Sunday 30 January 2022

15 Good Qualities of a Person that Make Them a Very Good Human Being

Most people don’t want to hurt others or to make a lot of mistakes. But what are the good qualities of a person? Here is everything you need to know.

good qualities of a person

Growing up, many teachers and parents would tell their classes that they need to be good people. Of course, as kids, you just nodded in agreement. No one really understood what good qualities of a person meant.

What are the good qualities you need? Does walking your dog every day or cleaning your room qualify you as a good person?

We think the answer to this question is easy. But it’s not actually. It takes people many years to understand what the good qualities of a person really are. And it takes them even longer to practice them!

[Read: How to be a good person – The small changes to transform your world forever]

15 must-know good qualities of a person

It’s a lot easier to let someone else do the things that good people do while you reap the benefits. But at the end of the day, people only see you as selfish and needy. And honestly, no one likes those traits. [Read: How to be true to yourself and start living your life on your terms]

But if you’re looking to improve yourself, you’ve come to the right place. It’s time you learned the good qualities of a person. Of course, it will require practice and time to become a better person, but if you’re reading this, we know it’s something you want.

It’s time to become an even better human.

1. They don’t take things for granted

It’s easy to take things around you for granted, but a person with good qualities is grateful for what’s given to them.

This isn’t something you can overcome in a day; it’s an ongoing process. What you did in your past doesn’t ensure you anything in your future. [Read: How to start a new life and move on from the toxicity for good]

Unfortunately, it’s human nature to take things for granted for most people. Whether it’s the job, food on the table, roof over their heads, their health, or their loved ones, they just assume it’s all going to stay the same. And they take something of so much value completely for granted!

But the only thing constant in life is change. And a good person knows that they can’t take anything for granted because anything – or anyone – can be taken from you in a split second. [Read: How to be grateful – 20 ways to appreciate and express gratitude]

2. They’re thoughtful to others

It’s easy to think about yourself and your needs without considering other people. We all get wrapped up in our heads from time to time.

A good person is someone who takes the time to go out of their way to do acts of kindness for others. Whether it’s driving your grandma to the doctor’s office or buying your mom a carton of milk, these small acts go a long way.

Considering other people’s needs at least equal to – or even before – your own is not easy to do. We are naturally selfish as human beings.

But a good person knows that they are not the center of the universe. They realize that other people are just as important as they are, so they treat them with kindness and thoughtfulness. [Read: How to be kind to yourself and others and love life instead of hating it]

3. They’re empathetic

A person with good qualities is someone who can understand the people around them. You know the old saying, “put yourself in someone else’s shoes,” well, this is about empathy.

Being empathetic shows you’re able to practice compassion in times when it may be challenging.

Let’s face it – life is full of difficulties. We all go through hard times, and when we do, we need people there to help us through it. And when someone has empathy for you, it feels good. It makes you feel loved and cared for.

So, a good person sees life not only from their own perspective, but from everyone else’s too. [Read: How to be more empathetic and 16 steps to make anyone feel heard and understood]

4. They aren’t afraid to smile

The world is full of bad things, but that doesn’t mean you need to keep a frown. People who are considered to be good are ones who aren’t afraid to smile even through hard times. One smile can go a long way, so show those pearly whites off.

They are positive people. It’s no fun to be around a “Debbie Downer.” Everyone wants to be happy and feel uplifted.

Bad people are what are called “energy vampires.” They make people feel worse when they are around them because they suck the life right out of them.

But good people have the opposite effect. Everyone wants to be in their presence because they feel amazing when they are. [Read: How to be a good friend – the 23 friend codes all BFFs must follow]

5. They show their manners

Everyone has manners, but not everyone shows them. A person with good qualities is someone who respects themselves and others. Without manners, it’s easy to come across as disrespectful and rude. Do good and show your manners.

If someone who is walking ahead of you slams the door in your face, that doesn’t feel good, right? It says that they didn’t even acknowledge your existence.

So, good people not only do kind gestures for other people, they do the little things like keeping their mouths closed when they eat. Hey, it’s a bit of a small thing, but it definitely shows you have manners! [Read: How to be classy – 20 classy people traits that command respect and awe]

6. They’re loyal

This one is a biggie in the list of good qualities of a person. A good person is a loyal person. Whether it’s to your family, friends, or partner, being loyal is crucial.

If not, there won’t be trust in any of your relationships. Loyalty is a great quality to have and shapes how people see you.

Trust is everything in a relationship. If someone isn’t loyal, then you can’t trust them. For example, if you told them one of your deep dark secrets, they won’t tell a soul. If you need someone to help you move, they are the first person you can count on. A good person is always loyal to the people in their lives. [Read: What makes a good friend? 15 traits we desperately seek in a friend]

7. They find the good in every situation

Of course, you’re going to experience situations where it won’t be pleasant. But there is good in everything; you just need to find it.

