Friday 5 November 2021

How to Get Over Your Ex-Boyfriend: 20 Fastest Ways to Forget Him

Learning how to get over your ex-boyfriend might seem like an impossible task, but you’re stronger than you think. You don’t need him after all!

how to get over your ex-boyfriend

Having a relationship end is never easy for anyone – unless there weren’t any real feelings, to begin with. It’s harder when you weren’t the one to end things, and now you’re left heartbroken and shocked. It’s rough, we know. However, there are so many different things you can do if you want to know how to get over your ex-boyfriend.

It might feel like the end of the world, but it’s not.

You’re so much more capable than you think of getting over your ex-boyfriend. No matter how long you’ve been together or how much you loved him, your breakup shouldn’t ever define you.

[Read: How to get over a boyfriend you can’t forget]

Why breakups are so hard

No questions asked; breakups will always be difficult. You loved them with everything you’ve got and now, it’s over. You invested significant time and effort into the relationship, not knowing the relationship would end. But why do breakups hurt so bad? The truth is that it’s a combination of many different things.

First, you’re caught off-guard, and the shock can make it that much more painful. Another is the fact that you’re dealing with rejection, and that just stings like none other. The biggest reason dealing with breakups is so hard is because you’ve become dependent on someone else in your life.

They’re always there, and you’re so used to their presence that when they’re no longer in your life, it just feels empty. You never see a breakup happening until that’s what ends up happening. [Read: Why does love hurt so much when it goes bad?]

What’s the best way to get over him?

You came across this feature looking for answers, and we’re giving them to you. If you want to know how to get over your ex-boyfriend, the best thing to do is focus on yourself. It might seem cliche, but it’s true.

Anyone who has ever been through a breakup knows that the only way to stop dwelling on the feelings of heartbreak and pain is by switching the focus to yourself. Happiness is the best revenge, after all. We know how much it hurts to lose someone you loved with everything you have.

But the fact you broke up means you broke up for a reason. You can’t dwell on the breakup, but instead, use it to improve yourself. Keep yourself busy and most importantly, use this time to rediscover yourself again. [Read: How to get over your ex in a healthy way for your future]

How to get over your ex-boyfriend

But have no fear, ladies. You don’t have to suffer for too long when trying to get over your ex-boyfriend. The truth is that there are TONS of things you can do that will help you move past the breakup so you can start living again.

1. Don’t hold it back

By this, we mean if you want to be sad and you need to cry for an entire day, DO IT! Don’t hold back your painful emotions, or they’ll just come back full force – and much worse later on.

The most common mistake people tend to make regarding how to get over your ex-boyfriend is to numb your emotions out and pretend you’re completely fine when you’re not.

Not only is this an unhealthy way of dealing with your feelings, but you’ll never get over your breakup this way. All you’re doing is distracting the pain away. But it’ll resurface, one way or another. [Read: Repressed anger – How to let go before it eats you from the inside]

2. Get rid of their number and social media

You may be thinking, “But what if I need –,” NO! You two are over. You will not need him for anything else. The longer you still have his phone number and are connected on social media, you’ll always be tempted to contact him. What happens if you get drunk and accidentally drunk call him?

You’ll end up regretting that in the morning. So to forget him and avoid doing things you might regret, delete his number and unfollow him on your socials!

And here’s something you should know. The more you drunk call him or text him “miss you” texts, the further away you’re pushing him because he’d find you clingy and annoying. So remember, the more you focus on him, the harder you miss him and the lesser he cares about you![Read: How to get over a guy you still love]

3. AND all of their belongings

That’s right. Throw them out, return them, do whatever you need to in order to have nothing that will make you think of him. We don’t care how much you like sleeping in his t-shirt.

You don’t need to do something as drastic as burn his things *although that works too*! We assure you, this will make you feel so much better about the breakup. [Read: Old love letters and memories – Keep or throw them?]

