Thursday, 31 March 2022

Debunked: 7 Common Myths About Night Game

night game mythsMeeting girls via night game is loud, chaotic, boozy, hard, exhausting, and trashy… right? It can be… but only if you’re doing it wrong. It can ALSO be so much more…

Hey guys.

Lately, I have realized that aside from online game (mostly apps), which I don’t think are good for seduction, that day game has grown in popularity.

(Read Chase’s posts and mine for more details on using apps for seduction)

I do consider day game a fantastic way to meet girls. I won’t trash day game since it is a legit and efficient type of game. I have the utmost respect for good day gamers.

I used to practice day game back in the day and met my first real girlfriend on the bus. I once met a girl during day game who I had a threesome with on the second date. I have had instant pulls.

Even though I have dropped day game in favor of night game, it does not mean I am clueless about day game. I understand the benefits and cons.

I am not fond of day game because I am mostly busy then. I tend to be a night owl, so I am not in a good mood during the day and am usually sleepy and tired. I tend to find day game a bit dull as the process is slower. I am not saying it is less efficient than night game. In day game, you deal with FAR fewer wildcards than in night game. For me, night game is more action-packed and high-paced. Night game is pickup and seduction on STEROIDS. Any day gamer will accept this statement, even though they may not like it.

I have noticed over the years that fewer men are veering away from night game. I‘m not sure why. Perhaps it is because of the YouTube trend where cringey guys use neo-direct game, filming their one out of 200 successful approach attempts on the street. This form of game is unlikely to work in night game since they will get harshly rejected over and over. This will worsen due to negative social proof as other girls see them get rejected repeatedly, making other girls more likely to reject them in turn.

Fun fact: I saw one of those famous YouTube seducers in-field, running his stupid game—only to eventually have girls avoid and reject him before he even approached since every girl was scared of him. Worst-case scenario, you will get kicked out by the bouncer.

But neo-direct game doesn’t work in clubs, and it doesn’t work in day game anyway, so this should not be a reason to avoid night game. I honestly do not know why men are looking away from night game, but please share your reasons in the comment section.

Today I will share the pros and cons of night game. In this post, I will try to debunk a few myths and misunderstandings of night game, and help you see that those perceived cons are not bad. In my next article, I will discuss the many benefits of night game.

As you will see, it is better than you thought.

Does He Or Doesn’t He See a Future With You? 30 Signs to Read Him

Your relationship is going well, but are you on the same page? Keep a look out for these signs he sees a future with you or not.

signs he sees a future with you

If your end goal is finding a husband, you may always be wondering about the future of your current relationship. Are you wasting your time? Is this going to stay casual forever? Understanding the signs he sees a future with you becomes critical.

We’ve all been there. Anyone that wants their relationship to move on to the next level understands the struggle is real.

But when he isn’t super open about it, and you’re too nervous to ask him straight up, how can you tell if he sees a future with you or not? [Read: Is he the one? How to know for sure]

He might not say anything

When it comes to guys, they can be complicated. They are hard to read, and it is annoying. But it seems like when they say things you want to hear, and it always turns out to be a lie. That is why actions often speak louder than words.

Sure, it would be great if a guy just said what he means and meant what he says, but life just is not that fair.

Instead, you need to pay attention to is actions. It can be easier for a guy to show his love and devotion than say it out loud. It feels a lot more vulnerable to admit his feelings and desires. If he puts them out into the world, he could get hurt. He is admitting he is at risk for that.

But, if he does sweet things, is there for you, and just listens, he could be showing you that he wants a future with you, and you might be missing it. [Read: 33 traits of a good boyfriend you should look for in any guy you date]

Why are you unsure about your future?

Before we even get into the signs that he sees a future with you. Let’s discuss why you are looking for signs in the first place. If you are hoping for a future with your boyfriend, you should talk about it.

If you want him to pop the question, there are future topics you should talk about first. Do you both want kids? Where do you want to live? What are your opinions on politics and religion, and money? [Read: These are the 12 questions you must ask before talking marriage]

Now, we get if you have some trust issues. A guy tells you he can’t wait for the future with you and goes on and on about it but then ditches you out of the blue. He leaves you to feed his fish and pack his shit.

Those are the ladies or gents that these signs are for. But, if you trust your guy fully and have no reason to doubt his word, talk. That is the best way to know where his head is at. Signs are fine and dandy, but hearing the truth right from the source will give you the info you’re craving.[Read: Signs he wants to marry and spend the rest of his life with you]

The most obvious and genuine signs he sees a future with you

Although just one or two of these signs may not mean too much, adding them up says he sees a future with you. So, be on the look out for these signs. And when you notice them have a conversation to make sure. This way, you will really know what lies ahead for the two of you.

1. He brings you around his family

One of the signs he sees a future with you is bringing you around his family. He wants you to spend time with the people closest to him.

Making sure you get along with people he shares his life with will reassure him that a future with you is a good choice. [Read: How to be charming when you meet your boyfriend’s parents the first time]

2. His friends like you

It is one thing for a guy’s family to accept you and welcome you as one of their own, but when his friends like you, he knows how rare and special that is. A guy’s friends are in a different league than his family, and knowing you fit in with them is a sign he sees a future with you.

3. He pays attention

A guy that sees a future with you pays attention to the little things. If you once mentioned that you would love to live in a house with a porch, and now he is house hunting for houses with porches, he wants to make you happy. [Read: The actions that reveal a man’s love for you]

4. He talks about the future

This might seem obvious, but if he brings up when you have kids one day or buying a house, he may be thinking about a future with you more than you realized.

5. He isn’t afraid of commitment

A guy who committed to you from the start has a better chance of seeing a future with you. He doesn’t get scared off when things get serious and moves towards the future rather than veering away from it.

6. You exchanged keys

If he has given you a key to his place, he trusts you, which is a huge step in any relationship. And if he accepts yours, you are on track to continue your relationship. A guy won’t just give anyone a key. [Read: Is he going to propose? 15 signs he’s ready to go down on one knee]

7. He cares what you think

He asks your opinion about his job, his plans, even his friends. Instead of ignoring your thoughts, he considers your opinion when taking a new job, finding a new place, or even buying a new jacket.

8. You share responsibilities

Everything from cleaning to cooking and caring for a pet together says he sees more than right now with you. A future together means you share everything, the good and the bad. And if he is starting that now, he sees it working out. [Read: What does a healthy relationship look like?]

9. He likes your friends and family

In the same way, he wants to make sure you get along with his friends and family, and he makes an effort with yours. He wants your people to like and accept him. If he wants a future with you, he knows how important those things are.

10. He confides in you

He doesn’t just reach out to go to dinner or complain about work, but he discusses his fears, dreams, and childhood with you. When a man leans on you and listens to you, this is one of the clearest signs he sees a future with you and respects you. [Read: Affection is the magic spark in long-term relationships]

11. He doesn’t lie

Sure, everyone lies here or there, but he will not lie about things that are important. He may fib about taking out the trash or leaving the toilet seat up, but he will want you to know he is loyal and that you can trust him. He isn’t about to lie about where he is or who he’s with.

12. He asks you questions

A guy that wants a future with you isn’t just going to want that and be quiet. He knows that the better he gets to know you, the happier you’ll both be. He will always be trying to get to know you better, no matter how long you’ve been together. [Read: 25 deep questions for a girl]

13. He does what you ask

A guy that wants a future with you wants to make you happy. He might be a pain about picking up his socks, but he will do what you ask. If you need his help lifting something, he will get up and do it. He will drive you to the airport. He will stop being lazy for you.

14. You’re happy doing nothing

There is something about being with someone forever that puts you at ease. You don’t always need to be on. If you two can sit silently together and do nothing but just love the other’s company, that is a great sign he sees a future with you. You aren’t bored or trying to fill the awkward silence. It just feels nice.

15. You are a priority

This can be hard to figure out but pay attention. A guy who sees a future with you will make it known. He isn’t going to ignore you or brush off something you want. A guy that wants you will go to your second cousin’s out-of-state wedding. He will buy your mom flowers. He does not put you on the back burner. [Read: What is the right priority in a relationship?]

