Wednesday 22 December 2021

How to Make Her Miss You: 17 Sweet Ways to Make a Girl Want You Back

Something happened and you’re no longer together. Do you want to know how to make a girl miss you? Read these tips on how to make her miss you in no time. 

how to make her miss you

For whatever reason, you and the girl you adore are no longer together. At first, you might have enjoyed your newfound freedom, but then the reality set in. Now, you want to make her see what’s she’s missing. You want to know how to make her miss you so that she comes running back into your arms once more. While you can’t dictate whether that’s actually going to be the outcome, you can learn how to make a girl miss you generally and then hope that she decides it’s worth one last shot.

When any relationship ends, there are things that you still love about that person, whether you want to be with them forever or not. The secret is to remind her of all the things she loved while erasing all the things that she didn’t.

It sounds tough, but it’s surprisingly easier than you might think. [Read: How to get a girl back – 21 steps to win her over after screwing up]

How to make her miss you – The tips you need to make a girl want you back

It isn’t about being manipulative… okay, maybe it kinda is. But manipulation in a good way, if there is such a thing. These are the tips for how to make her miss you. Follow them and she will be begging to have you back *if you’re worth it, that is!*. [Read: How to get your self-esteem back after a breakup]

1. Think about those things that made her smile

If you were together a while, then you probably learned exactly what it takes to make her smile. If you lost her, it might have been because you stopped doing those fun things that used to make her heart shine.

Try to remember back to a happy time, and take the time to do whatever it was that made her shine. That’s one way to learn how to make a girl miss you, for sure. [Read: 20 signs your ex wants you back and just can’t stop thinking of you]

2. Fix the things she used to nag about

If she cut you loose because you simply refused to get off the couch and get serious about work, then do it. If something drove her crazy, and it is fixable without you having to compromise yourself, then create a change in yourself.

Prove to her that you have listened and are ready to make her happy.

3. Show her what she is missing

If she is the jealous type, nothing is going to make her miss you more than seeing you making someone else happy. Even if you want to get her back, sometimes you have to put yourself back out there. You can’t sit and wait forever.

So, if you find another girl, you will be accomplishing two goals. One is a great tip for how to make her miss you, and the second is taking a chance that you might find someone who is better suited for you. [Read: Is your ex still thinking of you? All the signs you need to know]

4. Apologize and take responsibility

If you want to make her miss you, then you have to be someone that is miss-worthy. If the reason she broke up with you is that you did something bad, or you never took responsibility, now is the time to give it a try. In terms of how to make a girl miss you, this is without a doubt one of the key steps.

Saying you are sorry and admitting fault will show her that you are mature, and capable of change and will make her miss the good things about you. And, it might possibly allow her to forget the not-so-good stuff too. [Read: How to apologize and say sorry to a lover]

5. Return her things

Sometimes we do the opposite of what we should when we want to make people miss us. Holding onto her things may seem like a good idea and a way to keep you in her consciousness. But, in reality, it may just be irritating her more and making her dislike you.

Return her things to her, even if she didn’t ask. That way you are sending her a signal that if she wants to move on, you are going to respect it. She may freak out and realize that she isn’t really ready to let go. [Read: 10 stages of a breakup and how to get through them]

6. Don’t answer her right away

If you want to know how to make her miss you, then you have to stop being her go-to man. When girls break up with guys, they sometimes forget in times of crisis that you aren’t their boyfriend, nor are you responsible anymore.

If she picks up the phone to call or text you, don’t be Mr. Available 24/7. That won’t make her miss you; that will prove to her that she can have you whether she wants to or not. The trick is to make her feel the sting of losing you, not that she can keep you on her imaginary chain. [Read: 15 types of bad girlfriends who’ll make your life hell]

7. Change your Facebook status

Yes, it’s underhanded but in terms of knowing how to make a girl miss you, it really works. If you change your Facebook status, that may flip a switch in her called “fear.” Even if she thinks she wants to move on, she may not want you to. Showing her that you are going to let her go is the best way to know how to make her miss you.

8. Post pictures of how happy you are

Make sure that you show her through your social media accounts that you are moving on just fine without her. Every girl wants the guy she left behind to grieve and mourn her. It’s one of the best ways to know how to make a girl miss you.

If you aren’t doing that, she may start to miss your smile and be sad that someone else is enjoying it now besides her. [Read: 15 lessons you can learn from your own breakups]

9. How to make her miss you? Wake up and get your shit together

Nothing will make her miss you more than being the guy that she wanted all along. Sometimes we have to lose something to realize what we had. That is true on both ends.

