Sunday 24 April 2022

27 Ways to Impress Your Girlfriend & Make Her Fall More in Love with You

Girls like to be wined, dined, and romanced by their boyfriends. If you’re wondering how to impress your girlfriend, here is everything you need to know.

how to impress your girlfriend

When you’re in a relationship with a girl, you want to show your partner the best side of you. You want to impress your girlfriend, and make her feel lucky to date you. Of course, you probably wooed your girl and impressed her, and you probably worked really hard to get to this point in your relationship so far.

But what about now? Now that you’re in a serious relationship with each other, are you still making the effort? All relationships require constant work and effort. Sure, you probably thought that after she agreed to be your girlfriend, you were in the clear.

But not so fast. If you want to have a healthy relationship, then you’re going to have to keep up and learn how to impress your girlfriend and make her fall more in love with you.

Many times, when people get into a relationship, some of the things they would do when they were dating stop.

They don’t tell themselves to stop, but in the back of their minds, they figured they didn’t need to do those things anymore now that they are in a relationship. [Read: How to be a better boyfriend – 28 easy ways to make her feel lucky to be loved by you]

It doesn’t work that way. All these little things that we do for each other, specifically at the beginning of the relationship, form the relationship itself. It’s important to do things to make your partner happy and vice versa. Relationships are a two-way street. You need to give in order to get.

How to impress your girlfriend and make her feel like the luckiest girl to date a guy like you

There are a couple of things to keep in mind when it comes to knowing how to impress your girlfriend that’ll make her fall in love with you all over again. That’s the goal, right? It’s really not as hard as you think it is.

1. Make a date night at home

You may not be the one to cook on the regular, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make her a date night. If you’re on a budget, making a romantic dinner date at home will do the trick.

You may not cook, but you can learn. She’ll be so appreciative, especially if you’re not known for your cooking abilities. Light some candles, dim the lights, and put on some soft music. Bam! You’ll win her heart. [Read: 46 cute ways to be a romantic guy and sweep your girlfriend off her feet]

2. Do something she likes

You may hate the fact that she loves romantic comedies or that she wants to go see a Taylor Swift concert. But you know what will put a smile on her face? You buying those tickets and taking her to the show.

Is this something you want to do? No, but this is something that makes her truly happy. [Read: How to make your girlfriend feel special – 35 small gestures that show love]

3. Listen to her 

Maybe she had a stressful day at work and wants to tell you all about it. Okay, you would probably rather watch the game on TV instead, but this really matters to her.

If you want to impress your girlfriend and make her feel lucky, you should listen to what she has to tell you. It could be good news, bad news, sad news, the point is, she’s coming to you to bend an ear. So, listen.

4. Clean your mess up

Yes, fellas. You guys don’t have a problem letting the pizza boxes stack up in front of you, but why don’t you clean it up instead of letting her do it? What a surprise it’ll be for her to walk into a clean house, especially when she didn’t lift a finger to do it!

In all fairness, women are shaving, plucking, tweezing, and squeezing parts of their bodies before you lay a hand on them. So, just do this one thing for your woman. [Read: 23 things girls wish guys knew about a girl’s mind]

5. Ask for her advice

Women give good advice. Back in the 1950s, sure, our opinion wasn’t seen as important but this isn’t the 1950s. We’re in the 2020s baby!

If you’re in a relationship, her opinions obviously matter to you. So don’t be afraid to ask her what she thinks. It doesn’t have to be advice for you, it can be about a friend or family member.

6. Surprise her

Who doesn’t love surprises, honestly? Everyone loves being surprised by something they’ve wanted for a long time. Maybe she’s always wanted to go to a spa, so you surprise her with a couples package for the weekend. 

When it comes to knowing how to impress your girlfriend, always remember that surprises are what bring spontaneity and excitement back into the relationship. So, if you want to surprise her, do it with something she loves. [Read: 20 super cute and memorable things to do for your girlfriend]

7. Show respect

Chivalry isn’t dead. We all know that women are capable to do everything on their own but this doesn’t mean you can’t show respect.

It’s not minimizing if you hold the door for someone or defend her during a fight. These are all acts that show your respect to her and for the relationship.

That being said, if she gets angry if you hold the door for her, then don’t do it. [Read: How to be chivalrous in the modern age]

8. Watch what she wants to watch

You don’t have to do this all the time. Naturally, you should be able to compromise when it comes to watching TV. But sometimes we can be selfish and only want to watch shows that interest us.

Well, there are two of you in the relationship, so, why not let her pick the movie or show for tonight? You can pick tomorrow, but tonight, it’s about her. [Read: How to compromise in a relationship without feeling like you lost something]

9. Make something for her

Yes, this may sound lame. Almost as if you’re making something for your mom, but trust us, if you want to impress your girlfriend, this is definitely the way to go.

When you make us something, it takes extra time and effort than buying something generic. You can make her something that she needs if you’re crafty or something sentimental like a photo album of you two.

10. Compliment her

Everyone loves receiving compliments. Of course, you want to make sure that you don’t do it too frequently, or else it becomes forced. But, when she’s looking sexy or has a great t-shirt on, tell her.

