Thursday 3 February 2022

26 Signs a Married Man is Attracted to You & Why He’s Pursuing You

There is a guy you know who is married, and he’s overly friendly with you. But is he just being nice? Here are the signs a married man is attracted to you.

signs a married man is attracted to you

Now, we have to remember that just because a married man is nice to you, doesn’t mean he wants to get in your pants. Many women make the mistake of assuming a married guy wants them and it can cause some trouble for both parties. Knowing the signs a married man is attracted to you and actually wants you can help avoid that.

Why you should never get involved with a married man

Besides the obvious reason, there are many more as to why you should never be with someone who’s married. First of all, he’s already in a relationship. Why would you want to be with someone who’s already hooked deeply *and legally* with someone else?

You also can’t trust them. They’re sneaking around and lying to their spouse. What makes you think they wouldn’t do the same to you?

Married men who try to date or sleep with other women on the side are disrespectful, mean people. You wouldn’t want to date someone who’s not married with those same qualities. Right? [Read: Is he married or dating someone else already? 20 signs to watch out]

Why a married man would be inappropriate with another woman

Most people think that when you get married, you will ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after. It usually doesn’t enter a woman’s mind that her husband might be attracted to another woman – let alone have him actually try to do something about it.

So, why in the world would a married man express his attraction to you? Well, there are quite a few reasons, actually. Here are a few of them you need to know and understand, before we look for the signs a married man is attracted to you.

1. He’s a narcissist

Narcissists are very selfish and only care about themselves. Their egos are huge and they don’t think about anyone else’s feelings. So, it’s not surprising that a married man would try to pursue you if they are a narcissist.

You want to stay as far away from these men at all costs. They can come across as very charming. That is the way they win people over! But don’t fall for it. They are no capable of anything good. [Read: Sleeping with a married man – The things most women never think about]

2. He’s unhappily married

This is a pretty obvious one. If he was happily married, then he wouldn’t have the need to go seeking out attention from other women.

But just because he isn’t happy with his wife, that doesn’t give him the right to go seeking affection elsewhere. No one has a perfect marriage BUT not all unhappily married men pursue other women.

3. He’s not getting sex with his wife

He could be sexually frustrated. Maybe his wife doesn’t ever want to be physically intimate with him, so he has decided to turn his attention to another person to get his sexual “fix.”

Even if he doesn’t think he will actually get laid with you, he still is trying to overcompensate for the fact that his own sex life is dead. [Read: 12 signs a married man wants to cheat with you – What should you do next?]

4. He is just stroking his ego

You don’t have to be a narcissist to have a big ego. He could be overly good-looking or rich, but he still might need to get that ego boost.

Everyone likes feeling good about themselves, even married men. So, it could just be an issue of needing to feel like the “big man on campus” by attracting a desirable woman like you!

5. He thinks he’s just harmlessly flirting

Some men are just super friendly, and that can come across as flirting. It could just be a natural urge for him to flirt with pretty girls.

He may have absolutely no intention of following through with any action. So in his mind, he is virtually harmless. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that he is. [Read: Microcheating – What it is and signs a guy is doing it with you]

6. He is going through some sort of midlife crisis

When people get older, sometimes they get anxious. They see their youth in the rearview mirror, and so they feel a need to prove that their best days are not behind them.

One of the ways that a married man might do this is by flirting with or pursuing a young hottie like you. [Read: 20 signs a married man is in love with you and wants something more]

7. He feels like he’s missing out

He may be happily married but every time he sees a sexy thing like you “prancing” about in his field of view, he realizes he wants the cake and eat it too.

He’s married, yes, but he likes the idea of getting in bed with another girl just for fun! After all, he is missing out on so many woman now that he’s married to just one, right?!

The biggest signs a married man is attracted to you and you should shut him down

The signs can be hard to read if you’re not sure what to look for. But knowing if a married man is hitting on you is useful knowledge to have so you can stay away from them.

Here are all the signs a married is attracted to you and not just being nice.

1. He keeps coming by you

Whenever a married guy keeps showing up next to you, it’s a big sign he must like you. Why else would he be making excuse after excuse just to be near you?

If he’s sporting a ring on his finger and you know he’s married, his presence next to you could be a sign you should run far away, because he likes you. [Read: 21 big signs he wants you bad and is irresistibly attracted to you]

2. He’s complimented your appearance a lot

It’s one thing to tell someone they’re hard-working, it’s another to continuously compliment their hair or how sexy their dress looks in general. If a married man is telling you how attractive you are, he’s totally into you. [Read: 25 things a guy will say when he likes you – The lines that mean a lot more]

3. He’s taken an interest in your personal life

Does a married guy ask you a bunch of personal questions? Is he trying to learn more and more about your private life? This is definitely one of the signs that a married man is attracted to you.

If so, he could be into you. When a married man is investing in your life and learning more about who you really are, it’s likely because he likes you. Be careful with how much you give him or you’ll risk making him believe you’re also into him.

4. He doesn’t talk about his wife or personal life

On the flip side, if he refuses to talk about his personal life but asks about yours, he could like you. He’s married. Therefore, his personal life involves his wife and family, if they have kids.

