Monday 24 January 2022

How to Get Your Boyfriend’s Attention When He’s Ignoring You

Is your boyfriend ignoring you? Too attached to his Playstation or with friends? Learn how to get your boyfriend’s attention in 20 easy ways.

how to get your boyfriend's attention

Guys can occasionally act in mysterious ways. They may not even realize what they’re doing but they do it anyway. So, if you feel like your boyfriend is paying you less attention than he should, it’s time to take action. Don’t put up with being ignored or taken for granted, accidentally or otherwise. Learn how to get your boyfriend’s attention and pull it right back to where it should be.

Sometimes guys are the worst. For sure we all love them but as boyfriends, they can often need a little help understanding the wants of women. And that want is to be heard and taken seriously.

In order to help them figure it out, you’ll have to learn a few wiley ways.

It’s not easy. Girls don’t always understand how guys’ minds work and vice versa. So in order to get him to take you seriously, you’ll have to learn how to connect with him in a way he’ll understand. [Read: 15 reasons why you’re always being taken for granted]

Some guys do take you seriously, but just don’t show it

Not all guys are ignoring you. If your boyfriend seems like he’s ignoring you, all he might need is a little reminder to pay attention. Sometimes, he might’ve been listening the entire time but just not showing it.

The best way to figure this one out is to talk to him. Ask if he’s really ignoring you or just not speaking up. Usually, he’ll say he was just not speaking up so challenge him a little by asking what you said or what your goals are. If he can’t name them, he was definitely ignoring you or he really has a problem with listening.

Of course, if your boyfriend is zoning out all the time and you never feel like you’re being heard, that’s an issue.

It’s normal to not hear or not pay attention once or twice, we all do it, but other than that, he’s taking you for granted. You don’t deserve that, and in that case, you need to give a serious talking to! [Read: 14 ways on how to be a better listener in a relationship]

How to get your boyfriend’s attention and keep it

If your boyfriend’s attention is wandering or you just can’t seem to get him to take you seriously, these tips can help. Don’t settle for a man who doesn’t think everything you say is the most important. Make sure you’re heard by learning these ways on how to get your boyfriend’s attention.

1. Don’t nag, no matter how much you might want to

Nagging won’t get you anywhere with a guy. If your boyfriend feels like you’re nagging him to pay more attention, he’ll get annoyed. To him, it doesn’t sound like a legitimate concern, but rather like you just want to change him.

Instead, focus on talking to him calmly and seriously about the issue. If all you’re saying is, “Why don’t you pay attention to me anymore?” while whining, he’ll feel attacked. And when that happens, no one wins. [Read: How to stop nagging your partner and let go of the partner pestering]

2. Don’t go overboard

Some girls try to compensate for not having their boyfriend’s attention by trying way too many over-the-top things to make their men see them. This is not the way to go.

Never start doing crazy or wild things in an attempt to get his attention. It’s not worth it and it won’t work. [Read: 12 very annoying girlfriend habits that make a guy hate his girl]

3. Do less

The key isn’t to do more, it’s to do less. When it comes to learning how to get your boyfriend’s attention, this is key. Guys usually get annoyed when you do too much to get their attention.

In most cases, they’ll roll their eyes and go back to ignoring you. What really makes a difference is when you pull back.

Just stop trying to get his attention. He’ll notice your withdrawn behavior a lot more than he’ll notice your extravagant attempts to get his attention. So do less and he’ll end up coming to you. [Read: How to make your boyfriend want you more than ever]

4. Talk to him during a good time

If you always feel like your man is ignoring you but the only time you talk to him is in the middle of his favorite show, that’s your fault. Don’t try to get his attention when you know it just won’t happen. Choose better times to talk to him and spend time together.

5. Discuss his behavior

Just talk to him. Don’t be afraid to tell him that he’s not giving you enough attention. This is a serious problem in your relationship and if he cares, he’ll listen and make the change.

But don’t try to talk to him while yelling or blaming him. First, tell him that you’re feeling a little down about yourself. Once he realizes how it’s negatively affecting you, he’ll listen more intently. [Read: 9 ways to get your man to start communicating with you]

6. Don’t deal with disrespect

If your significant other is disrespecting you, that’s a whole other problem. Don’t let him do that. Stop him the second he’s doing it and call him out on it. More often than not, this will surely get his attention.

7. Delegate time to spend together

If you’re not getting the attention you want because both of your attention is split when together, then just schedule time together. There’s nothing wrong with this if you both have busy lives.

This way, you’ll be able to focus on each other while together instead of having to check your social media, watch a movie, and try to hang out together. Make a time that’s just for the two of you to be alone together. [Read: How much time should couples spend together? The answers you must know]

8. Dress to the nines and ignore him

While we don’t normally condone something that could be considered “childish,” it’s definitely useful in this instance.

