Wednesday 17 November 2021

Movie Date: How to Build Sexual Chemistry & Create a Perfect Date

A movie date is a great idea for a fun evening. You can snuggle up, enjoy a movie, and a few snacks too. Learn how to make your date the best.

movie date

A movie date can lead to a great time. For sure, it’s an evergreen teen date idea, but it’s something even older and seasoned daters have started using in recent times. That’s because this kind of date is easy, comfortable, and it has plenty of scope for sitting a little closer and getting a little hands-on!

It’s true – you get to sit next to each other in a dimly lit room for a couple of hours with a lot of opportunities to touch each other, speak closely or even do a lot more! Even if you plan a movie night in, you can push the boat out with comfort and snacks and make your date feel like a million dollars.

Movie dates can be fun and can always be clubbed with dinner or something else to stretch the date for a longer time.

[Read: 60 most romantic movies in the world that are a must-watch this year]

Move night out or in?

You have two options here – you can have a movie night out at the cinema or a drive-through if you can find one, or you can create a cinema feel at home. Which do you think is best?

It depends upon many elements. If it’s your first date, it’s probably better to go out to the local cinema. If you ask your date to visit your house on the first date, they’re probably going to decline or think you’re a little odd.

However, if you’ve been dating for a while, an at-home movie night could be a great way to cuddle up and perhaps take things even further. [Read: Movies to watch with your boyfriend – 30 films he’ll love]

If you’re going for the at-home version, you could even set up an outdoor cinema in your back garden! A few cushions, blankets, and some snacks – you’re golden. If you’re having an indoor version, simply make sure that your date is comfortable, add some throws, and again, plenty of snacks. Snacks are a must-have for any movie night!

If you want to have a successful movie date, you need to remember that it’s not just about the time spent together. If it’s a first movie date, you need to plan everything if you want to end the date with a lot of promise and love in the air. [Read: How to be a great date every time you’re out with someone]

What is the best type of movie to watch on a date?

Depending on your date’s choice and yours, you can pick a movie that both of you will enjoy. Let’s look at a few movie date types and whether they’re a good choice or not. [Read: How to get to know someone on a date]

1. Drama and romance

This niche isn’t perfect for a first date. It’s too involved and emotional. Your date can’t immediately fall in love with you. You need to create the stage of infatuation and excitement first.

2. Horror

Horror could be too obvious. It can excite both of you with bursts of fear and adrenalin. But at the same time, it can cut the budding romance now and then with sudden shrieks and involuntary distractions.

3. Movies with a lot of making out

This is just pushing it. It’s too obvious on a first date and it sends the wrong impression that all you want to do is get physical. [Read: What girls always notice on a date and what guys always notice on a date]

4. Action

Action movies are awesome, especially the ones where there are a lot of fast cars and edge-of-your-seat moments. But there’s a hitch. Action movies are not everyone’s cup of tea.

If both of you are seriously interested in action, it’s definitely the best option. The pumping adrenalin can excite both of you sexually and emotionally without inducing fear.

5. Funny movies or a romantic comedy

These are just perfect. They keep the atmosphere light, and the plot is so simple that it’s okay to be distracted. Romantic comedies and Adam Sandler’s movies are the best first-date movies of all time.

It’s fun and easy, and your date won’t hate you every time you ask them something or try to make a conversation halfway through.

How to dress for a movie date

Well, it’s just a movie, really. Go casual and dress exactly how you’d dress when you watch a movie with any of your friends. Remember, it’s a first movie date and it’s still about looking good and making a good impression on your date, though.

One important tip, wear good perfume or cologne, especially around your neck. You need to leave a lingering fragrance every time both of you move closer. [Read: What to wear on a date]

How to act on a movie date

Now you know the type of movie you should go for and how to dress, what else should you do or not do? Let’s check out some movie date tips you can follow.

1. Remember your manners

Just because the date is casual, that doesn’t mean you can forget your manners or the fact that both of you are on a date.

