting her, calling her, or chatting her over on social media. Hang out with her, go for a coffee, whatever it is, just make sure you see each other face to face.

19. Don’t get grabby and touchy

Yes, you’re aching to hold her in your arms again. BUT now is not the time. You’ve just rebuilt the fragile bond and convinced her to meet you again. So take it slow, there is no need to rush at all.

Don’t behave like you’re her long-term boyfriend by trying to grab her hand as soon as you both sit down. Treat her with respect, give her the space she deserves. But stare deeply into her eyes as you talk to her, and let your eyes express your love and desire for her.

Wait for her to make a move to touch you, or at least sit closer to you. Remember, it’s all about desirability again. If you don’t pounce on her already, she’d wonder why you aren’t touching her yet, and that would in turn make her desire you even more. [Read: How to respect a girl in the relationship and love her better]

20. Talk to her honestly if you want to get her back

They’ll be a moment where you two talk about the relationship, what happened, and where it all went wrong. Take your chance to be honest with her.  You can’t learn how to get a girl back with lies and manipulation – relationships don’t work that way.

You need to earn her trust, so be honest with her. If you bullshit her in this moment, you won’t get her back. Ever.

21. Relax and process everything

Yes, you’re hanging out with her again. That’s a good thing. So you really shouldn’t let your anxiety or frustration show. If you’re not comfortable and relaxed, she’ll notice and the whole situation comes out forced. You don’t want that, you want it to run smoothly and actually last. [Read: How to communicate in a relationship – 16 steps to a better love]

When she expresses her opinions, listen to her without trying to cut her off or justify something. And when you tell her how much you miss her and want to get back with her, be honest and focus on winning her back, not winning brownie points over an argument!

After she meets you, talks to you, and goes back to her place, you want her to have an upbeat and positive impression of you, rather than a negative one. You don’t want her to remember exactly why the relationship ended in the first place, so just relax and breathe. Don’t overthink everything! [Read: The 21 atypical secrets you need to know to impress a girl the second time around]

So how to win a girl back?

You can win a girl back by avoiding silly mind games and just being genuine and sincere with your intentions. Show her how much you love her and give her time to process everything.

If you truly do love her, and are sincere, she will see it and big chances are, she will fall back in love with you all over again!

[Read: Understanding a girl’s perspective – Should I give my ex-boyfriend another chance?]

Now you know every single step you need to understand about how to get a girl back. It’s time to apply these steps in winning her over, and see where it takes you. With the right kind of patience, dedication, and love, she should be in your arms again, very soon.

The post How to Get a Girl Back: 21 Steps to Win Her Over After Screwing Up is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Monday, 29 November 2021

How to Text a Guy to Keep Him Interested in You and Eager for More

Guys can have the worst attention spans in texting. This is where it becomes important to learn how to text a guy to keep him interested.

how to text a guy to keep him interested

You like a guy, okay, you like him a lot. And if anything is certain, you’re terrified that he’ll get bored soon, and you’re wondering how to text a guy to keep him interested in you, and wanting more. The more obsessed you get with keeping him interested, the more likely your worst fears become your reality.

By worrying about losing him, it’ll only get you more paranoid and nervous when talking to him. And that’s what will make him lose interest in you.

As cliche as it sounds, you need to be yourself. Your authenticity is what’ll interest guys to keep texting you.

Secondly, don’t focus on the fact that he might lose interest. As bad as that sounds, he’s just one in a million fish you could be texting! *know your worth, girl!* Keeping this in mind will help you reduce your anxiety the next time you pick up your phone to text him.

[Read: What men find attractive in women – 18 secrets most women don’t know]

Why is it important to keep him interested in texting you?

When you keep him interested enough in texting you, you have a chance of actually landing a date with him. And it’s possible to ruin your chances with that guy you like if you don’t know how to text him properly.

Everything starts with texting, and you basically sabotage your chances of building something or having a relationship with the guy you like if you can’t keep him interested enough to text with you. While not everything depends on a text conversation, it’s the basis for connecting with him.

