Saturday 15 January 2022

24 Signs He Wants You to Notice Him Back & Give Him Your Attention

You’ve met a guy and he keeps acting in a certain way. You can’t figure it out, but he could be giving you the signs he wants you to notice him!

Signs He Wants You to Notice Him Back

Guys can be a mystery sometimes. You might think that they’re pretty cut and dried, but that’s not the truth at all. Sometimes, a guy may like you but he’s too shy or unsure to come right out and say it. In that case, you need to be well-versed in the signs he wants you to notice him. That way, you can figure it out for yourself and maybe put him out of his misery!

When we like someone, it’s not easy to hide. But sometimes, you run into people who will have you second-guessing yourself. There’s no need to lose sleep over this. You just need to know what to look for.

We’re all human, and most of us aren’t subtle. Even men, the people who think they’re good at hiding their feelings, expose their inner thoughts for the world to see.

[Read: Does my guy friend like me? The signs he’s crushing on you]

The clearest signs he wants you to notice him

It’s true that you don’t want to overanalyze his moves too much, or else you’ll get confused.

But, we wanted to give you some signs that you can use as a guide. And if you’re still not sure, why don’t you just ask him?

For sure, it’s a bit scary but if you’re confused and you can’t take it anymore, the only way out of the situation is to just come out and ask!

It’ll be nice to know where you stand with him and what he sees the relationship as. Is it just a friendship or does he want something more? Maybe he wants your eyes on him.

In that case, learn the signs he wants you to notice him and get out of the confusion trap. [Read: How to get a guy to notice you and fall for you]

1. His eyes are all over you

We all have guy friends, and they don’t usually look at us in that way. But you’ve caught him checking you out and staring at you with lovey-dovey eyes. Well, if that’s happening, he’s into you, and he’s just waiting until you start to see him. [Read: Decoding his body language – does he like you or not?]

2. He’s always around

What can we say? It seems that he’s always around you. He goes the extra mile to make sure he can squeeze in a couple of minutes with you and will take the time out of his weekends to spend them with you. 

3. You’ve met his friends

One of the big signs he wants you to notice him is when he goes out of his way to introduce you to his friends. If you have mutual friends, then this may not be as important.

But if he’s introduced you to his close group of friends that you’ve never met, that’s a big deal. We don’t introduce just anyone to our friends. We make sure they’re special. [Read: 30 facts about guys that can help you read his mind] 

4. He tries to get into your personal space

We all have our own personal space that’s reserved just for us. But when we like someone, we open up our personal space and allow that other person in.

Maybe you opened your personal space without realizing it, or maybe he’s trying to weasel himself in. The point is, he’s standing much closer to you than normal. [Read: How to know if a guy is starting to get emotionally attached to you]

5. He tells you he wants you

Well, this one doesn’t need much of an explanation. If he’s telling you he wants you, it’s quite clear he has feelings for you and wants to take things up a notch. So, for him, it’s more than just being noticed by you, he wants you to like him. He’s basically made the whole thing easy for you!

6. He flirts with you

You know that you don’t have a typical platonic friendship. There’s some chemistry floating between you too.

And because there’s chemistry, you notice him flirting with you. Now, maybe you flirt back, and if you do, you should evaluate how you feel about him. [Read: 20 unmistakable signs your friend is seriously crushing on you]

7. He suddenly improves his appearance

This sign only makes sense if you’re noticing other signs he wants you to notice him from this list. If not, he could be trying to impress someone else.

But if he’s exhibiting other signs on this list, and he’s suddenly starting to improve his appearance, it’s showing you something.

8. He’s nervous around you

When you’re around him, he suddenly becomes super klutzy and will even stutter when he’s trying to talk to you. It’s normal when someone likes another person; they get nervous and unsure of what to do. We think it’s sweet and genuine. [Read: What to do when a guy friend acts weird *or weirder than normal*]

9. You see him get jealous

When you guys are hanging out with other people, and another guy comes up to talk or flirt with you, you notice that he gets jealous.

He won’t tell you how he feels, but you’re getting a sense that he doesn’t like it when you give your attention to other men.

10. He’s a little touchy-feely

Guy friends may touch you, but not too much.

They may give you a hug here and there, but they’re not going to overstep the line. But if he likes you, he’ll try to flirt with you, and with flirting comes touching. He may place his hand on your shoulder, or press his leg against yours. Not huge moves, but they’re significant.

11. He actively listens to you

There are some guys when you talk to them, you see their eyes glaze over and zone out. But not him.

When you talk to him, he’s actively listening to you, asking you questions, and genuinely investing his time and energy into the conversation.

