Wednesday 30 March 2022

40 Ways to Have Fun with Friends, Beat Boredom & Create New Memories

There is nothing better than having fun with friends. But sometimes we run out of ideas. Get off your phone and use these ideas.

How to Have Fun with Friends

Knowing how to have fun with friends is so important. They are the ones who you know you can trust with anything, and you can share your hopes, fears, and dreams with. They are also the ones who will be your biggest fans and support you even if your ideas are completely crazy. You will laugh with your friends, cry with them, occasionally get mad at them, but always forgive them in the end.

Of course, one of the best things about having friends is having people to share fun times with. But sometimes, you end up doing the same activities time and time again. You meet up for a drink or go for coffee or to a movie. Or you just sit around and stare at your phone.

Try something new. [Read: Best things to do when you’re stuck at home]

The importance of having fun with friends

It may seem obvious that you should have fun with friends, but it can be overlooked easily. Instead of making plans and trying something new, you just go to each other’s houses and play video games or scroll through social media.

It may be easy and comfortable doing the same old thing, but going out of your comfort zone and actually making plans brings you closer.

How are you learning about each other or supporting each other if you barely look up from a screen?

Trying new things, learning something new, and just actively ensuring you’re enjoying your time together makes you closer and fulfills your socializing need a lot more than doing the same old stuff. [Read: What makes a good friend]

How to have fun with friends

If you want to keep making those amazing memories and have the best fun with your friends, it is good to mix it up a little. With this in mind, we have come up with a great list of fun activities so that you can have fun with friends. And you’ll never be stuck for something to do again! [Read: How to make real friends outside your social networks]

1. Have a dinner party

Cooking can be great fun and seriously therapeutic. Why not take it in turns to host dinner parties for your friends? You can go all out and make a three-course dinner and have a little healthy competition, “Come Dine With Me” style, to see who cooks the best meal.

Enjoying fantastic food with great company is one of the best ways to pass the time, so you are sure to have fun with friends this way.

2. Join a book club

If you fancy doing something a little more intellectual, and you love books, then why not set up a book club between a group of friends? Choose a book to read every couple of weeks and then meet up over tea and cake *or wine!* to discuss. You’ll feel terribly sophisticated and have fun at the same time!

3. Go horseback riding

Even if you have never been horseback riding before, it is loads of fun and a great experience to share with friends. Most riding schools cater to complete beginners to be a more gentle trek than a scary gallop. So why not give it a try?

4. Go on a hike

Get out into the fresh air and have good fun on the way with a hike in the hills! [Read: Best friend bucket list – 15 adventures for you and your BFF]

5. Go on a city break

Exploring new places and having great adventures is what friendship is all about. Why not just explore a new city somewhere?

6. Take an art class

Even if you are terrible at art, it can be therapeutic and lots of fun. Why not look up some local art classes in your area and find one that you and your friends can join? You never know. You may discover a hidden talent!

7. Go on a road trip

Throw some stuff in a bag, pack your buddies in a car, and then hit the road. The best road trips are those you don’t plan too much… just see where the road takes you! [Read: 7 life lessons you’ll learn on an awesome road trip]

8. Go on a vacation

There is nothing better than a bit of sun, sea, and sand with your besties. Hop on a plane and chase the sun. You’ll come back feeling relaxed and energized, with some great memories to boot!

9. Go camping

Take a walk on the wild side, and head off for a camping trip together. There is no bonding experience better than sitting and chatting around a campfire until the wee hours – just remember to bring the tent! [Read: 32 crazy things to do with friends – Life is short, live it up!]

10. Have a baking afternoon

Cooking is a relaxing activity that is perfect for socializing. It doesn’t cost much, so it’s a great one to do if you are watching the pennies. And the best bit, of course, is that you get to stuff yourself with a delicious cake at the end of it all! Hooray!

11. Go to the theatre

Why not get all fancy and take your pal on a friend date to the theatre? You could go for something high brow and elegant, a show-stopping musical, or something fun and silly. You decide!

12. Have a spa day

Get massages, face masks, pedicures – you name it. There is nothing quite like having a spa day when you want to have fun with friends.

13. Have a picnic

Another great one if you are trying to save some money. Grab some food from the local store, and then head out to a park. You can spend the whole afternoon soaking up the sunshine, enjoying picnic food, and having a good old gossip session!

14. Host a clothes swap

Find that most of your paycheck goes to your clothes? Us too! So, why not get all your best friends around and host a clothes swap? It’s a great way to catch up, and you’ll come away with some fab new items for your wardrobe too! [Read: 32 awesome sleepover ideas for a fun night with friends]

15. Do some volunteer work

You’ll feel great about yourself, and it’s an enjoyable bonding experience too. There are loads of volunteering opportunities out there, so why not look through them together and pick one that you think you’ll both get the most out of?

