Tuesday 25 January 2022

27 Signs to Tell If a Woman Is Checking You Out & What To Do Next

You check out women all the time, but women do it too. Learn how to tell if a woman is checking you out with the right signs, and what to do if she is.

How to tell if a woman is checking you out

Traditional gender roles might lead you to believe checking out the opposite sex is an exclusively male activity. However, women do their own fair share of checking out the men. Do you know how to read the signs or how to tell if a woman is checking you out?

How to tell if a woman is checking you out – The little details

Women are considered to be more subtle and discreet when taking a gander at the goods. Whereas men are like heat-seeking missiles who stick and close in on their target. But women are capable of getting a full body scan without getting caught.

Their scouting game rivals that of a spy satellite’s camera. They take quick mental snapshots of a man’s physique while he sits there unaware he just got violated. So, still wondering how to tell if a woman is checking you out? Here’s how they do it.

1. Successive and quick glances

When checking a guy out, women make good use of their peripheral vision. They throw quick unassuming glances in succession while making it appear that they are ignoring you until they get a full mental picture of your features, or until you catch them. [Read: How to read a girl’s subtle signs she wants you to look her way]

2. They will smile at you and look away

If you do catch them throwing glances at you, their immediate response would be to hold eye contact for a bit, throw in a faint hint of a smile, and look away. All while pretending to mind their own business. That smile is the dead giveaway that she’s checking you out.

If it’s just a case of accidental eye contact, a girl quickly looks away with a straight expression on her face.

On the other hand, smiling after eye contact is a sign that she won’t mind if you approach and talk to her. [Read: 15 subtle, flirty hints girls drop if they want you to approach her]

3. She positions herself from a good vantage point

Like a good Navy SEAL sniper, she picks a good vantage point where she can safely ogle you without getting caught. And if you’re lucky enough to have caught her interest, she’ll even move in your general area if you’re on the go.

4. They hover or hang around the areas you frequently occupy

If you want to know how to tell when a woman is checking you out, it’s important to know that they are keen to the small details of a man’s behavior. They smartly use your routines to safely check you out.

So, if you are a creature of habit who likes to pass by a specific route every day, take your lunch in a specific table, or walk through the same office hallway at a specific time, she’ll take advantage of this information. Then, she’ll occupy the same space to be in close proximity. [Read: How to ask a girl if she likes you without really asking her]

If you notice a girl who you keep running into during the course of your day or has been taking her coffee breaks the same time as yours, she may be interested in and checking you out.

5. She utilizes the “girlfriend smoke screen” 

The “girlfriend smokescreen” is a unique tactic that women use to make themselves less conspicuous when checking out their guys. It is usually done by employing the company of one or more female friends who provide them with necessary social cover while they check the guy out.

They may either chat or laugh loudly while the helpless guy tries his best to mind his own business without knowing that one from the group is checking him out. [Read: 15 tips you absolutely need to know when you approach women]

6. If she’s with a bunch of friends, you’ll catch any of them looking at you too 

Women care for their girlfriends’ opinions when it comes to men. It will be easy to tell that you’re being checked out when you get glances from a group of girls either one at a time or all at the same time.

The difficulty is knowing which woman is the likely culprit?

7. She notices any changes in your person

Let’s say she is a co-worker or an acquaintance that you get to talk to once in a while. With this casual kind of relationship, your interactions would often be limited to small talks and occasional greetings. This is important if you want to know how to tell if a woman is checking you out.

But when she suddenly gives you a random compliment aimed at a recent haircut, a new shirt, or your conspicuously toning body, chances are that she’s been checking you out for a long time. She unwittingly gave herself away by that compliment.

8. She notices and comments on your social media activity

Women don’t just check out guys in close encounters. They also will sift through your social media content. This mild case of cyberstalking is understandably safer than doing it face to face.

A sure sign she’s checking you out online? She comments or mentions anything about one of your social media posts in person. [Read: How girls flirt – 15 signs she’s being more than just nice to you]

9. She remembers the details of your conversation even if it happened ages ago

People forget details in conversations. But if the person she’s talking to is someone special, like a guy she’s checking out, she’s more focused and attentive to what is said.

10. Your friends tell you that a woman is checking you out

Let’s say you are in a bar with a bunch of your friends. It’s crowded, but you see a group of women together who are smiling and laughing. You might be oblivious because you are having a conversation with one of your friends.

Suddenly, one of them nudges you and says, “Dude! Don’t look now, but that girl over there is checking you out.” If your friend notices this, then she is almost certainly checking you out.

11. Look at her friends’ reactions

If you think a girl is checking you out, but you’re not sure, look no further than her friends. Girls talk to each other and notice every little detail. So, they could be talking about you! [Read: 22 subtle but instantly recognizable signs that a shy girl likes you]

If that’s true, the whole group of her friends might be looking in your direction. They might look away quickly, and then all laugh together. They are probably talking about you and how you just looked their way. Those giggles are a sure sign that at least one of the women is checking you out!

