Wednesday 17 November 2021

What is Cuffing Season & How to Snuggle Up With a Cuff Buddy ASAP

The colder weather makes you want to snuggle up and hibernate, right? It’s true! So, what is cuffing season and could it be for you?

what is cuffing season

Ah, cuffing season! Cold mornings, frost, ice, and even snow. These are words that make you want to grab your coziest onesie and snuggle up in front of a roaring fire. Perhaps throw on a good movie and grab some snacks for good measure!

The winter months are a love-them-or-hate-them kind of deal but you have to admit that they’re ideal for getting up close and personal with someone you fancy.

You might have heard about something called cuffing season and be thinking ‘what is cuffing season’? Well, it’s about taking advantage of the situation we’ve just described.

If you don’t know what cuffing season is, don’t worry. You’re not alone. When most people hear about this term, they’re super-confused.

Is it just that time of year everyone started using handcuffs in bed? Thankfully, not. It’s a lot calmer and a lot cozier! [Read: 20 perfectly romantic winter dates and breaks]

What is cuffing season?

Cuffing season is that time of year when the weather takes a turn for the frigid and you start seeking someone to keep you warm at night. This isn’t something that we actually do consciously, but rather, something humans have done for a very long time.

The cold weather rolls in and it just so happens that we end up in a relationship, even if it’s just for the season. That way, we have someone there at all times when we need some cuddling. It’s like our bodies know we’ll be extra cold and so our consciousness takes over and we land ourselves a perfect cuddle buddy.

Have you ever done this without actually realizing what you’re doing?

Think about the summer months, do you tend to be free and single but when the winter rolls around, you want to be with someone? That’s your inner voice trying to cozy up with someone before the snow falls!

[Read: Do guys like to cuddle? 15 truths you never knew before]

Why cuffing season can actually be the perfect thing

There are so many reasons cuffing season could be great for you. Not everyone ends up settling down for the cold months, but if you do, you’ll reap a lot of rewards.

Firstly, you’ll be warmer. It’s no secret all that body contact and cuddling keep you warm.

Secondly, you may actually end up meeting someone really special. Sure, cuffing season may have started with temporary intentions, but there’s always the chance that your cuffing season mate may end up as your life-long love. Anything is possible! [Read: The best cuddling positions you have to try]

But just so we’re clear, usually, cuffing season does fall into the seasonal relationship category.

Some people buddy up for the holiday season so they’re not attending functions alone, but cuffing season is about comfort on a deeper level. All of that comfort and warmth might push you towards falling in love for real!

How to make sure you’re not left alone this cuffing season

Do you really want to spend the long, cold winter months without someone to Netflix and chill with? Possibly not. Here are our foolproof ways to find someone who’s down to cuddle up and stay warm this cuffing season. [Read: How to Netflix and chill the right way]

1. Start early

You never want to leave the search for a perfect cuddle buddy for the last minute. You might end up with someone flaky and not fun at all. Therefore, you should start early to get the best of the pick!

You can even start as early as the fall. We know it’s usually not that cold around this time, but if it takes you a month or two to find the right person, you’ll be thankful you started early. Don’t leave it for the last minute when the snow is already on the way down.

2. Actually go out and meet people

You can’t really expect to find a snuggle buddy for cuffing season without actually meeting other people. So get out there and meet a few great people!

Better yet, you can even create your list for cuffing season during the summer months when you’re out meeting a lot of people.

That way, you can go back through your phone and recall people you connected with. The point is, you need to get out and interact with people so you can find a person who would be down with cuddling all winter long. [Read: How to meet new people in 16 exciting new ways]

3. Have a few options lined up

Don’t find just one person and forget everyone else. Have a few options lined up so if one person didn’t work out for whatever reason, you have others to fall back on.

It would be very unfortunate to only have one person for cuffing season and they ended up being a snore – or worse – smelly and not great for cuddles.

4. Spend enough time with each of them

Before committing to spending cuffing season with someone, you have to get to know them well. Think of it like dating – because that’s kind of what it is.

Sure, you may not end up in a relationship with that person, but you’ll spend a lot of time with them during cuffing season.

So make sure you can stand to be in their presence for extended periods of time. Get to know them on a deeper level so you know if you can spend your colder months cuddling with them. After all, you want to actually have plenty to talk about – you can’t just sit in silence and cuddle. [Read: 20 questions to get to know someone way better instantly]

5. Don’t go for someone who seems uninterested in cuddling

You can’t really spend cuffing season with someone who doesn’t actually want to be cuffed. There are definitely those who enjoy cuddling and others who severely dislike it.

This may not have anything to do with you. Some people run very hot and the thought of being super close to another warm individual just isn’t appealing. Figure out those details ahead of time so you’re not wasting your time with the wrong person. [Read: How to cuddle with a guy – Snuggle secrets you have to know]

6. Find someone who likes the same movies and shows as you

Now, this may not be all that important in a long-term relationship. Any couple will survive just fine if you don’t like the same shows and movies. However, if you really want to be successful this cuffing season with a cuff buddy, you’ll have to find someone who has your taste.

This is because you’ll be spending the majority of your time indoors watching movies and shows. You don’t want to end up watching stuff you hate the entire time, do you? [Read: 17 movies you must see with your cuddle buddy]

7. Make sure they’re also down for fun

We know a lot of cuffing season is spent indoors cuddling up, but that doesn’t mean you won’t ever go out and have fun.

You want to make sure you get someone for cuffing season that will want to have a good time, too. So be sure you understand what they like to do for fun and that they’d be down to leave the house every now and then.

8. Establish if you want an actual relatonship beforehand – and be honest

This can be tough to do because you never know how much you’re going to like someone. That’s why you need to figure this step out long before you find someone for cuffing season.

If you want a real relationship, you’ll be able to find someone who wants the same. Otherwise, you have to look for those who don’t actually want the real thing.

Knowing this ahead of time will save you some heartache if you end up falling for the person. It’s also important to be honest with them and let them know what you want – don’t lead them on. [Read: 19 clear signs you are ready for a serious relationship]

9. Discuss holiday plans early on

The downside of cuffing season is that it’s right in line with the holiday season. And that means spending a lot of holidays that involve presents with this new person.

In order to ease the awkwardness, address this early on.

Decide whether or not you want to participate in gift exchanges with them. Personally, we would recommend avoiding gifts altogether. It only makes the cuffing season tense – and that’s not what you want at all.

10. Make sure you’re okay with the idea of something temporary

Not everyone you spend the cold months snuggling with will last forever. In reality, most couples who hook up during cuffing season don’t make it through the spring.

This is partly because once the warm weather rolls around, you just want to get out and have fun the single way!

So make sure you’re okay with the idea of something not lasting forever. If you’re looking for someone to spend cuffing season with, just remember that it may not turn into happily ever after.

[Read: 15 cuddle buddy rules to avoid turning into f*ck buddies]

Now that we’ve answered the question, “what is cuffing season?” and established just how to go about finding that perfect cuff buddy, it’s time to get out and start your planning early.

The post What is Cuffing Season & How to Snuggle Up With a Cuff Buddy ASAP is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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