16. He is ready for something serious

A guy who sees a future with you is capable of having a future. This guy has a settled life. He has a decent job and supports himself. He pays his bills and doesn’t depend on others for things like cooking and laundry. When he is looking ahead, it is because he is ready for those steps.

17. He appreciates you

A guy that sees a future with you isn’t taking that lightly. He shows you that he is lucky to have you around. It isn’t just about saying thank you but hugging you after you make dinner. He will show how much he cares and wants to be around you by doing things for you and showing that he doesn’t overlook what you do for him.

18. He’s weird around you

Every guy is a weirdo. We all know it. But he will not let his true freak flag fly until he is 100% comfortable with you. It could seem like he is trying to scare you if he is doing a weird voice, burping, farting, and talking to you about his weird butt pimple. In reality, he adores you. If he knows you aren’t running away at his grossness he thinks you’re a keeper. [Read: 25 manliest and unmanliest things a guy can do]

19. He sticks to his plans

A guy who is using you, for now, will cancel plans at the last minute or say things like we never nailed those plans down. If he sees a future with you, he will not give up seeing you. He wants to be around you and doesn’t want to let you down.

20. He says so

As much as words can mean nothing, he will probably tell you if he sees a future with you. He may not come right out with it, but you will notice. He will say things in passing like, “when we live together one day,” or “our future kids.” Pick up on these little things because they mean more than you might think. [Read: 11 signs you can’t trust him]

The clearest signs he doesn’t see a future with you

Just as vital as the signs he sees a future with you are the signs that he doesn’t. Don’t close your eyes to the red flags when they are right in front of you. If you are looking for someone to share your future with, but your current guy displays these signs, it is time to say goodbye.

1. You only spend time together alone

Alone time is great for couples. You can share intimacy and passion. But a relationship also thrives on sharing time with friends and family. If you only ever spend time together in private, he isn’t ready to share his whole life with you.

2. You rarely go out

Of course, he could just be strapped for cash. But if all you do is hang out on the couch, watch half a movie, and then hook up, he likely sees you as casual. If he isn’t making your relationship move forward, he doesn’t see it going there. [Read: 16 signs he is leading you on]

3. He is private

When someone plans on spending their life with you and can see a future with you, they share everything with you. They will share their past, their future, etc. But if he is private about his exes, family, job, he doesn’t want to share more than the surface level. That means he just wants this for right now. 

4. He avoids talking about the future

Say you brought up a concert you want to go to in a few months, and he doesn’t want to nail down plans that far in advance. He isn’t ready for a long-term relationship. If he can’t talk about a few months from now, he probably isn’t thinking about the future beyond what he’s having for dinner. [Read: Things you learn when “the one” becomes just another ex]

5. You aren’t official

If you have been together for a while, but he has yet to make things official, that could be a sign he wants to keep things in the present. Yes, he may not be into labels. But if he’s not calling you his girlfriend when you’ve been together for over six months, it is not a good sign.

6. He cancels plans or makes loose plans

Canceling plans is a telltale sign he is waiting for something else to come along. Whether he wants his boys to ask him to hang out or another girl on the side, if he is consistently canceling plans or saying, “let’s play it by ear,” he isn’t taking this seriously.

7. Sex is the priority

Intimacy and sex are an important part of a relationship. A well-rounded relationship that has a future has many facets. If more than 70% of your relationship revolves around the bedroom, he has different priorities than you. [Read: 16 big signs he will never marry you and you’re just his maybe girl]

8. He’s lazy

A guy who still eats Pop-Tarts for dinner and has week-old pizza on his counter is not ready to discuss the future. If he is too lazy to clean the apartment or take you out to eat, he definitely is not focused on where your relationship is headed.

9. He avoids holidays and events

Holidays, celebrations, life events. These are all major moments in someone’s life. And more often than not, you share these moments with the person you’re dating. If he is a master at avoiding these moments, he does not see a future with you. [Read: How to handle a guy who is full of shit]

10. He makes you worry

If you are always worried he isn’t ready for the future, that he doesn’t have plans, that your dreams don’t line up, or that he doesn’t take your relationship seriously, he probably doesn’t. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but if your gut is telling you something is off, it probably is.

[Read: Signs your guy thinks you’re the one and is ready to go to the next level]

Seeing the signs he wants a future with you can relieve a lot of curiosity, but there is no sign that it is as much of a sure thing as talking to him about it.

The post Does He Or Doesn’t He See a Future With You? 30 Signs to Read Him is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

40 Ways to Have Fun with Friends, Beat Boredom & Create New Memories

There is nothing better than having fun with friends. But sometimes we run out of ideas. Get off your phone and use these ideas.

How to Have Fun with Friends

Knowing how to have fun with friends is so important. They are the ones who you know you can trust with anything, and you can share your hopes, fears, and dreams with. They are also the ones who will be your biggest fans and support you even if your ideas are completely crazy. You will laugh with your friends, cry with them, occasionally get mad at them, but always forgive them in the end.

Of course, one of the best things about having friends is having people to share fun times with. But sometimes, you end up doing the same activities time and time again. You meet up for a drink or go for coffee or to a movie. Or you just sit around and stare at your phone.

Try something new. [Read: Best things to do when you’re stuck at home]

The importance of having fun with friends

It may seem obvious that you should have fun with friends, but it can be overlooked easily. Instead of making plans and trying something new, you just go to each other’s houses and play video games or scroll through social media.

It may be easy and comfortable doing the same old thing, but going out of your comfort zone and actually making plans brings you closer.

How are you learning about each other or supporting each other if you barely look up from a screen?

Trying new things, learning something new, and just actively ensuring you’re enjoying your time together makes you closer and fulfills your socializing need a lot more than doing the same old stuff. [Read: What makes a good friend]

How to have fun with friends

If you want to keep making those amazing memories and have the best fun with your friends, it is good to mix it up a little. With this in mind, we have come up with a great list of fun activities so that you can have fun with friends. And you’ll never be stuck for something to do again! [Read: How to make real friends outside your social networks]

1. Have a dinner party

Cooking can be great fun and seriously therapeutic. Why not take it in turns to host dinner parties for your friends? You can go all out and make a three-course dinner and have a little healthy competition, “Come Dine With Me” style, to see who cooks the best meal.

Enjoying fantastic food with great company is one of the best ways to pass the time, so you are sure to have fun with friends this way.

2. Join a book club

If you fancy doing something a little more intellectual, and you love books, then why not set up a book club between a group of friends? Choose a book to read every couple of weeks and then meet up over tea and cake *or wine!* to discuss. You’ll feel terribly sophisticated and have fun at the same time!

3. Go horseback riding

Even if you have never been horseback riding before, it is loads of fun and a great experience to share with friends. Most riding schools cater to complete beginners to be a more gentle trek than a scary gallop. So why not give it a try?

4. Go on a hike

Get out into the fresh air and have good fun on the way with a hike in the hills! [Read: Best friend bucket list – 15 adventures for you and your BFF]

5. Go on a city break

Exploring new places and having great adventures is what friendship is all about. Why not just explore a new city somewhere?

6. Take an art class

Even if you are terrible at art, it can be therapeutic and lots of fun. Why not look up some local art classes in your area and find one that you and your friends can join? You never know. You may discover a hidden talent!

7. Go on a road trip

Throw some stuff in a bag, pack your buddies in a car, and then hit the road. The best road trips are those you don’t plan too much… just see where the road takes you! [Read: 7 life lessons you’ll learn on an awesome road trip]

8. Go on a vacation

There is nothing better than a bit of sun, sea, and sand with your besties. Hop on a plane and chase the sun. You’ll come back feeling relaxed and energized, with some great memories to boot!

9. Go camping

Take a walk on the wild side, and head off for a camping trip together. There is no bonding experience better than sitting and chatting around a campfire until the wee hours – just remember to bring the tent! [Read: 32 crazy things to do with friends – Life is short, live it up!]

10. Have a baking afternoon

Cooking is a relaxing activity that is perfect for socializing. It doesn’t cost much, so it’s a great one to do if you are watching the pennies. And the best bit, of course, is that you get to stuff yourself with a delicious cake at the end of it all! Hooray!

