Wednesday 19 January 2022

Ginger Trivia: 34 Fascinating Redhead Facts & Myths No One Knows

If you’re dating a sexy redhead or you’re thinking about it, you might want to check out these redhead facts. You might be surprised what you learn!

redhead facts

Everyone’s heard that redheads are the alleged fiery vixens of the hair color wheel. But, have you ever wondered what gave them such a distinct stereotype? History has some wild accusations about these natural gingers that are definitely worth a read. There are many redhead facts out there and some are true, yet some are definitely not.

It’s no wonder that redheads get so much attention. After all, ginger hair is probably the rarest hair color and there are many people who have enticed us throughout history with their distinct look.

The ombre of natural red and orange hues, the pale skin, the glorious cascades of freckles that cover the body—it’s like a fairy tale character come to life! And did you know that only a mere 2% of the world’s population possesses this rare redheaded gene?

So what could be so bad about being a redhead?

The truth is, folklore and legend haven’t been so kind to those with beautiful ginger hair. You only have to delve into the subject to find fascinating tales of bad omens and fantastic tempers.

Read these fascinating myths and tales of those lucky enough to be born with luscious ginger locks. [Read: 15 super simple ways to keep yourself sexy at any age]

Why is ginger hair rare?

Of course, plenty of people have ginger hair, but it’s not as widely common as brunette, black, or blonde hair. So, what causes those beautiful hues of orange and red?

Ginger hair is caused by a genetic mutation called MC1R, or melanocortin 1 receptor. The cells in the skin and hair have an increased amount of melanin of one type and less of a different one.

This combination causes ginger hair and that often paler type of skin that usually accompanies this particular hair shade. [Read: How to look cute – 25 ways to exude cuteness and melt any guy’s heart]

You also often find that redheads have fair skin in terms of the sun too. They usually burn more easily than other skin types, so sunblock is a must! However, it’s also one of the common redhead facts that ginger hair can occur in any ethnicity.

Now you know one of the main redhead facts, let’s get onto some of the more wild and ‘out there’ so-called facts and myths you might hear about. [Read: Feisty girl – 30 sassy traits that make her dangerously amazing]

Redhead facts and myths in traditions and folklore

Gingers have made their way through tales, traditions, and folklore, leaving behind a legacy of deceit, power, and… vampires? Yes, you read that right. Whether you believe these so-called redhead facts to be true or simply fiction, we’ll leave that up to you.

1. Queen Elizabeth was a famous redhead

Queen Elizabeth, a redhead, was said to be one of the best rulers who ever lived. She was praised for her role in the Protestant religion and called the ruler of the “golden age.” [Read: How to be sexually attractive – 40 subtle ways to seduce anyone]

2. Redheads have strong tempers?

Russian tradition declares that being a redhead is a sign both that you have a fiery temper and of being crazy. In fact, one Russian proverb reads: “There was never a saint with red hair.”

3. Redhead facts for Twilight fans!

Move over Kristen Stewart, there’s a new look for the queen vampire that’s been around since the dawn of the Greeks! In Greek mythology, it is said that redheads turn into vampires after they’ve died.

4. When ginger hair apparently meant you were a witch

In Germanic culture during 1483-1784, it was believed that witches could be found by searching those suspected for abnormalities, which were classified by freckles, birthmarks, or moles. Because of the sheer freckle factor in redheads, you can only imagine how terrified they must have been. [Read: Are good looking girls mean or nice?]

5. Is ginger hair a bad omen?

A Liverpool tale of folklore claims that meeting a redhead at the beginning of a journey is a bad omen and that if you happen to meet the ginger while still aboard your ship, you can beat the omen by turning your ship around and heading back to where you came from!

6. Maybe avoid redheads at New Year…

Scottish and English tradition says that after the New Year, your first caller will bring you luck, brunettes bringing with them the best form of luck, and redheads bringing the worst! [Read:16 really sexy New Year’s resolutions for the ladies]

7. The Little Mermaid brought more fame to red hair

Upon choosing what hair color The Little Mermaid, “Ariel,” should have, Disney execs decided on her trademark red locks so that she wouldn’t be confused with Daryl Hannah’s mermaid character in the (also Disney) movie Splash.

8. “Sorry, what did you say?”

Some scientists believe that redheads are more prone to deafness than anyone else. However, there is little solid proof to back these types of redhead facts up. [Read: 7 signs you’re not being heard and how to fix it]

9. There’s nothing new about ginger hair!

One Chinese archaeological dig in the Taklimakan desert found a mummified ginger-haired person dating back 3,000 years!

10. Aristotle knew at lot, but did he know everything?

Aristotle believed that redheads were emotionally “unhousebroken.” That’s pretty insulting to most redheads, so it’s quite likely that this is one of the redhead facts you can just file under “total rubbish”. [Read: Feminine energy – How to embrace it, release it, increase it]

11. Romans kept redheads as slaves

Romans allegedly kept redheads as slaves—and for a higher price, thanks to their “different” look, compared to most slaves around at the time.

12. Redheads and witches?

During the Spanish Inquisition, having red hair meant that you had stolen the fire of hell and were to be burned as a witch. Ouch!

