Friday 4 March 2022

Does He Know I Like Him? 18 Signs He Knows You Have a Crush On Him

You’ve been throwing out hints to this guy, but you’re wondering… does he know I like him? Here are the signs you are giving him and ones he gives you too.

does he know I like him

Can’t help thinking, “does he know I like him” or wondering if you’re being too obvious or too subtle?

Maybe you don’t want your crush to know that you’re into him. Well, if that’s the case, he probably caught on to your *cough* low-key *cough* creeping. And if you wanted him to know that you’re interested in him, he probably got the hint as well!

What we’re trying to say is, he probably figured out that you’re into him regardless. Unless he’s shy and inexperienced. But anyway, that’s not the point.

So, what we’re going to talk about first are the signs a guy looks for from you that give away the fact that you like him. After that, we’ll talk about the signs he gives when he knows he likes you.

[Read: How to show a guy you like him and charm him while being a real tease]

The signs he looks for to know if you like him

When a guy is wondering if you like him or not, there are signs he looks for in your behavior. Women do the same, right? So, guys are no different.

If you are exhibiting any of these behaviors, then he probably knows you like him and have a big crush on him.

1. The way you move

A person’s body language is a dead giveaway that someone is interested in them. Guys know that. Think about it, if you’re out at a restaurant, you can tell just by looking at a couple how interested they are in each other, right? 

So, he notices how close you sit to him, how much you smile, how much you touch him *and where*, how animated you are, and whether or not you look into his eyes – just for starters.

You don’t have to have a Ph.D. in body language to figure it out. Even guys know. So, keep an eye on your body language – because he is. [Read: Male body language – 24 subtle cues to instantly read his thoughts]

2. If you linger around

Let’s say you work with a guy or go to school with him. If you make an obvious effort to keep the conversation going when you talk to him, then he knows you like him.

Any extension of interaction beyond the normal, polite chit-chat definitely tells him that there is more going on in your head than just small talk.

What does “lingering” actually look like? Here’s an example. If you are leaving a building, but you ask him to wait for you so you can follow him out to the parking lot while keeping up the conversation, then you are “inviting yourself” to extend the interaction – otherwise known as “lingering.” 

3. Your texting habits

Texting is a normal thing that people do all the time. So, what is the difference between the way people usually text and how they do it when they like someone? Well, if you are always *or usually* the one to text him first, that is a big sign that you like him. [Read: Texting etiquette and flirting – 26 rules guys and girls must follow]

Another texting habit that screams of your interest in him is when and how often you text him. If you’re sending him “good morning” and “good night” texts, that is pretty “relationship-y.” Or if you initiate a conversation late at night, he knows you are thinking about him until the wee hours of the night. [Read: 20 signs he’s thinking about you a lot even if he’s playing it cool]

4. You don’t talk about other guys 

If you are co-workers, friends, or in school together, most people can casually talk about who they are dating or who they are interested in pretty easily. But, if you refrain from talking about any of those topics, he will notice.

An even more obvious sign is if you keep asking him about his dating life. He knows you want to know if he is single and available. And, he thinks you are holding back in an attempt to show you that you are single and available – for him – too.

5. You ask him to hang out

Usually, guys are the ones who ask the girls on dates. That’s just how it normally works, although it definitely has changed in recent decades. However, if he is not asking you out, he knows you are probably getting frustrated. [Read: How to ask someone to hang out over text correctly and have success]

So, if you ask him to “hang out” or do something casual together, he knows you are interested in him. He knows that you probably don’t feel right asking him on an official date, so you are just going to suggest something that feels like two friends spending time together.

But that’s only an excuse to get him along – and he knows that.

6. You joke about him being your boyfriend

When people don’t want to come right out and say how they feel, they sometimes resort to joking. This is a way of beating around the bush and telling someone what you want to without actually saying it.

So, if you’re joking about things like him being your boyfriend, he knows that you’re not actually joking. He knows you’re throwing it out there to see if he’ll take the bait and get the hint that you are interested in him. [Read: How to let a guy know you’re interested without being overeager]

Does he know I like him?

So, before you start making it overly obvious and cross into the stage-5 clinger zone, it’s probably good if you tried to figure out if he caught on. Remember, you want him to come to you, don’t chase after him too much. [Read: Stage 5 clinger – 13 signs you’re clearly not wanted anymore]

Not that it’s a bad thing to play the whole cat-and-mouse game because it’s not bad at all. But make sure you have the chance to be the mouse as well.

If he’s doing these things, he knows. Oh… he knows you like him!

1. You feel it

You know when someone knows, you can feel it in your bones. Maybe it’s the way they act or look at you, but the point is, you have a feeling.

If you have this feeling that he knows you like them, then you’re probably right. Don’t second guess your intuition… it’s usually right.

2. He starts talking to you more

If he knows you’re into him and suddenly stops talking to you, well, then you know he’s not interested. The reason he does that is that he doesn’t want to lead you on, so he distances himself from you.