11. Go to the theatre

Why not get all fancy and take your pal on a friend date to the theatre? You could go for something high brow and elegant, a show-stopping musical, or something fun and silly. You decide!

12. Have a spa day

Get massages, face masks, pedicures – you name it. There is nothing quite like having a spa day when you want to have fun with friends.

13. Have a picnic

Another great one if you are trying to save some money. Grab some food from the local store, and then head out to a park. You can spend the whole afternoon soaking up the sunshine, enjoying picnic food, and having a good old gossip session!

14. Host a clothes swap

Find that most of your paycheck goes to your clothes? Us too! So, why not get all your best friends around and host a clothes swap? It’s a great way to catch up, and you’ll come away with some fab new items for your wardrobe too! [Read: 32 awesome sleepover ideas for a fun night with friends]

15. Do some volunteer work

You’ll feel great about yourself, and it’s an enjoyable bonding experience too. There are loads of volunteering opportunities out there, so why not look through them together and pick one that you think you’ll both get the most out of?

16. Play a board game

A simple but great option if you want to have fun with friends.

17. Have a movie marathon

Hosting a movie night can be loads of fun. Gather your friends together and pick a few movies that you know they’ll love – just remember not to forget the popcorn! [Read: 14 signs you’re a homebody and need to get out more]

18. Take up a new sport

Taking up a new sport together can be rewarding in so many ways. You’ll get fitter and healthier while spending plenty of quality time together as well.

19. Enter a sporting challenge

Sign up for a fun run, triathlon, or marathon together. This way, you can spend loads of time together training, you can support and motivate one another, and you’ll feel so awesome when you have achieved it too!

20. Learn a new language

Learning a new skill such as a language can be a great way to bond with friends – why not give it a go? [Read: The 26 naughtiest things you can say in a foreign language]

21. Go on a bike ride

Take to the roads and explore the surrounding area on your bikes.

22. Make playlists

Everyone has different music that they love to listen to. Why not spend time creating perfect playlists for one another?

23. Be tourists for the day

You may have been living in the same city for years, but have you explored it through the eyes of a tourist? Pretend you are visiting, go on sightseeing tours, and visit all the tourist attractions – a guaranteed day of fun!

24. Go on a scavenger hunt

You may think treasure hunts are just for kids – but you would be wrong. Give your friends some tasks of different things they have to find throughout the city. Divide into teams, and get going – the losers buy the winners the first round of drinks!

25. Go to a festival

Music, camping, great food and drink, and all around good times – what more could you want when you want to know how to have fun with friends?! [Read: 18 ways to become more spontaneous in life]

26. Go to a gig

Singing your hearts out or dancing the night away at a gig of a band you all love is a great way to cement your friendship!

27. Get a pet together

If you are really close, why not get a pet together? You can take turns looking after it. That way, you have something that bonds you forever… sort of!

28. Play bar trivia

Test your general knowledge with a pub quiz. Even if you are no good, it still makes for a fun evening out. [Read: Do you really know them? 20 fun questions to ask your friends]

29. Take a trip down memory lane

Spend an evening together looking at old photos and talking about all your memories together. Sometimes it’s just fun to remember why you are such good friends in the first place.

30. Host a reunion

Haven’t you seen your friends in a while? Why not host a reunion? You are sure to have a blast!

31. Do some spring cleaning

Cleaning may not sound like fun, but you can forego the dusting. Instead, go through your closets and cupboards. Toss out old food in your fridge, look at your old photo albums, and rediscover things you forgot about. [Read: How to enrich your life and build real bonds]

32. Try a new recipe

Whether you are a chef or can barely boil water, try a new recipe together. Be bold and cook with ingredients you’ve never even heard of. See how it comes out. Even if it’s no good, you can order pizza and laugh at the whole thing.

33. Go rock climbing

You don’t need to live near a mountain to do this. Grab a group of friends and have fun at the gym. Compete against each other. Loser buys dinner.

34. Go to a museum

History, art, and even science centers are often super affordable and fun ways of enjoying culture with friends. You may learn something. If not, you’ll get your steps in. [Read: 15 ways to make friends as an adult]

35. Fix things

That squeaky door or broken step that has been driving you nuts can finally be fixed. Grab some friends, watch a youtube video on how to fix it, and work together. Ii will feel great to be productive and have fun.

36. Build something

Whether you are doing a minor DIY project or building a bookshelf, it will certainly be more fun with friends.

37. Make some art

Art does not need to be expensive or fancy. Grab some friends, go outside and just throw some paint at a canvas. This could be your new favorite piece.

38. Go to open houses

Even if you aren’t looking to buy a house, exploring your local area with friends is so much fun. Check out what there is to see and get some free snacks while you’re at it. [Read: The art of true and meaningful friendships]

39. Visit your parents

Okay, maybe your parents aren’t the most fun, but maybe they are. Bring your friends to visit your parents. They will surely have great food, tell funny stories, and it will make you feel like you’re back in middle school.

40. Take online quizzes

Buzzfeed has thousands of online quizzes that can tell you when you’ll get married, what color your personality is, and which Disney character you’re most like. Taking them together is so much fun, and you’ll never run out of them.

[Read: Do you think alike? 20 questions to ask your best friend]

So, there you have it, 40 ways to have fun with friends. It’s time to get out of your rut and try something new. Which ones will you try?

The post 40 Ways to Have Fun with Friends, Beat Boredom & Create New Memories is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

24 Subtle Emotional Affair Signs Most People Don’t Even Realize

Are you having an emotional affair? Use these emotional affair signs to find out if you’re more-than-friends with a friend.

emotional affair signs

What is an emotional affair, and what are the signs of an emotional affair? Well, it isn’t cheating in the classic sense, but it is a problem, and looking out for these signs can help you get back to your relationship before you have a real problem.

These days, as close as two lovers may be, they can’t always be by each other’s side all the time. Other than the weekends, most lovers spend a big part of their day away from each other. That leaves many of us with unfulfilled needs.

And as humans, we have a need to feel loved and appreciated wherever we are. That can mean we look for that fulfillment at work or school. The good times you share with your friends and colleagues may be one of the biggest reasons why you enjoy your workplace.

But, when that enjoyment gets out of hand, it can lead to an emotional affair. You don’t want that, at least not if you want your relationship to work.

[Read: How do affairs start? The ways they play out in real life]

What is an emotional affair?

To begin to understand why an emotional affair is wrong, or why it even happens, we need to understand what it means to be in an emotional affair.

An emotional affair is a “relationship” you share with someone where you’re emotionally connected to them way more than you’re emotionally connected to your own partner.

That’s the easiest way to understand an emotional affair, but if you want to know more about it, read this feature on what is an emotional affair to know more about it in complete detail.

How we fall into an emotional affair without even realizing it!

When you aren’t spending too much time with your own partner, or don’t connect with them emotionally for whatever reason, you may inevitably start feeling close to someone else.

As time passes by, even though you have your own lover, you may start to like someone else’s company too.

At first, it may start as someone to have a conversation with when you’re bored, and your partner isn’t around to talk to you. And then, the person turns into someone you enjoy talking to. And before you know it, this person becomes a pretty important part of your life.

Add attraction and stranger-to-your-partner into the equation, and you are staring down the barrel of an emotional affair.

No one plans for this. It usually happens before you even realize it. And that is why you need to be alert and aware of the emotional affair signs. [Read: Is casual flirting with someone else cheating?]

Why we don’t want to accept we’re having an emotional affair

An emotional affair is exciting. And you may tell yourself it is innocent. You get to experience the same flutter of the heart as you once did with your partner. It’s just harmless flirting, isn’t it?

Harmless flirting is good. It’s fun, it’s sexy, and it makes you feel more confident about yourself and your conversational skills. But is your harmless flirting with a colleague at your workplace turning into an emotional affair without you realizing it?

Sometimes, we just don’t want to accept a friendship is turning into something more. After all, from what we understand, it’s only an affair if you kiss someone or sleep with them, right?

Talking to someone? Since when is that an affair?! Honestly, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with talking to someone or enjoying the time you spend with them. There’s even nothing wrong with wanting to hang out with them or talk for hours over the phone, late into the night. Where things turn murky is when you start prioritizing them over your own partner.

