Wednesday 6 April 2022

22 Honest Secrets to Look Good Naked & Feel Great Without Any Clothes

If you want to know how to look better naked, it’s not a quick fix. But if you use these tips, you’ll definitely feel better about yourself and be happy.

how to look good naked

Want to look good in the buff when you’re in bed with your sweetie? Well, it’s easy as long as you know what it takes. There are some quick fixes that’ll work wonders. And then there are some things that’ll take a while to learn how to look better naked, but will definitely pay off a hundredfold.

[Read: The easiest ways to increase your sex appeal subtly and instantly]

How to look better naked

Many people are afraid of becoming overweight. It can even become a paranoia that has them taking drastic measures and avoiding everything food.

When you are first dating someone, you want to look perfect the first time they see you naked. You want to be lean and fit and oh-so-perky. And just to hold on to that accidental perfect figure that you have, you might even spend weeks with a toothbrush stuck down your throat.

Some people go the drastic route and eat just an orange a day. And other times, they might drink something gross like mashed cabbage and water, all to look better they are naked.

But instead of making you look better, everything like this will only make you feel worse. You could have drastic health problems such as hair thinning, tired skin, and being weak.

But the only thing you might ever hear in your head is, “stop eating if you want to look better in the nude.”

[Read: What makes a girl incredibly good in bed? 23 sex bomb moves all guys deeply desire]

Looking sexy with your clothes off

Your friends could tell you many things about getting that perfect body and looking really sexy when you’re lying in bed with your boyfriend.

But if you could just listen to what we have to say, you could change your life for the better, look like a million bucks, and feel really strong and healthy at the same time!

There are many insecure people who want to impress everyone with their bodies. And sure, it’s important to feel and look good naked, especially in front of someone cute.

If you’re wondering how to look better naked, just use these real-life, honest tips. And we assure you, it would be one of the best things you will ever have done for yourself and your future too. [Read: 15 super simple ways to keep yourself looking sexy at any age]

1. There’s no shortcut

Accept this, really, there are no shortcuts. All those claims of looking like a model in sex weeks or a month are just nonsense, especially if you’re not already proud of having that near-perfect physique already. You took years to pile that weight on. Do you genuinely think you can lose all that in six weeks?

If you want to look sexy and healthy, don’t fall for those marketing tactics. You could lose a few sizes, but you can’t transform your out-of-shape body into a sexy body in a month.

2. Work out

Cardio is the way to go if you want to look better naked. You’ll look toned and sexy, and your muscles will stay lean and thin instead of getting bulky.

Want something even better? Try yoga. It’s just awesome to strengthen you, thin you up and give you all the right curves while eliminating your stress at the same time. [Read: 30 inspirational ways to get motivated to work out and stay healthy]

3. Eat well

Don’t listen to anyone that says you need to avoid eating to get thin. That’s an idiot talking. If you want to lose weight and look better naked, eat well, but avoid fast food and bad fatty food. When you eat small portions often, your stomach will shrink in size too.

Don’t skip your veggies and you’ll see your skin glowing with the radiance of a rich, happy celebrity in no time.

4. Never crash diet

Crash diets are the worst thing that can happen to your body. When you crash diet, your body will cling to your fat and end up burning any muscle you have for the energy it needs to function.

And when that happens, you’ll end up getting fatter as soon as you stop your diet because your body has no muscles to burn calories faster.

At the same time, crash diets would also make your body loose and flabby. And if you don’t keep that in check, you’ll even start to sag and get droopy at an early age. You wouldn’t like that, would you? [Read: How to make your boobs bigger and perkier – 15 real-life hacks that work and stay effective]

5. Drink a lot of water

Great-looking skin makes anyone look sexy, especially when they’re naked. And the best way to have great skin isn’t by using cosmetics, it’s by drinking water.

Drinking a lot of water hydrates your skin prevents stretch marks and makes your skin feel supple and soft. Here’s a water test, if your pee’s yellow, you’re not drinking enough water.