But if he increases conversation with you and starts to talk to you out of the blue, well, then that’s a great sign. Guys won’t waste their time talking to girls who don’t interest them. So, keep your eye on how much interaction he initiates with you. [Read: 35 cute signs of attraction from a guy who’s clearly falling for you]

3. He invites you out to group events

He’s asked you if you wanted to hang out with him and his friends. Well, you didn’t expect that. Sure, he knows that you’re into him, but now he wants to see what his friends think of you. 

So, he’s starting to ask you to come to parties, hang out with friends – get you acquainted with his friends and lifestyle. He might do this as a “test drive” to see how well you fit in with his life and lifestyle.

4. You see him opening up to you

Now that he knows that you’re into him, he can let down his guard a bit because he isn’t worried about being rejected. Men are terrified of rejection, just like women are. 

He’s at ease now and isn’t worried about opening up to you. Since he knows you like him, he assumes you will want to hear about personal things. That means he probably likes you too and wants you to get to know him better. [Read: 27 signs he likes you as more than a friend and wants to date you]

5. He goes out of his way for you

If a guy doesn’t like you, he won’t step out of his way to help you. Sure, they’ll open the door for you or whatever, but he’s not going to pick you up and take you to the movies. That’s not how it works. 

So, if he’s spending time with you and doing things that require more effort, it’s a good sign he know you like him AND he likes you as well. He might pick you up some lunch or offer to change your tire if it’s flat. If he wasn’t interested, he wouldn’t bother doing that for you.

6. He’s nervous around you

But he’s not nervous in a terrifying way. He’s nervous in an “oh my God, what do I do next” way. He stutters when he’s trying to talk, he says a bad joke, he mumbles to himself – these are all signs that he’s overthinking things. 

Why is he overthinking things? Because he likes you and knows that you like him. So now all he needs to do is make a move, or wait for you to make a move… but it’s all so confusing! [Read: 30 peculiar signs to look for when a guy is really interested in you]

7. He teases you

Men like to tease the women they’re into. It’s another form of affection. If he’s teasing you and playfully touching your shoulder, it’s only a matter of time until this progresses. 

This is called flirting, you already know that, and flirting usually builds up the sexual chemistry – it gets things going. So, keep doing your thing. [Read: How to tease a guy and make him realize he totally likes you]

8. He pulls back

Now, if he’s suddenly pulled back, he probably found out that you like him, but he’s either scared or not interested. Now, we don’t know the guy, so you’re going to have to investigate into that a little further. 

His pulling back is usually not a good sign. Even if he was scared, he would still hang around you. He probably doesn’t want to give you the wrong idea by keeping up the communication like he was doing. So, he’s trying to give you a sign that he’s not interested in you – unfortunately. [Read: Why do guys pull away before they commit? A guide to read his mind]

9. Body language

Just like he notices your body language as a sign that you like him, you can look at his too. You’ll notice that his body language is more directed towards you if he likes you. He’s not shying away – he’ll have his body facing you, he’ll be laughing at your jokes, and touching your arm.

If he’s not interested in you, he’ll avoid any contact and will most likely keep his distance. You would do the same if you didn’t like someone, right? [Read: Is he starting to like you? 18 body language cues he can’t hide]

10. He texts you more

If he doesn’t like you and he knows you’re into him, he’ll cut the texting to a minimum. He definitely won’t initiate texts, and will probably just answer with simple one-word answers. [Read: Why is he texting me all the time if he’s not interested? 15 reasons why]

But if he’s into you, he’ll increase the texting and social media interactions. It makes sense, no? He wants to let you know he’s interested, and this is a great way to do it.

Now that he’s relaxed, he can do whatever he wants online without looking like a creep. Instead, he looks like a guy who’s put a claim on what he wants. [Read: How to tell if a guy likes you via his texts – 20 no-fail clues]

11. He doesn’t mention other women

If he isn’t into you and he knows that you like him, he’ll mention other women in front of you. It’s not to be mean, but it’s meant to subtly hint to you that he’s just not interested.

So, if he’s doing that, get the hint and find some other guy to focus your attention on. Now, if he doesn’t mention women at all or openly rejects them in front of you, that’s not a bad sign. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s because of you, but it shows he’s not interested in other women. [Read: Dammit, why doesn’t he like me back? 31 reasons why guys do this]

12. He’s more flirtatious

Now that he knows you’re into him, he’s not worried about getting rejected. Many men do not take the next step because they fear rejection.

So, now that he knows he’s in the clear, you’ll notice him being a little more flirtatious which is good for you. Roll with it and see where it goes.

[[Read: Should I tell him I like him? 17 ways and signs to pick the right time]

If he’s doing a couple of these things, then the “does he know I like him” question has been answered. He knows, girl! Now, play it cool and let him take the wheel. 

The post Does He Know I Like Him? 18 Signs He Knows You Have a Crush On Him is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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