Friday 24 December 2021

The Cock Tease: How to Recognize the Flirty Games She Plays

If you happen to encounter a cock tease, prepared to be frustrated. The trick is to work out the signs before the situation worsens!

cock tease

We’re always quick to label guys as players. It’s easy to do considering many actually show this type of behavior – not all, however! But, we shouldn’t overlook the fact that women can also display behavior that is just as frustrating and annoying too. So, if guys can be players, some women are cock teases.

If you’re with a woman who displays cock tease traits, you’ll no doubt feel like you’re doing insane.

However, it’s easy to understand what type of woman may do this, if you know the signs. But, we should know that just as all men have the potential to be a player, all women have the potential to be a cock tease too!

In fact, some women may do this intentionally simply because you’re not doing what they want you to do. In that case, perhaps it’s time to look inwards and try to figure out what’s really going on.

First things first, what exactly is a cock tease?

[Read: The pussy tease – How to be a charming guy who seduces women in slow motion!]

What is a cock tease exactly?

A cock tease generally refers to a woman who leads a man to believe he’ll be getting laid without any intention of following through.

Men tend to shame women for being a cock tease. In reality, women are playing the same game men play, only in reverse.

Men lead women on until they get sex, and then they bail. Women also lead men on for gain, with the promise of sex, and bail once they get what they want – usually drinks, paid outings, or attention.

Does it make her a troublemaker if she doesn’t want to sleep with a guy just because she’s flirting with him? No way!

Alright, so guys might be pervs for expecting sex from a girl just because he drove her to her doctor’s appointment. But if her cock teasing ways have turned into a sexy excuse to use someone else for personal or financial gain, we have just three words: shame on her! [Read: 15 signs she’s just leading you on and taking you nowhere]

The difference between a cock tease and a flirt

You may be wondering what the difference is between a cock tease and simply being a flirt. The truth is, besides a social perception of flirting being ‘innocent’ and a cock tease being ‘frustrating,’ there seems to be little that separates the two actions.

Both flirting and cock teasing involve implications of a sexual nature that includes flattery, body language, and posture that indicate deeper chemistry. [Read: What is flirting? The science behind this common act]

So, what’s the difference?

A tease implies the woman in question has absolutely zero intention of going through with the down and dirty. She just likes being liked and desired sexually, to be frank. She might also be doing it to try and appear more alluring to the guy in question, yet somehow manages to cross the line between flirtatious and teasing without realizing it.

If she’s a cock tease, she likes having a man swoon and fawn over her, buy her things, and fulfill *sometimes outrageous* requests just because she says so. [Read: All the sneaky signs you’re dating a genuine 24K gold digger]

But, if she’s a flirt, perhaps she’s simply a flirtatious character in general. Some people are naturally quite flirty and in their mind, they have zero intention of doing anything other than chatting. Can you see how difficult the dating world can be now?

The characteristics of a cock tease

It is possible your girlfriend or the girl you’re pursuing is a cock tease and you don’t even know it! Has some innocent flirting turned down a wicked path? Here are all the signs she’s a cock tease who’s driving men wild… and not in a good way. [Read: Manipulative people – How to spot them and stop playing the victim]

1. She always leaves her wallet at home

Picture this. She asks her girlfriends if they’re up for club-hopping tonight. When they tell her they’re broke, she shrugs and gives a telltale smile as she says: “Don’t worry about it.” She has no intentions of paying. In fact, she leaves her wallet at home. Why? Because she knows she’ll find dozens of men willing to spring for her evening.

She’s a cock tease if she lets hopeful hotties buy her drinks all night at the bar and then bails when they think they’re going to close the deal.

She’s also a pretty shady character when you think about it. If a guy did the same thing, we would all be screaming about his shady and disrespectful ways. But for some reason, a cock tease has an alluring sense about her. That helps her get away with her dodgy behavior. Double standards, indeed! [Read: 15 things girls do that makes guys feel used and hurt]

2. She already has a boyfriend

Many cock teases maintain serious romantic relationships while still showering their male friends with confusingly flirtatious attention.

If she’s already in a relationship and is still telling her guy friends she loves them, exchanges flirty texts, and asks them for favors, then she may just be on a cock teasing rampage.

You also have to feel pretty sorry for her boyfriend in all of this. Maybe he doesn’t mind her flirting with other guys, or perhaps he doesn’t know. Which do you think it is? [Read: Is a girl with a boyfriend flirting with you? Here’s what you need to do]

3. She only texts when she wants something

We’ve all had that one friend who’s never around when you need them, but always seems to creep back into your life when they want a favor. This is a total cock tease behavior. It’s also the sign of a pretty terrible friend too.

She only comes around when she needs something, and then she’ll charm you until you say yes.

Common favors include: borrowing/asking for money, getting rides, or asking men to pay for certain things such as clothes, prescriptions, or alcohol.