Sometimes, you don’t have to kiss a friend or go out on a date with them to cheat on your own partner. And that’s where the signs of a budding emotional affair can help you understand what you’re feeling, nip the affair in the bud AND save your romantic relationship at the same time.

Even without realizing it, you may just be more addicted to your “friend” than you think. When your little flirtation or work spouse becomes more than a coworker, acquaintance, or friend, you need to decide if there are signs of an emotional affair and what you’re going to do about it. [Read: Signs both of you are already more than just friends]

24 emotional affair signs to judge your secret relationship better

So, could you be cheating on your partner emotionally without even realizing it? Yes, and it happens to many of us, so you’re not alone.

But the important this is all of that can change if you know the signs of an emotional affair so that you can shut it down before it affects your romantic relationship.

Use these emotional affair signs to find out if you’re having one. And once you get that answer, ask yourself the big question you’ll have to face… What are you going to do now? After all, sometimes, the answer is never an easy one. [Read: How to share a platonic relationship with your friend and prevent it from turning into more]

1. Your behavior

You’re generally very friendly and touchy with this friend of yours. But subconsciously, both of you keep some distance from each other when your lover is around.

There’s more awkwardness and formality in your conversations when your lover’s by your side. Why? If you don’t have anything to hide, why would your behavior change?

2. Excitement

A big sign of an emotional affair is the excitement of sharing new thoughts or ideas with this friend, be it your review of a movie you just watched or gossip about another coworker or classmate.

If anything interesting happens in your life, be it an interesting photo you took or something new you tried, they’re the first person you want to share the news with. Not your partner, but them.

3. You need to stay in touch

Do you ever feel incomplete or like something’s missing when you don’t speak to your friend or text them for a day or two?

Even when you’re on vacation, do your thoughts drift and leave you wondering what your friend is up to *or worse, you wish they were around!*? We all think of our loved ones when they aren’t around, but if thinking of them is distracting you, it could signify an emotional affair. [Read: What is cheating really? The truth most people ignore]

4. You share your secrets

Do you share your innermost secrets with this friend? You may be sharing secrets that even your partner doesn’t know about. And the weird thing, it makes you feel good to share such intimate details with your friend.

At times, the idea of sharing a new secret may even excite you or make you feel more connected to each other. This is not a good sign if you are confiding in this person, maybe even about your partner.

5. You want their attention

You get annoyed if you call your friend up late one night and realize they’re busy on another call with someone else. Maybe you find yourself feeling jealous if they date someone else or speak highly about someone else to you.

You’re not dating each other, but both of you like getting each other’s attention. [Read: How to handle a coworker crush like a real adult]

6. It’s an addiction

You’re addicted to this friend. Both of you feel really happy to meet each other after a long weekend. And you feel like you’ve missed out on a good time if you don’t get to spend some time talking to this friend.

If you miss this person more than you miss your partner when you’re not together, that’s a sign your friendship is bordering on the edge of an emotional affair. [Read: What should you do when you start liking someone else?]

7. You’re easily aroused

Do you get easily aroused when you’re having a conversation about sex with this friend?

If you feel good talking about your own intimate sexual details with your friend and it somehow arouses you, there’s clearly an emotional affair in the making already. And chances are, it will lead to something more as well.

8. Sexual tension

There’s a lot of sexual tension in the air. Even when both of you sit close to each other, you can clearly sense every part of your body that is touching.

We all find people attractive, but when that goes beyond and makes you question or doubt your relationship, it could be a sign of an emotional affair and more. [Read: 20 strong signs of sexual tension to know if you make each other horny]

9. You flirt naturally

Both of you don’t always realize it, but there’s a lot of flirty conversations when both of you share a moment, and there’s no one around. Other people around you may even comment on how in sync or cozy you seem. People could even mistake you for a couple. [Read: 15 obvious flirting signs between a guy and a girl]

10. You want to make an impression

If you always find yourself dressing up better when you meet this friend, it is a sign of something.

You may not consciously see this an a sign of an emotional affair in the making, but you always try to look your best when spending time with your friend. Do you touch up your makeup or spray an extra spritz of cologne?

11. Compliments

If you’re showing signs of an emotional affair with a friend, big chances are you take their compliments pretty seriously.

If your friend tells you that you look prettier with your hair styled a particular way or that red looks beautiful on you, it just makes your day. And you follow up by wearing your hair that way or doing what they suggest more often. [Read: What is micro-cheating and signs you’re unintentionally doing it without realizing it]

12. You’ve found your secret soulmate

This friend of yours understands you better than anyone else in the whole world. And you respect your friend’s advice more than you care about your own partner’s.

This is usually a temporary fluke because something in your relationship isn’t quite right. But feeling like this is a major sign of an emotional affair.

13. You make sacrifices

You’d be willing to sacrifice the big things just to make more time for your friend. You could stay up the whole night just to talk to your friend after your partner’s asleep. Or you could leave your place and head to work an hour early so you can spend more time with your friend.

You don’t realize it, but you put your life, love, and career aside just to spend time with this friend. Why? [Read: Understanding your mind – To cheat or not to cheat?]

14. Together time

You spend more time talking to this friend of yours than you spend time with your own partner.

And even if your partner tries to communicate with you, you subconsciously push them away because you’d prefer to have intellectual conversations only with your friend.

15. Fantasies

Your friend pops into your sexual fantasies all the time. You may be having sex with your own partner, but somehow, you can’t stop thinking about how amazing it would be to make love to your friend. This is a big sign of an emotional affair and should really push you to take action. [Read: In a relationship but you like someone else? What you MUST know right now]

16. Downplaying

Whenever you speak about this friend with your partner, you talk about this friend like they’re not important at all. You try not to speak about this friend with your partner, or you portray your friend as someone insignificant in your life.

Additionally, you make a conscious effort to downplay your friend’s role in your life, and you try hard not to bring up this person’s name while in conversation with your partner.

17. A secret wish

Even if you’re in a long-term relationship with your partner, you spend a lot of time secretly wondering about how your life could have been if you and your friend had met earlier, before you started dating your partner. [Read: Does everyone secretly get sexually attracted to others when they’re in a relationship?]

18. Talk of partners

You and your friend avoid talking about each other’s partners too much. And even if one of you talks about your own lovers, it’s only for a few minutes before the conversation gets back to flirty talk, or how nice both of you feel talking to each other and having each other as such good friends.

It’s a subtle way of reassuring each other that even though both of you are in relationships with other people, there’s still something magical about your emotional relationship. [Read: How to fall out of love when you see no future]

19. Defensiveness

Not only do you downplay your relationship with this person but you outright deny it. You may even get angry if your partner asks about them. Even a simple question about how they’re doing might set you off because you are on edge.

When you know you’re doing something wrong, you’re sensitive about the topic and lash out.

20. Overdoing it

A major sign of an emotional affair is going overboard denying that anything is going on. You don’t just get mad or downplay it, you may actually mock or make fun of this friend in front of your partner. You say they are gross, or weird, or needy, just so your partner believes you don’t find them attractive.

And, this can add to your guilt because you actually like this person so not only are you lying to your partner, but you are saying cruel things about the person you have feelings for. [Read: How to stop lying to yourself and your partner]

21. Inappropriate talking

You may not have cheated physically, but an emotional affair can come with certain other inappropriate moments. Calling this person pet names like baby or sweetheart can take things to a new level.

You aren’t just harmlessly flirting anymore. You consider this person a big part of your life and view them as a partner, even if in secret.

22. Ignoring your relationship

The subtle signs of an emotional affair aren’t all about the affair, but also your relationship. You may be putting more energy into this other person than your partner. Instead of trying to fix things, you would rather hang out with this other person and put effort into that because it is new and exciting.

You are pulling away from your relationship but you barely notice because you have another person occupying your time and filling that void. [Read: The 7 stages of emotional affairs and the games it plays on your mind]

23. Oddly happy

Even though your relationship is falling through the cracks, you aren’t upset. You don’t feel like you’re losing something because you’ve gained something else. You are happy with this emotional affair and have sort of forgotten your actual relationship.