13. Bees love redheads

For reasons unknown, some studies have suggested that bees like to sting redheads more than other hair colors. Maybe because they’re so sweet? [Read: 11 sweet and intimate ways to show how much you care]

14. A taste of poison?

In the 16th century, the essential ingredient for making poison was including the fat from a redheaded man. Now that might be a little tricky to get…

15. Why does everyone think redheads are unlucky?

Here’s a scary redhead fact you probably have no idea about. The Egyptians apparently regarded red hair as being so unlucky that they actually burned ginger women alive in an attempt to wipe out their “tint.”

16. Conceived during a period? Really?

Historically, redheaded children have been thought of as being conceived while a woman was on her period, causing uncreative and gross nicknames to spark, such as “tampon tops.” Ick! [Read: 10 ridiculous myths people believe about marriage]

17. A great way to avoid Hitler

Allegedly, Adolph Hitler banned the ability for two redheads to marry, fearing the offspring would be “deviant.”

18. Did pixies really have red hair?

After the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, many in southwest England began believing in pixies. These pixies were strongly believed to be redheads, due to their unworldly and mischievous traits. [Read: Romantic love stories – Magic moments]

19. Maybe Eve wasn’t the first woman

One of the most interesting redhead facts here – some believe that Adam had a wife before Eve— a feminist redhead named Lilith who believed in sexual equality.

20. A taste of the forbidden fruit

In a depiction of Eve at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, Eve’s hair turns red after she commits the sin of eating the forbidden fruit.

21. Do you believe redheads are untrustworthy?

Judas Iscariot is often depicted as a redhead, due to his untrustworthy nature. This is believed by many to be the reason why redheads have gotten such a bad rap throughout history. [Read: How to build trust in a relationship and learn to be loyal and loving]

22. But, red is a very sought-after color!

It is thought that of the 60% of women who dye their hair at home, 30% opt to become redheads.

23. It takes a lot to knock out a redhead!

Interestingly, a study done in 2002 found that redheads were harder to sedate than any other people, requiring at least 20% more anesthesia than the rest!

24. Bright hair, but less of it

The average adult is thought to have roughly 120,000 hairs on their head. Redheads are said to have fewer than the rest *with brunettes possessing more, and blondes being in the middle ground*. [Read: Girls with short hair are killing it – 20 reasons you should try it]

25. Redheads might be able to eat more, blame the metabolism!

As far as the perception of colors go, the color red is said to enhance its viewer’s heart rate, respiration, and even their metabolism!

26. Aging very gracefully

Redheads are said to keep their hair pigment longer than any other hair color. On that note, it’s also said that they don’t go “gray” in their old age, but instead transition from a sandy color straight to white. [Read: How to look younger – Capture the fountain of youth in 15 steps]

27. Redheads might have more sex!

Studies by both German and English sex researchers both found that overall, ginger-haired women tend to have more sex than brunettes or blondes. Maybe it’s not blondes that have more fun after all!

28. Red hair is super-stubborn

If you have red hair and want to change it to something else, you’re in for a struggle. Red holds the color pigment much more than other hair colors, so it will need to be totally stripped before dying again. This is a redhead fact that can cause a lot of hair damage right there!

29. Beware of the sun

Most redheads have fair skin – not all, but many – and that means you need to be super-careful in the sun. Redheads are thought to be more likely to develop skin cancer due to sensitivity to ultraviolet light and fair skin in general. [Read: Top 10 fun and romantic summer date ideas]

30. Temperature sensitivity as standard

It’s thought that redheads are more sensitive to temperature changes between hot and cold than any other hair color.

31. Vitamin D is self-produced by redheads

Most people need to head out into the sun to get a boost of vitamin D, but not redheads. Due to a lower amount of melanin, redheads can’t absorb vitamin D through sun exposure and instead, they make their own when they’re in low light.

32. Left handed redheads?

It’s thought that redheads are more likely to be left-handed. This is because traits that are considered recessive often come in twos. [Read: How to be more interesting and make everyone want to know you]

33. Men have less chance of prostate cancer

While you shouldn’t take anything for granted, a study by the British Journal of Cancer showed that men who had naturally red hair were less likely to develop prostate cancer.

34. Red hair may become extinct!

Due to the fact that red hair doesn’t tend to adapt very well to warmer temperatures, it’s thought that climate change could be a real threat to red hair over the coming decades. [Read: The clothes make the girl – 15 tips to get you looking your best]

Love your red hair and forget the myths!

You might be reading these redhead facts and be wondering why ginger-haired folk got such a bad rep! However, there are some pretty good “facts” in there too – more sex, magic vitamin D production, and no chance of going gray? We’ll have some of that!

But, it’s important to remember one thing – it doesn’t matter how many ginger jokes you hear, red hair is super-beautiful. There’s a reason why so many women try to dye their hair red and struggle to keep it such a beautiful hue – it’s not the easiest hair color to maintain, but it’s one that’s super-popular. You have it naturally and don’t need to constantly resort to hair dye to stop it from turning orange/blonde after a few weeks. [Read: How to be confident – 28 life hacks to transform your future forever]

So, embrace your fiery locks, and whether or not you have a temper to match or not, feel special and unique – because you are!

[Read: 11 tips to fall in love with yourself and be a better you]

Now that you know these redhead facts, embrace the fiery nature of your redhead and you’ll be in for one wild ride. History hasn’t always been kind to the redheaded reputation, so just remember, you can’t believe everything you read!

The post Ginger Trivia: 34 Fascinating Redhead Facts & Myths No One Knows is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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