The moment you learn how to text a guy to keep him interested, you’ll see your dating life begin to flourish. You can even use this with your crush and you never know, you could end up getting everything you’ve ever wanted! [Read: 28 super-cool ways to text your crush and keep him really interested]

How to text a guy to keep him interested in you and hooked for more

Once you two become comfortable with each other, these tips probably won’t be needed anymore because you’ll be past this awkward point. So, it’s time you learned the little tips and tricks you can use the next time you’re texting him to have him hooked.

Follow these tips, and you’ll appear interested but not eager, and he’ll always be excited to text you and crave for more. [Read: How to text a guy first – 24 easy ways to say hi and get him texting back and wanting more]

1. Less is more

You may want to explain to him in detail about your day, but remember, less is more. You don’t need to send him an essay; unless he’s smitten by you, he’s not going to read it. Be concise and direct when sending him a text message.

There’s no need to compose a long-ass message *unless he’s into that kinda thing*! Save the in-depth conversation for a date. You’d want to keep the air of mystery alive.

2. If it sounds boring, don’t send it

The worst texts are the, “oh my god, my dog just licked my face – he’s so sweet,” or “I’m so full from dinner.” Who wants to read that? He may smile, and then what… complete silence? Seriously, how is a guy supposed to respond to a message like that? You might’ve as well gone with the boring “how’s life?”

It would help if you had a catchy text to keep the conversation going, or you’ll bore him to death. [Read: How to not be a boring texter and keep your crush interested]

3. Don’t double text

Women always do this to the point that it drives men away in text conversations. If you want to know how to text a guy to keep him interested, don’t double text him at all costs. One text is enough; just be patient while waiting. We assure you that he did receive your text, and he didn’t fall off the face of the earth!

If he’s into you, he’ll reply as soon as he has the time. A double text isn’t showing anything but clinginess and desperation. Don’t give in to your urge to double text at all costs. If he didn’t text you within 30 minutes, that’s not an excuse to send him another text, and then another! [Read: What is double texting and the second text rules to play it cool]

4. Ask him questions

Questions are just some of the most engaging ways on how to text a guy to keep him interested. Do you want to get to know him? Then ask him questions. Don’t make him feel like he’s sitting in an interview, but amuse him with your questions.

They shouldn’t be too shallow, but they shouldn’t be too deep either. Save those for then you actually get on a date! Until then, keep him on his toes by asking the right set of questions. [Read: 85 very fun and flirty questions to text a guy and leave him even more interested in you]

5. Have a life outside of your phone

You like him, and you’re excited to text him, but you also have a life outside of him. Nothing’s worse than showing him all you have going in your life is him. This is the most unattractive thing you can do to keep him interested.

Make sure he knows that you have a life outside of your texting relationship. Go out with your friends, live life, and if you’re so busy having fun that you miss his text for a couple of hours, guess what? All of that only makes you way, way more desirable to a guy!

So remember, never be addicted or obsessed with texting him – you’re making a huge mistake. [Read: 20 subtle ways to get a man to chase you and desire you a lot more]

6. Give open-ended answers to questions

Have you ever asked someone a question, and they texted you back with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’? There’s not much you can do with a response like that. So if he asks you a question, don’t just answer with one word assuming he’ll continue to put in all the work to carry the conversation forward.

When he asks you something, even if it only requires a yes-or-no, answer his question and ask him something else in return, or even better, explain the answer by adding a detail that gets his mind running.

Cute guy: “Hey, are you done with work? I’m finally done for the day, and relaxing for a bit”

You: “Yes”


You: “Yup, finally done with work too! Just had a shower and lying down for a bit. What are you doing?”

Now ask yourself which answer sounds more interesting? You can either answer a question with a yes-or-no, and end it. Or you can share a very subtle-but-naughty detail and ask him a question, and keep the conversation going.

[Read: 30 flirt text messages to send a guy and leave him fantasizing about you]

7. Let him text you first

Guys are all about the element of a challenge. You need to let him text you first because while it’s perfectly okay for you to text him first, you shouldn’t be doing it all the time.

By seeing if he initiates conversations, you’ll be able to gauge his feelings for you. If you’re always the person starting conversations, he may not be that into you.