What to do now that you know how to tell if a woman is checking you out

Now that you know how to tell if a woman is checking you out, what should you do?

It’s great to get affirmation that she is interested in talking to you, but what’s next? How do you approach her? What do you say? What do you do? Don’t worry, we have all of the tips you’ll need right here.

1. If you’re in a bar, send her a drink

If she’s in a bar with a friend or a group, ask the bartender to send over a drink to her.

Tell the bartender to just make whatever she is drinking right now. You can either send it anonymously or have them tell her it’s from you. [Read: How to approach a girl at the bar – 15 dos and don’ts for succeeding]

2. If you’re at a party, make her a drink

Maybe you’re just a big party when you see that this woman is checking you out. Take the opportunity to go pour her a glass of wine or whip up a cocktail. Bring it over to her and say something like, “You looked thirsty so I got you a drink!”

3. Move closer to her

Okay, so now you know how to tell if a woman is checking you out. But how do you talk to her in a crowd? If you’re in a crowded place, such as a bar or a party, make sure you move closer to where she is. The closer you are to her, the more opportunity for eye contact and a reason to say something to her.

4. Make sure you cross her path more often

If you work with or go to school with her, try to figure out her patterns. What time is she at what place? Not that you should become a stalker, but if you can figure out where she is and when, you can “accidentally” run into her more often. [Read: How to approach a girl you don’t know and impress her instantly]

5. Go up and introduce yourself

This is the most simple but best advice now that you know how to tell if a woman is checking you out. If you ever want something to come out of the woman checking you out, then you have to meet her, right?

Don’t let her come to you. Be brave and go up and say, “Hi, I’m Joe! Are you enjoying yourself tonight?” She’ll probably introduce herself too, and then you can go from there. [Read: How to start a conversation with any girl and make her really like you]

6. Don’t use cheesy pickup lines

Women don’t like weird pickup lines because they can make you look creepy.

So, definitely don’t ask her what her sign is or say something like, “Somebody call the cops because it’s illegal to look this good!” Just be normal with your introduction and strike up a conversation with her.

7. Be genuine

Don’t try to put on some sort of cool guy act. Women aren’t looking for someone to be ultra-cool, rich, or hip. They just want an honest, normal guy.

So, don’t feel like you have to pretend to be someone else to get her to like you. Just be yourself. [Read: How to ask someone if they like you without embarrassing yourself]

8. Don’t comment on her body

You don’t want to say something to her like, “Wow, look at the rack you have on you!” Or, “Damn, your body is so hot!” Or “You have the best a$$ I’ve ever seen!” You don’t want her to think that you’re a pervert.

9. Compliment her

However, you can compliment her in a nice, respectful way.

For example, you can say that she has beautiful eyes or that you like her jewelry. That shows that you are noticing the details about her without being creepy. Women like to be complimented – it makes them feel good. [Read: How to compliment a girl – 15 must-know tips and 35 perfect compliments]

10. Ask her questions

Ask her what she does for a living, where she’s from, does he have any siblings, or any other kind of question to get to know her better.

You don’t want to pry too deeply in the beginning, but just try to at least learn the basic facts about her. [Read: What makes a man attractive? 38 traits that make a woman desire you]

11. Introduce yourself to her friends

If she’s with a group of her friends, make sure you don’t completely ignore them.

Be friendly, and introduce yourself to everyone at first. Then you can single her out to talk to more after that is out of the way.

12. Get into a conversation with her

You don’t need to just stick to facts about where the two of you live or what you do for a living. Try to get her into an interesting conversation. It could be about a movie, sports, or something that most people would like to talk about. Try to talk to her as long as you can.

13. Ask if she has a boyfriend

You need to do this so that you know if you have a chance with her. However, don’t do it right away. Wait a while and try to slip it into the conversation so it feels natural. Like, “Do you and your boyfriend come here much?” [Read: How girls flirt – 22 signs she’s flirting more than just being nice]

14. After you’ve talked to her for a while, ask for her number

You can’t see her again if you don’t know where to find her!

So, after you guys have had a good conversation, either ask for her phone number or request to add her on social media. Just make it clear that you want to keep in touch.

15. Contact her

After you know where to find her, then you actually have to follow through and contact her. That seems like a no-brainer, but a lot of guys get a girl’s number and then never get in touch. Girls hate that. [Read: The first text to a girl – 19 flirty examples to leave her smiling]

16. Ask her out on a date

Now that you have met in person and have chatted a bit over text or social media, it’s time to go in for the prize.

Ask her out! Don’t ask her to “hang out” because that is not very gentlemanly. You need to ask her out on a proper date. This will impress her.

[Read: How to talk to a girl – The secrets to smooth talk and impress girls instantly]

Men and women check out the opposite sex in different ways. So, start by memorizing these lessons for how to tell if a woman is checking you out. And then, do the right thing and make a move!

The post 27 Signs to Tell If a Woman Is Checking You Out & What To Do Next is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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