And if you want faster results, drink two huge glasses of hot water every day, once in the morning and once at night to get that rich, glowing skin. [Read: How to moan and sound and look sexy AF in bed]

6. Moisturize

While a great body will make you look sexy from a distance, you still need to exfoliate and moisturize to look like a perfect 10 from close up.

If you have dry or flaky skin, moisturize your body every day and you’ll feel soft and irresistible to touch when your partner runs their hands over you.

7. Don’t be impatient

If you truly want to see mind-blowing results, please be patient. You’ve spent years ill-treating your body. If you want to look gorgeous without your clothes on, give yourself six months to a year following these tips, and we assure you, you’ll get there, especially if you have problems with your weight.

It may seem like a long time, but it’s really not. Quick fixes don’t work, especially when it comes to your body. You need to give it enough time to readjust to the new and healthy lifestyle change.

8. Love your body

It may be difficult to love your body when you can hold the folds of your body in your hands, but if you want to look better when you’re naked, use these tips and remember to measure yourself every three weeks. 

Don’t weigh yourself because scales can lie about your health. Use a measuring tape instead. And as you see progress, you’ll start to like the way you feel and will fall in love with your body really soon. [Read: How to look sexy and feel sexy without ever trying too hard]

9. Accessorize your nudity

When you’re in bed with your partner, remember that looking naked isn’t just about walking across the room with no clothes on.

Apply light makeup *that doesn’t stain the sheets* or use earrings and other subtle accessories to accentuate your naked body.

10. Smell great in bed

Fragrances can amplify your sex appeal when it blends well with the natural fragrance of your skin. When you get naked, don’t forget to dab a few drops of perfume behind your ear and on your pulse points.

It all adds to the charm of looking really sexy when you’re naked. [Read: How to pick the perfect fragrance that’s right for you]

11. The perfect sex bedroom

The kind of hotel you stay in can make all the difference to a vacation. And just like that, the kind of bedroom you have sex in can make all the difference between looking alluring in bed and looking ho-hum.

Use soft, yellowish lighting around your bed by using lampshades or candles. It’ll accentuate all the right curves, and make your body look really sexy. And make sure you prep your bed to create the aura of sexual pleasure. [Read: 24 sexy bedroom ideas to make any room look and feel sexy]

12. Learn some moves

Yes, you’ve now got a great body. But what are you going to do with it? Learn new moves in bed and be willing to experiment with each other.

Your partner will find your sexy body more irresistible when you learn to do things with it that your partner never thought you could do! [Read: 12 really easy sex positions that look expert-level and feel really good as well]

13. Cover up with the right clothes

Your clothes are like gift wrapping over a fabulous present. If you want to flaunt your sexy side and look more desirable when you’re naked, learn to cover up your assets with the right negligees.

Wear sexy underwear and make your partner want to touch you all over even before you get naked. It’ll make your body feel a lot sexier and even help you cover up any small flaws you may want to conceal. [Read: The sensuous way to dress for sex]

14. Flaunt it

With a bit of effort, you’ll have the sexiest body you’ve ever had in your life. But want to feel even better about your body? Flaunt it by wearing clothes that look great on you. Perhaps, even discreetly reveal just a little bit more when you’re around someone you find cute. 

When someone you find attractive gives you a second glance, you’ll feel sexier about yourself. And that flirty confidence will show in bed when you take your clothes off! [Read: How to look cute and melt a guy’s heart in 25 ways]

15. Don’t feel awkward

You may feel awkward about your body when you’re naked in someone else’s bedroom. But by doing that, you’re only acknowledging and forcing your partner to accept that you’re flawed.

But at the same time, if you take your clothes off with confidence and slip into bed, it’ll make your partner visualize you as a much sexier person.

After all, we are what we project to others. If you feel confident naked, you’ll look a lot sexier. If you feel awkward in the nude when you’re in bed with someone, you’ll look less desirable.

