Saturday 13 November 2021

What are Twin Souls? 20 Signs to Know if You’ve Found Yours

Everyone knows what the concept of soulmates is, but have you heard of twin souls? Unlike a soulmate, you can only have one twin soul in your life.

twin souls

We’ve all heard the concept of soulmates before, as that’s the basis of every romantic movie ever. It’s about finding “The One” or your one true love. However, it’s a lot different than twin souls. It’s easy to confuse the two, but your twin soul literally mirrors your soul.

Your soulmate is more of a platonic relationship, but they can also be romantic. Also, you can have several soulmates in your lifetime, but you will only meet one twin soul.

[Read: Twin flame or soul mate – 17 twin flame signs to tell them apart]

Twin souls vs soulmate: The ultimate difference

We all assume that your soulmate is your one true love and that there’s only one person who will be your soulmate.

But the truth is, you will meet a lot of soulmates in your life, not all of them being your romantic partners. Your soulmate will understand you and make you happy, but the feelings will rarely be as intense as that of a twin soul.

From the term itself, twin souls, otherwise also known as twin flames, will share the other half of your soul. You feel every ounce of their emotions, and the same goes for them. Your twin soul is the most powerful connection you will have with someone, which is what people often seek their entire lives looking for.

Soulmates will come and go into your life so that when the time comes you’re about to meet your twin soul, you’ll be ready. [Read: Are soulmates real? 20 signs you found the one who completes you]

The signs of twin souls to watch out for

The term twin souls is found a lot more in New Age and metaphysical spiritual teachings than in other religions. While a soul mate is more of a “soul friend,” twin souls are literally like the other half of your soul.

Some people believe that our soul was split in half, and so we’re always trying to find the person who has the other part of our soul. Whether you believe that or not is up to you, but here are some signs of twin souls. So, take a look at these signs to see if maybe you’ve found yours.

1. Your meeting might have been totally unplanned or unexpected

You could be happily single. Or even happily taken *or even married*. And you weren’t looking for your twin soul. But suddenly and unexpectedly, you might meet someone, and they turn your world upside down. And you can’t think of anyone else.

We never expect it when our paths cross with our twin souls but once they do, you can no longer deny the connection you both have. They come at the most unprecedented event of your life. [Read: 10 things you do that’ll bring your soulmate to you]

2. You have an immediate feeling like you already know each other

From the term, twin souls, it also means the minute your paths cross, your soul would instantly recognize them as if you’ve known them forever. It’s just like catching up with an old friend that you haven’t seen in forever.

It’s such a feeling of familiarity. They feel like home to you. There’s no awkwardness or unfamiliar territory with them, but it feels like you’ve known them for years.

3. The feeling between you two can be electrifying

If twin souls are romantically attracted to one another, then the energy between them can be electrifying and overwhelming. The power of attraction between the two of them is just unlike anything they have ever known before with anyone else. [Read: How to tell if there’s serious chemistry between two people]

The emotions with a twin soul relationship can often be intense, which can be both a good and bad thing. But there’s an evident flow of chemistry, passion, desire, and love that is undying. This is why it’s almost impossible to ignore your connection with your twin soul.

4. You immediately form a meaningful relationship

Because you immediately feel like you’ve known them for eternity, how can you possibly not have a deep, meaningful relationship with them? You will both have the desire to have a long-lasting, solid relationship for the rest of your lives. It could be a friendship if you choose the platonic path, but it could also be romantic.

Depending on your circumstance *such as one of you being married or being unavailable*, it’s impossible not to have some form of relationship with them. [Read: Real soulmates – 20 signs that you’ve met the love of your life]

5. You feel a sense of unity with the person

Again, one of the characteristics of a twin soul connection is the feeling of unity. With most people, the personality differences we feel can annoy us. It can be a struggle to get along. But with twin souls, they feel as if they are one.

While they are not identical or clones of each other from a human perspective, they just feel as if they are in such synchronicity that they feel like they are one. Since you both can feel one another’s emotions, there’s a sense of unity.

6. You have feelings deeper than you’ve ever had before

We’ve all loved people before. Most of us have also been in love. But when twin souls come together, they are blindsided by the depth of their feelings for one another. Since connecting with them is so powerful, you’re bound to feel things you’ve never experienced before. 

The feelings are almost immediate, which confuses them because most of us believe that love at first sight is impossible. But it’s not impossible for twin souls. [Read: 13 strong signs your relationship is built to last]

7. You may become inseparable

If both parts of the twin souls are able to, they will want to spend every waking minute with each other. Their draw to each other, and the power that attracts them, is like a magnet. They have an overwhelming desire to be with their beloved as much as possible.

This is why even when you separate and part ways, there will always be that connection wherever you go. A twin soul connection is so powerful that it’s impossible to ignore or deny it. [Read: When it’s true love – 18 ways to split casual dates from real love]

8. The relationship is totally open and honest

With twin souls, because they feel so connected and intimate with one another, trust is just easy and immediate. They don’t have a problem sharing their feelings with each other, and they don’t keep anything from the other one.