Be yourself but remember that even though the setting is casual and chilled out, you’re still trying to make a good first impression on someone you probably want to date a little more. [Read: How to behave on a first date – 16 things you MUST do to leave a great impression]

2. Get into the comfort zone

While watching the movie, use these tips to get into each other’s comfort zones without being pushy or intrusive.

a. Use the excuse of loud scenes to talk to each other. Just like in a club, it gives an excuse to get closer.

b. Intentionally say something softly so your date has to come closer to you. Use the excuse to shift your butt closer too. The only thing between both of you must be the few inches of the armrest. [Read: How to accidentally kiss your date and easily get away with it]

3. Build up the flirty touches

Once you’re both sitting really close, use these moves to build the sexual chemistry. You have to remember that the focus is on building infatuation and attraction. Love will follow soon enough.

a. Use the big tub of popcorn as an excuse to touch your date’s hand softly now and then. Don’t overdo it though. Just a couple of times during the entire movie is perfect.

b. Place your elbow on a small part of the armrest or adjust your hand really close to the armrest. Don’t make it seem like you’re hogging the armrest though. Instead, make it appear like there’s a lot of space for your date to sit comfortably or rest their hand. [Read: What is flirting? The science behind this common act]

c. When your date rests their hand on the armrest or gets it close at some point, bring your arm really close to theirs. But don’t be obvious. Wait for a few minutes and try to touch each other’s arms with the slightest of grazes.

d. And when your arm does touch your date’s arm, don’t move your arm away. Just sit back and focus on your arm touching theirs. Your intense focus on enjoying your date’s touch and wanting more will be felt by them too, and make them enjoy your touch too! [Read: The art of flirting by touch and how to subtly arouse your date]

4. Take the plunge

Nudge your arm closer after a while. If both your arms have been touching for more than five minutes, it’s only a matter of time before one of your arms gets sore and prickly.

Don’t let it get to that point without doing something about it. After a few minutes, get brave and ever-so-slightly, shift your arm in an obvious manner towards your date. Pretend like you’re focused on the movie though. Does your date reciprocate back by bringing their arm closer to yours? [Read: 20 signs of attraction on the first date]

5. Go close, really close

Go really close to your date after about ten minutes and if you’re the guy, softly whisper into your date’s ear and ask your date if she’s having a good time. If you’re the girl, get really close to his ear and softly tell him that you’re having a great time.

If you want, you can clasp your date’s hand briefly while saying that.

You’ve built the touch connection now, and both of you will be feeling intimate in the dim setting by now. All you need is a few excuses to get your faces and lips closer. [Read: The 30 best subtle, obvious & really sexy flirting tips for girls]

If you’ve worked your moves well, you will have impressed your date and they’ll be feeling pretty smitten by now.

Love will soon follow, as long as both of you are sexually attracted to each other. If you want to, and you feel like everything’s going perfectly, you can kiss your date either on the cheek or on the lips if there is any reciprocation during the movie.

6. Don’t end the date abruptly

Even if you don’t want to risk a big jump by trying to kiss your date, don’t end the date immediately after the movie. It’s too abrupt. [Read: How to end a date the right way]

You’ve built the momentum and you need to end the date with romance to create the balance of love after stroking your date’s sexual infatuation. Suggest going for coffee or dinner. Or even for dessert. Anything, as long as it’s somewhere cozy and calm.

7. End with a good impression

Plan the second date, or take the first date further. You’ve made a great impression on your date so there’s no reason for it to all go terribly wrong now! Give them your number or take theirs – if you don’t already have it. And perhaps, get texting about how wonderful the date was, and how soon you can see them again! [Read: 18 very obvious signs your date really likes you after a date with them]

[Read: When should a guy call after a first date?]

Remember to play it slow and take your time to work the whispers and the touches. Do that right, and these movie date tips will definitely ensure that you have a perfect date with your special someone.

The post Movie Date: How to Build Sexual Chemistry & Create a Perfect Date is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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