If you are having problems in your relationship or even if other aspects of your life, which you probably are, friends might ask you why you seem so giddy and happy all the time. [Read: Emotional cheating and 10 bad things it can do to you]

24. Secretive

You hide your phone and emails. You don’t want your partner or anyone else scrolling through your photos. With the signs of an emotional affair, you may convince yourself you’re doing nothing wrong but deep down you know you are, so you hide the evidence. [Read: Do emotional affairs ever stop? The best ways to break the connection]

Are you experiencing these emotional affair signs?

Emotional affairs are extremely common. And almost all of us have been on the verge of getting into one without realizing it. But that doesn’t make them good or fair.

So if you recognize these emotional affair signs and see that you’re experiencing most of them, it’s time to give it serious thought. As fun and exciting as this may seem now, it’s only ruining everything else around you. [Read: How to end an affair and completely get over it]

If you’re in an emotional affair with someone, you are jeopardizing your own relationship. You are lying to your partner and possibly leading on your friend. And you may even be putting every other part of your life on hold to accommodate this emotional affair.

Think long and hard about your next move because there is no going back when an emotional affair crosses the line. So now that you know you’re in an emotional affair, what do you want to do?

[Read: Should you ever confess to cheating on your partner?]

There are just two things you can do at this crossroads. Break up with your partner. Or end the emotional affair. These emotional affair signs don’t lie. Now it’s time to stop lying to yourself and make that decision before it’s too late.

The post 24 Subtle Emotional Affair Signs Most People Don’t Even Realize is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

My Boyfriend Likes Other Girls’ Pictures on Instagram: What Now?

Anyone with a boyfriend knows what it is like when their boyfriend likes other girls’ pictures on Instagram. But what do you do about it?

boyfriend likes other girls' pictures on Instagram

Whether you catch him in the act or come across a post your boyfriend’s liked, we have all had at least one experience where a boyfriend likes other girls’ pictures on Instagram. This can feel like a slap in the face. In some cases, it can even feel like micro-cheating, but is it?

It all depends on your relationship, your man, and even who the other girl is. So, before you freak out, take a breath, and read on to understand this weird modern-day dating problem.

Why your boyfriend likes other girls’ pictures on Instagram

Most relationships begin without ever talking about rules or regulations, especially when it comes to social media. We know what cheating is, but can you cheat through social media? Even with something as small as a “like”?

Well, that is up to you. You need to decide if the tap of a heart means more than what it is. But, first, talk to your boyfriend. [Read: What is micro-cheating and signs someone’s doing it already]

Does he like everyone’s pictures? Maybe he just throws out likes like Oprah throws out cars. It could mean nothing more than him being polite. Maybe he thinks he’ll get more likes if he likes everyone’s pictures. But then again, is he liking a girl’s pictures when she isn’t even following him back? It’s things like these that make everything tricky.

Before jumping to conclusions, let him make his case. Sure, he could be lying, but you need to give him a chance when it comes to social media. It is a strange world that no one gets just right. It is still new to us all and things are always changing.

[Read: Is it normal if your boyfriend follows sexy Instagram models and likes their pictures?]

What is he even thinking?

Let’s face it, it’s as easy as a click to open a new finsta *fake account* on Instagram and shuffle between his main account and secondary Insta account. So if a guy really does want to follow random girls or heart their pictures or even drop an eggplant emoji and a water drops emoji, he could do it using his backup or finsta account, and you wouldn’t even know it, would you? This is where trust in the relationship comes into play.

Now there really is no reason for him to be randomly doing that with a fake account. But then again, hey, you don’t own him, so if he wants to tap like on a sexy girl’s photo, that’s up to him. But why though?!

On the other hand, if a guy likes random girls’ pictures from his main account, that’s weird too, right? Your common friends could come across the same picture and see that he’s liked it. They’d wonder what’s wrong with him, and that just makes you and your relationship look bad too.

So does he even care what you think? Let’s take a look at all of this below, and we’ll tell you exactly what you need to do next too. [Read: Instagram flirting and how it’s secretly ruining so many relationships]

All the reasons he likes other girls’ pictures on Instagram

Other than just liking everyone’s photos, let’s look at the reasons why he might be liking other girls’ pictures on Instagram. These aren’t excuses, but they can explain something that is making you upset without having to get into an argument.

Doesn’t that sound nice? Before you accuse him of cheating or not caring about your feelings, consider these…

1. He’s nice

He may just be a nice guy and throws around likes. Some people just like everything they pass by. It doesn’t mean much of anything.

If he doesn’t put much thought into social media, he may just like everything. While you consider if a post really deserves your much-coveted like, he may not be the same. That’s something to think about.

2. He thinks she is hot

He isn’t shying away or being sketchy, but he thinks she is hot and likes her picture. Whether she is someone he knows, an Instagram model, or some random person, he thinks she’s hot and he likes it. There it is. There is nothing more or less to the situation. [Read: Is flirting cheating when you’re in a relationship?]

3. He’s not thinking about it

Like many guys who like other girls’ pictures of Instagram, he may not even be thinking.

He does not consider that you might be upset or that you even see his activities online. He is mindlessly scrolling and not putting much, if any, thought into it.

4. He doesn’t think you’d care

He literally doesn’t see the big deal so he just does it. Why would you care? It is a like on social media. He doesn’t see it as cheating so he doesn’t get why you would. Yes, he is assuming, and that should follow up with a conversation, but he wasn’t trying to hurt you.

5. His ex didn’t care

If he was in a relationship before where he constantly liked other girls’ pictures on Instagram and it wasn’t a problem, he didn’t foresee it being one now.

It isn’t that he assumes you and his ex are the same, he just didn’t consider it would be an issue when it is something he is used to doing. [Read: How do you define cheating these days?]

6. He doesn’t care

If you like hot guys’ pictures on Instagram, he couldn’t care less, so he doesn’t get why you would when the situation is reversed.

Sure, you aren’t the same person but he doesn’t see it that way. If he doesn’t care, neither should you. Are you doing something wrong when you like a guy’s photo?

7. He doesn’t see a problem

He is basing a potential problem on his intentions, not the outcome. You know how guys always say, “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” or, “I didn’t intend to hurt you?” He doesn’t see a problem because he had no intention of following up on the like.

He wasn’t going to comment, DM, or talk to this girl. Your boyfriend liking a girl’s picture on Instagram wasn’t about hurting you, so he doesn’t see the problem.

8. He’s trying to catch her eye

If they’re following each other on Instagram, chances are, they may just be friends. But if you see your boyfriend regularly liking pictures of some random girl on Instagram who isn’t following him back *and she isn’t really an Instagram celebrity*, this is when you have a very valid reason to confront your boyfriend and ask him to explain himself.

Now, why would he regularly like some random girl’s pictures or drop comments when they don’t even know each other in real life? He may have an excuse here, but usually, the only reason here is him trying to get to know her better. [Read: 15 signs he’s talking to another girl and using you until he hooks her]

Who is the other girl?

Before we get too carried away, let’s start from the beginning. Who is this girl? We are definitely not blaming her. Your boyfriend liked her picture, so there is no need to bully her, attack her, or even vent about her. She didn’t do anything wrong. Do not take out your aggression or jealousy on her. Even if there is something going on, odds are, he is lying to her as well.

But, there is power in the knowledge of who she is. Is the girl whose picture he liked his sister? Maybe it is his lifelong friend who grew up down the street from? Is it his cousin? Is it his best friend’s girlfriend?

If it is his ex-girlfriend, there may be more meaning than one of those other options. So, from there, more discussion certainly needs to be had. [Read: 13 secret signs your boyfriend isn’t over his ex yet]

The celebrity clause

Now, if it is a celebrity, you can relax. It really isn’t a big deal if it is someone he has zero chance of meeting or talking to. Selena Gomez and Rihanna are not threats to you or your relationship, and asking him not to like their photos is a little controlling, and quite frankly, pointless. [Read: Controlling or caring? The thin line that people love to cross]

Plus, we’re sure you like Chris Pratt’s Instagram photos or Chris Evans’ or any of the others Chris’s. Even if you don’t know of her, she might be an obscure singer or wrestling pro. Think before you react.