He won’t want to remind you of that if he likes you and is potentially trying to have a side relationship with you. He’ll keep mostly to himself unless he sees a similarity if you have. Then he’ll point it out to show you there’s a connection. [Read: 22 signs he’s fighting his feelings for you and holding himself back]

5. He tries to hide his left hand from you

This will be a poor attempt to hide the fact that he’s married without actually having to take off his ring. If you notice he’s always got his left hand in his pocket or hidden but you’ve seen a ring on that hand before, he’s definitely hiding it. Which also means he probably likes you, a lot.

6. He gives you a ton of eye contact

This is an overall sign that someone likes you in general. If a man is married and he’s making ridiculous eye contact and even doing so across the room, he likes you.

Be careful with this and make sure not to send him the wrong message by returning his gaze. [Read: How to know if someone is thinking of you sexually and desires you]

7. He smiles whenever you come near

One of the biggest signs a married man is pursuing you is excessive smiling whenever you approach him. It’s an instinctual reaction. He can’t help it.

It means you really excite him and make him super happy. This usually indicates a level of attraction he has for you.

8. He initiates the conversations

When someone else is always starting the conversation with you, in person or even through texts, they want to talk to you a lot more than you want to talk to them. If a married guy is doing this, he clearly wants to talk to you.

9. He talks himself up

This is something men have a tendency to do when they like someone. He’ll talk about himself but only about his accomplishments and the great things he’s done.

Basically, he’ll just talk himself up and make himself sound amazing. The kicker? His marriage won’t be on that list. [Read: Bragging and 14 other subtle things guys do to flirt with a girl]

10. He buys you gifts

This is a major red flag sign he’s into you and is definitely trying to get you to be his side chick.

When a married man is buying you gifts, it’s definitely time to run. He’s pursuing you and we all know that getting with a married guy will only bring bad things. [Read: How to walk away from being his side chick and be someone’s #1 instead]

11. He tries to flirt with you

A married man flirting with you can be completely innocent so long as what he says and does is actually innocent – or it could be one of the signs that the married man is attracted to you. However, if he’s trying to get touchy or hints at possibly getting together sometime, he’s clearly into you as more than just a friend. He’s trying to get with you.

12. He asks if you’re seeing anyone

This could be completely out of curiosity but it can also be a huge sign a married man is attracted to you. When he’s flirting with you and ends up asking if you’re dating someone, he’s interested.

He wants to know where your love life stands so he can swoop in if you’re single. [Read: 35 signs he’s attracted to you based on your conversations]

13 He attempts to spend alone time together

If you work with a married man who seems to be hitting on you, he’ll most likely try to get you to go to lunch with him. He might even disguise this as a “work lunch” even though he’ll spend his time flirting and talking all about you.

14. He treats you differently

If this man is someone you work with or even someone who comes in to drink at the bar you’re tending, it’ll be easy to tell if he treats you differently.

Is he kinder to you? Does he tip you way more than the other bartenders? If so, this is one of the signs that this married man likes you.

15. He admits he likes you, despite being married

This is obviously a sure sign he likes you. When he’s married but admitting that he’s totally into you, it’s a problem. He clearly wants you to know and could potentially be trying to pursue you, too. [Read: 20 signs a married man is in love with you and 100% wants something more]

16. He texts you a lot

Married men should not be texting other women for no reason at all, unless they are his mom or his sister.

Okay, that’s not to say that he can’t have female friends. But there’s a line that should not be crossed. If you don’t know this man very well, and yet he’s texting you or sliding into your DMs with random chitchat, he obviously thinks he’s very smooth and can get you to fall for him.

17. He contacts you at odd times of the day

If and when he does text you *or sends you an email or DMs you*, it is at weird times of the day. Let’s say you get texts late at night from him – or very early in the morning. Maybe he’s waiting for his wife to go to bed so he can get his jollies by texting and communicating with you behind her back.

And if what he is saying sounds like he has had a few drinks, then that is a definite sign that a married man is attracted to you. [Read: 34 unmissable, spot on signs to tell if a guy is flirting with you]

18. He asks you out

This clue cannot be more obvious! He might not actually ask you out on an official date, but he might suggest that you go to a “function” together or to check out this cool new winery.

That is something he should be doing with his wife, not you! So if he suggests you hang out alone, this is something you should avoid at all costs.

19. He makes sexual comments

It is inappropriate for any married man to be making sexual comments to another woman. It’s bad enough if what he says is specifically directed toward you.

But even if he’s making sexual comments about other women, or just in general, this is probably an attempt to get you to thinking about sex with him. [Confession: Having an affair with a married man – My own experience and what I learned from it]

20. He talks about “if onlys”

If this man talks a lot about things like, “If only I was 20 years younger, I would have definitely asked you out!” Or “If only I wasn’t married, you and I would be a great couple!”

Don’t be fooled by his “if onlys.” This is really just his indirect way of saying that he is interested in you and he hopes you will pick up on that and accept it, even if he’s married to someone else!

[Read: 12 reality checks for getting involved with a married man]

Knowing all the signs a married man is attracted to you can really save you a lot of trouble. Shut him down the second you see these signs and make sure he knows how wrong it is. As sweet as it all sounds, it’s a trap with absolutely no happy ending for you!

The post 26 Signs a Married Man is Attracted to You & Why He’s Pursuing You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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