8. Respect time

He probably won’t have time to text you every three minutes if he has a full-time job. This is something you need to understand and respect when you’re trying to figure out how to text a guy to keep him interested.

A lot of women are very demanding in this aspect, but while time is an important aspect, respect that he has a career and personal life. Patiently wait for him to text you back as he will when he has the time.

9. Write properly

If you really want to know how to text a guy to keep him interested, apply basic texting etiquette. Abbreviating everything may seem more convenient, but it also makes you look like a twelve-year-old. Whatever language you’re texting in, use proper spelling and grammar.

It’s not just attractive, but it shows your etiquette and personality. It can be such a turn off to text someone who uses shortcuts! [Read: 25 texting examples to get a guy’s attention and work your magic]

10. Show off your personality

Don’t pretend to be someone else to keep his attention. He’s eventually going to see your true colors. Authenticity is the most attractive thing you can show to him if you want to learn how to text a guy to keep him interested.

This goes for your sense of humor, likes and dislikes, and the important things about you. If you like Star Wars, what are the odds that he could like it too?

11. Send a *non-dirty* photo

It’s easy to assume that all men are into dirty and seductive texting conversations, but this isn’t the case. Not that there’s anything wrong with dirty photos, but sending him a nude photo isn’t the way to keep him interested.

Send him a cute selfie or a photo of where you are, and never rush into sending him naughty photos. You need to give him a sense of who you are underneath all that flirtation, and dirty photos aren’t the way to go *at least not yet!* [Read: How to take a good selfie and look cute every time you snap a photo]

12. Don’t just text ‘hi’

Could you be any more boring? The same way you probably don’t like it when a guy texts you hi, the same goes for him. It’s a dull text and doesn’t get you excited to start a conversation. If you’re wondering how to text a guy to keep him interested, remember to start the conversation with a catchy opener.

It’s also best to avoid openers such as “what’s up?” and “how are you doing?” You need to think of a catchier starter that will really get his attention to stay interested in texting you. [Read: The 25 cutest ways to say ‘hi’ in a text message without ever saying HI]

13. Go easy with emojis

You gotta admit, emojis and smileys are always so much fun to use in texts. It keeps the conversation alive rather than dull and serious. However, that doesn’t mean you should go overboard with emojis either.

Too many emojis give off an immature vibe, and no one really is looking for that. Especially if you really like this guy, it’s best not to go overboard with them. [Read: 15 no-fail signs to decode if a guy likes you by seeing his texts]

14. Casually flirt with him

Make the conversation as fun as possible by flirting with him casually! Don’t go overboard with this, but it has to be light and casual. You can text him cheesy pickup lines or flirty lines that also pass as humor.

This will definitely keep him interested enough to stay in a texting conversation with you. [Read: How to flirt over text and type your way into someone’s heart]

15. Be light and upbeat

Really, nobody wants to date someone incredibly serious all the time. Be an upbeat and fun texter if you want to know how to text a guy to keep him interested.

Show him your outgoing and positive personality as there’s nothing more attractive than someone who has a fun approach to life. After all, life is difficult enough, and there’s no need to add to that. [Read: How to attract men – The irresistible secrets no one ever talks about]

16. Talk about common interests

The best way to keep anyone interested in texting is to discuss mutual interests, which apply to both guys and girls.

Obviously, you’ll never get around to that point if you don’t talk about what you like and if you don’t ask them what they like as well. You never know, you might find the same love for your Netflix shows!

[Read: How to keep a text conversation going when you have nothing to say]

So, how to text a guy to keep him interested?

The best way to keep a guy interested is not to be afraid to show your authenticity. The same way you wouldn’t be interested in someone who’s evidently guarded even in text messages, don’t be the same way to him! Also, don’t be a boring texter, and don’t hesitate to show him your sense of humor *he might like it!*

[Read: What to text a guy to start a conversation – 29 easy ways to hook him really hard]

Learning how to text a guy to keep him interested isn’t hard when you two share a connection. Don’t force a connection to happen when there’s a lack of chemistry, and most importantly, be yourself!

The post How to Text a Guy to Keep Him Interested in You and Eager for More is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

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