Monday 3 January 2022

How to Be More Attractive to Women: 27 Hacks that Work Like Magic!

Want to know how to be more attractive to women? There are a few traits all girls look for in guys, and now, you just need to know what they are!

how to be more attractive to women

Do you want to know how to be more attractive to women? Let’s be honest here, there are some guys who seem to attract women without much effort. They just step into a room and girls flock all around them. There are also guys who don’t have to sweat much to get the girl that they like.

And then there’s you.

You wonder how come you can’t land a hot date or why you find yourself often as the wallflower in a party. And you’re desperate for some change—or at least some attention from the opposite sex.

[Read: 20 things women look for in a man before falling for him]

Why it’s challenging for most guys to attract women

The dating game shouldn’t be so hard, don’t you think? But that’s not the reality for most guys. They can’t quite figure out what they’re doing wrong. They look around and see other guys getting the girls, and wonder why they aren’t.

Well, there are many components that go into attracting women. And most of them are not what you might think.

Bottom line, in today’s day and age, you have a lot of competition. Think about it. Before dating apps, guys would have to attract women in real life. They would have to meet them in a bar, at school, at work, or through friends. And let’s face it – there were a lot less options *for both men and women*.

But now, women have endless men at their fingertips – literally. With a swipe here and a swipe there, a woman can be talking to many different men in a matter of minutes. The world is not what it was in your parents’ or grandparents’ era. The competition is stiff, so that’s why you need to up your game to stand out.

Well, there are many components that go into attracting women. And most of them are not what you might think. [Read: How to sexually attract a woman – 15 steps to max your desirability]

How to be more attractive to women at first sight

Well, here are some tips on how to be more attractive to women with minimum effort and maximum effect. Just try a few of these, and you’ll notice a difference in the way women behave around you instantly.

[Read: How to sweet talk a girl – 19 smooth ways to melt her with words]

1. Walk taller

If you really want to stand out from the crowd and have women see you as soon as you enter the room, you have to stand, walk, and sit a little taller.

Lift your chest out a little, tuck your stomach in, and carry yourself like you’re the most important person in the room. This gives you a sense of stability, pride, and confidence that will definitely draw stares—in a good way.

2. Dress sharp

You may not be attracting as many women as you could because you don’t care enough about the way you dress.

When it comes to your attire, from your work clothes to what you wear while buying groceries, think about this: How would you dress if you were a celebrity that may be photographed at any moment? Perhaps, this would help you pay more attention to what you wear. [Read: How to get a girl’s attention and impress her no matter where you are]

3. Shower and shave

When it comes to hygiene, you must own it. Get a flattering haircut from a genuine barber or hairstylist. Either make a clean shave or maintain a stubble, which women find really attractive. And shower and brush your teeth regularly.

4. Wear red 

Red catches the eye and makes women relate it to sex, attraction, success, and status. Adding even just a pop of red, like a tie or a baseball cap, can make women instantly feel slightly attracted to you.

5. Make the first move 

If you want to know how to be more attractive to women, you need to know that being comfortable enough to initiate things shows that you are confident and a leader—two qualities that women hugely admire.

Whether it comes to setting a date, starting a conversation, or making a move—initiate things! [Read: 15 reasons why the overly nice guys always end up losing the girl]

6. Be positive 

People, both men and women, are drawn to positive things. Whether it is through your social media posts, your conversational topics, or simply your impression on others, it helps if you exude positivity. Best of all, have a positive image of yourself, as this will also radiate outwards and magnetize women towards you.

7. Check your voice

Women are generally more attracted to deep, well-rounded, resonant voices compared to the rather girly, high-pitched ones. Practice adding resonance to your voice by supporting it with your diaphragm.

Also, remember to breathe deeply before you speak. This allows you to modulate your voice well and of course, gives you time to think before opening your mouth. [Read: How to have a sexy, manly voice – 17 steps to make everyone love listening to you]

8. Have a lasting impact 

Many men don’t know how to be more attractive to women because they’re not really trying to make an impression, and you shouldn’t be one of these men.

You probably assume that by showing up, women will just come to you. This is so wrong. Whether you’re just trying to play it safe, trying to be nice, or just plain lazy, stop it.

Strive for impact all the time. Crack a memorable joke, come up with a witty one-liner, or simply dress to impress, just make sure the ladies remember you in a good way.

9. Crack her up

Don’t take things too seriously, especially if you are hell-bent on attracting and wooing women. Always have a sense of humor and some playfulness mixed in.

This is particularly handy in awkward situations or if you need to break the ice with someone you just met. Besides, women find men with a sense of humor smart and therefore attractive. [Read: The right way to make a girl laugh and like you instantly]

10. Be carefree

Women find men with a sense of dangerousness about them very sexy. You don’t have to risk your life or be part of a gang, though. Just the idea that you are carefree and spontaneous is enough. This means you have a sense of being free in how you behave and what you say—far from being stuck up.

If you want to know how to be more attractive to women, remember to speak your mind, be confident, and get off difficult situations with a grin and a wink. Women dig that.

11. Master the slow smile 

Instead of your quick and eager smile, practice putting on a slow grin. This is because women find slow-smiling guys more trustworthy. Therefore, they may warm up to you far easier as they see that you have a more genuine smile. [Read: How to be a happier person – 20 joy-filled steps to change your life]

12. Befriend a baby 

Are you comfortable around babies? Whether you pass by a baby on a stroller in the park or your officemate brought her little one to work, stop by and play with the babies.