16. Dim the lights

Let’s face it, when anyone is in broad daylight, you can see every little flaw they have on their body. It’s just how it is. So, if you don’t have a lot of time to lose weight, go to the gym, and get healthy, then this is a simple trick you can use. [Read: Romantic sex – 15 ways to go from ordinary sex to romantic fantasy]

You see, when it’s dim and darker, everyone looks better! That seems like a silly statement, but it’s true. Your flaws won’t be nearly as visible when it’s not overly bright. So, turn off the lights and light some candles. Then you will look beautiful in the glow!

Change how you think about being naked

You might not want to hear this, but a lot of your insecurities about how you look naked are all in your mind. This is actually a good thing. Sometimes it’s easier to change how you think about something instead of changing the actual thing.

So, the way you do this is to start by feeling better about yourself overall. Here are some things to try.

1. Others don’t judge you as harshly as you judge yourself

Most of us are pretty insecure. We tend to think that other people are going around pointing out our flaws, laughing, and judging us 24/7. But you know what? That’s not true at all. [Read: How to feel better about yourself – 20 small steps for big results]

The reason that’s not true is that most people are going around judging themselves, not you. They are too busy worrying about everyone else criticizing them that they are probably not even thinking about you. We hate to break it to you, but you are not the center of the universe.

Now, we don’t say that to make you feel bad. Instead, it should make you feel good. You’re so focused on your flaws, but other people aren’t. They are probably a lot more kind to you than you are to yourself.

So, this should give you a sense of relief. All those things you don’t like about your body other people might not even notice. Great, huh? This is something you really need to remember.

2. Focus on your good qualities

When you feel bad about your body and want to know how to look better naked, you are not focusing on what is good about yourself. Instead, all you can think about is your flaws and how you hate them. [Read: Build your self-esteem – 35 funny things to tell yourself]

But take your focus off that. Think about what makes you a great person. You are probably a nice, loving person. And, you’re probably smart and funny. Think about those good things.

And while you’re at it, think about how lucky this person is to see you naked. You might not think they are, but you’re an awesome person, and they should feel fortunate that you are choosing to spend your time with them.

3. Love yourself the way you are

There are only so many things we can change about ourselves. We can’t make ourselves taller, change the color of our eyes or the sound of our voice. It’s just impossible. [Read: 13 Inspiring ways to bring out the best in yourself]

Sure, you can lose weight, go to the gym and get healthy. Those are very good goals to have. But if you’re getting down on yourself because you have short legs and a naturally larger butt, well, that’s just how nature made you. So, just accept and love what you have.

4. Be proud of yourself for making changes

If you want to make changes to your body, then be proud of yourself. Now, by “changes” we’re not talking about Michael Jackson’s level of plastic surgery here. We’re talking about getting healthy.

Even if you’re already thin, that doesn’t mean you can’t get healthier. It’s never an easy thing to do to make these big changes, so you should be very proud of yourself for doing it.

5. Hey, they want to see you naked… right?

Here’s something that might not have dawned on you yet. You’re all worried about how to look naked in front of someone. Okay, got it. Have you ever stopped to think that this person actually wants to see you naked? They are there with you and naked themselves. [Read: Shy getting naked? How to confidently take it all off]

That right there should make you feel a whole lot better. Maybe that person is also worried about you seeing them naked. It’s not just you. This person who will see you naked is there because they want to be there with you. If they were grossed out by your body, they definitely wouldn’t want to see you naked.

6. If all else fails, fake self-confidence

A lot of people say that they find someone with self-confidence more attractive than people who don’t have it. In other words, a supermodel with a rocking body and low self-esteem is not as attractive as an average-looking person with high self-esteem.

This might sound ridiculous, but it’s actually true!

So, in order to know how to look better naked, all you need to do is act like you love your body. You can convince your lover of it, and then they will be even hotter for you. And you might even convince yourself along the way too.

[Read: How to feel way more confident about your body and fall in love with YOU]

Don’t expect miracles to work overnight. Sometimes, a little effort can go a long way. Use these tips on how to look good naked, and you’ll definitely awe anyone you want with your sexy naked body and your oozing sexuality!

The post 22 Honest Secrets to Look Good Naked & Feel Great Without Any Clothes is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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