Wednesday 9 March 2022

Does My Guy Friend Like Me? 25 Signs He’s Crushing on You

Your friendship is feeling different lately, but you don’t know how he feels. If you’re wondering, “does my guy friend like me,” here are your answers.

does my guy friend like me

There aren’t many things worse than waking up one day and wondering “does my guy friend like me?” Someone you thought was just a good friend might actually like you. It’s awkward, uncomfortable, and, honestly, a huge bummer for him AND you. *well, unless you’re hoping for something romantic between you two!*

There’s a reason you and your guy friend are strictly friends. Because you decided you just aren’t into each other that way.

However, if one day—after spending too much time with you—he suddenly starts being a little too nice and looking at you a little too much, he may have changed his mind.

[Read: 27 signs he likes you as more than a friend and wants to date you]

Should you stay friends, play along, or allow it to progress?

Different friendships work in different ways.

A guy could be a very good friend, and you may have a strictly platonic and straightforward friendship with him – No flirting, and definitely no sleeping around.

You could also be flirty friends who flirt around now and then, but neither of you do anything to take it forward. Your guy friend may have kissed you, or both of you may be flirting up a storm in friendly banter now and then, but it’s never moved past that.

Or you may be hoping for something more too, and you’re looking for signs to know if your guy friend likes you.

Irrespective of the signs you see or don’t see, you need to be sure about what you want. This is very important. If you aren’t sure about what you want, you’ll just end up playing along and going for the ride with whatever your guy friend wants. If you’re mildly interested too, this friendship could turn into a friends with benefits or a fling thing. [Read: Friendly sex? 20 hushed signs your friend wants to have sex with you]

So the very minute you see several of these signs your guy friend likes you, it’s time to ask yourself what you intend to do about it. Never just go along, because you’ll only get hurt in the end.

Does my guy friend like me? The clearest signs he’s crushing hard on you

If you start noticing little things out of the ordinary about your guy friend and feel the need to ask yourself, “Does my guy friend like me?” you may feel panic-stricken. But have no fear!

Luckily, if you really want to find out the truth if their feelings for you have changed from friends to something much friendlier, there is a way to do it. These are all of the different ways to tell if your guy friend likes you and has a massive crush on you.

1. You catch him staring at you a lot

Now, it’s not normal for your friends to just stare at you for no reason. Usually, they stare at you if you got a haircut, and they can’t figure out what’s different. Or if you have something hanging out of your teeth.

If your guy friend seems to be staring at you at random times and looking away when you notice, chances are he likes you and is crushing on you a lot. [Read: How to tell if a guy is into you – 22 hints he just can’t hide]

2. He gets embarrassed easily

If you’re good friends, then he probably doesn’t get embarrassed very easily by you. Truthfully, he shouldn’t get embarrassed at all if you’re friends. But if you notice he goes really red or tries to avoid certain touchy topics, it could be because he likes you.

3. He’s not acting like his usual self

This is probably the biggest sign that his feelings have shifted from something platonic to something more serious.

If he stops acting like his normal self around you and starts taking on a different personality, it may be because he likes you and trying to be on his best behavior.

4. He’s texting/calling/talking to you more in general

This is another huge sign your guy friend likes you. If he’s texting you a lot more—and replying faster—he’s a lot more eager to talk to you.

This is also true if he’s approaching you more during school or when you’re out with friends and just chatting with you about nothing. These are all indications he’s into you. [Read: Get a guy to stop texting you – Perfect excuses and examples]

5. He initiates the majority of the hangouts and they’re more frequent 

When a guy likes you, he’s going to make an effort to see you as much as he can. If he tries to spend more time with you and he never used to, then he probably has a huge crush on you.

6. He does any favor for you

Most of your friends probably help you out every once in a while, but they’ll also refuse to help you just as easily. If this specific guy friend never used to help you out very much but is now doing favors all the time, and even offering to help without being asked—he definitely likes you. [Read: How guys flirt – 25 subtle things guys do to impress a girl]

7. He gets annoyed when you start talking about guys you like

Normally, this wouldn’t have bothered him in the least. But if you notice that lately he’s been acting annoyed or even jealous when you bring up a guy you need advice about, chances are it’s because he likes you. [Read: Sleeping with a friend – A no-regrets guide to doing it right]

8. He asks you about impressing a girl but won’t tell you who

If he used to tell you each and every girl he’s ever had a crush on but is suddenly asking for advice on how to get one girl specifically and won’t tell you who, it’s probably you.

When he’s suddenly hiding something that he used to be really forthcoming about it’s probably because of you and his feelings changing in favor of you.

9. He’s complimenting you more than usual

A guy friend is bound to give you a compliment every once in a while, but overall, they’re going to keep them at bay because it could make the friendship weird or give you the wrong idea.

If he’s freely giving you compliments left and right, it’s because he likes you and wants you to get the hint.

10. You’ve noticed he’s started flirting with you

Flirting is basically a for-sure sign someone has a crush on you. Now, some platonic friends joke around and flirt with each other for fun, but if he’s never done it before and is now going for it, then his feelings toward you have completely changed. [Read: Is he flirting with me? 34 unmissible, spot on signs that never go wrong]

11. He initiates more physical contact

Most of the time, people who are just friends don’t really touch very much other than maybe a hug if they haven’t seen each other in a while.