If she is worth it, then get your shit together. If she sees that you have made real changes and didn’t think you were capable, she will want you back. Of course, this helps you too. You’ll open up new doors of possibility. Who knows where they could lead?

10. Don’t move on immediately

If you know that she is more than jealous, then moving on and finding someone else may have the reverse effect on her. If she tends to be a little vindictive, you moving on and replacing her too quickly won’t make her miss you.

It may make her extremely angry and push her in the opposite direction. If she sees that your bed isn’t even cold yet, and now you are snuggling up to someone else, that may be grounds to never win your way back in. [Read: The step-by-step guide to making your ex fall in love with you again]

11. Acknowledge important dates for her with a “hey” text

If you aren’t the mushy type, and that is what she wanted, try to honor those dates that you didn’t in your relationship. Even if you were the one who always remembered a special occasion, don’t stop now.

Send her a text message on special dates just to remind her that you are still there and thinking of her in case she made a mistake by letting you go. In terms of undetstanding how to make a girl miss you, that’s a key strategy.

12. Tell her what she needed to hear now, even if you couldn’t then

It’s never too late to tell her the things that you should have when you were together. If you tell her how you feel and that you want her back. It just may make her miss you.

Sometimes women move on because they are tired of waiting for the guy they love to show up and commit. If you refused to give in and be honest about your feelings, now is the time. [Read: 16 signs your ex really wants you back in their life]

13. Better yourself

Nothing will make her miss you more than being that fit, hot guy she got together with. If you let yourself go throughout the course of your relationship, better yourself and get back to you.

If you find the guy she fell in love with, she might too. Start working out and eating better and make goals for your future. Be the person you were when you met her. That is the best way to make her miss you.

Of course, it’s not all about the physical, it’s about bettering yourself in other ways too. If you were always complaining about your job, find another one that challenges you and which you enjoy. If another part of your life was always problematic, fix it! [Read: How to focus on yourself – 27 ways to create your own sunshine]

14. Nochalantly check in to see how she is … just to remind her who she can count on

Just because you aren’t going out, that doesn’t mean that you can contact her just to say “hi” or to remind her that you are still there.

Make sure that you aren’t being a stalker or sending too many messages, and if she isn’t reciprocal, then don’t bombard her. A simple, “wondering how you are doing,” might be enough to make her miss you. [Read: Should you really text your ex? The guide to help you decide]

15. Take care of something for her, making sure she knows it was you

In a relationship, you both do things for each other. When you are gone, she is going to miss those things you used to do.

If there are still things that you can take care of for her, without intruding or stepping over the line, do it. If you were the grass cutter, make sure she isn’t home and cut her grass. As long as you don’t invade her space, taking something off of her plate might make her miss you. [Read: 20 fail-proof ways to manipulate women into liking you]

16. Be seen by her

If you know she will be somewhere unpredictable, insert yourself into the situation so that you are foremost in her mind.

If your mutual friends are visiting a restaurant and you know she’ll be there, ask if it’s okay if you can come along. Or if you know she sometimes visits a park in the evenings, try to bump into her.

But make sure you don’t linger around her or force a conversation. Just say ‘hi,’ talk for a couple of minutes and give her the space she needs. Remember, she has to miss you, not feel suffocated by your presence!

17. Send her some of her favorite things, because only you know what they are

If you know something she loves that no one else does, then send it to her. Just because you aren’t going out anymore, that doesn’t mean that you can’t send her things saying that you are thinking about her. But don’t overspend or buy her extravagant gifts.

That will seem like you are trying to buy her back. But, if you come across a ring that her grandmother gave her and she lost, then send it to her with a note telling her that you were listening even if she thought that you weren’t. [Read: How to impress a girl – 15 atypical secrets you need to know]

Learning how to make her miss you isn’t so hard, right?

The trick to knowing how to make her miss you is to find those things about yourself that are miss-worthy. Take stock of the things you did that made her happy and try to change the things that didn’t.

Subtle hints, being honest, taking responsibility, and showing her that you were listening *if she thought you weren’t* are all ways to make her miss what she lost.

[Read: How to date an ex and get second time lucky]

Finally, if you want to know how to make her miss you, don’t overstep your boundaries, stalk, or badger her. The key is to plant a seed in her head and let it grow through small actions – not big flashy, showy ones.

The post How to Make Her Miss You: 17 Sweet Ways to Make a Girl Want You Back is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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