16. Play a board game

A simple but great option if you want to have fun with friends.

17. Have a movie marathon

Hosting a movie night can be loads of fun. Gather your friends together and pick a few movies that you know they’ll love – just remember not to forget the popcorn! [Read: 14 signs you’re a homebody and need to get out more]

18. Take up a new sport

Taking up a new sport together can be rewarding in so many ways. You’ll get fitter and healthier while spending plenty of quality time together as well.

19. Enter a sporting challenge

Sign up for a fun run, triathlon, or marathon together. This way, you can spend loads of time together training, you can support and motivate one another, and you’ll feel so awesome when you have achieved it too!

20. Learn a new language

Learning a new skill such as a language can be a great way to bond with friends – why not give it a go? [Read: The 26 naughtiest things you can say in a foreign language]

21. Go on a bike ride

Take to the roads and explore the surrounding area on your bikes.

22. Make playlists

Everyone has different music that they love to listen to. Why not spend time creating perfect playlists for one another?

23. Be tourists for the day

You may have been living in the same city for years, but have you explored it through the eyes of a tourist? Pretend you are visiting, go on sightseeing tours, and visit all the tourist attractions – a guaranteed day of fun!

24. Go on a scavenger hunt

You may think treasure hunts are just for kids – but you would be wrong. Give your friends some tasks of different things they have to find throughout the city. Divide into teams, and get going – the losers buy the winners the first round of drinks!

25. Go to a festival

Music, camping, great food and drink, and all around good times – what more could you want when you want to know how to have fun with friends?! [Read: 18 ways to become more spontaneous in life]

26. Go to a gig

Singing your hearts out or dancing the night away at a gig of a band you all love is a great way to cement your friendship!

27. Get a pet together

If you are really close, why not get a pet together? You can take turns looking after it. That way, you have something that bonds you forever… sort of!

28. Play bar trivia

Test your general knowledge with a pub quiz. Even if you are no good, it still makes for a fun evening out. [Read: Do you really know them? 20 fun questions to ask your friends]

29. Take a trip down memory lane

Spend an evening together looking at old photos and talking about all your memories together. Sometimes it’s just fun to remember why you are such good friends in the first place.

30. Host a reunion

Haven’t you seen your friends in a while? Why not host a reunion? You are sure to have a blast!

31. Do some spring cleaning

Cleaning may not sound like fun, but you can forego the dusting. Instead, go through your closets and cupboards. Toss out old food in your fridge, look at your old photo albums, and rediscover things you forgot about. [Read: How to enrich your life and build real bonds]

32. Try a new recipe

Whether you are a chef or can barely boil water, try a new recipe together. Be bold and cook with ingredients you’ve never even heard of. See how it comes out. Even if it’s no good, you can order pizza and laugh at the whole thing.

33. Go rock climbing

You don’t need to live near a mountain to do this. Grab a group of friends and have fun at the gym. Compete against each other. Loser buys dinner.

34. Go to a museum

History, art, and even science centers are often super affordable and fun ways of enjoying culture with friends. You may learn something. If not, you’ll get your steps in. [Read: 15 ways to make friends as an adult]

35. Fix things

That squeaky door or broken step that has been driving you nuts can finally be fixed. Grab some friends, watch a youtube video on how to fix it, and work together. Ii will feel great to be productive and have fun.

36. Build something

Whether you are doing a minor DIY project or building a bookshelf, it will certainly be more fun with friends.

37. Make some art

Art does not need to be expensive or fancy. Grab some friends, go outside and just throw some paint at a canvas. This could be your new favorite piece.

38. Go to open houses

Even if you aren’t looking to buy a house, exploring your local area with friends is so much fun. Check out what there is to see and get some free snacks while you’re at it. [Read: The art of true and meaningful friendships]

39. Visit your parents

Okay, maybe your parents aren’t the most fun, but maybe they are. Bring your friends to visit your parents. They will surely have great food, tell funny stories, and it will make you feel like you’re back in middle school.

40. Take online quizzes

Buzzfeed has thousands of online quizzes that can tell you when you’ll get married, what color your personality is, and which Disney character you’re most like. Taking them together is so much fun, and you’ll never run out of them.

[Read: Do you think alike? 20 questions to ask your best friend]

So, there you have it, 40 ways to have fun with friends. It’s time to get out of your rut and try something new. Which ones will you try?

The post 40 Ways to Have Fun with Friends, Beat Boredom & Create New Memories is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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