Monday 7 March 2022

43 Things to be Grateful For You Don’t Appreciate Enough in Life

Many people take things in life for granted, which is sad. So, you need to remember these things to be grateful for so you can enjoy life to the fullest.

things to be grateful for

People go through life without truly appreciating what they have. Honestly, it’s hard to sit back and be happy with what you have in life when there’s so much left to want and desire. Most of us aren’t living the lives we want to. But there are still things to be grateful for.

Everyone should spend more time acknowledging the great things they have. Even on your worst day, there’s still something to appreciate. Overlooking those things will put you on the fast track to misery.

[Read: How to be grateful – 20 authentic ways to appreciate and express it]

Why not being grateful will make you have an unhappy life

This is actually very simple to explain. As humans, we always have wants and desires. And the grass is always greener. You could have something you’ve always dreamed of today, but within a week of having it, you’d want something new!

If you’re always looking at what you don’t have, you’ll always be unhappy.

You’ll see everything you wish you had and this puts you in a negative mindset. The more you look at what you want and the fact that you’re not getting it, the worse off your life will be.

On the flip side, if you focus on everything you have that fulfills your life and gives you happiness, you’ll be in a much better place. Stop looking up at what you want and look around you. You’ll realize you have everything you might possibly need already. [Read: Positive vibes – 17 ways to welcome positivity and have a better life]

Things to be grateful for that you might not appreciate as much as you should

As easy as it is to say to look at everything you have instead of what you don’t, it’s truly not that simple. We’re humans. We crave more.

We want a better life than what we have and while that’s not a bad thing, it can dampen our perception of how great our lives truly are.

That’s why we’ve compiled some things to be grateful for that you might overlook in your day-to-day life. Next time you’re feeling down about your life, remember to appreciate these things. [Read: Giving up on life – 25 ways to find strength and change your attitude]

1. Your home

If you have a place to sleep each night with a roof over your head, consider yourself very lucky. Appreciate it. There are many, many people not as fortunate as you.

2. Your health

If you’re in relatively good health without any major issues, be grateful. Many people aren’t as lucky to go through life with health as great as yours.

3. Your family

Family can be tough to appreciate – everyone understands that. And if you’re someone who’s lost touch with family, then be grateful for those you consider family. Not everyone is lucky enough to have their family at all.

4. Being able to work

Working for a living is a luxury. Yes, you read that right. It seems difficult to fathom that being able to work should be seen as a great thing. You have the freedom to work and earn a living. Cherish this. Be grateful for the opportunity you have. [Read: How to choose between your love or your career]

5. Your friends

Friends are an interesting thing. You choose these people to surround you with happiness, essentially. Be grateful for them. Appreciate them and let them know you love having them in your life. [Read: What makes a good friend? 15 traits we desperately seek in others]

6. Your pets

This is something far too many people don’t appreciate enough. What about your pets? They give you endless love and attention and do you really ever appreciate the fact that you have them? Many people in your life will never care about you the way your pet does.

7. The food you eat

The fact that you get to eat day in and day out is a privilege. This is not a guarantee for many people.

Remember that you’re lucky enough to eat and, for the most part, eat what you want. This will help you think of your life on happier terms.

8. The love in your life

If you’re in a relationship and have someone special, count yourself lucky. Many people out there aren’t able to be with who they want.

We often appreciate our loved ones but more people need to appreciate the fact that they are allowed to express their love. [Read: 16 ways to show your appreciation for someone you love]

9. Being able to read

This is another one you probably never think of. Not everyone can read and write. It’s a luxury that makes your life way better than you probably can even imagine. Be grateful for this.

10. Laughter

How many times in your life has laughter made everything better? Probably a lot. Appreciate the moments when you can share your laughter with those closest to you. [Read: How to laugh more and learn to love life]

11. A bed to sleep in

In addition to a home to live in, you have a bed. Some people who have roofs over their heads aren’t as fortunate to be able to sleep in comfort. Your bed is with you every night and yet, how often have you been grateful to have it?

12. Clean drinking water

There are far too many places in this world without clean drinking water for you to take it for granted. Remember all of the luxuries you have that are basic survival needs others don’t always get.

13. Art

Some of the things to be grateful for can be quite simple. However, if you think of a life without them, like art, it becomes less positive.

Art shapes many different people’s lives. The car you drive, the home you live in, and most else you come into contact with during your day were built because of art.

14. Celebrations of any kinds

This is something we don’t appreciate enough. We celebrate a lot of things in order to appreciate those things, but do you ever show gratitude for being able to celebrate in the first place? It’s not allowed everywhere. [Read: 15 romantic ways to celebrate your anniversary]

15. Waking up today

Need we say more? You’ve been given another day. Appreciate this so you never fail to live each day fully.

16. Being able to see

Many people live in a world of black. You don’t. Be grateful for this. Your life would be worlds different if you had no vision.

17. Sunsets

The sun gives you many things but the moment before it goes away for the night is better than art.

