I write this article for every guy on the autism spectrum, whether he's on it a little or on it a lot.
I'm not an expert in autism or Asperger's, but I will say this: after coaching social skills for a dozen years on a site that attracts many folks on the spectrum, due to
said folks really needing social skills training, and
this site being more drilled-down and nuanced than any other site (something of particular appeal to autistic folk)...
... well, when it comes to the autism spectrum, I know it when I see it.
I'm going to focus on Asperger's in this piece; that is to say, high functioning folks on the autism spectrum with normal language and intelligence who, nevertheless, have a significant social stumbling block.
I want to lay out some of the (very) common stumbling blocks I see Aspies making, again and again, when they start learning dating, and I want to highlight a missing 'sense' these men have, that they may not realize they're missing, that, at least, the knowledge of its lack can help fill in some blanks for them.
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