Ask yourself whether you actually ever get anything out of the arrangement. Are you always the one doing the giving? In that case, you’re dealing with a user and probably a cock tease too. [Read: When people use you – Stop being a doormat and feel in control again]

4. She clearly doesn’t care about you

If the object of your affections acts like everyone else is more important than you, take that as a huge hint that she’s playing you.

A cock tease doesn’t care about the details of your life, where you grew up, or what music you like. More than likely, all she cares about is you telling her how sexy she looks tonight.

Ask yourself whether you really want to be with someone as shallow as that. Sure, she might be hot, but what else does she have going for her? Not a lot by the sounds of it.

5. She bails on plans

Does this girl seem to have the busiest life humanly possible? If you want to hang out and she always seems to have an excuse not to, she probably isn’t into you. And if she does make plans with you, there’s a 99.999% chance she’s going to cancel or flake – unless she’s getting something out of it.

Of course, when she wants something, she’ll magically appear by your side, turning on the charm all day long. Ask yourself why this is! [Read: 16 characteristics of a narcissist that give them away instantly]

6. She only does things on her terms

On the off chance that she does actually commit to plans with you, they have to be on her terms. She decides where you go, how long you’re going to be there, and has full say on what day you hang out.

This is yet another sign that she doesn’t give priority to you or your schedule. When you do finally get together, she might be glued to her phone and may even have invited other people along. She will play any card she can to show you this isn’t a date.

In that case, if you’re making it clear that you like her and she’s showing you she’s not, why is she still hanging around? Basically, she’s using you for something and playing the cock tease card as a result. [Read: Is she an attention whore? 15 signs she’s only using you for attention]

7. She doesn’t share

You like her, you like hanging out with her. She’s cute and charming and fun to be around – but come to think of it, you have no idea who she is. The cock tease doesn’t share much about her life.

When you ask her about herself, she’s vague and gives wishy-washy answers. This is because you are not a priority, and creating a personal bond with you isn’t even a thought in her mind.

As soon as she gets what she wants from you, be it something material or simply attention, she’ll be on her way to the next unsuspecting victim. [Read: Seductive women – 15 reasons they always get their way]

8. She’s a huge, huge flirt

Everything this girl does seems to have delicious flirtation laced all around it. She has her flirt game down pat.

She knows the hair flips, the playful punches in your arm, the body language, the touching, and her double entendres perfectly. This girl knows exactly what she wants and exactly what you’re not getting. [Read: How to tell your girlfriend she’s too flirty with other guys]

9. Other people have told you about her

If you’re hearing other guys talking about her for being a cock tease, that’s either because she turned them down legitimately and they’re simply annoyed about it, or because she’s actually a tease.

It’s up to you which side you believe but if you’re hearing things about her, perhaps just keep that in mind. Of course, don’t simply judge someone by rumors, but in this case, there’s often no smoke without fire. [Read: How to tease a girl sexually and leave her with your thoughts all day]

What should you do if you identify a cock tease?

Now you know how to identify a cock tease, what should you do if you realize you have one in your life?

Well, that depends on you. If you really like her but she’s showing you these signs, you have to ask whether she’s ever really going to be interested in more.

If she was, surely she shouldn’t be attempting to manipulate you in this way. Because, that’s what cock tease behavior really is – it’s manipulation to get you to do something or to get something from you. [Read: 15 signs of manipulation in a relationship you should never ignore]

Of course, some women simply play the cock tease act for fun. They like the power they feel over a guy who wants to get them into bed. You might not feel that way or even want that from her, but she can tell you’re attracted to her and she knows that if the option was on the table, you’d probably take it.

Is this worse than a guy being a player? That’s an interesting argument! Neither is a particularly good look, is it?

If you find that you have a cock tease in your life, either talk to her and figure out what she really wants, or decide to put up with it or walk away. Those are the only options you have in front of you. [Read: Can you manipulate someone to fall in love with you?]

Is it really all that bad?

There’s nothing wrong with some harmless flirtation so long as both parties are interested. Just know when you’re getting charmed, and when you’re getting played.

If you’re not emotionally invested, it will be easier to walk away. Perhaps you enjoy the chase and the game of it all and as long as you know what you’re getting into, enjoy away!

Just as a player is often played in the end, a cock tease often finds that her tactics fail to work eventually too.

Word gets around and before you know it, she’ll have a reputation of being a cock tease and other guys will avoid her like the plague. Maybe all you need to do is keep your ear to the ground in that case, and you’ll find out before she manages to play you too.

[Read: Why are women so fickle in love? The real truth you need to know]

Being a cock tease can be a fun and flirty turn on for all involved – but don’t let her leave you in blue ball hell for too long. Don’t waste your time with someone who can’t appreciate you for more than your wallet. The minute you find out she’s using you, move on – because she sure will!

The post The Cock Tease: How to Recognize the Flirty Games She Plays is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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