If he’s been ignoring you and not giving you the attention he deserves, then look your best, and go out with your friends. Make him beg you for your attention.

9. Pay more attention to him and his life

It could be that you’re both just not connecting. You have lives that are too separate. Start asking about his hobbies and interests more than you do.

Being more involved in his life will make him want to be in yours more.

10. Get away together

The fact that he’s not paying attention might have to do with that disconnect we talked about. Go away together. Get back to your roots. Rekindling that spark might be all he needs to get his head in the right place and pay attention to you.

Take some time to just be together somewhere you’re normally not. Go away for the weekend and just spend time with each other with nothing to disturb you. Getting out of a rut you might be in can help you get your man’s attention. [Read: 12 alternative destinations for romantic breaks]

11. Do something sweet for him

Many guys pull away if they feel like they’re not cared for. Your man could be getting a little insecure about your feelings for him and that’s why he’s ignoring you. He’s pulling away to save himself the heartache.

So instead of getting angry, do something nice for him. Reassure him of your feelings and see if that helps him pay more attention to you.

It’s very possible he just wants a little something extra from you but the only way he knows to communicate that is by ignoring you. [Read: 25 easy ways to keep a guy hooked and happy in love]

12. Ask him if everything is okay

It could be that he’s under some stress at work or he’s having a bit of a hard time with a family issue. Maybe he’s not ignoring you at all, he’s simply preoccupied.

Don’t sit him down and interrogate him, but choose a casual moment when you’re both alone and just say “hey, I’ve noticed you’ve been a bit distant lately, is everything okay?” Just let him know that you’re there to talk if he wants to, but don’t push it.

13. Focus your attention on yourself

Let him dither around doing whatever he’s doing but you focus on yourself. That means having a glam day, going to the spa, or simply sitting at home with a coffee and reading your favorite book.

Whatever you like to do, do more of it. He’ll soon wonder why you’re not nagging him, like he would expect. [Read: How to focus on yourself – 27 ways to create your own sunshine]

14. Make use of your social media

Again, this might come over as game playing and in some ways, yes it is. But, sometimes games need to be played! Socal media is very useful for some things, including making your boyfriend a little jealous or giving him a shove when he needs one.

Round up some friends and check yourself into a bar or a club, he’ll no doubt notice and wonder why he didn’t get an invite!

15. Change your appearance – but do it for you

If you want to give him a real shove, don’t just dress up for the sake of it, actually change something you’ve always wanted.

So, if you’ve always wanted to dye your hair pillarbox red, now is the time to do it! You can learn how to get your boyfriend’s attention and get the look you’ve always wanted. [Read: How to focus on yourself in a relationship and avoid losing yourself]

16. Ignore him too

Why not play him at his own game? Assuming he is playing a game, of course, and he’s not just totally oblivious to what he’s doing. Ignore him back and see how long it takes for him to question why.

17. Tell him you want to try anal *joke!*

This one will definitely get his attention! But, of course, disclaimer – only do it if you want to.

Never go through with something sexual that you’re not into just to get your boyfriend to snap out of a funk. But, the joke of saying it aloud will definitely get his head turning! [Read: 10 surprising benefits of anal sex you had no idea about]

18. Make it very clear that things have to change

If you’ve tried a few of the how to get your boyfriend’s attention tips and it’s not really working, a real conversation has to be had. Sit him down and tell him that you’re not into being ignored.

Ask him if there is anything wrong and if not, make it clear that it either changes, or you’re on your way. [Read: 10 big problems in a relationship and how to fix it]

19. Ditch him and get a new guy

Some boyfriends can’t be taught to pay attention to their girlfriends. Now, you really shouldn’t necessarily have to teach your man to take you seriously in the first place.

Some guys, however, need a little boost. Others will never change. If your guy isn’t changing, it’s time to say goodbye. You shouldn’t have to fight for their attention. [Read: How to make a guy realize he’s losing you – 20 hints that really work]

20. Never let a guy take you for granted again

If you find you do have to walk away *hopefully not* then make this a lesson. It sucks, for sure, but make sure that you never allow yourself to be taken for granted in the future.

You dealt with it for far too long and you didn’t deserve it. Learn from the experience and vow never to deal with it for a second longer than necessary in the future.

[Read: How to make him regret taking you for granted and change his ways for good]

Knowing how to get your boyfriend’s attention is valuable for so many reasons. If he slips up a little, using these techniques can get him to focus on you and only you.

The post How to Get Your Boyfriend’s Attention When He’s Ignoring You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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