You can melt any lady’s heart just by smiling, cooing, talking, and playing with these munchkins. [Read: How to think like a woman and get the girl you like]

13. Drive a hot car 

Got an invite to a gala or a hot party? See if you can borrow your friend’s *or your parents’* luxury car. You can even offer to take it for a car wash.

The thing is, women like men who drive hot wheels than those who drive so-so sedans. This probably has something to do with status and power, which women are also drawn to. [Read: 15 signs the girl you like is a high maintenance woman]

14. Be curious

Some people tend to talk and talk about themselves and this can get old. Take time to listen attentively to women and be genuinely curious about them: what they do, what they feel, how much they like those pair of shoes, and all that jazz.

15. Flaunt some battle scars

Okay, this isn’t for everyone, but when it comes to attracting women, you should know that many women find men with a little scarring on their faces more manly compared to polished, unblemished guys.

They see scars as a sign of some danger you have gone through, therefore upping your masculinity and attractiveness. Scary? Well, it can be. But it’s definitely masculine as well. Don’t have a scar? Don’t worry. Move on to the next item on our list. [Read: What is masculinity? 19 really manly traits women hope to see in you]

16. Learn a few recipes 

Once you finally score a date, ditch the restaurant game and cook for her instead. Women dig men who create wonders in the kitchen, and it helps to be a pro in at least one recipe that will surely win her over. Make it good. [Read: 21 things you do that’ll make her adore you a lot more]

17. Be social 

This doesn’t mean regularly posting on social media or posing for your selfies.

Being social is all about being around people. Spend time with friends, go out and make new friends, and actually be that guy that people want to hang out with.

18. Lend a hand

If you’re wondering how to be more attractive to women, try to donate blood, volunteer for a cause, or be part of your community outreach.

Do anything selfless and women will be flocking to you. This is because they find all these traits attractive, so much so that they would even see you as someone who’s a long-term relationship potential, which is a big plus for them. [Read: What girls find attractive? 25 traits that make you irresistible]

19. Be thoughtful 

This is where active listening comes in handy. You must be able to pick apart the things that she tells you and find out special things about her, like her favorite dish, her most hated bands, the places she wants to go, and all that.

Being thoughtful can score big when it comes to attracting women. [Read: 18 foolproof ways to make a girl fall in love with you without trying too hard]

20. Have passion 

Women like men who are passionate about something. Whether it’s a band, a book, some hobbies or your own brand of art, chicks dig guys who can be passionate about something in a conversation and is not shy about it.

This shows how genuine you are, and you can also spur on some deep, intellectual conversations that women just fall for.

21. Have long-term goals

While we advise you to be carefree, there’s a line to be drawn between maturity and plain douchebaggery. You can still have that air of being free and laidback, while still being flexible enough to get into serious conversations and talk about your goals.

Being that much of a grown up is a turn-on for girls. [Read: How to be mature – 25 ways to grow up and face life like an adult]

22. Work it out 

It’s common knowledge that “built” men are more sexually attractive to women. So don’t make that “dad bod” your excuse.

Get out there and be active. Women innately like a little dominance, and there’s something about muscles and strength that turns them on.

23. Look older

Older men tend to exude success, stability, and security.

While you are still in your 20’s, you can look a little mature with one easy trick: suits. Have a few well-tailored suits handy, whenever you need to go somewhere and have women notice you. Just be sure you’re not overdressed for an event, though. [Read: How to dress to impress a girl and get way more than just a second glance]

24. Be chivalrous

Unlike what some people may think, chivalry is not dead… or at least it shouldn’t be! Chivalry is simply treating women with the respect they deserve. In the “old days,” men would always open doors *including car doors*, pull out chairs, and buy women flowers.

Just because it’s not the 1950s anymore doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still act like it. Women like this – mostly because it’s rare these days *unfortunately!*. [Read: What is chivalry now? The real meaning, the Knights code, and modern men]

25. Don’t be a player or emotionally distant

While it’s true that some women are attracted to bad boys, in the long run, if you want to know how to attract women, know that it doesn’t work forever.

The only reason some women like players, or men who don’t treat them well, is because that’s what they’re used to – not because they like it. So, be different. Be the good guy… because contrary to popular belief, nice guys do not finish last in the end. [Read: 18 qualities of a good man that sets him apart from lesser men]

26. Pay attention to her

People have gotten kind of rude in recent decades. Since the advent of smartphones and social media, too many people *including men* tend to use technology as a barrier between themselves and another person.

So, when you’re with her, put your phone away and pay attention to her. When you’re away from her, use your phone to stay in contact so she can feel connected to you. [Read: Phubbing – What it is, 18 reasons why we phub and ways to stop it ASAP]

27. Be unique

In the world of online dating, women think all guys are the same. Or they think that men only want one thing *sex!*.

So, you need to be different to stand out. Things like writing a quality dating app profile or sending her respectful messages *other than “hey whassup” or “hey beautiful”* will go a long way in attracting women. That’s because you will stand out above the crowd with your communication. What it comes down to, is being a class act, which is not how most men behave.

[Read: How to be a good boyfriend material – 33 traits that WILL make you the best ever]

It’s easy to assume that you need grand gestures or go out of your way to be likable to women. But the truth is, it’s almost always the small details, like your behavior and your manners, that will make you stand apart from the rest of the men.

Many guys think that learning how to be more attractive to women is a lot of work—like they have to be rich, successful, and famous. Of course, being at the top of your game helps, but the important thing is to simply be the best that you can be!

The post How to Be More Attractive to Women: 27 Hacks that Work Like Magic! is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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