If you notice he’s scooting closer during your hangouts, hugging you more than usual, or even throwing a playful arm around you, he definitely likes you as more than a friend.

12. He asks you deep questions about yourself

The two of you probably have had meaningful chats before if you are good friends, but when he starts prying into more personal details and your life goals and dreams, his feelings are more than just friendly.

When someone wants to get to know such personal details about you, it’s because they’re trying to figure out if you two would make a good pair and if a relationship would ever work out. [Read: 25 deep questions to ask a guy and turn any guy into an open book]

13. He notices the little things

When you get your hair cut, buy new shampoo, or even just paint your nails, and your guy friend actually notices those things and never used to, then he likes you. If he’s paying more attention to little things in your life, he’s paying more attention to you in general and that means his feelings have developed.

14. He’s dressing and grooming himself nicer

You have probably seen him when he’s in sweats and hasn’t showered for a couple of days. If you start to notice that whenever you hang out he’s freshly shaven, dressed really well, and even smells amazing, then he’s doing it for you because he has a major crush on you. [Read: How to be just friends when he really wants more]

15. He drunk texts you

As we all know, alcohol can act as a “truth serum.” In other words, we can say things we mean that wouldn’t say when we are sober. Drinking helps get rid of our filters.

So, if he texts you some mushy things when he goes out drinking, your guy friend probably likes you.

16. He makes long-term plans with you

Whenever you’re together, he’s talking about doing something with you as if you are going to be in his life forever.

Whether it’s going hiking or going on a trip around the world, his references to “someday” with you in it, is a sign he’s crushing on you. [Read: Signs he sees a future with you or not – 30 things to look out for]

17. He jokes about you being a couple

Some people use humor to diffuse a situation and skate around the truth. Just think about the use of sarcasm – it is saying something the exact opposite of what you really mean. So, if he starts to jokingly make references to the two of you being a couple, that means he is already thinking about it.

18. You feel the sexual tension

You know what sexual tension feels like, right? It’s like you can take a knife and cut right through it because it is permeating the air. If you feel like there is chemistry between the two of you, that’s probably because there is – and he feels it too. [Read: 20 strong signs of sexual tension to know if you make each other horny]

19. He wants you to meet his family and friends

If you are just friends with someone, you don’t really think about them meeting the important people in your life. It might happen accidentally someday, but you don’t go around actively planning it.

So, if he’s talking about this, he could be thinking of how you could join his family one day.

20. Talking about your romantic lives is uncomfortable

It’s normal for two friends to share details of their love lives. And with your girlfriends, it’s natural and doesn’t feel weird.

But if you have gotten to the point with your guy friend that you feel uncomfortable sharing those things with him, it could be because one or both of you is feeling romantic toward the other. [Read: How to flirt with a guy friend and 20 ways to tempt him to date you]

21. His friends never hit on you

If your friends and his are part of a group, you might notice that none of his guy friends flirt with you or ask you out. The reason for that might be because they know he likes you, and it’s a “bro code” not to hit on your friends’ crushes.

22. He calls you pet names

Pet names convey the feeling that you are emotionally close to another person. And usually, only romantic partners use pet names for each other.

So, if he has invented some cute names to call you that sound lovey-dovey, that’s probably because your guy friend likes you. [Read: Cute pet names and the secrets behind picking a unique one for each other]

23. He’s protective of you

If anyone ever says or does something to you that he finds disrespectful, he will step up to the plate and defend you. Or, if he’s opening car doors or holding your umbrella for you, it is showing that he is feeling protective of you.

24. He pays for things

When you hang out with him, is he always trying to pay? Like if the check comes at a restaurant or when you’re buying movie tickets, does he always step up to the plate?

If he does, he’s probably trying to make the casual hang out feel more like a date so you think of him in that way.

25. He asks you on a date

This is a huge, big sign you can’t miss. If he flat out asks you to go out with him and even says the word “date,” then he obviously likes you more than a friend. It shows he is willing to put the friendship on the line for a chance to date you. [Read: Is it a date or are you two just hanging out?]

What to do if you think your guy friend likes you

Now that you know some of the signs that your guy friend likes you, what should you do? Well, a lot of that depends on how you feel about him.

If you like him back, then great! You might have the perfect match right within your reach. If that’s true, why not just say something? Ask him directly or indirectly if he likes you, or just come out and say you have feelings for him. [Read: How to ask a guy out like a classy girl and leave him wanting more]

If you don’t feel the same way about him, then that’s a different story. You will have to be careful of his feelings and not lead him on. If he does ask you out or express how he feels about you, just be honest with him. But try to allow him to save face too, so he doesn’t become too embarrassed. You don’t want it to ruin your friendship.

[Read: The best ways to friend zone a guy without leading him on]

Sometimes your guy friend may like you and never want you to know, while others make it blatantly obvious. Either way, these signs will tell you if your guy friend likes you, in no time. Now all there is, is deciding on what you want to do about it!

The post Does My Guy Friend Like Me? 25 Signs He’s Crushing on You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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