And, before going nuts on your boyfriend for liking other girls’ pictures on Instagram, look at your own behavior.

You cannot ask him to unfollow other girls or stop liking their pictures if you do the same thing. Do you like your ex’s photos? Do you still follow him? Is it okay for you to follow hot random guys who post shirtless pics?

If you are unwilling to do the same thing you ask of him, you may need to leave Instagram out of your relationship. [Read: How guys feel when their girlfriend follows hot guys on Instagram]

And to be fully realistic, just because he doesn’t like someone’s pictures publicly from his main account doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it privately with another account, remember that. And just because he doesn’t follow a girl or like her photos publicly doesn’t mean he can’t see her photos or zoom into it.

Think about how important your boyfriend’s Instagram behavior really is. Usually, likes are just likes, but comments with heart eyes, nicknames, and private messages are where you must draw the line.

What is your limit? You need to decide what feels right to you and talk to him about it. [Read: Instagram flirting and how it’s secretly ruining your relationship]

What to do when your boyfriend likes other girls’ pictures on Instagram

Before starting a conversation with your boyfriend about his unsavory Instagram behavior, decide what you want out of this. Think about what you want from him. What is the ideal outcome of this talk?

Do you want him to understand how you feel about what he’s doing and for him to make his own choice? Or do you want to ask him to stop? Do you want to know who a specific girl is? Do you think he is actually cheating? Is there a reason to believe it?

Go into this conversation calmly and coolly. You are not accusing him of cheating. You are simply sharing how his Instagram likes make you feel. Let him know that him liking random girls’ pictures makes you feel icky or uncomfortable.

You can let him know if it makes you nervous or jealous. Now, this can become a larger conversation about trust as a whole, but if he has nothing to hide, he should have no problem hearing you out and offering a compromise. [Read: How to fix the lack of communication in your relationship]

Consider all of his behavior – Is he cheating?

Guys can get very defensive about their Instagram behavior. But once again, if they aren’t doing anything shady and are really just hitting like on a hot girl’s photo, there is no harm, and they know they aren’t doing anything wrong.

When they go above that to commenting or DMs or actually taking that like to somewhere off the internet, that is when they get nervous and angry about your worries or concerns.

We do not want to tell you he is cheating, but he could be micro-cheating or considering cheating too. And that is up to you to figure out. Are you willing to forgive and move forward, or is that not enough honesty for you? [Read: Social media rules all happy couples follow without realizing it]

Unless you have a very valid reason, you should always go into this type of situation, giving him the benefit of the doubt. Unless he has lied to you or cheated on you before, a like is just a like in about 90% of scenarios. Let him explain it, and it could all come down to a simple misunderstanding.

From there, hopefully, your mind will be at ease, or he will only like photos of celebs and his cousins. If you have a valid reason for being anxious about this behavior due to past trust issues in other relationships or this one, he should understand and meet you halfway in a place that you are both comfortable in. [Read: The most common and more painful types of cheating]

Is Instagram bad for your boyfriend?

Couples have only had to deal with social media in their relationships for about a decade or so. Before that, there was one less pressure, one less hurdle, and one less thing poking at your relationship.

But with the rise of social media, especially Instagram, there is more access and more pressure. In the olden days, your man would have to leave the house to cheat or lock the bathroom door with some Playboy.

Now they have real women to connect with at their fingertips, and that isn’t very comforting. But with that, it should not be tempting to anyone loyal to you and your relationship. [Read: Cross these 13 types of guys off your list because they’ll just break your heart]

Have you ever thought about messaging another guy on Instagram? If yes, your relationship may need some reevaluation. If not, then you may need to reevaluate your boyfriend.

Instagram is something new and complicated that gets in between you and your boyfriend, but it shouldn’t destroy your trust and it won’t unless one of you lets it.

[Read: 15 things a guy should NEVER do on Instagram if he has a girlfriend]

If you notice your boyfriend likes other girls’ pictures on Instagram, you need to talk about it. Stalking his activity and resenting him for it will not help.

The post My Boyfriend Likes Other Girls’ Pictures on Instagram: What Now? is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

22 Ways to Make a Girl Think About You with Texts & How You Behave

She’s on your mind, but are you on hers? Well, you may not know now, but here’s how to make a girl think about you in general and over text.

how to make a girl think about you over text

We’ve all seen someone on the bus that we thought was beautiful. Of course, the minute you’ve seen them, you’ve already fallen in love, but that’s not your concern. Your main concern is how to make a girl think about you. Whether you want her to think about you organically or if you want a girl to think about you over text, you came to the right place.

You know you’re thinking about her nonstop, but is she doing the same? Maybe and maybe not. You want to make sure you’re on the same page. But, how can you be if you’re not on her mind?

Regardless of whether you know her or not, having someone think about you all the time is a great feeling. Having her think about you has its perks. Once you have yourself in her mind, making the next move won’t be so hard.

[Read: How to make a girl want you, desire you and think of you sexually]

Why do you want a girl to think about you?

When you want someone, especially a girl, to think about, you need to be clever. You don’t want to jump in front of her face and make a full of yourself. You also don’t want to be too subtle, or it won’t do anything.

Learning how to make a girl think about you is sort of an art. You need to know why you want her thinking about you before starting.

Do you want to ask her out eventually? Do you like her? Maybe you hope she misses you? If she is on your mind when she isn’t around, you want her to feel the same way. Or are you trying to get your ex to notice you?

Each of these reasons has its own methods. You need to consider what the best way is for each reason. IF you want your ex’s attention, you may want to post a thirst trap of a body part they always liked. If you want a new girl you’re flirting with to think about you, maybe send her a funny meme.

Remember, all girls are not the same. You need to think of her as an individual and consider what she will take notice of. [Read: How to get a girl to like you again after she’s lost interest in you]

How to make a girl think about you

Now don’t freak out. Of course, you don’t just want her to think about you, and that’s it. Once you’re in her mind, you can work towards getting to know her and asking her out.

You should have a goal in mind of where you’d like this to go. If you don’t have a purpose, she’ll just be wasting her thoughts on you, and there’s no point in even bothering then.

If you want to date her, you’re going to have to get her to think about you and wondering how to do that? Keep reading. Follow these steps on making a girl think about you, and you’ll be stuck in her mind. [Read: 31 secrets to get a girl to like you and desire you even before you ask her out]

1. Have a goal in mind

If this is just for your ego, then don’t bother doing this. Come on, man. You can’t play with people like that. If you like her and you want to date her, then that’s your goal.

Figure out where you’d like this to go and then work towards it. If it’s asking her out on a date, then you’ll be keeping that in mind when you’re talking to her. [Read: 15 ways to ask a girl out and warm her up to a definite yes]

2. Don’t always be there

If you want her to think about you, you can’t always be there. Really, don’t always be there. Of course, you may believe that no other guy will be able to squeeze in as long as you’re stuck to her. But if you’re always there, you look desperate, and not to mention, very clingy!

And trust us, desperation never won the heart of a girl. So, give her some space, so she can start to think about you. If not, you’ll just suffocate the thoughts right out of her. [Read: 18 serious warning signs of a clingy guy and how to avoid being one]

3. Go slow

You want to rush, of course! You want her to think about you, and the next day you ask her out, and then the day after that, you start dating.

But the reality is, if you want her to think about you, you need to go slow. It’s like making a stew. Yeah, you can cook it quickly, but the authentic flavors rise over time. You need to build the tension between you two, and that takes time. [Read: How to build sexual tension slowly by flirting the right way]

4. Easy with the texting

Texting is how we all communicate, but there’s a point where it becomes too much. This is the mistake so many people make.

Let a conversation die naturally over text, don’t text her every five minutes. Let her breathe. She can’t miss you if you’re always there.

5. Don’t follow the routine

If you typically text each other at night, switch the routine up. People like spontaneity, and doing things out of the routine will make her think about you.

Why? Because you’re breaking the pattern that you’ve developed with her. She usually knows when you go to work or when you’re going to text her. By not sticking to the routine, you keep her on her toes and you on her mind. [Read: 18 casual things to text a girl and leave her addicted to you]

6. Surprise her

Okay, you don’t need to take her on a romantic picnic or lay under the stars. Of course, you can do that if you want to, but it’s not necessary.