Also, it’s practically impossible to keep a secret from them as they share your soul. Even if you don’t tell them, they can tell when something’s wrong, or you’re harboring negative feelings like anxiety. [Read: Being brutally honest – 13 scenarios when it’s an obligation]

9. You could talk to them forever… about anything

As you know, we get along better with some people than others. Sometimes it’s like pulling teeth talking to someone, but with twin souls, they could talk for eternity. And there is no topic that is taboo or off-limits.

The best thing about them is that they’re someone with whom you can talk about anything and everything. The possibilities are endless when conversing with your twin soul, and it’s all because of that special connection you share.

10. You may feel like you share a life purpose

People who believe in twin souls think that they have incarnated into the physical plane to accomplish some sort of life purpose together. Whether it’s getting married and having children or starting a business that will change the world, they have come together into this life to spiritually accomplish something.

A twin soul connection is a divine one, so what you have is literally that intense. [Read: 18 undeniable signs that you’ve found “The One”]

11. Your relationship feels special – almost to the point of being sacred

Sometimes with twin souls, the attraction is so powerful that it’s scary. There is even a common Runner-Chaser scenario that can happen. One person gets scared and runs. And the other person chases them. This happens because of the overwhelming feelings they have for one another. 

Whether you believe in them or not, this kind of connection is the most intense one you’ll ever experience. This is why you can’t often find the right set of words to explain just how much your twin soul really gets you. [Read: Passionate love – What it is, the signs & why it’s so strong & scary]

12. Your feelings for each other seem very spiritual

When twin souls are together, they feel like it’s not just a human connection. They literally feel like each other’s spiritual “other half,” so their relationship transcends normal human bonds. They both feel it, and they both know it. So if it feels like your connection is on a divine level, that’s because it is.

13. It feels like it was “meant to be”

While twin souls are extremely different from soulmates, that doesn’t mean they won’t feel like you’re meant to be. They share your soul so if there’s anyone you’d feel like you’re meant for, it’ll be your twin soul. The relationship between twin souls feels like it has been destined to happen.

It feels like they planned their human meeting long before they ever even incarnated here as human beings. It’s something that was written in the stars. And it feels like you were brought together for a reason – often for a divine purpose. [Read: Love is in the air! 13 signs you’re starting to fall in love]

14. Accepting each other’s weaknesses happens automatically

Everyone has their weaknesses or quirks. In normal romantic relationships, these usually get on our nerves and we fight about it. But for twin souls, they don’t care. They embrace their differences and automatically accept each other as they are.

This is where you’ll feel how twin souls are different from your past relationships. No matter your flaws and quirks, they’ll accept you wholeheartedly.

15. The sexual component of the relationship feels spiritual

This is a huge bonus for twin souls. If they are in a romantic relationship, the sexuality they experience with one another is on a whole different level. It transcends the physical, and it is much, much more spiritual-feeling than any other sexual encounters they’ve had before.

It feels like your souls, hearts, minds, and bodies are colliding into one being. Remember what we said about unity? That’s precisely what it feels like.

16. You have a sense of complete inner peace

We are all looking for that feeling of peace. You know, where everything feels right in the world, and nothing is wrong. Well, for twin souls, they feel that when they are with each other. They truly do feel like home to one another, which gives a total sense of bliss and peace.

There’s nobody who feels like your home the way your twin soul does. Your other relationships might’ve come close, but nobody will truly compare. [Read: Why we fall in love – a little science, a little fate!]

17. The relationship is very intense

Even as the relationship can feel calm and blissful, it can also be very intense. They make you feel at home, but the relationship can quickly go sour. You feel everything they do, and the same goes for your twin soul.

So if they feel anxiety, fear, anger, or any other intense emotions, you’d feel this as if it were your own. This is also where the notion comes in that twin soul relationships can be toxic if you can’t handle the intensity that comes with them. [Read: The 12 qualities of a healthy relationship that keep couples happy]

18. They just get you completely

It’s normal for our significant others to understand us and get us in a way nobody else does. However, when it comes to our twin souls, it’s an entirely different experience. The way they get you is on a whole other level that you’ve never experienced before.

Even with the things you don’t say and keep to yourself, they understand you completely. It’s as if they know your emotions like the back of their hand.

19. You complement one another

The beautiful thing about twin souls is that it’s like finding your other half when your paths cross. You’ll share a similar soul, and you’ll have so many similarities than anyone you’ve ever met.

However, when it comes to your few significant differences, you’ll complement each other. Anything you lack, they perfectly complement. [Read: 15 rules to be a good partner in a relationship & wow your lover]

20. They amplify your doubt and insecurities

Since your relationship with your twin soul won’t be a perfect one, they’ll amplify your flaws and insecurities. They share and mirror your soul, which means you’ll see the things in yourself you’re trying to run away from.

So if there’s anything you haven’t healed from yet, you’ll have to face that with the help of your twin soul. After all, your twin soul was brought to your path to help you fulfill a spiritual purpose.

So, what are twin souls?

Your twin soul is the most powerful and intense connection you’ll have with someone.

Compared to a soulmate, you can only have one twin soul in your life. They mirror your soul, which explains why they’ll get you on levels nobody else will in your lifetime.

[Read: What is a karmic connection and how to recognize them in your life]

Twin souls are the exact definition of your better half, and the relationship’s experience is often a spiritual one. Simply put, it’s a relationship that will feel out of this world.

The post What are Twin Souls? 20 Signs to Know if You’ve Found Yours is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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