4. Avoid watching romance movies

It’s tempting to turn on Netflix and browse the “romance” section and cry about the fact that you’ll never have a love like that. However, this will do more harm than good when trying to learn how to get over your ex-boyfriend.

Watching romance movies will just make you cry because it’ll remind you of the breakup. How would that help you?!

5. Vent to your BFFs

Call them up and tell them what happened, and plan a girl’s night filled with chocolate, ice cream, burning of his belongings, and venting about how awful you feel. It’ll help you feel better.

No matter how easy it is to isolate yourself from your friends because you’re dwelling on your breakup, you need them. Your friends will be there to pick up the pieces of your broken heart, so call them up and remind yourself of how much fun life can be even without your ex-boyfriend in your life! [Read: How to move on after a breakup and overcome the pain]

6. Stay busy

This is such an important step on how to get over your ex-boyfriend. You can’t dwell on your breakup at all costs. You need to stay busy to distract yourself just enough to refrain from thinking about him.

Now is definitely the time to ask your boss for extra work and make sure you are diving head-first into your hobbies. Join clubs, try out yoga, and even offer to babysit or volunteer at a shelter. Staying busy will keep your mind off of him. [Read: 8 ways to stop moaning and stay busy after a breakup]

7. Don’t be alone much

This is another thing that will make you miss him more. Plan your day, so you have the least amount of time to be alone. Being alone just reminds you of how much you enjoyed their company, and that’s not good if you’re trying to figure out how to get over your ex-boyfriend.

Eventually, you’re going to have to learn how to feel and live alone without missing him. But for now, isolation isn’t the way how to get over your ex-boyfriend. [Read: 10 stages of a breakup and how to get through them]

8. Do something he disliked

Do you really want to feel better about the breakup? Do everything he hated. If he always liked your hair long, cut it short. If he hated you going to clubs and parties, now’s your chance.

It will feel so refreshing doing this and remind you just how good it can feel to not be tied down to him. You might miss him, but doing things he doesn’t like will make you feel better about everything.

9. Rearrange your apartment

If you two spent a lot of time at your place, it’s only natural that just seeing the place will make you miss him – and you have to see it every day.

Especially if everything reminds you of him, it’s crucial that you rearrange your apartment and declutter. You can even choose to decorate your home again so that your space reminds you less of him when it looks entirely different. [Read: What to do when you’re bored at home with nothing to do]

10. Get a haircut

This is a classic thing girls do when they go through a breakup. Why? Because having a new look can definitely help you with getting over your ex-boyfriend. It signals a fresh start and a new beginning, which is precisely why you should get that haircut!

Don’t hesitate to try something different with your hair, but just don’t get carried away and do something you’ve never considered before! But all said and done, never underestimate the power of a haircut in making you feel better about a breakup. [Read: 11 determined ways to get over a breakup that you caused]

11. Get a pet – if you want!

Not everyone can go out and get a pet to curb their loneliness cravings. But if you can, it’s a really great strategy for how to get over your ex-boyfriend.

Not only do pets make such an adorable company, but they’re amazing in distracting you from your heartbreak. They’re so cute and adorable that you can’t help but put all your focus on your pet rather than your ex-boyfriend.

Of course, you need to remember though that having a pet is a real commitment for years to come. So if you choose to pour your heart and love into a pet instead of some guy who doesn’t love you anymore, that’s an amazing gesture. But remember, it is a real responsibility.

12. Hit the gym

Not only will you have so much extra time for hobbies, but you’ll have more hours a week to get in the gym. This will help keep you busy, get the endorphins pumping so you feel really happy, and increase your confidence because you’ll look AMAZING after working out so much!

If you want to learn how to get over your ex-boyfriend, hitting the gym and exercising is your best option. We guarantee that the endorphins and transformation will make you feel instantly better about yourself. [Read: 25 inspirational tips to get motivated and work out]

13. Pamper the shit out of yourself

You have all this extra time on your hands, so do something to treat yourself! Don’t just sit at home and mope. Get some face masks, new nail polish, and bubble bath stuff so you can have a luxurious night to yourself – at least three times a week!