Surprises don’t need to be big and fancy. They just need to have some effort put into them. Surprise her with a book she really likes or something that reminds you of her.

7. Don’t get too mushy

Of course, you like her a lot, and there’s no problem showing her how you feel. But if you want to know how to make a girl think about you, you’ll want to keep your emotions a minor low key in the beginning.

You may be feeling emotional and totally in love, and you may want to express all of those emotions you’re feeling. But sometimes, this can be seen as looking desperate.

So, rather than looking like you’re head-over-heels in love even before she reciprocates or falls for you, be a little reserved with your feelings in the beginning. [Read: 20 moves to seduce women, make them melt and want more]

8. Desire comes from a sense of uncertainty

When you manage to get yourself into the head of a girl, it’s because you rattled her mind a little bit. You took her off her routine. This is essentially what makes her think about you.

You’ve made yourself different from the other guys, and you present to her a side of mystery that the others don’t show.

9. Compliment her the right way

There is a right and wrong way when it comes to compliments. The wrong way is calling her “sexy bitch” or “juicy ass.” Come on, there are better ways to compliment a woman, honestly!

If you treat her like she’s a piece of meat, you’re not going to get far. But if you compliment her in a way that shows respect, those words will stick in her mind. [Read: The best compliments for a girl that work better than you think]

10. You are still your first priority

We tend to throw in everything we have to get them to like us back when we like someone. This is the wrong way to go about it.

Regardless of who the person you like, make sure that you don’t make them a priority over yourself. You are still your own person, and they are only one part of your life, not all of it. Lead your own life and let her see that you have other things that matter, and take up your time.

She’ll only respect you more and desire you more because it gives off the impression that you’re a challenge.

11. Know your boundaries

Boundaries are crucial. If your goal is to be her friend, then ignore this step. But if you have feelings for her, you need to know where your boundaries are.

Yes, you can show friendship, but she also needs to see that you’re not interested in being just her friend. You don’t want to be considered like her brother. [Read: How to avoid the friend zone and make her desire you]

12. Flirt

If you want her to think about you when you’re not there, then flirt with her. This will do a couple of things.

First, it’ll build the sexual tension between you, and secondly, it’ll get her to replay your conversations in her head. By replaying these flirtatious conversations, you’re already in her head. That’s what you wanted, right? [Read: How to flirt with a girl – 25 secrets to win her over with your charm]

13. Remember details

When you are talking to her, really pay attention. Don’t gloss over the details. Try to remember when she said her mom’s birthday was or where she is going this weekend. This way, when you check it, you can mention what you’ve talked about before.

When you remember those little details no one else does, this girl will think about you, and in a great way.

14. Respect her

You might think this is silly because, of course, you respect her. But, it is still shocking how much disrespect women have to deal with on a daily basis from strangers, coworkers, and more.

Show her respect. Appreciate her take on things. Listen to her. Don’t patronize her or talk down to her. Never assume you know something you don’t.

This is what it takes for her to think about you when you’re not around. She will remember the guy who has always treated her as an equal. [Read: How to properly respect women instead of looking down at them without realizing it]

15. Make plans

Setting up plans with a girl will make her think about you. She will be excited to go do something together.

She will worry about what to wear or how to style her hair. Even if you don’t know if she likes you, plan something fun to do together, and she will look forward to seeing you.

16. Be positive

Wondering how to make a girl think about you? Be positive. You don’t have to be crazy optimistic. But, seeing the bright side of things makes people want to think about you. No one wants to think about Debbie Downer.

When she has a bad day, remind her she’s headed home to watch her favorite show. If she has a bad meeting, remind her it is done, and she can move on. You don’t have to be over the top about it, but she should think positively when she thinks of you, which will help. [Read: How to think positive and reprogram your mind to stay positive]

17. Have patience

She will not just start thinking of you for no reason. You can’t expect to compliment her once and follow up about her family reunion and then get a text from her. This is a long-running game.

You need to be patient. Show her that you are a good guy and worthy of being on her mind. She will figure it out.

How to make a girl think about you over text

So far, you know all the things you need to do and the ways to behave to make a girl think about you all the time. But if you want to take it one step further, you need to learn to make a girl think about you over text as well.

Now remember, texting is easy and effortless, but that also means you can always get carried away and over-text her!

Text her a few times a day, but always try to keep the balance. Text her only as much and as often as she texts you. That’s the easiest way to gauge her interest, and find out how often she thinks about you each day.

1. Send a cute photo

There is something about guys sending selfies that is just the opposite of how to make a girl think about you over text. So, forego the selfies unless you have a weird filter or a cute photo of you with a baby.

Instead, send a picture of your delicious lunch, your pet, or even a random thing you saw on the street. This all ignites a conversation and is way better than a guy who’s full of himself sending a “smoldering” selfie!

2. Memes are great

Memes are the modern-day way to make someone laugh and smile and think of you.

You sent her one because it made you think of her. Maybe it was about something you’ve talked about before or is from her favorite show. This will show her that you thought of her and will make her think of you over text. [Read: What to text a girl you like – 15 things you can share that’ll make her miss you]

3. A funny video

Whether it is a sketch, a skit, or a clip from SNL, this is another excellent way to make sure you’re on her mind. It will show her your sense of humor and get her thinking about you when she is scrolling through social media.

4. A movie preview

Not only is sending her a movie preview a great way to get a girl to think about you over text, but it is also a great intro to asking her out.

Send her the trailer. When she says it looks good, you can ask her if she wants to see it with you. Wow, look at you! Getting her thinking about you and getting a date all in one go.

5. Tell her you’re thinking about her

Don’t beat around the bush. Tell her you are thinking about her. Ask her how her day is, or let her know that you saw someone wearing a shirt that reminded you of her. Anything, even something small, will be sweet enough to get her thinking of you, as long as it is genuine

[Read: The best ways to ask a girl out and warm her up to a definite yes]

If you want to know how to make a girl think about you, just follow the tips above. In no time at all, you’ll have her thinking about you all day.

The post 22 Ways to Make a Girl Think About You with Texts & How You Behave is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

19 Types of Hugs From a Girl & How to Read What She Feels For You

Can you decipher what a woman feels about you by the way she hugs you? What do these 19 types of hugs from a girl really mean?

types of hugs from a girl you like

Hugging is a standard greeting and expression of warmth and a meaningful sign showing you care about someone. There’s a thin line between platonic hugs of greeting and something more. But there are many types of hugs from a girl, and they all mean something a little bit different.

As if life and relationships could get any more complicated, consider the hug. What’s with that? Just a little more *or less* pressure, and it means something else.

When you hug and touch the other person in a particular place, it can mean something different than when you hug and just avoid touching the other person anywhere. It can be confusing, especially on the part of the receiver.

So, whether you like a girl or to, what does a hug from her even mean?

[Read: Romantic hug vs Friendly hug and how to feel the difference instantly!]

Hugs from a girl you like

You hug your grandmother. You hug your baby niece, and you even hug your dog or your pillow. But, a hug from a girl *especially one you like* is something totally different.

Is she trying to comfort you? Is she just saying hello? Maybe she thinks of you as a brother? Or perhaps she likes you. How do you figure out which it is?

Hugs can be intense and passionate, like a kiss. They can be awkward and sweaty too. But, they always mean something, especially when you like her. You like her, so you want to know how she intends this hug to come across.

Asking her seems awkward, so you need to be able to figure out the types of hugs from a girl on your own. [Read: How to turn a girl on with your touch and make her melt into you]

The most common types of hugs from a girl and what each hug means

When it comes to the types of hugs from a girl, the deed takes on a whole new level of complication, leaving you confused, flabbergasted, and pleased, more or less all at the same time.

This is because girls can be cryptic, and they can use their charms—and arms—to get what they want or tell you they don’t want you. Here are the different types of hugs from a girl to help you figure out just what the hell they’re up to. [Read: 10 clear signs you should back off when you’re pursuing a girl]

1. The proper and polite hug

This is a hug for hug’s sake only. In other words, for the sake of social etiquette. It’s the kind of hug in which she may act like she’s hugging you but without touching you—like you have some kind of disease.