When the moment strikes, don’t be afraid to tell her how to feel about her. She’ll love it, and it shows that you’re still attracted to her. [Read: 50 really cute things to say to your girlfriend to make her blush]

11. Send her love notes

Maybe you had to leave for work early this morning, so write her a romantic love note wishing her a beautiful day. Yes, we’re aware you can text her, but that’s not the point. You want to impress your girlfriend, remember!

Going the extra mile to do something like this shows her that you care. Anyone can send a cute good morning text, but not many will write a good morning note and leave it by the bed. [Read: 50 sweet good morning texts and notes that’ll make your girlfriend smile]

12. Do something cheesy

Every once in a while, cheesy will steal the heart of your girl. Hey, women love cheesy actions. You can buy her a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, who cares what it is.

The cheesier the better. While she may hate cheesiness, she won’t be able to resist.

13. Drop your bad habits

Everyone has bad habits, and guys are no exception. So, if you play video games 24/7 or leave your facial hair on the sink, stop doing it if you want to impress your girlfriend.

You know it probably really bugs her, so she will be very happy and relieved when you stop doing your bad habits.

14. Be a man of your word

There is no man sexier than one who keeps his word. If you say you’re going to do something, then do it. Follow through with your actions.

You need to be the kind of man she can count on. She needs to know that you always have her back.

15. Randomly get her flowers

What girl doesn’t love flowers? All of them do! So this is an easy way to impress your girlfriend. And while it’s great to get them on Valentine’s Day, an anniversary, or for her birthday, sometimes getting them for no reason at all is the best.

Never underestimate the power of flowers in a woman’s mind. [Read: 22 romantic flowers that are favorites with women]

16. Be selfless

It’s sad to say, but a lot of guys tend to be self-centered. They like to do what they like to do when they want to do it.

But if you stop being so selfish and start being selfless, she’ll love you for it. You need to care about her needs even more than your own.

17. Ask her what she would like you to change

Start a conversation with her and ask her if there is anything about you that she would like you to change.

This is a brave thing to do, but if you want to impress your girlfriend, this one will do it. Hopefully, it will be something minor. But then you should go ahead and make the changes to please her. [Read: 30 things to talk about with your girlfriend and feel closer than ever]

18. Take care of yourself

Sometimes guys can be lazy. It’s easier to just lay around all day on the couch and now shower, shave, or go to the gym.

But you don’t want to let yourself go. Take care of yourself. Wear nice clothes, trim your beard, and wear some cologne to smell good. [Read: How to make your girlfriend happy and feel like the luckiest girl ever]

19. Be good with children

Most women think babies, toddlers, and kids are super cute. You might not think the same thing, but if you are friendly and engaging with children of all ages, it will melt her heart. She will notice how you could be a great dad someday.

20. Genuinely point out something nice about her

Everyone loves to hear compliments from other people, and women are especially happy when they hear them from their boyfriends.

So, don’t forget to tell her how hot, smart, funny, and amazing she is. Be genuine about it, and she’ll love you for it.

21. Appreciate her

When people are in a relationship, they often start taking each other for granted. This is very unfortunate. So, if you have started doing that – stop!

Tell her how much you appreciate having her in your life. Thank her for all the great things she does for you and all the wonderful qualities that she has. [Read: 16 ways to show appreciation for someone you love]

22. Show some ambition

Women don’t like it when their men are lazy and lack ambition. They want to be with a man who is a go-getter and is going somewhere in life.

That doesn’t mean you have to be a millionaire. But you should have life goals that you are passionate about and in the process of achieving. [Read: What should I do with my life? 16 steps to design your ideal life]

23. Give her a massage

Ahhh… massages! This will really impress your girlfriend. There is nothing more relaxing than getting a massage! And not only does it feel good, but it’s also a great way to be intimate with her too.

If you give her a full body massage, you can request that she get naked, and then maybe there will be a happy ending for you too!

24. Be a handyman around the house

Regardless of how independent and strong your girlfriend is, she probably still wants you to be the man around the house.

Chances are that she doesn’t want to be the one who has to fix the toilet or faucet. So, learn about being a handyman so you can be her Knight in Shining Armor.

25. Ask her about her love language

If you don’t already know it, ask her what her love language is. First, she’ll just be impressed that you know what that means.

But once you know it, tell her that you will show her more love now that you know how to do it in her own language. [Reda: How to understand her love language and 41 ways to show her you love her in the way she wants to be loved]

26. Do her laundry

Does anyone really like doing laundry? Well, maybe some people do, but it’s probably a rarity. So, if you do her laundry so she doesn’t have to, she will be relieved.

Just make sure that she’s not one of those girls who are really particular about it. Even if she is, just do it her way.

27. Take her on a picnic

Everyone knows that picnics are romantic. But a lot of people don’t take the time to plan them. So, if you want to impress your girlfriend, be the man who does!

Pack her favorite food, wine, poetry, and blanket. Pick out some romantic music to play and find the perfect spot outside to get cozy together.

[Read: 21 atypical secrets that’ll impress any girl in your life and make her love you more]

See, learning how to impress your girlfriend isn’t that hard. All you need to do is put in a little bit of effort, and you’ll see the benefits. 

The post 27 Ways to Impress Your Girlfriend & Make Her Fall More in Love with You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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