[Read: How to know for sure if a guy desperately wants to kiss you]

12. He texts you all the time

Guy friends will text you, but definitely not every day. The difference between friends and this guy is that he texts you all the time.

One of the signs a guy wants you to notice him is when he sends you ‘good morning’ texts and never misses the chance to wish you goodnight as well. He wants to talk to you. [Read: 16 signs a guy really likes you but is scared and unsure]

13. Lots of hugs and kisses, albeit on the cheek

Oh, he wants to get physical with you, but he’s not going to rush in for a kiss just yet.

He’ll give you lots of hugs, maybe even a couple of kisses on the cheek, and if he’s doing that, then there’s no doubt in our minds he’s into you. [Read: Romantic hug vs friendly hug – How to feel the difference instantly]

14. He finds a reason to spend time with you

When a guy doesn’t like you, he won’t go out of his way to spend time with you.

But if he does like you, he’ll move mountains to get five minutes with you grabbing coffee or going for a walk. He’ll find any reason to spend some quality time with you. [Read: How to respond to a guy who says he likes you without breaking him]

15. He loves to compliment you

When given the chance, he loves to give you genuine compliments about the new shirt you bought or the way you laugh when you’re excited.

If you’re looking for signs he wants you to notice him, pay attention to his little gestures and small compliments. It’s these little things that he notices and wants to you know that he sees you. Do you see him?

16. He makes excuses to call you

Most guys don’t tend to pick up the phone to call anyone, it’s all about texts these days. So, if he’s actually dialing your digits, that says something. He wants to talk to you and he probably won’t even have a decent excuse for it.

It doesn’t matter to him, he just wants to hear your voice. [Read: Why do men hate talking on the phone?]

17. He seems reclutant to end a conversation

Not only does he call you and want to talk to you, but it seems like he really doesn’t want to stop. He’ll keep finding reasons to keep the conversation going, no matter how lame they seem!

If you want to get away and go about your day, you’ll probably just need to tell him that you’re busy!

18. He’s all over your social media

Is your social media feed full of comments by him, posts, or regular likes? He’s definitely reaching out to you via the virtual world, and it’s certainly one of the signs he wants you to notice him. He’s making it rather difficult not to!

This is also a good tactic to stop other guys from doing the same – he’s basically trying to stake his claim. [Read: 9 screaming signs of Instagram flirting there’s no way you’ll miss]

19. He sometimes tries to make you jealous

You can tell that he’s doing it on purpose, but he’s certainly trying to make you jealous and get a reaction.

It could be that he constantly tells you about a girl and then looks at you intently. Or, it might be a social media post. Either way, it has a reason and it’s because he wants you to turn your attention very intently toward him.

20. He asks for your advice

Another way to try and get your attention and take it to another level is to ask for your advice on something important to him. It means he can have a meaningful conversation with you but it also shows you that he cares.

If he asks for your advice, it means he trusts you and that your suggestions are important to him. If you like him back, that’s a pretty good sign! [Read: Long-term relationship advice – 14 tips to transform your love life]

21. He shows you that he remembers small things about you

He’ll make it very clear that he has remembered your favorite color or your birthday. He doesn’t just do it for the sake of it, he wants you to notice that he’s done it because that tells you that he likes you.

Guys don’t remember these things unless they like someone. Most of the time, this type of information goes in one ear and out of the other, so if he’s remembered and he’s showing you that, he’s trying to get your attention.

22. He buys you small gifts

Another of the signs he wants you to notice him is that he buys you very small gifts.

These aren’t huge, expensive deals. It’s far more likely to be your favorite coffee because he was passing the coffee shop, or a chocolate bar he knows you like. He’s doing this because he wants to make you smile and it’s his way of saying ‘I like you’ without actually coming out and saying it directly. [Read: 25 signs he’s already in love with you even if he doesn’t say it out loud]

23. He goes out of his way to make you laugh

Girls love a guy who can make them laugh and he knows this. So if he goes out of his way to make you laugh, that means he’s doing it for your attention. It means he cares and he wants you to keep your attention on him.

He won’t go in with a stand-up comedy routine, but he’ll seem very pleased with himself when he gets a laugh, or even a smile, from you.

24. He’s trying a little too hard

You can tell he’s trying but it seems like he’s going over and above. It’s not annoying, it’s actually sweet, but you can see that his efforts are more than a regular amount.

Basically, he’s trying to show you that he likes you and he’s putting his all into it.

[Read: How to know if a guy subconsciously wants to make a move and ask you out]

If you’re seeing many of these signs he wants you to notice him, then the odds are in your favor. Now it’s up to you to either take notice of him in return. Or not.

The post 24 Signs He Wants You to Notice Him Back & Give Him Your Attention is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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