This can be offensive if not for the accompanying “polite smile.” If you’re out on a date with her, and she gives you this hug, it means she’s not into you and perhaps will not want to go out with you again but is trying her best to be polite. [Read: 17 sad but true signs she’s not that into you and never will be]

2. The quickie hug

This hug happens when you catch each other in the street or somewhere public, and she’s in a hurry. This type of hug from a girl is for acknowledgment’s sake.

No matter how quick it is, it means one thing—she is happy to see you but is genuinely in a hurry to head somewhere else.

In some cases, it can also mean something else, especially in a situation where she’s not really in a hurry but just wants to get the hug over with. She may come close to you, touch shoulders, avoid eye contact, and just head on her way, pretending to be in a hurry.

She may have been avoiding you, but you came up to her. So instead of being rude, she gives you a quickie hug. Read the other social cues to see what this type of hug from a girl means.

3. The buddy hug

This is one warm hug you don’t mind getting from her, just like all the other crumbs of attention she throws your way. It’s when she wraps her arms around you and pats you on the back.

It’s warm, friendly, and nice—except you would rather hug her in a different, more romantic way. Well, tough luck, chap. If she gives you this, then she thinks of you as a friend and nothing more. [Read: 18 signs you’re clearly in a girl’s friend zone]

4. The bear hug

You know when you’re so close and comfortable with each other, you can do just about anything without being self-conscious? This is that, in hug form.

She doesn’t care if the hug messes with her outfit or her hair. She’ll run to you with arms wide open and then hug you tightly.

Good news: she missed you and is happy to see you. Bad news: she most likely just sees you as a dear friend. *But surely, it’s better than nothing, right?* [Read: 13 naughty ways to get out of a girl’s friend zone in no time]

5. The sleepy shoulder hug

This is not one of the common types of hugs from a girl. This only happens when she feels safe around you. This sweet hug is when she wraps her arms around you and rests her head on your shoulder for a while.

If you just met her, you’re in luck because she feels comfortable around you already. If you’ve been seeing her for a while, you’re in luck too.

There really is nothing wrong with this kind of hug—unless this is all the hug she gives, then it just means she sees you only as a shoulder to lean on, literally, and nothing more.

Also, watch out if she pushes back when you try to pull her closer. It really just puts you back into that all-too-familiar friend zone. [Read: Every girl’s weakness – What she wants and how to become it]

6. The one-sided hug

Perhaps the most awkward of all hugs, the one-sided, unreciprocated hug, is when you hug her, and she lets you, but her arms are limp on her sides, with her body becoming stiff.

If she gives you this at the end of the first date, don’t expect a second one or even a text letting you down easy.

If you already know her and she gives you this, you better think about what you may have done to upset her or turn her off because this type of hug from a girl isn’t even a hug.

7. The squeezing hug

This is a simple-to-decode kind of hug. If she hugs you with one or both arms with that extra squeeze and lovely smile, you know she had fun, and whatever it is she had with you, you can expect she’d want to do it again. It’s not much of a passionate or romantic kind of hug, but at least it’s a good sign. [Read: It’s an ideal perfect date! 16 things every girl hopes and expects to see on a date]

8. The snuggly hug

This type of hug from a girl is more like a cuddle. You can expect this from a girl who likes you and feels comfortable and safe around you. This often happens when the two of you are sitting side to side, whether in the movies, on the couch, or just about anywhere.

This means she likes being around you. At this point, especially if the two of you are alone, you better watch out for other signs telling you you’re going to get some nookie tonight. [Read: 7 subtle signs a girl gives away if she wants to sleep with you]

9. The lingering hug

Now, this is a very subtle hug that only the most highly aware can detect. This hug is when she wraps one or two arms around you, and she has her hand on your back, pulling you in.

She’ll hold that hug for just a few extra milliseconds—just a tad bit longer than the standard three-second hugging rule. Usually, this is her way of letting you know she has a thing for you. Just watch for her facial expression afterward to know for sure.

10. The side-by-side hug

This is perhaps one of the sweetest hugs she can give. It’s like the snuggly hug, except you are usually walking side by side.

She will wrap her arms around your waist or an arm around your arm. This means she likes you or she’s comfortable around you. In fact, so much that she wants to stay close to you wherever you guys go. It’s also a way for her to tell the world, “This guy is mine.” [Read: 26 subtle, flirty signs she wants you to make a move and ask her out]

11. The boob hug

While the lingering hug is subtle, this one is not. It’s the somewhat more daring cousin of the lingering hug, and it only means one thing: I want you! [Read: 13 lusty signs of sexual attraction you need to keep an eye on]

Here, she will hug you with one or both arms, but what you should watch out for how she intentionally presses her breasts against you to make sure you feel them. She may even follow it up with a lazy, sexy smile and a wink. If that’s the case, you’re one lucky lad!

12. The back hug

This hug can mean quite a few things. This type of hug from a girl can mean she sees you as a big brother.

If she runs up behind you and hugs you from behind, she is playful. But if you’re sitting down and she hugs you from behind and pulls you down, she wants to be closer to you, which can be a sign of intense intimacy.

13. The straddle hug

The straddle hug can also be thought of as a full-body hug. You are hugging with your legs and arms intertwined. This means not just your chests are touching, but so are your privates. You are pretty much braided together with your body parts. This is a hug for couples.

And not all couples will huge like this. This is a hug from a girl after a long day, a baby day, or just when one of you needs some comfort. [Read: 25 ways to emotionally connect with someone and instantly feel closer]

14. The eye to eye hug

This type of hug from a girl is like a dance. Her arms are around your neck, and your hands are on her waist. You may not be dancing, but you are looking into each other’s eyes. This huge is often followed by a kiss or the follow-up to one.

There is a simple and sweet romance to this hug as it isn’t too physical or passionate but carries a lot of emotions with such close proximity without touching too much.

15. The pocket hug

The pocket hug is a flirty hug. It is when one of you puts your hand in the other’s back pocket and pulls you in. It is funny and cute.

This type of hug from a girl usually happens in public. It is a great subtle way to be playful and sexy without drawing unwanted attention.

16. The cuddle hug

The cuddle hug is more than leaning your head on someone’s shoulder. It is emotional and even heavy. It can come with crying or deep breathing and is tight and comforting.

This hug can last minutes to hours. You can talk or be silent. It is in private when you are just together. This will only be a romantic hug, even if a relationship is ending. There is so much feeling with this type of hug from a girl.

17. The pick up and spin hug

This is the hug you commonly see in the movies. It usually happens when you and the girl haven’t seen each other for a while.

She will run and jump into your arms as you spin her around. It is playful and sweet but not always romantic. It takes a touch of trust to know you won’t drop her, but that can come through friendship and family too. [Read: How to be more playful and flirty and open up to the people you like]

18. The awkward hug

The awkward hug is the one you cringe at when the person walks away. When she gives you an awkward hug, it isn’t about nerves but just weirdness. Maybe she is holding stuff, maybe you are, but even if you are both free to hug normally. it feels weird no matter the layout.

This could be a hug when you run into your ex or an old friend. This is the hug you think about afterward for a while. You wonder why it was weird and are happy it is over.

19. The pat on the back hug

This hug from a girl is one step up from a headshake. It is the hug your female boss gives you before the holiday break. It is the hug you get from your friends after your team wins the championship.

This hug is not romantic at all. If you get this hug from a girl, your boss, your aunt, or a random lady you helped into her car.

So, all in all, the types of hugs from a girl can tell you a lot about what she thinks of you and whether she wants to take your relationship to another level.

A hug can be the most wonderful way to get physically close to her, whether you are just friends or are dating. A hug can provide you with clues about your relationship with her.

[Read: 28 turn-ons for girls that’ll make them melt in your arms]

Reading these types of hugs from a girl can help you decode those signals and take out all the guesswork about their body language. By knowing what they really mean with their hugs, you can know when you really have your game on or if it’s really game over for you.

The post 19 Types of Hugs From a Girl & How to Read What She Feels For You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

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