If you want to feel instantly better, work on some self-love habits and put the focus back on yourself. Prioritize yourself and most importantly, love yourself. It’ll remind you that you don’t need a man to feel happy. [Read: How to get your self-esteem back after a breakup]

14. Pick up a challenging hobby/activity

Don’t just get a hobby that’s easy for you and that you can do while thinking about your ex. Instead, pick a hobby that will challenge you immensely and make you think and work. This is also your chance to try different hobbies and find one that really interests you.

If you want to know how to get over your ex-boyfriend, try something that absorbs you completely! Also, this can help you rediscover yourself, especially as it’s easy to forget who you are in a breakup. For example, you can start to learn a new language, pick up a new sport to perfect, or even try to draw really well!

15. Get your flirt on!

Now, this isn’t easy for many women to do post-breakup because you’re feeling down and not very good about yourself. However, if you get out there and flirt with some attractive guys, it’ll definitely help you figure out how to get over your ex-boyfriend.

Again, this isn’t for everyone, but flirting can certainly bring back your confidence and help you learn how to get over your ex-boyfriend. [Read: How to quickly get over someone you love – 14 steps to get there really fast]

16. Travel elsewhere

Traveling is one of the most underrated ways on how to get over your ex-boyfriend. The more you stay within the same environment you lost him, everything will keep reminding you of him.

So book that plane ticket and travel the world, and ask your friends to come along with you! You’ll have some of the best memories when you do this, and the adventures you go on will distract you just enough to stop thinking about him. [Read: 15 reasons why you should travel at least once a year]

17. Embrace your independence

This seems to be something a lot of people forget to do when a breakup occurs. You dwell so much on the heartbreak and pain that you fail to embrace the silver lining of it. You’re single again, which means you’re free to live your life however you want.

Nobody will control you or get mad at you when you do things he doesn’t want to. If you’re going to feel better, embrace your independence! Go to that party, flirt with guys, have adventures! The possibilities are endless. [Read: How to be single after a long relationship – 20 ways to start over]

18. Realize your worth

We know this is easier said than done, but realizing your worth is essential in a breakup. You will only be able to move on from your ex when you remind yourself who you are and everything you’re worth.

It’s easy to lose yourself in a relationship so if that happened throughout your relationship, now is your chance to find yourself again and realize your worth. [Read: How to respect yourself – 14 secrets of self-worth and self-belief]

19. Reaffirm why you had to breakup

People break up for so many reasons, and it’s not often the reasons we understand. It doesn’t always have to be something as drastic as cheating for a relationship to end. Sometimes there’s just a lack of compatibility, or maybe there’s no future, or there’s no love.

Whatever it is, you need to find out why you had to break up and hold on to those factors. The minute you want your ex back, remind yourself why the breakup occurred, and you’re a step closer to forgetting your ex-boyfriend. [Read: 20 of the most valid reasons to break up with someone]

20. Invest in your personal development

Aside from happiness, the best revenge to get over an ex is success. When he sees you succeeding and thriving in all aspects compared to when you were with him, he’ll start to realize that maybe he made a mistake.

Of course, this should never be your goal, but you should improve yourself primarily for yourself and not as a form of revenge. But it still does feel good when you improve. Not to mention, it distracts you enough that you forget you miss him entirely.

[Read: How to improve yourself – 16 powerful secrets of self-improvement]

So, how to get over your ex-boyfriend?

You can get over your ex-boyfriend when you focus on yourself and take it one step at a time to move on from him. Remember you broke up for a reason, so even if you miss him with every fiber of your being, he’s no longer worth your time or energy.

With these steps, hopefully, you’ll learn how to get over your ex-boyfriend. It takes a lot of inner strength and resilience to move on, but you can do it!

The post How to Get Over Your Ex-Boyfriend: 20 Fastest Ways to Forget Him is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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