A person with good qualities is someone who finds the silver lining in everything, even when it looks like there’s no hope.

There are optimists and pessimists in life. You know the kinds – either “the glass is half full” or “the glass is half empty” people. Optimists are so much more fun to be around. They see the good in everything, and they don’t make you depressed like pessimists tend to do.

8. They forgive

Forgiving others and yourself isn’t easy. In fact, it’s probably one of the hardest things you can do.

By forgiving, you’re essentially accepting the situation and deciding to move on. Many of us struggle moving on, which is what leaves us feeling bitter and angry.

Many people think that if they forgive another person that it’s the same as condoning their actions. That is not true!

Forgiveness is something you do not only for others, but for yourself too. Good people realize that everyone makes mistakes, and they don’t hold grudges when other people mess up. [Read: How to forgive someone – 15 positive ways to unburden your mind]

9. They’re good listeners

There are not enough good listeners in the world. Actively listening is hard when you love being in the center of attention.

But good people know when they should put their needs to the side and give a friend or family member full attention. Be a good listener, and it’ll change your life.

Think about it. When someone doesn’t listen to you, it makes you feel bad, doesn’t it? You think they don’t care about you and are selfish.

But people with good qualities don’t do that. They genuinely care about what other people are saying, and they show it. Others can count on them if they ever need someone to lean on. [Read: Petty percy – 18 signs of a petty person that makes them so annoying]

10. They praise others for their accomplishments

Jealously is an ugly face, and most of us become jealous from time to time. But, being a good person is about praising people around you who are accomplishing goals and improving their lives.

It’s hard to put your ego aside, but when it comes to other people moving forward, good people will praise them.

In fact, good people don’t just praise others, they genuinely mean it. They are their biggest cheerleaders. A good person always hopes that others have good fortune in their lives, and they never cease to celebrate everyone’s accomplishments. [Read: How to be more positive – 24 steps to a happy and dramatic life shift]

11. They take responsibility for their actions

People with good qualities are those who acknowledge their actions when they make a mistake. It’s not easy to do; many of us struggle with doing this. But once you take those steps forward and acknowledge the mistakes you made, people respect you more.

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. For example, if someone yelled and screamed at their partner during a fight, a good person would later realize that it caused harm and would apologize for it.

They don’t blame others, and they are not a victim. They can look at themselves in the mirror and be honest with their wrongdoings… and admit it to others too. [Read: 15 mature ways to grow up and behave like an adult]

12. They’re honest

Well, without honesty, it’s hard to be a good person. Honesty is the basic foundation of being wholehearted and good. If you’re lying to other people, that’s not a sign of goodness. You don’t need to be brutally honest, but you must speak the truth.

It’s not always easy to be honest either, because we don’t want to hurt other people’s feelings or because we are ashamed of something we did. But honesty is something that all healthy relationships are built upon.

And this even includes honesty with yourself. People with good qualities can be honest with absolutely everyone. [Read: 30 honest life truths you must know before you hit your 30s]

13. They’re life-long learners

Learning doesn’t stop at school. It continues with us until the day we die. Oh, that sounded intense, but it’s true.

People with good qualities are those who are dedicated to learning every day, whether it’s about the world, themselves, or others. Being a good person doesn’t happen overnight; you should always work on it.

One of the biggest things that good people learn from is their mistakes. They can look back at their lives and see what they did wrong, and what they would do differently. It takes a special person to be humble and admit that they could have done better in any given situation. And good people are special people.

14. They’re self-aware

Self-awareness is about knowing your strengths and weaknesses. How can you become a better person when you aren’t aware of your flaws and strengths?

If you want to improve, you need to know the problems you face, that way you can work to solve them.

Being self-aware is quite difficult for a lot of people. It requires stepping outside of yourself and viewing your words and actions from someone else’s perspective.

Many people are either incapable of doing that, or they simply don’t even try because they are scared of what they might find when they look in the metaphorical mirror.

But good people know every inch of themselves and are proud that they do. If you want to improve, you need to know the problems you face, that way you can work to solve them. [Read: How to get to know yourself and reveal your life’s true passion]

15. They’re consistent

In today’s world, most of us are flakes. Some have horrible habits like bailing on their friends because they don’t want to go out. But after a while, no one wants to spend time with you. Consistency is crucial and builds strong relationships between you and the people you love.

People with good qualities know that if they are inconsistent with their words and actions, it hurts other people. And obviously, that’s very bad. Again, it requires empathy, honesty, and loyalty to be consistent. The best people are dependable, and you always know what to expect at any given moment.

[Read: How to focus on yourself – 27 ways to build your own sunshine]

Sometimes it’s hard to know what it takes to be a good person, or even the qualities of a good person, especially when you need to make tough decisions. But use these tips to transform yourself into a better person with each passing day.

The post 15 Good Qualities of a Person that Make Them a Very Good Human Being is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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