Have you ever really taken a moment to be grateful for them? If not, you should start. Staring off into the sunset can make a lot of things better. [Read: How to pull off an amazing sunset proposal]

18. Forms of entertainment

There are so many forms of entertainment out there just to keep you happy. But sometimes you don’t even think about how lucky you are to have it. Be thankful for your Netflix and your baseball games and your music. These are luxuries far too many people take for granted.

19. Electricity

Something that seems so insignificant literally runs your life. Make sure to appreciate that you have electricity to keep your food cold, to cook your food, to keep you cool in the heat and warm in the cold.

20. Being able to learn

You have access to more than you think. With the ability to learn, all you have to do is read or watch, and you obtain knowledge. This is something we all take for granted far too much.

21. Money in the bank

Most people in the world live on less than $750 per year. So, if you have money in the bank and aren’t living paycheck to paycheck, then you should be very grateful for that. You are among the richest people in the world! [Read: How to talk about money with your partner without fighting about it]

22. Freedom of religion

There was a time in history when people couldn’t choose which God to worship. So, if you have freedom of religion, you are lucky to be able to choose your own spirituality.

23. Time off from work

Think about how difficult it was for slaves in history. They got up at the crack of dawn and worked hard labor in very bad weather conditions without ever getting a day off. So, if you get time off from work, that is something to be grateful for.

24. Getting an education

There are still a lot of countries in the world that deny their citizens a good education. Some people can’t read, and some governments won’t let girls go to school. So, having an education is very fortunate.

25. Being able to breathe

Some people have a lot of breathing problems. Whether it’s COPD, asthma, or emphysema, many people routinely have to gasp for every breath they take. They don’t have the luxury of easy breathing. Just take a deep breath, and realize that this is something you should be very grateful for.

26. Being able to walk

Similar to being able to breathe, if you are able to walk on your own, then that is a gift. So many people are confined to wheelchairs because of paralysis or another disease that affects their mobility. [Read: How to think positive and reprogram your mind to stay positive]

27. Cars

Would you have liked to live at a point in history when you had to ride a horse or take a carriage everywhere? Probably not. Cars have given us the ability to travel long distances in short amounts of time.

28. Safety and security

If you live in an area where you don’t fear for your physical safety, then you are blessed. Many people don’t have that luxury and are worried for themselves and their loved ones all the time.

29. Cell phones

If you’re too young to remember a world without cell phones, then you don’t know how easy you have it. From GPS to texting, cell phones just make our lives so much easier. [Read: 15 cell phone rules every couple as to follow to rebuild trust]

30. Books

Reading books is good for your brain. Having access to books is a privilege, even though it might not seem like it is.

31. Kindness of others

There are a lot of good people in the world who contribute kindness to others. Be grateful for them that they are spreading positivity around.

32. Pain

This seems like it doesn’t belong on this list, does it? But when you go through pain, you learn from it. And, you are grateful for the times when you are not in pain. [Read: When people hurt you – How to deal with the pain and respond to them]

33. Indoor plumbing

Would you like to go out to an outhouse in the middle of the snow in the winter just to use the restroom? Or to walk two miles to a river to get water to drink? Of course not.

34. Wisdom from mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes, and it’s never fun. But the good thing that comes from doing stupid things is that you can learn to never do it again. Then you can warn your children and save them the heartbreak of making them themselves. [Read: How to stop making the same mistakes in a relationship and learn]

35. Grocery stores

If we didn’t have grocery stores, then most of us would have to resort back to being hunters and living off the land. That sure doesn’t sound like a lot of fun to have to kill animals just so you can eat.

36. Your mind

Many people have declining brain function. Whether it’s Alzheimer’s disease or a stroke, if your brain is functioning properly, you are lucky.

37. Air conditioning and heating

We are spoiled nowadays because we aren’t ever too hot or too cold. So, you can thank heating and air conditioning for that.

38. Hearing

It wouldn’t be fun to live in a world of silence and have to rely on lip-reading or sign language to communicate with other people. [Read: How to have a sexy, interesting voice – 17 steps to make everyone love your voice]

39. Children

Kids have such an exuberance to them. They love life and laugh a lot more than adults. We should be happy to have them around. [Read: Dating a man with kids – 10 things you need to be prepared for]

40. Modern medicine

Modern medicine has achieved great things. From organ transplants to replacing hip joints, it has made a lot of people’s lives a lot easier.

41. Music

Who doesn’t like music? It can bring back memories and put us in a better mood. Music is something that can bring great joy to everyone’s lives.

42. Inventors

Without inventors, we would still be living in the stone age. Everything new that they create has mostly made our lives easier and better.

43. Internet

Think about all the things we can do with the internet. We can talk in real-time on video with someone halfway around the world. The internet has opened up so many things to us.

[Read: 25 ways to show someone you appreciate them without using words]

These may very well seem like super simple things to be grateful for, but just picture your life without one of them. It wouldn’t be very fun to live in a world without even one of these things. Remember that when you’re feeling ungrateful!

The post 43 Things to be Grateful For You Don’t Appreciate Enough in Life is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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